day : 27/01/2025 12 results

Before ‘Billion-Dollar Bake Sale,’ a lesson about school funding and fighting for it

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

This Thursday, education advocates of all ages – students, parents, grandparents, other community advocates – will bring the “Billion-Dollar Bake Sale” to Olympia, hoping to convince legislators to increase funding for public schools, to save them from budget-slashing.

Last Thursday, a prelude to that journey brought dozens of community members to the West Seattle High School Theater for a lesson in “Understanding Our School Funding Crisis and Doing Something About It.”

PTSA presidents Holly Rikhof of WSHS and Michelle Riggen-Ransom of Chief Sealth International HS introduced the event; their organizations co-presented it. PTSAs are keenly aware of what it takes to fund schools, Riggen-Ransom observed; their organizations and counterparts raise $4 million for Seattle Public Schools every year for needs that the basic funding doesn’t cover.

Here’s what that goes for – Riggen-Ransom said they even had a request last year to fund a wheelchair. “We’re doing a lot more with a lot less.”:

Rikhof said that aside from that fundraising, “advocacy is the mission of the PTSA. … We’re fighting for kids. It’s our job.” And if you don’t have a PTSA, “you lose your voice.” Together, the organizations comprise a “collective voice.” They then made way for the voices of their guest speakers.

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UPDATE: Water break in Arbor Heights (more info added Tuesday)

8:39 PM: Thanks for the tip and photo! A reader reports a water break on 35th SW just north of SW 108th has left “all of 35th covered in water down the hill.” A Seattle Public Utilities crew has arrived, they report (though the break is not yet on the SPU water-trouble map). Reminder that breaks may stir up sediment (rust) in nearby lines, so if you’re in the area you might notice “brown water” – call SPU at 206-386-1800 if you do, to be sure they’re aware that’s happened.

8:54 PM: Update from our tipster: “Looks like they may have isolated it, and turned off the water for that location. SPU has left. Though 35th is covered in water from 108th to around 112th. Could get icy overnight.”

12:56 PM TUESDAY: We followed up with SPU spokesperson Brad Wong, who tells WSB, “The SPU crew determined it was a small water main break and made repairs. What caused the main to break remains unknown.”

UPDATE: Missing teen found

12:51 AM: The missing teen’s family reports she’s been found, and reports they are “indescribably grateful for the community’s help.”


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UPDATED LIST: Seattle Public Schools open houses/tours yet to come in West Seattle/South Park

Thanks for all the updates since we first published a list last week, after learning that Seattle Public Schools does not have a central page on its website this year for a comprehensive list of school tours/open houses. Throughout school-enrollment season, we’ve listed open houses and tours – for all types of schools – in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, but some happen in the morning, before our daily front-page event-reminder list, so here’s an updated list of what’s yet to come (minus the previously listed events that have already happened):

*Lafayette Elementary tour/open house tomorrow (Tuesday, January 28)
*West Seattle Elementary has three open houses coming up, starting tomorrow (Tuesday, January 28)
*West Seattle High School‘s open house for incoming students is set for this Thursday, January 30
*Denny International Middle School also has a open house this Thursday, 5 pm January 30
*Fairmount Park Elementary has tours on January 30 and February 25
*Sanislo Elementary has tours January 30 and February 4
*Concord International Elementary in South Park has an open house on February 6
*Roxhill Elementary has a tour February 6
*Madison Middle School‘s open house for incoming 6th graders is on February 6
*Louisa Boren STEM K-8 has eight events ahead on February 6, 11, and 13, all listed on this RSVP form
*Gatewood Elementary has morning and evening tours on February 12


*SPS says “many” (not all) schools will be represented at its Admissions Fair at district HQ on February 1

ANY OTHER EVENTS? If your school has an open house/tour event coming up but you haven’t sent us info for our calendar, it’s not too late – – thank you!

New group West Seattle Urbanism launches campaign to ‘Save the Neighborhood Centers’ in rezoning plan

As we’ve reported previously, the rezoning plan that’s gone to the City Council as part of the comprehensive plan (aka One Seattle Plan) review includes a new designation for parts of the city, Neighborhood Centers. Some community groups have voiced opposition to them; a new group called West Seattle Urbanism has launched a petition drive to urge the council to support them. Here’s the announcement we received from Scott Berkley:

West Seattle Urbanism is circulating a petition in support of the proposed neighborhood centers in West Seattle that are part of the One Seattle comp plan. We already have 200 signatures and we’d love to double that! West Seattle has long been known as a neighborhood for raising families, but the rising unaffordability of housing threatens that. By allowing the continued natural growth of small neighborhood centers like High Point and Alki, we can allow more affordable housing options, as well as create walkable neighborhoods that support small local businesses. We encourage anyone who wants to see a thriving West Seattle for decades to come to sign the petition and join our call for continued thoughtful growth and opportunity!

West Seattle Urbanism is a newly formed group that cares about the affordability, walkability, bikeability, transit-access, and overall livability of West Seattle and our greater region. We meet on Wednesday nights.

The group’s next meeting is at 6 pm this Wednesday (January 29) at Great American Diner and Bar (4752 California SW). Meantime, the City Council’s next Comp Plan review meeting is Wednesday (here’s the agenda) and it’s holding a public hearing on February 5 (here’s that agenda, which explains how to participate).

BECU’s White Center expansion: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!

Today we’re welcoming a new sponsor, BECU, getting ready to open another Neighborhood Financial Center in this area, this time in White Center. New WSB sponsors have the opportunity to tell you about themselves – so here’s BECU’s message for you:

Hey, West Seattle, a new BECU Neighborhood Financial Center (or NFC) is opening soon near you! We’re proud to find a new home, right in the heart of White Center — on the corner of Southwest 107th and 16th Avenue Southwest — that will make financial services more accessible for over 16,600 residents in neighborhoods like Highland Park, Delridge, White Center, and Top Hat.

As Washington’s largest not-for-profit, community-driven credit union, BECU is committed to bringing better financial access and wellbeing to South King County. At our White Center NFC, you’ll find BECU member consultants who can provide personal guidance to help our members navigate their unique financial situation. The center will offer a full range of services; including personalized, account management, mortgages, support for small businesses, and ATMs. Members will also have access to digital tools like Video Banking, online savings tools, and free Financial Health Checks, where our team will review your finances with you one-on-one. In addition, the new NFC will provide a space for financial health classes, community events, and other educational programming. Our goal is for the NFC to become a valuable community resource that promotes financial empowerment through both in- person support and virtual solutions that meet our members’ ever-evolving needs.

In keeping with BECU’s mission as a not-for-profit cooperative, this new NFC also reflects our dedication to community support and philanthropy. BECU is proud to support the local White Center Food Bank. We previously awarded funds to the White Center Food Bank as part of our annual People Helping People Awards program, enabling initiatives like the BIPOC Food Distribution Project with the Silent Task Force. BECU has also extended support to other local organizations, including Freedom Church, Highline College Foundation, and the Renton Regional Community Foundation — all of which have an ongoing history of positive impact on White Center residents.

Through these efforts, BECU seeks to strengthen the social and financial fabric of your community, underscoring our commitment to creating lasting, meaningful change for our members. Visit us at to become a member today. We can’t wait to serve you in person soon.

Federally insured by NCUA.

We thank BECU‘s new White Center NFC for supporting community-collaborative local news by sponsoring WSB. Interested in sponsorship? Please call us at 206-293-6302.

UPDATE: Bagged powder found in West Seattle Junction ballot drop box; ballots not affected; here’s what it was

(Added: WSB photo, drop box this afternoon)

ORIGINAL MONDAY REPORT: Thanks for the tip. SFD and SPD were at the West Seattle Junction ballot drop box for a while before 9 o’clock this morning; we asked King County Elections what happened, and here’s the summary from spokesperson Halei Watkins:

This morning was the first of the drop box pickups for this February Special Election and one of our driver teams found a small bag of white powder in the drop box at Alaska Junction in West Seattle. It was spotted when they removed the large blue collection bin, as it was lying on the floor under the slot opening. The driver team didn’t touch it and immediately called their supervisor and law enforcement was alerted. Both police and fire went right out to collect it and speak with our drivers. Our understanding is that the next step is testing and we hope to learn more about what it was exactly.

Our driver team stayed with the box until law enforcement was completely done with documenting what they needed, and then our team relocked and sealed it so it’s ready for voters once again. The bag with the powder was separate from the ballots so those were transported back to Elections HQ (after given the all-clear from law enforcement) for processing.

Again, the ballots in the box were unharmed, and the ballot box remains in service. (Same box had a contamination incident back in 2020.)

TUESDAY UPDATE: Watkins tells WSB, “The white powder in question was determined by law enforcement to likely be crushed-up Tylenol. We’re so glad that it wasn’t anything harmful or dangerous and, as always, really glad that our team said something when they saw something.”

Former Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Mark Solomon appointed to Seattle City Council

After five rounds of voting, the Seattle City Council has just appointed Mark Solomon to fill the District 2 seat from which Tammy Morales recently resigned. You might recall Solomon from his years as Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator, a civilian role he has continued to fill for the South Precinct. He’s sought council positions before, both in elections (losing to Morales in 2019) and in application/nomination processes like this one (such as the citywide Position 8 process a year ago), but this will be his first time serving. Solomon was the choice of District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka throughout this morning’s voting and was the top votegetter throughout, but stuck at four of eight votes until the last round. He will have the job until someone is elected in November to fill the remaining two years of Morales’s term.

WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Delridge Home Depot’s anniversary party

(WSB photo by Aspen Anderson)

On Sunday, we noted that The Home Depot in Delridge planned a 20th-anniversary celebration today, but didn’t have details of what you’d find if you stopped by. So we went over this morning and discovered you’re invited to enjoy free hot dogs and cupcakes. The party’s on until 2 pm at 7345 Delridge Way SW.

Story time, trivia, support, more on the list for your West Seattle Monday

(Alki swimmer, photographed on Sunday by James Bratsanos)

Time to swim into a new week! Here are your options for the hours ahead, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENT: At a special meeting under way right now, councilmembers are scheduled to appoint one of six finalists as a councilmember to fill the District 2 seat vacated when Tammy Morales resigned.

BABY STORY TIME: Songs, stories, learning activities for ages 0-2 at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), noon-12:30 pm.

HOMEWORK HELP: Drop-in time for students to work with volunteer homework helpers at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond), 4-5:45 pm.

GET CRAFTY: 6-10 pm, Monday is “Crafting and Creativity Night” at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW), info here.

D&D: Weekly D&D at 6:30 pm at Meeples Games (3727 California SW). All welcome, first-time players included!

LISTENING TO GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: 6:30 pm with Tamara Kubacki, meeting at Mama Be Well Healing Studio (4034 California SW). “Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing.” – you can attend once or multiple times. Fee. Preregistration requested – our calendar listing explains how.

MONDAY NIGHT TRIVIA! Four places to play tonight! Music trivia at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), 6:30 and 7:30 pm sessions … 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander); 7 and 8 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge (4505 39th SW); 7:30 pm with QuizFix at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)

MEDITATION IN FAUNTLEROY: Monday night meditating – free weekly Zen sitting/meditation in the chapel at Fauntleroy UCC (9140 California SW), 7 pm-8:30 pm.

MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: The Alley has music Monday nights, with The Westside Trio, 8 pm at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW), 21+, no cover.

MONDAY KARAOKE 9 pm, it’s Monday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW).

Thanks to everyone who contributes listings to our calendar – if you have something to add, please send the info to – thank you!

LAST CALL: Warm clothing and food drive at Dave Newman State Farm Insurance Agency wraps up this week

This just might be the longest-running holiday-season collection drive in West Seattle – Dave Newman State Farm Insurance Agency (3435 California SW; longtime WSB sponsor) has been cpllecting coats and other warm clothing, plus nonperishable food, for the West Seattle Food Bank. The bins at the office remain open for dropoffs through the end of this week (Friday, January 31). Office hours are 9 am-5 pm every weekday except Tuesday, when it’s 9 am-2 pm. One reminder for donations: “For undergarments and socks, please donate only new and unopened packages of clothing items.”


6:01 AM: Good morning – it’s Monday, January 27, 2025.


*The low bridge reopened Saturday night after a daylong repair closure.

*The Delridge pedestrian bridge (“live” image above) is scheduled to close 8 am today through 5 pm Wednesday for some loose ends from the recent seismic-strengthening project.


Sunny days and clear nights forecast through Wednesday, highs in the mid-40s, lows around freezing. Today’s sunrise/sunset – 7:41 am and 5:03 pm.


Metro busesRegular schedule.

Water Taxi Also on a regular schedule today.

Washington State Ferries – Regular service on the Triangle Route, with M/V Salish as the “bonus boat.”


High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:

Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:

Low Bridge – Looking west:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here (including links to live video for most); for a quick scan of West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras, see this WSB page.

See trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/water? Please text or call our hotline (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!