West Seattle, Washington
13 Friday
A West Seattle family is launching a new way to celebrate Pride. Michael Mattinger emailed us to say that “a number of streets in West Seattle are planning Seattle’s first neighborhood ‘Pride Night Out‘ (much like Night Out),” starting at 5 pm Thursday, June 22nd. Michael explains, “My husband and I, who live in West Seattle, had this idea as it’s personally important for us to show our kids that our streets, neighborhood and NEIGHBORS are a safe place amidst the LGBTQ+ challenges facing our nation these days. The most beautiful part is that most of our support is coming from Allies and not necessarily members of the LGBTQ+ community. Our neighbors are really stepping up and creating a family-friendly way to celebrate Pride with our little ones.” For Michael’s neighborhood party, they’re planning music, food, games, face painters, poetry readings, a nonprofit-giving table for Lambert House, and a performance by West Seattle drag queen Dolly Madison.
Michael is getting the word out about this “in hopes that other streets across West Seattle are inspired to band together to celebrate their own local LGBTQ+ pride on June 22. It’s extremely easy … all one needs is a permit and a few interested neighbors.” Already, he says, other neighborhoods in the metro area have heard about it and are planning Neighborhood Pride Night Out events – Capitol Hill, Bellevue, Kirkland, and Shoreline, so they’ve broadened the logo (above right) to “Seattle Pride Night Out.” If you’re in the city limits, you can apply for a street-party permit – for this or any other occasion – by going here. They’ve set up a social-media group for discussion/support, here.
Another chance for community involvement before the holiday weekend. HPAC – the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge – is meeting on the fourth Thursday this month instead of Wednesday, so that’s 7 pm this Thursday, May 25th. Also different: This meeting is happening in person, and at a first-time location, Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery in South Delridge. That’s especially appropriate because this meeting will focus on the South Delridge Action Plan, as HPAC leadership explains:
The meeting is open to all residents and business folks in the area. Learn what progress has been made on the City planning so far, and give thoughts on their efforts to work with the South Delridge Community.
What unique issues does this southernmost area of West Seattle face? What can we learn from successes and failures of growth plans elsewhere? How can we keep our homegrown spirit vibrant and healthy, providing food, housing, and community for all – while dealing with the wave of development speeding our way? What City services are lacking? How can the City work more closely with unincorporated White Center/ King County to better integrate community services currently provided?
Head to 9414 Delridge Way SW on Thursday night to discuss all that and more.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The Alki Community Council‘s been lamenting low meeting turnout for some time now. Not tonight. The room at Alki UCC was full, and the online turnout hit double digits too.
Last weekend’s trouble at the beach, including a deadly shooting, was the main motivation, judging by the discussion, so Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Martin Rivera was the guest who drew the most questions.
ALKI MURDER: No arrests yet in the shooting that killed 25-year-old Davonté Sanchez near Whale Tail Park on Saturday evening. But Capt. Rivera said detectives are getting ready to “put something out to the community” making another plea for information and video in the case. He also revealed one new piece of information – the crowd on Alki were there because of an “event on TikTok” that police got “late word of” via a Parking Enforcement officer. He said SPD was mobilizing to address the situation when shots were heard, “and you know the rest.” He said the “follow-up units” are still actively working the case.
Beyond that, attendees wanted to know about plans for dealing with disorder, especially reckless driving.
Capt. Rivera said Alki “emphasis” will start this weekend and continue most Fridays-Sundays through Labor Day and that they’ll get the mobile precinct there when they can. “All depends on what’s going on in the whole precinct at the time.” Would a petition for more staffing help? “We’re in a little bit of a staffing crunch,” and the “emphasis” patrols are already made up of people on overtime, Rivera said, so there’s really no place else from which to draw “more staffing.” He also noted that shifts do have some overlaps. But if big events – like last night’s two Delridge gunfire incidents – happen elsewhere, the officers have to go there, regardless of how busy the beach is.
He also noted that they do what they can – the traffic-calming measures took a while but finally got implemented – “it’s hard to move those things along” but can be done, especially with community partnership.
One attendee observed that “car culture” overlaps with violence and wondered if SPD is working with SDOT on more calming. Short answer, yes, but budget challenges have kept them from expanding those measures beyond where they are now.
At that point, City Council D-1 candidate Rob Saka stood up and said to attendees, “My heart hurts for you” regarding the shooting by Whale Tail Park, saying his kids were playing there just a few hours before the murder. “We need anti-cruising emphasis patrols, anti-gun violence … I would like to see police be able to be more proactive and less reactive.” Capt. Rivera said he agreed that “we need more officers.” (Saka was the only candidate in attendance, though someone in the gallery identified themselves as Phil Tavel‘s campaign manager.)
The support for more traffic calming was strong; one attendee suggested crowdfunding if money is what it takes; talk to SDOT, Rivera suggested. What about paid parking on the beach to raise money? asked another attendee, or charging people to visit the beaches? Capt. Rivera said that hasn’t caught traction because it would inequitably affect community members.
Another attendee said he wanted to ensure that the early closing time starting Memorial Day weekend stretches all the way to Don Armeni, the entirety of the shore, not just the beach itself.
Two other guests from the city spoke relatively briefly.
SDOT SHARED-MICROMOBILITY PROGRAM: Kim Pearson from SDOT was the guest. She focuses on scooter and bike share. Four companies offer five device types – three scooters, two bikes. \\
In 2022, more than 3.7 million trips were taken, more than a million-trip gain from the previous year. Each trip averages 11+ minutes. Pearson talked about various related programs including free helmets available from city customer-service centers (including Southwest).
Here’s how to report problems:
PUMP STATION 38: Valerie Tokumoto from Seattle Public Utilities said PS 38 – the under-renovation station in the 1400 block of Alki SW – is one of 70 pump stations in the city’s system ‘and we have plans for all of them.” Landscaping will stretch 50 feet on both sides of the pump station. She wanted to ensure people knew how to surface questions and concerns, and recommended Find It Fix It for the latter. (The project’s webpage is here.)
NEXT MEETING: ACC president Tony Fragada and vice president Randie Stone expressed hope that the first-timers would be back next month. The group’s meetings are usually at 7 pm third Thursdays at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds).
Three notes today, following last Saturday’s deadly shooting in Alki:
SHOOTING VICTIM: As added to our original report late yesterday, the victim is now identified as 25-year-old Davonté Sanchez. We don’t have information so far on where he lived but there are numerous online references to his time at Kentwood High School, where he was a basketball standout before graduation in 2016. His former coach remembers Mr. Sanchez: “Heart of Gold and an amazing personality. One of the best people I’ve gotten to know and Coach. Graduated 7 years ago and still gets talked about every season. Truly a special person.” A crowdfunding page has been launched for memorial expenses, with the organizer writing, “He touched so many people’s lives; he was truly one of a kind.” (Photo via GoFundMe.com, used with permission)
INVESTIGATION: Still no word of an arrest or any other updates.
COMMUNITY MEETING: Southwest Precinct police are regular guests at the Alki Community Council‘s monthly meeting, and if you’d like to talk about this or other Alki-area issues, the next meeting is tomorrow night (Thursday, May 18th), 7 pm; you can attend at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds) or online.
Toplines from last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting:
FERRY TERMINAL PROJECT: The FCA board’s liaison with Washington State Ferries, Frank Immel, had news. (corrected) A WSF community meeting is set for 6 pm June 7th. The plan to restore three-boat service on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run remains on hold because of vessel and staffing shortages. Immel also said fare increases are a possibility as legislators seek to have WSF cover more of its operating costs.
POLICE UPDATES: Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Martin Rivera said the most dramatic trend is the one that’s been mentioned at many community meetings lately – auto theft is up dramatically. In the precinct’s jurisdiction (West Seattle and South Park), thefts are running 100 vehicles ahead of the total at this point last year; part of that, he attributed to the notorious “TikTok Challenge” that has spiked thefts of Hyundais and Kias.
FCA president Mike Dey reminded everyone that the Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council meets at the precinct at 6 pm Thursday (tomorrow) and will include SPD’s Parking Enforcement Unit – with topics including RPZs, a special area of interest in Fauntleroy areas near the ferry dock. Capt. Rivera said Parking Enforcement, which is back in SPD after a turbulent time outside it, has a new leader.
COMMUNITY SURVEY: FCA will send one out this year, likely this fall. They decided not to send one out while the West Seattle Bridge was closed, feeling it likely would have been dominated by bridge-related issues that would soon be resolved.
FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER: Last month’s fundraiser at Endolyne Joe’s raised $2,700 for the festival – which is entirely powered by donations and volunteers. $1,500 was from restaurant proceeds on the fundraiser day/night, and $1,200 was from the gift-basket raffle. This year’s festival is scheduled for Sunday, October 15th.
NEXT MEETING: The FCA board meets at 7 pm second Tuesdays at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, with community members always welcome.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
With three projects on the way – two of them long-delayed – Hiawatha was the centerstage topic at last night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, facilitated by ANA president Joanie Jacobs:
HIAWATHA: Seattle Parks’ Kim Baldwin brought the latest information, though little has changed since our most-recent reports. She clarified that she’s with the capital division – the one that “gets projects built.” First, the Hiawatha turf replacement, which she noted is needed because it’s close to the end of its 10-to-12-year life cycle. The track also will be redone. The field striping will include softball. And a new batting cage is part of the project. Right now they’re awaiting contract execution (we reported the rebid results here) and later this month expect to issue a notice to proceed, so the project would be complete “by the end of August.” Baldwin said there’s no specific start date yet. A former West Seattle High School baseball coach voiced concerns about past problems with the site, including safety because of a light pole “that somebody’s going to run into.” He also wanted to ensure that the mounds on the field will be turf, not dirt. Baldwin said some of these issues might already be addressed in the project – she didn’t have the plans handy. The former coach also had concerns about limitations on the times that the school teams could use the field.
Regarding the renovations for the years-closed community center, which includes a wide variety of components, the FEMA grant has been received, Baldwin said (as noted here), and they’re hoping to go out to bid soon and start construction in late summer. Work will last “nine to 12 months,” she said – meaning they hope to reopen the center before 2024 is over. Total project funding is $3 million, including the ~$500,000 FEMA grant.
Regarding the play area – the current spot “beneath the trees” will be turned into a natural area, and the new site is just south of the wading pool. It will include a swing set, accessible pathways, picnic tables, basketball. That project has been delayed “and we’re still waiting to get our permit – we’ve come across stormwater issues” – hoping to bid summer or fall this year, with construction starting after that and they’re hoping it’ll be open summer 2024. When construction starts, the current play area is scheduled to be demolished; one attendee wondered if the timing could be altered. Baldwin didn’t know whether the wading pool would be open this summer or not, in response to a question. Another question was about the softball field near the wading pool; “no work is scheduled in that area,” Baldwin said. Why? she was asked. It’s not funded, for one, she replied. A neighbor said the area was “virtually unused because it’s in such poor condition,” and suggested some consideration of changing it. (Tupper said it was a Pee Wee field for years ‘and then the Park Department abandoned it.”) WSHS’s lack of a softball field forces them to travel to Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex right now, said another attendee identifying herself as a WSHS softball coach.
How do folks contact the project teams directly? Contact info is on the website, Baldwin replied, and the department is working with WSHS directly.
SEATTLE POLICE: Lt. Nathan Shopay, night commander for the Southwest Precinct (7 pm-5 am), who supervises 3 sergeants and 20 officers, said nothing much has changed since last month – everything’s down except auto theft, which continues to be way up. Summer planning and emphasis patrols at the beach are a big focus right now – “we will have more officers out on the beach coming up” – and yes, they’re still short on officers; special events mean call-ins for officers on their days off. He focuses on ensuring there’s adequate staffing and dealing with “community issues.” He also noted that the latest state laws regarding pursuits mean a lot of new training and “that’s not making anyone happy.” Back to the beach – “it comes down to us babysitting young adults,” who are gathering at the beach. They’re dealing with it most nights, not just weekends; he sends officers there when they’re available.
In Q&A, one attendee asked how you get something declared a “nuisance property” – Lt. Shopay noted that it’s important to have contact with the owner so they can give permission to boot trespassers. Another question: What helps prevent auto theft? His first advice: “Have really good insurance,” he said. That aside, he said, the best thing you can do is to make sure there’s nothing in your car – not just so it’s not tempting, but also because then you aren’t missing anything else if it’s stolen. Another officer in attendance suggested a kill switch, battery disconnection, fuse removal, to keep it from being taken. What about “air tags” to help you find them? asked an attendee. “We can find it, but if there’s someone in it and they take off, we can’t pursue them.” Another question: An attendee was troubled by people smoking cannabis in public at the Don Armeni parking ;ot. They could be cited – or it could lead to a DUI – Lt. Shopay noted.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Much of this was announced at the last ANA meeting, and plans are proceeding. For the Summer Concerts, coordinator Stephanie Jordan reiterated that these will be on the Lafayette Elementary playground – with partnership of Seattle Public Schools and Seattle Parks – July 13, 20, 27. They have sound handled, but they’re also looking for staging and a drum set, plus fundraising assistance. She’s not ready to announce the acts yet but there’ll be a youth-focused night, a jazz night, a retro party night.
An idea previously called Summer of Wellness has become Seasons of Wellness – they’ve applied to the city’s Small Sparks Fund for money to underwrite a series of free yoga classes. Two 5-week sessions, in fall and then winter – but they might do some summer one-offs such as Zumba classes. The venue will be Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill, where the ANA meets).
Admiral Junction Funktion – Though the Chamber of Commerce staged it last year, this year the ball’s in ANA’s court, and they’re partnering with Mission and Admiral Pub proprietors. Lots of volunteer opportunities ahead! August 26th is the date. It’ll be a street party again and area businesses will be invited to have booths. Some new features are planned including an art tent.
Adopt-A-Street – the new organizer couldn’t be at the meeting but the first one is scheduled June 3rd.
4th of July Kids’ Parade – ANA will have a booth and also needs volunteers.
Outdoor movie – Jacobs is working with Parks on a possible movie – the small park alongside Admiral Church, combined with the church grounds, is a likely site, and this would be in August.
COMMUNITY EVENTS: Thursday (May 11) is the next West Seattle Art Walk, and some venues have music as well as art – this month will include West Seattle Grounds (which Jacobs manages). West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day this Saturday (May 13) was mentioned too – Jacobs enthused that the day “feels like a party.” Support local businesses while you’re out – grab coffee and/or lunch. Also noted, Admiral Church has events coming up – see their website – and Rev. Andrew Conley-Holcom keeps “office hours” in the community, 11:30 am-1 pm Wednesdays at Bebop Waffle Shop (California/Admiral). Also noted, the church has a shoe-donation drive under way.
ANA ONLINE: Dan Jacobs manages the organization’s website and social-media channels and is continuing to add content, including spotlights on local businesses.
WHAT’S NEXT: Watch the aforementioned ANA website, connecttoadmiral.org, for updates on events and future meetings. Joanie Jacobs closed with a reminder that it’s an all-volunteer group and more help is welcome – “as great as it already is, we want to make our neighborhood a better place.”
Breaking news got in the way of today’s full event list – you can check our West Seattle Event Calendar to see everything that’s ahead – but there are two community meetings we want to mention:
PARKS @ ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: For those interested in the projects happening at Hiawatha, the Admiral Neighborhood Association plans to discuss them tonight with a Parks representative. All are welcome at the meeting, which is in-person only, starting at 7 pm at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill). SPD also is expected to be in attendance as usual, so you also have an opportunity to ask about recent incidents/concerns.
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Toward the south end of the peninsula, tonight’s also the regular meeting for the Fauntleroy Community Association board. Community members are always welcome. It’s a hybrid meeting, so you can attend either in-person at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW) or online – you can register via the FCA website.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The biggest news at last night’s meeting of HPAC – the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge – was from another organization, HPIC.
While there’s been a fair amount of post-session grousing about what the State Legislature did and didn’t do this season, for the Highland Park Improvement Club, there’s pure delight in news that almost a million dollars in state grant money is on the way. HPIC is raising about $3 million to rebuild after its historic building at 12th/Holden was gutted by fire in 2021, and HPIC’s Rhonda Smith told HPAC last night that legislators gave final approval for a previously mentioned $400,000 grant plus another for $500,000.
We’re expecting to hear more from HPIC about this soon, but in the meantime, Smith exulted, “Not only can we break ground, but we can also do some construction,” even as they continue raising the rest of what’s needed. “When you keep pushing and pushing, your voice gets heard.”
The main guests at the HPAC meeting, held online, were there to talk about a different construction project – the West Duwamish Wet Weather Storage Facility, centered on a 1.25 million-gallon underground storage tank meant to keep combined wastewater and stormwater from polluting the Duwamish River during heavy rains. Demmelash Adera from the project team led the briefing. They’re well into design, he said, adding that they incorporated community concerns and suggestions voiced in a survey last year. Greenspace around the facility near the 1st Avenue South bridge, at 2nd/Michigan, is important, Adera said.
They plan a solar installation to supply some of the power to run the facility, he added. Much of the rest of the briefing focused on what they’re doing to be sure people in West Seattle and South Park neighborhoods know about the project. Visiting meetings like HPAC is just part of the plan – they’ll also be out at summer events like the Duwamish River Festival, and they’ll be sending mailers to 6,000 addresses. They’re also working with community connectors like a group of South Park women known as Mujeres Conectoras.
Next milestone for the project – they’ll announce two artists next month. Construction is still expected to start in 2025. And yes, the planning and design is taking climate change into consideration, KCWTD’s Maud de Bel assured the attendee who asked about it: “This size should be good enough for a long, long time.”
Another meeting guest was the Southwest Precinct‘s night-shift commander Lt. Nathan Shopay. Asked about last weekend’s home-invasion robbery near 14th/Henderson (WSB coverage here), Lt. Shopay said he didn’t have anything to divulge, but detectives have it “under full investigation” and are very interested in community tips and information. That goes for all crimes or suspected crimes, he said. They’re particularly interested right now in anything that can help stop the escalating trend of auto thefts; Lt. Shopay said they’re beginning to suspect it might be the work of an organized theft ring rather than a large number of one-offs.
He was followed by Michelle McClendon of LEAD, who said the work to clean up the situation at South Delridge’s Rozella Building was continuing to progress. She said its owner is looking at seeking historic-landmark status for the building. She added that outreach workers are continuing to meet with tent and RV campers along sections of SW Holden.
HPAC meets fourth Wednesdays of most months, 7 pm, online for now – watch hpacws.org for updates.
HPAC, the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge, is “interested in getting your feedback on issues you feel are important to the area that we can bring up with the folks running for the D1 City Council seat.” That’s just one of the reasons to check out HPAC’s monthly meeting online Wednesday night (April 26), 7 pm. They’ll also get a design update on the West Duwamish Wet Weather Storage Facility, the 1.25-million-gallon storage tank that’s planned for a site near the West Seattle side of the 1st Avenue South Bridge, to reduce overflow pollution in the Duwamish River. Find out about what else is happening in the community, too, and bring your questions/concerns/ideas. Connection info is on this page of the HPAC website.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Public safety was the top topic at last night’s Alki Community Council meeting, held at Alki UCC and online, facilitated by ACC president Tony Fragada.
SOUTHWEST PRECINCT: First guest was the precinct’s night commander, Lt. Nathan Shopay, connecting from home on his night off. He said Alki had been relatively quiet lately and asked about community concerns. One attendee asked if the new traffic-calming measures in east Alki seemed to be working; Lt. Shopay said yes, adding that things would be even better if the diagonal parking area on Duwamish Head were reconfigured. One attendee said the dividers and speed bumps had led to stunt-driving and racing further west. As for crime trends, Lt. Shopay repeated what he had told the Morgan Community Association on Wednesday night (WSB coverage here) – most categories are down, except for auto theft.
CITY ATTORNEY: Ann Davison attended in person. She told ACC attendees that community-meeting attendance is important to her because she wants “to be accessible.” She first spent some time explaining how the City Attorney’s Office works, with civil and criminal divisions, and the latter primarily handling the lesser crimes known as misdemeanors. She also recapped two initiatives on which her staff has been working – “high utilizers” and “close-in-time filing.” She spent some time discussing the matter of filing charges, and noted that if crimes don’t get reported, it’s a sure bet no one will be arrested and no one will be charged. Her office has to get cases referred from police. So, she stressed, call police if you see something! She said there’s another category of assumption she’s trying to change – police sometimes sending a case directly to the City Attorney’s Office because they assume the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office won’t charge a certain type of offense. Davison says she’s been working with SPD to stress that if something seems like a felony, they will send it to the KCPAO; if they decline to file, then Davison’s staff can review.
She also spent some time discussing the civil division of the CAO. So often, municipal law offices are focused on defensive matters, she explained – somebody’s suing over tripping on a sidewalk, or challenging a law, for example. She took the rare tack of going on the offense with the Kia/Hyundai theft lawsuit. She said Seattle was the first in the nation to take that action, and now 10 other municipalities have joined. “I’m not a crowd-follower,” she said. She believes going after the car companies for their products’ vulnerabilities is merited because it’s “resource-draining” for cities to have to spend so much law-enforcement resources on this. “It was not a hard call – even if the lawsuit is unsuccessful, it’s the right thing to do,” she believes.
One last point she made – she said she’s spent time rebuilding relationships with other city departments.
Before she left, an attendee offered these parting words: “We love Joe Everett.” (He’s the Southwest Precinct liaison from the City Attorney’s Office.) His boss appeared to agree with the positive appraisal.
COUNCIL CANDIDATE: He wasn’t officially on the agenda, but City Council District 1 candidate Phil Tavel was in attendance. He was asked whether outgoing Councilmember Lisa Herbold will be endorsing him. He said they had actually had a good conversation in which he asked her to consider it; he said she didn’t rule it out.
NEXT MEETING: ACC president Fragada said guests are expected next month from SDOT (to talk about scooters) and Seattle Public Utilities. ACC meets third Thursdays most months, 7 pm at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds) and online (see our calendar for connection info), so that means May 18th for the next one.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The biggest news from last night’s online quarterly meeting of the Morgan Community Association was a progress report on the Morgan Junction Park expansion site.
While this long-empty site awaits first a cleanup of contaminated soil from its dry-cleaning past and then funding for its much-delayed development, local skateboarders turned it into an unofficial skatepark for a while last year, until Seattle Parks‘ crackdown ended that. More recently, supporters of skating on the site proposed ways to revise the years-old Parks design for the site’s future. They weren’t at last night’s MoCA meeting, but the Parks manager who is point person for the site’s future, Kelly Goold, was.
“Things are moving,” Goold said. The grading permit for removing the contaminated soil was issued earlier this month, and now he’s negotiating a price with a “pre-approved” contractor, Clearcreek/Holt Services. The job will in essence “dig a big hole,” taking away the contaminated soil and replacing it with clean fill. This work is expected to start in July/August, when the ground-water table will be at its lowest, and will last about two months.
What happens after that isn’t settled yet – though, while Parks is committed to fully developing the site by 2026, Goold said they might be able to get construction going in “late 2024” (by which time the city will have owned the site for a decade). Post-cleanup, it will be open to some kind of activation in the meantime. So they’ll have a community conversation to talk about that as well as possible changes to the design (which is now 4+ years old), such as incorporating a “skate dot.” Should that conversation be a traditional community meeting, or an on-site tabling event, or both? No conclusion was reached.
Attendees also pointed out that the existing Morgan Junction Park needs lawn help. For concerns like that, Goold suggested reporting it to Parks – the more reports the better – via email (pks_info@seattle.gov) and/or Find It Fix It.
Other topics during last night’s meeting facilitated by MoCA president Deb Barker included festival plans, a major redevelopment project, an update from police, and a new board member:
Now in the second year of her term, Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison has been working on some major initiatives – from dealing with “high utilizers” to suing the carmakers whose vehicles have become frequent targets of thieves. Has her office’s work made a difference for neighborhoods? You can hear from her firsthand during Thursday night’s Alki Community Council meeting, in person at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds) or online. You can RSVP here; video/phone attendance info is in our calendar listing. (Photo: Davison at SW Crime Prevention Council last November)
If you’ve read our coverage of Admiral Neighborhood Association meetings – and/or attended them – you know ANA has been resolute in reviving the group’s long-running summer-concert series, even though its past venue, the back lawn of Hiawatha Community Center, is unavailable. Most recently, ANA was zeroing in on the Lafayette Elementary School playground as a site, and has announced today that three concerts will be held there, on Thursday nights as in the past, July 13th, 20th, and 27th. Performers and other details are forthcoming. If you have questions, a good place to bring them would be ANA’s next general meeting, 7 pm May 9th at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill). ANA says the agenda that night also will include a long-sought guest appearance by a Seattle Parks official with an update on Hiawatha’s upcoming projects.
Here are toplines from the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s April board meeting, held this past Tuesday night:
POLICE UPDATES: Lt. Mike Watson from the Southwest Precinct talked a bit about the shooting death of 20-year-old Ka-Don Brown on the Chief Sealth International High School campus this past Saturday. He said the victim is believed to have been shot where his body was found in the faculty parking area in the southwest corner of the campus, not where casings were found in 27th SW upslope. And he said the victim was a frequent visitor to programs at Southwest Teen Life Center across SW Thistle from the school. Lt. Watson also said Mr. Brown’s murder is part of a trend – violent crimes are up 50 percent over this time last year. Property crimes are down lately, but catalytic-converter thefts continue at a pace of at least 50 a month citywide. Last year’s total citywide was about 2,000. As for hotspots, he said they’re doing “emphasis” at Westwood Village three or four days a week, and shoplifting remains the major problem there.
FCA board members remain concerned about enforcement of Fauntleroy’s RPZ, since physical permits are being phased out and parking-enforcement officers will just need to electronically check plates. Lt. Watson said the new method isn’t fully deployed yet. Meantime, the PEO’s shifts end around 10 pm, raising questions about enforcement of early-morning RPZs like the one in Fauntleroy.
SPEAKING OF TRANSPORTATION: Still no followup from SDOT since the walking tour with director Greg Spotts four months ago, reported FCA vice president Catherine Bailey. She said she has emailed repeatedly and received no reply.
PREPAREDNESS: Cindi Barker and Chris Jaramillo talked about the Emergency Communication Hubs – volunteer-managed locations that would be set up if an earthquake or other disaster disrupted normal channels of communication. Jaramillo urged the FCA to help raise community awareness of the hubs, with updates in the FCA newsletter and more information on the FCA website. Barker noted that the Hubs table at the recent Food Fest annual membership meeting generated a lot of interest and discussion. FCA president Mike Dey said the group’s community survey this year will include the hubs as a topic and ask respondents what information they need. Meantime, Barker said the next drill for the hubs will be on June 11th and volunteers will set up in The Junction, at Hope Lutheran. The scenario this time will be a citywide power outage rather than an earthquake. (Whichever West Seattle neighborhood is yours, check this map to learn the location of your nearest hub.)
FERRIES: FCA’s point person for Washington State Ferries issues, Frank Immel, said there wasn’t much new to report. WSF is still working on a date for the next meeting of the Community Advisory Group for the Fauntleroy ferry dock rebuild. He also said the third boat is expected to return to the Triangle Route next week (now that Cathlamet is back in service) but the performance will be watched closely.
FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER: Next Tuesday, April 18th, is the big day at Endolyne Joe’s (9261 45th SW) when part of the proceeds go to the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, which is produced entirely with donations and volunteers. If you go to Joe’s after 5 pm, you can also participate in the raffle for gift baskets.
SPEAKING OF EVENTS: FCA’s egg hunt was a big hit – at least 300 people, and the change to a single venue (the schoolhouse) worked well … Last month’s Food Fest had a good turnout too, an estimated 150 prople.
The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets in person and online at 7 pm second Tuesdays most months – watch fauntleroy.net for updates.
One more community meeting to recap for you before the weekend’s out – HPAC, the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge, gathered online this past Wednesday, with HPAC co-chair Kay Kirkpatrick facilitating. Major agenda item: The South Delridge Action Plan, announced by the city when a survey was launched in January.
David Goldberg, who led the North Delridge Action Plan in the mid-2010s, is shepherding this one too. He noted that he’s worked on West Seattle neighborhood plans back in the late ’90s – Admiral, Delridge, Westwood-Highland Park – and on local park projects including Ercolini, Myrtle Reservoir, and Cottage Grove in the ’00s.
So why does South Delridge need an Action Plan? Goldberg listed multiple reasons including public-safety concerns, food insecurity, health inequities, and the fact none of its neighborhoods has had a new plan since 1999.
The desired goal: A vision shared by the community and city.
Though light rail is only going to North Delridge, buses from South Delridge will take people to it, so this planning is taking that into account, Goldberg said:
Longfellow Creek, whose historic headwaters are in Westwood, is another focal point:
So how is the plan going to be developed, if it’s to be a “shared” vision? Goldberg said they weren’t expecting to have “large” community events, but more direct engagement with smaller groups and institutions, and looking for other ways to reach people to ensure “all voices are heard.” Almost 300 people responded to the winter survey, he added.
After listening to the presentation, HPAC co-chair Craig Rankin observed, “This doesn’t feel community-driven.” Goldberg insisted it’s intended to be, and that right now they’re simply “trying to understand how to start the work.” He promised Rankin and HPAC that it would indeed be collaborative, and said he “will have failed” if when all is said and done they don’t agree it turned out that way. They do already have a “rough schedule,” though:
He promised to return to HPAC to talk more about the SDAP in May.
RV ENCAMPMENTS: Brief update from outreach leader Michelle McClendon – she noted that the 2nd/Michigan (1st Avenue South Bridge) outreach work had just concluded (as we’ve reported, 30 people were said to have been placed in shelter or housing), so they have moved on to other areas, including RVs at Henderson/Barton.
DAY OF SERVICE: Kirkpatrick noted that May 20th is the One Seattle Day of Service this year and welcomed community ideas for what could be done.
NEXT MEETING: HPAC meets most months at 7 pm on the fourth Thursday, so that’ll be April 27th. Topics planned for the agenda so far include the SW Holden Natural Drainage Systems and West Duwamish Wet Weather Storage Facility projects. Watch hpacws.org for updates and meeting-access info.
This month’s Alki Community Council meeting included updates on two ongoing topics:
HARBOR AVENUE RVs: Since the most-recent city attempt to clear the street, some RVs have returned (we counted three on Thursday afternoon). An outreach worker at the ACC meeting said that area is “a priority” now – as outreach for the 2nd/Michigan encampment was wrapping up at the time of this meeting last week – and that more people “are accepting offers” than used to be the case. SPD Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Dorothy Kim added that parking-enforcement officers are going through the area twice weekly to tag vehicles: “We’re not letting it be stagnant.”
OTHER POLICE UPDATES: Updating crime trends from SPD data, Lt. Kim said that in the Alki area, property-crime reports are down, except for auto theft, which continues on the rise citywide. Violent crime is unchanged. So far, as of meeting time, the Alki area has had one verified shots-fired incident since the start of the year (at Hamilton Viewpoint Park). The new SPD schedule “seems to be working,” Lt. Kim said, with a three-hour overlap during the first two watches of the day enabling some officers to be spared for “directed patrol” in areas that need more attention. She also mentioned that staffing issues are improving, saying that they “just got two officers back from the vaccine mandate” (which ended recently) and others returning from parental leave or “limited duty” constraints. She also noted that the department has been developing more officers as “field trainers” for new hires, which requires them to go through special training of their own; a new class of trainers is starting up.
GET INVOLVED: If you live/work or have some other interest in the Alki area, the ACC needs more participation – it’s been operating at a bare-bones level for a long time. A little help can make a lot of difference. You can send questions or suggestions via this page on the ACC’s website.
The Alki Community Council meets 7 pm third Thursdays most months, in-person (at Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds) and online.,
Two months after the city Office of Planning and Community Development announced the South Delridge Action Plan by launching a survey, you can find out more about it at tonight’s monthly meeting of HPAC. At centerstage during the community coalition’s 7 pm online meeting will be OPCD reps led by David Goldberg. HPAC’s announcement says they plan to discuss:
-Their partnerships with SPU and other City Departments
-Engagement that’s already completed to help guide their understanding of priorities
-Ideas about what the Outcomes of the work might be
-Rough phases of work moving forwardThey’re interested in hearing ideas on engagement for 2023 and any opportunities to partner and hearing about outcomes of interest to HPAC members.
All are welcome at tonight’s meeting, to listen/watch and/or ask questions. You can get the video/call-in info by going here.
6:41 PM: If you live, work, do business, study, or enjoy recreation in Fauntleroy, this is the place to be tonight – until 8 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW), it’s the annual general meeting of the Fauntleroy Community Association – also known as the Food Fest because local purveyors of food and beverages bring free tastes (savory and sweet) as a community contribution. Tonight, those include Wildwood Market:
(Regina and Lonjina from Wildwood Market)
Also Nola’s, Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering (which operates The Hall), The Birdhouse, The Unsweetened Tooth, and Endolyne Joe’s. You can also find out not only what the FCA’s about (including the annual Egg Hunt coming up April 1st) but also other organizations including the Morgan Community Association, Fauntleroy UCC, RainWise (which is again offering rebates to many homes in this area for installing green stormwater features), the Fauntleroy Watershed Council, and – with the mobile precinct parked outside – Seattle Police‘s Southwest Precinct.
You can also learn about the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, set this year for October 15th (with a fundraiser coming up April 18th at Endolyne Joe’s).
8:30 PM: Though mingling was the main order of the night, there was a bit of business: Voting on whether to re-elect the FCA board.
They were re-elected by acclamation. From left in our photo are vice president Catherine Bailey, president Mike Dey, Kris Ilgenfritz, Bill Wellington, Susan Lantz-Dey, David Haggety, Diana Spence, Bruce Butterfield, and Marty Westerman. Three other board members weren’t able to attend: Frank Immel, Alan Grainger, and Nils von Veh. In general updates from the stage, Dey said the board welcomes new members – they have openings for secretary and treasurer currently – contact info is on the FCA website, fauntleroy.net. The board meets second Tuesdays most months at 7 pm at the schoolhouse, and community members are always welcome.
Busy night Tuesday for community meetings, as has long been the case for second Tuesdays. Here are our notes from the Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, held in person at Admiral Church, facilitated by ANA president Joanie Jacobs:
TRAFFIC: One of the two major topics of discussion was too-fast traffic on SW Admiral Way east of California. The curve in particular is a spot for periodic crashes that take out and/or damage poles and landscaping, or worse. ANA’s Dan Jacobs noted a 2021 SDOT survey that has shown many cars way over the speed limit in the area – a thousand drivers per day at 50+ mph+, 100 at 60+ mph, at least 1 per day at 80+ mph. They’re hoping to work with SDOT about what if anything can be done to try to slow down drivers on that stretch.
CONCERT SERIES: With Hiawatha Community Center unavailable for another summer, ANA has to decide whether to try to have one or more summer concerts at an alternate location. They’ve been looking at two possible locations, Hamilton Viewpoint and the Lafayette Elementary playground. Concert-series coordinator Stephanie Jordan said both would have increased production costs. In discussion, ANA thought Lafayette was a more promising location, particularly for accessibility via either car or bus, but also for access to other businesses – the ability to grab a picnic dinner at a grocery deli or restaurant and walk over, for example. Play facilities for younger kids, which don’t exist at Hamilton, also were an appealing aspect.
What remains to be decided is whether they’ll try to host one event with multiple bands or three events with one band each. (The pre-pandemic concert series was one band per night on six Thursday nights.) So watch for updates later this spring.
OUTDOOR MOVIE: Side note, ANA and Admiral Church plan to present an outdoor-movie night on the church grounds this summer.
NO POLICE: SPD is usually represented at these meetings but wasn’t last night after all.
Watch connecttoadmiral.org for updates between ANA meetings.
Though the Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council isn’t meeting this month, if you have questions for local police, you have two opportunities on Tuesday night. Precinct leaders are expected at both the Admiral Neighborhood Association and Fauntleroy Community Association‘s monthly meetings, 7 pm Tuesday (March 14th). Admiral meets in-person only, at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill); Fauntleroy meets in person with online/call-in options, at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW). There’s a potential third option when Alki Community Council meets at 7 pm Thursday (March 16th) at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds) and online, as they too often have an SPD guest, but their agenda isn’t out yet.
Some community groups continue to meet online, some have moved to “hybrid” (in-person and online) meetings, and a few have gone back to just meeting in person, Tomorrow, the District 1 Community Network will meet in-person for the first time in three years. It’s a coalition of community advocates and organization/group representatives from around West Seattle and South Park, now ready to broaden the reach since the district has grown too. Everyone interested is invited to attend. D1CN is meeting at 7 pm Wednesday (March 1st) at Neighborhood House High Point, 6400 Sylvan Way SW.
Two big events are ahead for the Fauntleroy Community Association, as discussed at the FCA board’s February meeting. One is open right now for helpers to join in – here’s the announcement, for both volunteers and participants:
The Fauntleroy Community Association is presenting its 2023 Spring Egg Hunt on April 1 from 1:00 to 4:00 at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse. To have it on one day at one location is a new – and better, we think – format.
All are welcome, so bring the kiddies and baskets to collect eggs with treats inside. This is a no-candy event. When finding the eggs, post your photos on social media with a tag #FCAEggHunt. Any plastic eggs that you cannot reuse may be dropped off at the booth out front that day or returned later to the schoolhouse.
We need volunteers to come and have fun at a stuffing party or to hide eggs that day. Call or email Candace Blue, at 209-401-8406 or leeblue2@hotmail.com.
FCA is also preparing for next month’s Food Fest, the annual membership meeting, held at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW), 6-8 pm Tuesday, March 21st. FCA’s David Haggerty told the board that planning is going well – some local eateries have signed up to provide bites for attendees and he’s working on a few more. He’s also lining up community organizations and agencies to be there. If you live and/or work in Fauntleroy, make plans to be there.
This month’s meeting included a few other discussion topics. Operations Lt. Dorothy Kim was there from the Southwest Precinct, to which FCA had expressed concerns about enforcement of the RPZ now that vehicles are no longer getting permits to display, but instead just having plates registered, meaning that unless you’re an officer with a license-plate reader, you can’t tell the difference between authorized and unauthorized vehicles. There’s no real solution for now, as Parking Enforcement Officers currently aren’t on duty overnight, which is when the RPZ’s “permit-required” hours fall.
FCA’s Catherine Bailey, leading the meeting, also noted that the group had yet to hear back from SDOT on followthrough from the December walkaround with director Greg Spotts.
The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets second Tuesdays at 7 pm, with community members welcome to attend, in-person at the schoolhouse or online (info at fauntleroy.net).
Today was scheduled to be the last day for answering the city survey that kicked off work on the South Delridge Action Plan. However, checking its start page reveals it’s been extended through February 28th. We discovered that while preparing to write a preview about community council HPAC’s monthly meeting coming up this Wednesday (February 22), which will include guests discussing the SDAP, described a month ago as intended “to develop a vision for the future of South Delridge, which includes parts of neighborhoods such as Westwood, Roxhill, Highland Park, Delridge, and White Center … (to) help the City support community and focus investments in the coming years.” If you haven’t already answered the survey, go here to find links in 4 languages; attendance info for Wednesday’s 7 pm online HPAC meeting is here.