West Seattle festivals 929 results

HALLOWEEN: West Seattle Junction’s trick-or-treating plan, and more

October 6, 2021 4:28 pm
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Though this year’s West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival is again scaled down from the full pre-pandemic in-the-street celebration, one activity will be back this year – business-district trick-or-treating.

While the West Seattle Farmers’ Market continues in its usual spot on Sunday, October 31st, 10 am-2 pm, participating businesses will offer trick-or-treating along the sidewalks during that same time period. The West Seattle Junction Association plans additional candy stations, too.

While the ore-pandemic tradition of Harvest Festival activities and games on a bonus block of open street will NOT be back this year, WSJA is again offering you a chance to support local businesses by ordering tote bags – kid and adult versions are available here until they sell out. WSJA thanks tote-bag buyers from previous pandemic-era festivals – so far those sales have “infused $95,000 back into the local Junction businesses in 2020-21,” the organization says.

P.S. Harvest Fest plans also include a Scavenger Hunt and Trivia Night – details on the official webpage.

Fauntleroy Fall Festival returns for 2021, pandemic-style

September 28, 2021 10:03 pm
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(WSB file photo)

One of the headlines from tonight’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting: The Fauntleroy Fall Festival will return next month, but with pandemic modifications. It’ll be a drive-up/ride-up event, 2-5 pm Sunday, October 24th, in the Fauntleroy Church parking lot (9140 California SW). Organizers plan stations where you can stop for some take-home versions of festival traditions – paper salmon hats, birdhouses, pumpkins. They’re planning an RSVP system where you can sign up for an arrival time slot, to avoid traffic jams. More info to come soon.

CANCELED: Morgan Junction (mini) Festival

We’ve mentioned a few times that the Morgan Community Association was hoping to present a scaled-down version of its annual festival on September 11th. Now MoCA has decided to cancel that plan. Here’s the announcement:

The Morgan Community Association (MoCA) has been closely monitoring the situation with COVID-19 and the increase in cases among vaccinated persons. It is with an abundance of caution that we have decided to cancel the ‘mini’ Morgan Junction Community Festival on Sept. 11, 2021. We were looking forward to hosting the Bubbleman and Gary Benson in a reduced-scale festival, but we do not want to risk anyone’s health and wellness given that that Washington state is not done with COVID‐19 or the delta variant.

We hope to be able to host the Morgan Junction Community Festival in June, 2022. Please contact mocacnc@gmail.com if you’d like to participate in Festival planning or in the event itself.

Thank you for your understanding.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: First-ever Low Rider Block Party

While you can’t drive on the block of 17th SW immediately north of Roxbury this afternoon, you can admire cars on display at the first-ever Low Rider Block Party.

Along with the cars, there’s an abundance of art – some being made, some being sold:

Performances too! The mini-festival continues until 6 pm (and has a vaccination booth on the south end of the block until 5). The Low Rider Block Party was organized by nearby Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery, with support from the city.

WEEKEND SCENES: Duwamish River Festival returns

Now until 5 pm, Seattle’s only river is being celebrated at the 2021 Duwamish River Festival. This time it’s at the future park space known as South Park Plaza, west of the South Park end of the bridge. Performances all afternoon! Here are Angeles de México:

And art (added: what you see below is the Duwamish River Dragon, by Cleopatra Cutler):

Dozens of educational booths so you can learn about the river and those who rely on it – and what you can do to protect it (such as, gardening with native plants). Food trucks and stands, also featuring local restaurants.

ADDED 4:47 PM: A few more scenes from the festival, which is presented by the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition:

That’s Carmen Martinez of DRCC, who leads the Duwamish Valley Youth Corps, with Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz.

WEEKEND PREVIEW: Duwamish River Festival returns

August 5, 2021 1:36 pm
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Since it’s Thursday, we’re looking ahead to a few of this weekend’s major events. First: The 15th Duwamish River Festival is back, on Saturday afternoon (August 7th), celebrating Seattle’s only river. This year, it’s at South Park Plaza (8456 Dallas Ave. S.), next to the west end of the South Park Bridge. The free festival, coordinated by the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, begins at noon, with a welcoming ceremony by the Duwamish Tribe planned for 12:10 pm, followed by a full schedule of music, dance, and spoken-word performances – Joyas Mestizas are up first at 12:15 pm, Chaotic Noise Marching Corps wraps up the performances, at 4:30 pm. See the full schedule here. The festival will also offer dozens of educational booths, a vaccination/health clinic, job fair, kayaking trips, free trees, swap meet/flea market, and more.

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION: Harvest Festival to return, in-person, this year. Plus – see how hybrid Summer Fest went

July 15, 2021 1:09 pm
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(WSB photo, October 2019)

Last weekend’s Summer Fest/Sidewalk Sale was the last hybrid event planned by the West Seattle Junction Association – looking ahead to Halloween season, WSJA tells WSB that the “full Harvest Festival” will be back. That means trick-or-treating, a costume parade, and other activities mingled with the Farmers’ Market in the street in the heart of The Junction (here’s our coverage of the last one in 2019) – and Halloween is on a Sunday this year! That said, the hybrid Summer Fest offered in-person and online fun – WSJA invites you to enjoy this online recap with photos and video, showing how it all unfolded. Between now and Harvest Fest, watch for Night Out on August 3, West Seattle Art Walk on August 12, Fall Clean on a TBA date, and the new Junction gift card – good in multiple businesses – available soon!

West Seattle Summer Fest 2021: Here’s what will and won’t happen

Just announced by the West Seattle Junction Association: The Summer Fest plan for this year. It’ll be another year without the traditional mega-street party. But other fun is planned – here’s the announcement:

For 39 years, the biggest festival in West Seattle has continued to evolve, starting out as the Sidewalk Sale, then the Street Fair, and now Summer Fest – it’s been a three-day celebration in the West Seattle streets and a tradition for many families. The festival has been a July tradition in West Seattle since 1982, the same year Seattle became the Emerald City. Even prior to the West Seattle bridge being built (but that’s another story…).

After much discussion, the Junction has made the safest decision for the community for the second year in a row, to cancel the in-person 2021 Summer Fest – July 9-11th. Bringing 35,000 of our favorite community members together isn’t safe, but that doesn’t mean the heart of Summer Fest and the Sidewalk Sale will be forgotten. We are planning (and hopeful) we will rise like a vaccinated Westside phoenix to bring back Summer Fest stronger than ever July 15th – 17th, 2022 (this being the 40-year anniversary!).

We’ll continue to monitor all health regulations, and sincerely hope the Junction merchants can show appreciation of the outpouring of community support by bringing you a combination of the good ol’ fashioned roots of the festival – The Sidewalk Sale – along with the popular boxes and tote bags full of Summer Fest feelings. There’s going to be plenty of ways to celebrate all the West Seattle goodness we’ve stored up through this pandemic.

Summer Fest Events 2021

July 8th: Paint and Sip Art Walk night – virtual

July 9th and 10th: sidewalk sale (no street closure) 11 AM to 6 PM

July 9th: Music Trivia Night w/Pegasus Books (with a band set) 7 PM

July 10th: Mayoral Virtual Town Hall – moderated by West Seattle Blog

July 10th: Beer Tasting (w/kettle corn, meat, cheese) – virtual (with a band set)

Kids: Summer Fest craft and summer box

All boxes and tote bags, along with trivia night spots, will go on sale May 11th.

Watch wsjunction.org – and WSB – for that news when it happens.

TODAY: 2020 Delridge Day festival goes virtual

If not for the pandemic, this year’s Delridge Day would be happening in the park outside Delridge Community Center today. The organizers – VieWS (Visualizing increased engagement in West Seattle) decided to put together a “virtual” version – here’s the announcement!

As the date for this year’s Delridge Day festival approached, we the VieWS organizers were a little sad not to be preparing for another great day of community-building with you… and we quickly realized we weren’t the only ones missing out on this year’s festival. So we decided to try something just a little different!

While we will be happy to sleep in, we’re sad we couldn’t be up early at Delridge Community Center preparing to welcome you and all of our great performers, community groups, and musicians for another great Delridge Day neighborhood festival. But if you tune in when the Festival would normally begin at 11:00 am, we will have a few video messages to share with you along with some memories from previous festivals.

We invited some of our longtime sponsoring organizations and volunteers to tell us what they miss about not attending the Delridge Day Festival this year, and how they and their organizations have been adapting to the challenges of the pandemic.

Are you excited to check them out? Visit our temporary YouTube channel to check out the playlist now!

We also wanted to let you know that the festival may have gone virtual this year, but our sponsors helped us to ensure that our annual support of the community didn’t also go virtual.

Thanks to generous support, VieWS was able to donate $1,200 each to Southwest Youth & Family Services, the West Seattle Food Bank, and the White Center Food Bank to support our neighbors in need – which we all know is especially critical especially this year! If you have the means, take a moment to visit one of their websites – or all three – and make a donation right now in honor of Delridge Day and our community!

Stay tuned in the coming months. We have a few more virtual ideas in mind before we mark our calendars for the next Delridge Day – Saturday, August 14, 2021!

See our coverage of last year’s festival here.

CANCELED: Morgan Junction Community Festival; Summer Concerts at Hiawatha

Two summer traditions that are presented by West Seattle neighborhood councils will not be happening this year because of the pandemic. The announcements:

(WSB photo, Bubbleman @ 2019 Morgan Junction Community Festival)

MORGAN JUNCTION COMMUNITY FESTIVAL: Sent by Morgan Community Association president Deb Barker:

It is with a very heavy heart that we announce that cancellation of the 2020 Morgan Junction Community Festival.

The Morgan Community Association (MoCA) has been sponsoring this unique one day festival in Morgan Junction for over 15 years. The 2009 opening of Morgan Junction Park gave us a permanent home to experience the live festival music and watch the Bubbleman make BIG bubbles, while businesses Beveridge Place Pub, Zeeks Pizza, and Whisky West have welcomed vendor booths and food trucks to their parking lots. It’s always been a lot of fun.

But the Coronavirus pandemic has shut down the safe gathering ability of the Festival-loving public. MoCA wants to keep our community safe. So we’re canceling the 2020 festival and scheduling the 2021 Festival date for Saturday June 19, 2021. We’d like to share this reply we got from the City of Seattle Special Event staff when they learned of the cancellation:

“Thank you so much for letting us know. Each time we hear that another event is cancelled, it makes me emotional too. Special events like the Morgan Junction Festival celebrate the health and vibrancy of our community. Cancelling them in some ways feels like a defeat at the hands of COVID. Please know that you are doing the right thing, the prudent thing, the safe thing by cancelling the event. We are all going to come back stronger.”

Thank you, everyone. Stay Safe!! We Will Come Back Stronger!

-Morgan Junction Community Festival Planning Committee

(Caspar Babypants at Summer Concerts @ Hiawatha, August 2019)

SUMMER CONCERTS AT HIAWATHA: From Stephanie Jordan, who coordinates the series for the Admiral Neighborhood Association:

After many weeks of hoping for better circumstances, we’ve made the sad decision to cancel the 2020 Summer Concerts at Hiawatha. During these uncertain times, it’s become clear that gatherings of this size will be difficult to manage in a way that ensures the safety and enjoyment of our community and guests. These events are very important to us, but your health and safety will always be our top priority.

I will truly miss the community that these concerts create – neighbors meeting neighbors, old friends catching up, kids at their first live performances. They represent a true collaboration between the ANA, our sponsors, city partners (Seattle Parks and ARC) and the wonderful team at Hiawatha Community Center. It’s been my pleasure to connect you with some of the best musicians in the region.

To the extent to which you are able, I hope you will continue to support our local music community in other ways. Many artists are being impacted by cancellations like this. I encourage you to see who is performing on social media, releasing new work, or rescheduling shows. Even kinds words can make a difference. Please also consider contributing to any of the several artist relief funds that have been set up in response to COVID-19. A quick Google search for “Seattle artist fund” will bring these up.

When large gatherings are back, we will be too – and we’ll be very happy to see you again. Until then, stay safe West Seattle, and keep well!

CANCELED: 2020 Delridge Day – but organizers keep its giving going

April 24, 2020 12:28 am
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One more summer-event cancellation has been announce: Delridge Day. But the community group that makes it happen has found a way to ensure the festival’s gifts are given anyway. From Pete Spalding:

After much discussion, thought and contemplation of options. Visualizing Increased Engagement in West Seattle (VIEWS) has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 edition of the Delridge Day Festival.

One of the things that VIEWS prides itself on is our commitment to giving back to the community that supports us. As you might be aware. we make donations each year after Delridge Day to help support community organizations. We have made the decision to dip into our reserves this year to continue to support vital community organizations that are on the front lines in helping our neighbors during this crisis. So we are making our own stimulus payments to:

$1,200 West Seattle Food Bank
$1,200 White Center Food Bank
$1,200 Southwest Youth & Family services

VIEWS plans at this point include a Gathering of Neighbors event during the first quarter of 2021. A part of this event will be a segment where we plan on recognizing the Heroes of Delridge who are making a difference during this crisis situation that we are going through right now.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to the 2021 edition of the Delridge Day Festival on the second Saturday of August.

CANCELED: 2020 Alki Art Fair

April 23, 2020 8:59 pm
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Another major West Seattle summer event will take this summer off amid COVID-19 uncertainty. From Alki Art Fair organizers:

It is with great sadness that we must cancel the 23rd annual Alki Art Fair. This was an incredibly difficult, but, necessary decision to make to minimize the potential spread of the coronavirus and to honor our responsibility to keep our community and families safe.

Although we are disappointed that we are unable to showcase art and music in our usual beautiful beach location, we are excited to announce the launch of Alki Art Fair at Home – a Virtual Art Fair throughout the month of May. Over the next few weeks we will feature some of the artists and performers who would have participated in our fair on our social media platforms, so please follow us on Facebook and Instagram

Let #AlkiArtFairatHome brighten your day by bringing art and music into your homes during this challenging time. We would urge you to support our artists in whatever way you can – purchase their art and their music, and, or, follow them on social media. They need all of our help right now.

And, finally, mark your calendars for the 24th annual Alki Art Fair – July 24-25, 2021. We very much look forward to welcoming you in-person next summer for a celebration of local art and music.

Stay safe, friends!

CANCELED: 2020 West Seattle Summer Fest

The peninsula’s biggest party of the year is the latest big event canceled by coronavirus concerns. This announcement is just in from the West Seattle Junction Association:

For 38 years, the biggest festival in West Seattle has continued to evolve, starting out as the Sidewalk Sale, then the Street Fair, and now Summer Fest – a three-day celebration in the West Seattle streets.

The festival has been a July tradition in West Seattle since 1982, the same year Seattle became the Emerald City. Even prior to the West Seattle bridge being built (but that’s another story…).

After much discussion, the Junction has made the safest decision for the community – to cancel the 2020 Summer Fest – July 10-12th.

We are saddened but hopeful we will rise like a Westside phoenix to bring back Summer Fest stronger than ever July 2021.

In the meantime, we’re developing a plan for a block-party-style community gathering that will be announced as soon as we’re confident it’s safe to bring people together. Current events and info from King Co Public Health give us hope for a late August date.

We’ll continue to monitor all health regulations, and sincerely hope the Junction merchants can show appreciation of the outpouring of community support by bringing you one day that celebrates all the West Seattle goodness we’ve stored up through this pandemic.

Stay tuned, stay healthy.

NEW DATE: 2020 Morgan Junction Community Festival

Many spring/early-summer events have been canceled or converted to virtual versions. Others have been rescheduled for months later than usual – from the Morgan Community Association, here’s the latest:

Last week, the Festival Planning committee decided to move the date of 2020 Morgan Junction Community Festival to September 12, 2020. The Festival has been on the third Saturday of June since it started 15 years ago. However, with Governor-mandated Stay Safe at Home rules in place through early May, we decided to play it safe and move the date.

This means that the Morgan Junction Community Festival will take place in Morgan Junction Park on September 12, 2020. It’s going to be a smaller festival with all events taking place only in the Park. Right now, we’re planning for live music and bubble artists.

But we think the Festival could also be an important time for the Morgan Community to come together – post pandemic. We’d like to make this a time to support our very special community and maybe set up pathways to give back including supporting our small businesses.

More info in the months ahead, MoCA promises.

West Seattle Summer Fest 2020 is in view! Vendor applications open

January 21, 2020 12:51 pm
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(SDOT cam overview of past West Seattle Summer Fest)

Even on this blustery gray January day, we can see summer … thanks to the West Seattle Junction Association, which is now accepting vendor applications for Summer Fest! This year’s dates are Friday-Sunday, July 10-12, and those days/nights will fill the streets with fun in the heart of The Junction. WSJA says the priority is on local arts; to register as a vendor and start the application process, go here.

FOLLOWUP: Tasty take for West Seattle Food Bank after Harvest Festival Chili Cookoff

In our as-it-happened West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival coverage on Sunday, we mentioned the winners of the Chili Cookoff but promised a followup – and courtesy of Judi Yazzolino at the West Seattle Food Bank, here it is:

WOW, this year’s Chili Cook-off at the West Seattle Junction’s Harvest Festival was bigger and better than last year for the West Seattle Food Bank. Thank you to all that purchased their tastings and ate some fabulous chili. We sold 405 tastings before the chili ran out, which was 65 more than last year, and raised $4,087 including donations.

A huge thank you to the Junction Association for allowing us to participate and to the generosity of chili & time that the nine participating businesses donated. Thank you to Duos Catering, Easy Street Cafe, Elliott Bay Brewery, Girls Gone BBQ, Husky Deli, Ma’ono, Pecos Pit BBQ, Shadowland, & The Westy. A big congratulations to Ben & Josh at Duos Catering for winning coveted bragging rights for a 3rd year in a row! And to Easy Street Café for 2nd place & Elliott Bay Brewery for 3rd place.

Each cookoff participant made and donated 5 gallons of chili as well as server time! (Photo by WSFB board member Jan Roberts)

PHOTOS: Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2019

2:53 PM: We’ve been talking for more than a week about Fauntleroy Creek salmon. This afternoon, you can celebrate them by making a salmon hat at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. Or if you’re more interested in birds – don’t miss the raptors behind The Hall at Fauntleroy!

Also a petting zoo:

And pony rides:

Maybe you’d rather sit and listen to music. That’s happening indoors as well as outdoors:

(That’s the Hilltop Jazz Project.) From Seattle Fire and Police, Engine 37 and the Mobile Precinct are visiting:

They’re in the church parking lot, as are opportunities to bounce and climb:

Inside the church/Y building, other attractions – cakes!

The decorated-cake contest judging is concluding, while the cakewalk is about to begin. The West Seattle Community Orchestras “instrument petting zoo” is inside Fauntleroy Church too:

This festival’s on until 5 pm – here’s info, including a map. More photos later.

ADDED 7:52 PM: More of what made the festival educational as well as fun – you could talk with Fauntleroy Watershed Council members:

Or learn about preparedness:

We almost forgot to talk about the food – from Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering squash soup to the famous Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) sliders:

The festival is presented by a coalition of Fauntleroy organizations and businesses.

AS-IT-HAPPENED COVERAGE: West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival 2019!

October 27, 2019 10:03 am
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(Festival info/map here … Bus reroute info here …)

10:03 AM: Not only is the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on in The Junction as always … so is the Harvest Festival, with a bonus block of activities on California south to Edmunds … both until 2 pm! Our as-it-happens coverage starts now.

The Chili Cookoff is on, at the KeyBank corner – $10 gets you 9 tastes and a vote, and the money goes to the West Seattle Food Bankthe contenders are right behind the booth:

The weather is clear but chilly so bundle up! The sun will be a little higher in the sky by Costume Parade time at 11:30. We’re already seeing lots of costumes:

We’re in the Info Booth at California/Alaska – right across from us at the south end of the Farmers’ Market block, you’ll find the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, who would be happy to sell you advance tickets to their December 7th pancake breakfast!

11:12 AM: Lots of people here enjoying the festival. If you are here for the parade, gather at Junction Plaza Park, where the West Seattle High School Band is warming up. Meantime, activities continue on the block south of Alaska throughout the festival:

Above, Titans Lacrosse; below, Mode Music Studios.

Above, Westside School (which is a WSB sponsor as are the Titans and Mode); below, West City Rope Ninjas. 50 businesses, schools, and organizations are here with activities:

11:54 PM: The parade, which circles the Farmers’ Market block, has just wrapped up. The band had an appropriate song:

Now it’s trick-or-treat time – businesses as well as booths! P.S. If you’re looking for something more savory, chili’s still available last time we checked the cookoff booth. Right next to it on the west side of California/Alaska is the Cider/Cocoa Garden, $2 for either.

Festival and Market both continue until 2 pm.

12:51 PM: Costume-watching continues, as does trick-or-treating – visit your Junction merchants too – they sponsor the festival through the Junction Association!

Above, Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor); below, Curious Kidstuff:

Along with the merchants, thanks to the many volunteers here today too! Events coming up: Around 1:30 pm, the chili vote winner will be announced; that’s also when the kids’ pie-eating contest (all spots filled, we’re told) will be happening here at the Info Booth (California/Alaska).

1:23 PM: Lots of costumed pets as well as people. CJ sent these photos of “Pope Leo” and “Stuart Little”:

1:34 PM: The Chili Cookoff vote results are in:
Duos #1
Easy Street #2
Elliott Bay #3

(Matt from Easy Street and Ben from Duos, with Judi from WSFB)

Almost 400 ballots cast — great support for the WS Food Bank (official tally later)!

1:54 PM: Festival’s almost over – here’s a bit of how the pie-eating contest went:

(added) Here’s Chris with winners Connor, Seth, and Arthur:

8:10 PM: A few photos added inline above, and below:

Above – name that costume! Below, from the WSHS Band leading the parade:

The littlest kids’ costumes were some of the cutest:

Thanks to everybody for coming down and being part of the festival!

SUNDAY PREVIEW: Fauntleroy Fall Festival highlights

October 26, 2019 9:09 pm
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Second half of Sunday’s festival doubleheader is in Fauntleroy:

2-5 pm tomorrow, that’s where you’ll find fun for all ages at the >Fauntleroy Fall Festival, which we’ve also been previewing. One last look at toplines:

Where – 9100 block of California SW [map]
Venues – In and around Fauntleroy Church and YMCA on the east side of the street, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse/The Hall at Fauntleroy
Road closures? No. Crossing guard will stop traffic for festivalgoers going between venues
Bus – The C Line stops right at the festival site
Pre-festival concert – Not part of the festival but reminder that Caspar Babypants is performing at 1 pm at the schoolhouse
Cake dropoffs – Entering a decorated cake in the contest, and/or donating to the cakewalk? Info’s here
Schedules – Performance and activity lists, with times, are here
Salmon – Learn about Fauntleroy Creek from Fauntleroy Watershed Council volunteers

All free, except concessions (and the pre-festival concert).

SUNDAY PREVIEW: What you need to know about going to the 2019 West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival

October 26, 2019 8:05 pm
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Festival doubleheader tomorrow, so we have one last round of previews tonight.

First up on Sunday is the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival, 10 am-2 pm, concurrent with the Farmers’ Market. The highlights:

Street closure – California between Oregon and Edmunds, Alaska between 42nd and 44th
Bus reroutesListed here
Activities – Businesses, schools, and organizations’ booths are mostly on California south of Alaska. 10 am-2 pm
Chili cookoff – $10 (benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank) for a flight of nine tastes and a ballot, California/Alaska, starting at 10 am
Applepalooza – Taste and vote at the Market, starting at 10 am
Cocoa/cider garden – $2, on Alaska west of California
Family costume parade – Everyone welcome! West Seattle High School Marching Band leads the way. Meet at Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska); starts at 11:30 am
Trick-or-treating – Noon, at participating Junction businesses + festival Info Booth
Kids’ pie-eating contest – 1:30 pm, Info Booth

We’ll be in the Info Booth with as-it-happens coverage, so check WSB for festival updates. See you in The Junction!

SUNDAY: Fauntleroy Fall Festival welcoming your cake(s) for contest, cakewalk

October 25, 2019 6:32 pm
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(Winning cake from 2017 festival)

Love cake? Especially if you love to bake and/or decorate cakes, part of Sunday’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival is for you – a cakewalk (with donated cakes as prizes) and decorated-cake contest. You are welcome to bring one or more cakes in for either one; this year the cake events are in the Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW). If you have an entry for the decorating contest, bring it 1-2 pm – if you’re donating a cake, 1-2:30 pm. The cakewalk starts at 3 pm. (See the full festival schedule here.)

COUNTDOWN: More of what you need to know about West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival on Sunday

October 23, 2019 10:12 pm
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Sunday’s festival doubleheader starts with the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival, 10 am-2 pm. As we continue our countdown, here’s the map!

New this year, a Hot Cider and Cocoa Garden – your choice of beverage will cost just $2, whipped cream included if you want it! PCC Community Markets (WSB sponsor) is the cocoa/cider/whipped cream provider; The Beer Junction is donating its time to run the “garden.”

The festival also features:
Applepalooza tasting and voting during the Farmers’ Market (10 am-2 pm)
Activities presented by local businesses/schools/organizations (10 am-2 pm)
Chili Cookoff benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank (10 am until sold out)
Costume Parade at 11:30 am
Trick or Treating at noon
Kids’ Pie-Eating Contest at 1:30 pm

We’ll be in the Info Booth in the heart of The Junction; see you Sunday. (WSB is a Harvest Festival community co-sponsor.)

COUNTDOWN: See what’s happening when at Sunday’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival

Another of the big weekend events we’re looking ahead to: The Fauntleroy Fall Festival, 2-5 pm on Sunday (October 27th), at the schoolhouse/church/Y in the 9100 block of California SW. Tonight we have the schedules – both the activity list (above) and the performance/event schedule (below).

One activity requiring advance preparation – the cake contest. More on that tomorrow.