UPDATE: Gunfire investigation at 35th/Barton 7-11 (SPD summary added Sunday)

(Added: WSB photos unless otherwise credited)

1:28 PM: Police are at 35th and Barton after confirming gunfire at or near the 7-11 – “multiple shell casings.” The shooter is described as a Black man, 20s, 5’7″, slim, blue puffy jacket, armed with a handgun, believed to have left in a red Toyota RAV-4, southbound on 35th SW. Updates to come.

(Reader photo)

1:32 PM: No report of any injuries so far. Police say that so far they’ve recovered ten 9mm casings.

2:12 PM: Just back from the area to see where outside the store the casings were found. North side; adding photos. Also, as a commenter notes, Summit Atlas at 35th/Roxbury is sheltering in place, per a message sent to parents.

2:19 PM: Per a radio exchange, police will be telling the school (and an area preschool that apparently also was sheltering) that it’s OK to lift the shelter-in-place.

ADDED SUNDAY: Police have released their summary:

At 1320 hours, officers responded to the 9200 block of 35 Ave SW to a report of a shooting. Officers arrived and the suspect and any victims had already fled the scene. During their investigation, officers found that a lone gunman entered the parking lot on foot and appeared to target a single vehicle with multiple occupants parked at one of the pumps, firing several shots at it.

28 Replies to "UPDATE: Gunfire investigation at 35th/Barton 7-11 (SPD summary added Sunday)"

  • Jen January 10, 2025 (1:30 pm)

    It was six shots. Three, a pause, then three more. 

  • Aimee Owenz January 10, 2025 (1:30 pm)

    It just happened at the 7-11 and Barton.  We are at our truck and heard the shots. 

  • ST January 10, 2025 (1:32 pm)

    We were at the 7-11 when this happened. Shots fired right behind our vehicle towards the gas pumps. My daughter and I dropped our heads down and prayed that bullets weren’t coming our way. Horrifying. 

    • nsantiago.wa@gmail.com January 10, 2025 (2:06 pm)

      That must have been terrifying! I’m glad you and your daughter are safe!

      • ST January 10, 2025 (2:33 pm)

        Thank you very much. Grateful to hear there are no reports of injuries so far (aside from all of the trauma that is no doubt affecting many of us). 

    • MC January 10, 2025 (2:45 pm)

      We were also at the 7-11 gassing up, my husband yelled to get down and we crouched behind our car. The shooter was in front of our car facing southwest. 

      • ST January 10, 2025 (9:27 pm)

        What an absolute nightmare. I hope you all are doing ok. It was really terrifying. 

  • Kimiko January 10, 2025 (1:35 pm)

    I live nearby and was outside when it happened. Thank you for posting this!

  • Live half a block away January 10, 2025 (1:45 pm)

    I heard 6 distinct shots at 1:20. Texted my husband. Surprised they found ten, possibly some unrelated? It was 3 shots then 2 maybe 3 seconds then 3 more.

  • Danielle January 10, 2025 (1:53 pm)

    Summit Atlas on lock down but kids are safe. I’m in the parking lot.

  • millerab6 January 10, 2025 (2:10 pm)

    Summit middle and high schools currently shelter in place.

  • brody January 10, 2025 (2:17 pm)

    west side is in a shelter in place :(

    • WSB January 10, 2025 (2:21 pm)

      The police are telling the schools it’s OK to lift the shelter-in-place.

  • Wakeflood January 10, 2025 (2:50 pm)

    Gosh, we sure have this “society” thing well sorted, don’t we?

  • Alki resident January 10, 2025 (3:52 pm)

    A great reminder to get dash cam installed in your cars.,

  • Cathy January 10, 2025 (7:46 pm)

    This breaks my heart! My fiance was shot in 2014 and is still alive with health and trauma issues! My cousins also went to Columbine when the school shooting happened! This hits home and so sad our country and city has turned into such violence! For those of you whom were there when the shooting happened my heart is with you! I was with my fiancee when he got shot! It’s horrifying! It’s hard to go outside! I pray for these people pulling out these guns because in the end they are the ones whom will suffer! But the sad thing is the people pulling these guns think they win because now we are afraid to even go outside! That is sad and not fair!

  • Lp January 10, 2025 (8:03 pm)

    So was he aiming at something? Someone?

  • Bob Smart January 10, 2025 (9:50 pm)

    My wife and I were Northbound on 35th, slowing to a stop in the center lane behind 3 cars today 12-10-2025 at apx 1:20 pm. , for the light at SW Barton St. , as I braked I heard 2 to 3 loud bangs, we both looked for what we thought was a “Tuner Type car with loud exhaust.” At that moment I observed a young dark complected  male with dark puffy hair wearing a dark coat who appeared to be pointing in our direction, when suddenly 2 more ( which we now knew were gunshots) rounds discharged towards a dark silver car pointing north in the inside of the gas pumps closest to the sidewalk. As he? Fired the last shot he turned and sprinted East on Barton St.out of sight, at that moment the dark silver car turned and drove South on 35th in the inside northbound lane, and cut in-front of Northbound traffic continuing south. At that time we observed a man dressed in dark clothing with a white shirt, wearing a black mask at the Northwest corner of the building standing there, who had to have a much better view. I would estimate we were 100’ away. When the light changed we proceeded on 35th. Note: There must have been something hit by all the bullets.  Thank God it wasn’t any people. 

    • Rachel January 10, 2025 (11:37 pm)

      So much detail. Did you file a police report? It can be done by phone. Details help them connect other dots.

    • Rhonda January 11, 2025 (12:44 am)

      Bob, please file a report with SPD (if you haven’t already done so). Just copy and paste your post on here as it’s an excellent synopsis.

  • Seattlite January 10, 2025 (10:39 pm)

    What happened to SPD’s gang unit?

    • WSB January 10, 2025 (11:16 pm)

      What was the Gang Unit is currently the Gun Violence Reduction Unit, and it’s notified of all these incidents, in some cases sending detectives (they responded to the 7-11 shooting this afternoon, for example).

  • Alyssa January 10, 2025 (10:39 pm)

    I was at work getting ready for my after school students when I saw a bunch of middle and high schoolers in the community center and was really confused, but then they told us that there was a shooting while they were at their gym class, so they ended up walking all the way down there. So scary

  • 1994 January 10, 2025 (11:01 pm)

    The constant firing of guns is becoming normalized as an every day thing…..the idiots need to be caught and put away for a while. Why, why, why do they keeping shooting their guns? 

  • KK January 11, 2025 (8:35 am)

    I live very close to where the shooting took place. Relieved to learn no one was hurt but sorry for the trauma suffered by those who found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. A sad sign of the times that the first thing I needed to do when I got home from work was to look for bullet holes in my walls! Thankfully, I didn’t find any.

  • Flaunt-Leroy January 11, 2025 (12:46 pm)

    Not super important, but since it came up, it was 10 shots, I an audio recording from 36th and Barton that caught it.Purley mentioned just as a data point, Police response was 3 min.

  • Mike Flynn January 11, 2025 (9:00 pm)

    Has there been further news about this? Reason for the gunfire, status of apprehension of the shooter?

  • WSB January 12, 2025 (8:49 pm)

    Tonight (Sunday) police have released a summary with a bit about what they believe happened.

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