Crime 6728 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police investigating two Delridge armed robberies

8:52 PM: Police are investigating two armed robberies reported in Delridge minutes apart in the past half-hour – whether they’re related is not yet clear. Here’s the early information via police radio – the first one was a street robbery near Delridge/Findlay; the robber is described as Black, male, late teens, braces, black beanie, Nike jacket, dark shoes. The second one was reported to have happened at the Delridge/Andover Subway shop, with two robbers, described as Black, male, 20s, 6′, thin, both in black masks, one with a black hoodie, one in a red hoodie. A K-9 team is joining at least one of the searches, so people in the area will be hearing some “siren trips” (a required warning). If you have any information, call 911. (The robbery near Delridge/Findlay is SPD incident 24-263019, the one near Delridge/Andover is 24-263022.)

10:14 PM: No luck in the searches here but South Precinct police are now investigating a robbery in which the robbers match the description of the two in the Subway holdup here. They might be associated with a vehicle described as a white RAV-4.

ADDED MONDAY AFTERNOON: Police summaries reveal a few more details:
-The street robbery victim reported being held up at gunpoint after they got off a Metro bus in the 5400 block of Delridge. They said they were rushed by the robber, who pointed a gun at the and demanded their earbuds.

-Four minutes later, the robbery at Subway was reported. Police say the robbers pointed a gun at an employee and demanded money from the till; they also got away with the employee’s wallet containing cash, cards, and ID.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen red F-350 pickup

Matt is hoping someone will see his stolen pickup:

Stolen from the 26th & Hudson area, just off Delridge Way. Stolen overnight, found it missing this morning & reported it to police.

The truck was parked directly in front of our house, with clear line of visibility from the main living room window, and we slept with the windows open. Neither we nor the neighbors heard a peep.

This truck has immense sentimental value to me, as it was previously my father’s, and I’d hoped to own it for many years to come.

2001 F-350 XLT (four-door, diesel, full bed, aftermarket dual hoodscoop hood), dark red. Plate D13678D. I only have 7 days before the insurance will write it off and I have no chance of getting it back. Hopefully someone sees it soon and I can get it back, fix it, and get back on the road.

Call 911 if you see it.


This was unfolding just as the Delridge incident (unrelated) was winding down, so we’ve gone back into the emergency-radio archives to catch up. 911 got multiple reports of suspected gunfire along SW Brandon between 26th and 30th just before 8:30 pm. Officers told dispatch they four 9mm casings. No reports of injuries.

UPDATE:2 injured, 1 in custody in Westwood-area stabbing incident

6:07 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “scenes of violence” response to the Westwood area for a report that a woman has been stabbed. SFD is staging near 30th/Trenton but police are also responding to a scene on Cloverdale, and have a possible suspect detained.

6:12 PM: We don’t yet know exactly where it happened; circumstances sound relatively chaotic. Police are also checking on a report of a fight near the 26th/Trenton RV encampment.

(Added: WSB photos)

6:23 PM: Our crew reports a woman being treated on Trenton and is headed over to the 24th/Cloverdale scene where a man is reported to have a stab wound to the knee. No life-threatening wounds reported; the weapon is described as scissors. The circumstances now are being referred to as “domestic violence.”

6:33 PM: That’s also what a police sergeant tells us at the scene, adding that the man in custody, suspected of attacking the injured woman, is the man with a leg wound.

ADDED: SFD said both were in stable condition when taken to Harborview; the man is 26, the woman 24.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Wrong-way DUI driver who killed two 18-year-olds on West Seattle Bridge pleads guilty

(SDOT camera image from shortly after crash)

A year and a half after two 18-year-olds died when a wrong-way, high-speed DUI driver hit them on the West Seattle Bridge, their killer is awaiting sentencing. After a reader question today, we checked on the status of 37-year-old Delfino Lopez-Morales, charged with two counts of vehicular homicide and one count of reckless driving two and a half months after the crash, and discovered he pleaded guilty to all charges last month. He is scheduled to be sentenced in November for killing Khalea Thoeuk and Riley Danard, both from Snohomish County and on their way to Alki shortly after 12 am March 22, 2023, to celebrate Riley’s birthday, when Lopez-Morales hit them head-on going 100 mph. Three hours after the crash, he tested at a blood-alcohol level of .14, nearly twice the legal limit, and was shown to have recently consumed THC as well. He was in the hospital for weeks after the crash, and charges were filed before he was moved to jail. Case documents from his plea agreement say the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office will recommend 11 years, 4 months in prison – the top of the standard sentencing range for vehicular homicide – followed by one year in jail for the reckless-driving count, plus 18 months probation. Documents say Lopez-Morales, who had been living with his disabled father in the Westwood area, was not licensed to drive; his record only shows a citation for driving without insurance in 2016; the pickup truck in which he hit the victims was borrowed from a friend. King County Superior Court Judge Angela Kaake will sentence him at 1 pm November 1.


Police are investigating an armed robbery that happened at the 35th/Barton 7-11 store around midnight. The clerk reported being held up at gunpoint by a man described as white, wearing a black or blue mask, black coat, and blue pants. He was reported to stolen the store’s “cash box” before leaving on foot, headed southbound on 35th. The clerk was not reported injured. The robber also apparently took the clerk’s cell phone, which was just found nearby. If you have any information, the SPD incident # is 24-256968.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Three arrested on SW Trenton

Last Thursday, in a comment on an update about city plans to clear the SW Trenton RV encampment, a commenter mentioned police arresting someone that morning. We now have some information about that – first, this short SPD summary:

At 0526 hours [September 5], officers from the SW Precinct observed multiple subjects in the 2600 block of Southwest Trenton Street passing around and utilizing narcotics. Police came up with a plan to detain the individuals and established probable cause for two individuals utilizing and possessing narcotics. The two subjects were arrested with LEAD diversions. A third suspect was arrested for a felony warrant.

We followed up with SPD after seeing the summary. Because two of the people opted into LEAD, we don’t have any information about them. The one who was booked into jail on a previous warrant has quite a saga. 29-year-old Delijahjan M. Hunt has had that warrant out for his arrest for almost two years, relating to a second-degree burglary charge from a West Seattle break-in in January 2020. The case has a very long trail of documents; we just downloaded and read a dozen of them. He was arrested shortly after the burglary, which happened at the Junction Flats apartment building‘s parking garage. Hunt is alleged to have been one of three men who went into the garage and stole a bicycle; police say he was found with the stolen bicycle south of The Junction a short time later. He was rush-charged two days later by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Jail records don’t go back further than a year, so we don’t know when he was released, but he didn’t show up for arraignment two weeks later, and a $5,000 arrest warrant was issued. At some point he was arrested again; in March 2020, he was released on personal recognizance. In July 2020, he didn’t show up for a hearing, but no warrant was issued because of the pandemic – a common practice at the time, we recall from various other cases we covered.

In December 2021, a $10,000 warrant was issued for Hunt’s arrest. By January 2022, he was back in custody, then released when the Northwest Community Bail Fund posted his cash bail. That was forfeited in May, after he failed to show up for an April hearing. Then a $15,000 warrant was issued. He was back in jail by September 2022, when records show Seaview Insurance posting bond via a bail-bonds company. After he failed to show up for yet another hearing, a warrant was issued in October 2022, and the documents trail shows that was the one on which he was arrested last week on SW Trenton. He’s still in jail in lieu of the $15,075 bail for which that warrant was issued; we’ll be checking to see what happens next.

WEEK AHEAD: Talk with police at Southwest Precinct on Wednesday

Another major event this week – the first community meeting with police at the Southwest Precinct since March (here’s our coverage of that one). Officers from the precinct have attended neighborhood-group meetings during that time, but Wednesday (September 11) will bring the first meeting to be held under the Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council banner since March. The “council” is really just whoever shows up, rather than an official organization (which it used to be, years ago). The meeting is being organized by the precinct’s Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Satterwhite. She says they’ll be held quarterly. This time, the guest speakers are District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka and Southwest Precinct leadership (the precinct has changed commanders since last meeting, now led by Capt. Krista Bair). All are welcome; start time is 6:30 pm Wednesday in the community room, which is right off the parking lot on the south side of the building at 2300 SW Webster.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Puget Ridge gunfire investigation

Again tonight, police are investigating gunfire in West Seattle. This time, on Puget Ridge. In the past half-hour, 911 calls came in from people who thought they heard gunfire in the 18th/Myrtle vicinity [vicinity map]. A caller in the 2100 block of SW Myrtle reported having security video showing a “newer blue Chevrolet” from which the gunshots might have been fired. And officers have since confirmed to dispatch that they found three casings. No report of injuries.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Alki gunfire investigation – ‘two groups … shooting at each other’

12:08 AM: Police are on Alki investigating multiple reports from people calling 911 to say they heard gunfire just before midnight. One caller reported casings at 54th/Alki, and police are confirming “quite a few,” with a scene stretching “at least two or three blocks.” There’s also a report of bullet damage in a residence in the 2300 block of Alki. Some callers reported vehicles involved, but the descriptions diverge. So far no reports of injuries.

12:17 AM: Officers told dispatch they’re closing Alki Avenue at the scene while they mark and then gather casings. Dispatch has also just told them a second residence has apparent bullet damage, in the 2300 block of Hobart. … Meantime, police are detaining a possibly involved vehicle on Harbor Avenue.

12:37 AM: Officers are also reporting at least two parked vehicles with bullet damage.

1:12 AM: They’re now “breaking down the scene.” They’ve had word out to area hospitals but no one’s shown up with gunshot wounds. As for the detained vehicle, we haven’t heard how that turned out, but we’ll be following up. If you have any video or other evidence that might help police, here’s the incident number to refer to when you call 911: 24-253760.

ADDED SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Here’s the summary SPD provided on request:

On Friday at 11:53 p.m., 911 Dispatch (CARE) received multiple reports of gunfire and two groups of suspects shooting at each other at 54th Place Southwest and Alki Avenue Southwest. Witness stated two groups were involved in an altercation and started shooting at each other. One group of suspects left on foot, and they got inside a white SUV and fled the scene. A Black SUV was stopped, and the occupants were briefly detained but no PC [probable cause] was established, and they were released. Two apartments and two vehicles were damaged during the gunfire. A large number of shell casing was recovered from the scene. The local hospitals checked clear for recent gunshot victims. No suspects were identified.

The “black SUV” is the vehicle to which we referred in the 12:17 am note above, found in the 1900 block of Harbor.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: New charges filed against Jason Turner after Westwood arrest

We reported earlier this week on the arrest of 40-year-old Jason Turner, who we previously mentioned after repeat mail-theft arrests three years ago. Until next February, he is in “community custody” – probation – as part of the sentence for five counts of mail theft related to those 2021 cases. Then this past Monday, he was arrested for investigation of burglary and indecent exposure for allegedly exposing himself in a Westwood-area home’s yard and at two Westwood Village stores. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed one county of second-degree burglary, with sexual motivation, for the yard incident, and two counts of indecent exposure for the store incidents. The latter crime is a misdemeanor unless children 14 and under are among the victims, and the charging document alleges that they were, in at least one store. The charging documents say that in addition to the “possession of stolen mail” convictions from last year, Turner has a record including petty theft, trespassing, vandalism, and obstruction, with some of those convictions listed as having happened in California. He remains in jail, bail set at $50,000.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: South Delridge gunfire investigation

Police responding to reports of suspected gunfire in South Delridge have found confirmation. Officers just told dispatch they’ve found casings at 17th/Barton. No reports of injuries so far. No witnesses, either (and thus, no descriptions).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Repeat mail thief back in jail; 2 weekend incidents

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

REPEAT MAIL THIEF BACK IN JAIL: We’ve reported before on 40-year-old Jason A. Turner, mostly in connection with Delridge-area mail theft, most recently in 2021. Tonight he is in jail again after a series of incidents in Westwood, at the end of which police say he was found in possession of “a large (amount) of mail.” He is not yet charged but we are identifying him because he is still in Department of Corrections “community custody” as the result of a sentence in previous mail-theft convictions.

The Westwood incidents started with a woman calling to report that a man had broken into her fenced yard and knocked on her window while he stood outside her house, exposing and touching his genitals. Before police caught up with him, he was reported to have engaged in the same behavior a few blocks away, in two Westwood Village stores, Spirit Halloween and Marshall’s. Officers found Turner in the center parking lot. In addition to the mail found on him, they also found “a photocopy of a passport and a Social Security card.” That was basis to book him for investigation of identity theft, as well as – for the first incident – investigation of burglary with sexual motivation. King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office spokesperson Casey McNerthney says they asked for $100,000 bail and the judge set the amount at $50,000. Meantime, a DOC spokesperson tells us that Turner has been serving “a 12-month term in Community Custody on five counts of Possession of Stolen Mail. His supervisory period is scheduled to end on 2/28/2025.” (Since he’s in the state system, that’s why we have access to a mugshot.) Court records indicated that followed a three-month jail sentence. We’ll find out tomorrow if he’s charged in this new case and what happens next. Conditions of his community custody – Washington’s version of probation – include “not to possess others’ mail or financial information.”

Also in Crime Watch tonight – two robberies disclosed in summaries from the holiday weekend, released by SPD today:

MONDAY MARIJUANA ROBBERY: Police say this happened at a marijuana business in the 6900 block of West Marginal Way SW at 5:30 pm. Three people held up an employee at gunpoint and threatened to kill him if he didn’t let them inside, the summary says, adding that the employee’s wife – “who works inside, allowed the suspects in to save her husband’s life.” They left with “bins of marijuana, approximate value of $15,000,” in a vehicle, no description of it or them in the summary.

FRIDAY HOME-INVASION ATTEMPT: This summary says that just after 4 am in the 5400 block of 17th SW, would-be home invaders tried to pry open and kick down a door; they were gone before police arrived. Officers say “it was discovered that an unreported home invasion occurred here the week prior. … During that incident, victim found suspects inside home with younger sibling, holding them at gunpoint. They demanded jewelry known to be owned by the victim. They left with the victim’s purse and containing a large amount of cash.” No description info in this summary either.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: North Admiral car-theft-attempt followup; car prowled

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes so far today:

CAR-THEFT ATTEMPT FOLLOWUP: Late Friday night, we reported on a North Admiral incident in which a man fired his gun three times “in defense” after a reported car-theft attempt. No injuries or damage reported. One person was detained – a juvenile who was initially suspected of being one of the theft-attempt suspects. He was booked into the county juvenile detention center early Saturday. Juvenile cases move quickly, even over holiday weekends, so today we asked the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office what had happened in this one so far. KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney tells WSB, “The case has not been sent to us by police, and the respondent was released from detention because there was not probable cause for the arrest of this specific respondent. The investigation with police may still be ongoing, and prosecutors will review a case immediately if police send one to us.”

Also in Crime Watch, one reader report:

CAR PROWLED: From Kelly in Gatewood:

We got our car rifled through (Sunday) night in Gatewood near 39th and Southern. My fault – I think I left the car unlocked. I hardly ever do that. They opened everything and left it all out on the seats and went through the trunk. I’m not sure that they took anything. I don’t have anything valuable in there but I also can’t really remember.


Sent by Meg:

Sad to report that my 2001 Yukon XL was stolen from in front of our house in the 10200 block of Marine View Drive SW at 2 am this morning.

The sound of the engine starting (it’s a 3/4 ton) woke me, and I went to the kitchen window to lock my other car, which I think I’d left unlocked. Didn’t notice the Yukon was missing.

If anyone sees a pewter-colored 2001 Yukon XL with body damage on the back seat passenger side door and running board, plate 924YBP, please call 911. Police report filed, 24-248543.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue e-bike, spotted atop car

Sent by F:

Last night our Radwagon 5 metallic blue e-bike was stolen. The bike was locked up underneath our carport but the thieves clearly had tools to deal with the lock.

I encountered the thieves this AM on 42nd and Lander parked next to Hiawatha; my bike was strapped to the top of their car. I called 911 but they recognized my car and sped off through the neighborhood.


-Blue Honda CR-V, late model, with a mismatched panel. License plate BPV7859. Two males in late forties, one Hispanic and one most likely white. Both had a dirty/vagrant look to them. One was wearing a reflective work hoodie.

Police report: 24-247426

If you see these men driving through your neighborhood they are scoping out targets. Call 911.

For the record, we checked an online database and that plate checks to a Honda Fit, so it may not be what belongs with the vehicle F saw their e-bike on.

READER REPORTS: Car trouble x 3; stolen mail found

Out of the WSB inboxes this afternoon:

CAR BREAK-INS: William sent the photo, noting two car break-ins on Belvidere Avenue in southeast Admiral.

ABANDONED CAR? Bill sent that photo, reporting, “Looks abandoned and ransacked. On the sidewalk/Duwamish Bike Trail north side of Highland east of the intersection with W Marginal.” He’s reported it but wanted to post here too in case this car’s owner is looking for it.

DAMAGED CAR: From a texter:

It looks like there may have been a gray car hit outside of the Rite Aid on California and it’s up on the sidewalk. Just saw it a few minutes ago when I drove by. Not sure if it was an active incident or a parked car was hit and just hadn’t been cleared, but there was debris around it. I didn’t see any police or response vehicles there when I drove by.

We checked the SFD and SPD logs; nothing in that area in the past couple days.

STOLEN MAIL FOUND: This just came in from “a neighbor on Alaska”:

We had a package stolen this week which was recovered by a very kind neighbor who found it in a ditch and delivered it to us. When I went to take out the trash I noticed a bag inside. I pulled it out and inside there was stolen mail, trash, and evidence of other stolen packages. Most of the mail was from Edmonds but I wanted to alert anyone who may be missing items like a book, small zipper bag, and bandana. These may have been stolen from a car. I have called the police and will be turning in the items to them and the mail to the post office.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: North Admiral investigation; shots fired ‘in defense’ (updated early Sunday)

11:54 PM: We only have a fraction of the story on this so far, but several people have asked, so we’re reporting what we’ve heard at this point: Police were called to North Admiral shortly after 11 pm for what the dispatcher initially said sounded like an attempted carjacking. Two areas about two blocks apart have been mentioned – the 1900 block of 44th SW and the 4300 block of SW Holgate. One juvenile suspect was being detained at the scene; someone else was reported to have gotten away in a black Honda, last seen headed west on Holgate. Somewhere in all this, there was gunfire. No one was treated at the scene, but police asked dispatchers to alert local hospitals in case anyone showed up with a gunshot wound. The juvenile suspect is in custody. That’s all we know so far.

2:06 AM: Going into the audio archives from early in this incident – the shots were reported fired by someone “in defense of” the victims, fired as the vehicle left the scene “with seven or eight suspects” inside. That person was still at the scene talking with police (after setting down his gun at their request).

ADDED 1:14 AM SUNDAY: Just received the police summary:

The incident occurred at (11:05 pm Friday) in the 4300 BLK of SW Holgate St. The owner of a vehicle came outside her house and saw four to five suspects inside her vehicle. The suspects were attempting to steal the vehicle. She notified her uncle and friend about the incident. The suspects exited the vehicle, but one of them left his cell phone inside the victim’s vehicle. The uncle grabbed the cell phone from inside the car and threw it on the ground. One of the suspects charged the uncle and he was afraid of being assaulted. The friend of the family fired a warning shot and two more shots at the suspects’ vehicle. The suspects fled the scene. The suspects left one juvenile behind who was arrested and booked at [the juvenile detention center] for attempted/auto theft. The firearm was recovered and submitted to evidence. … The male who shot at the suspects was investigated & released at the scene.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ‘Prolific offender’ in jail after Monday foot pursuit

(Reader photo, Monday)

Back on Monday, that large police response drew attention in the 4700 block of 46th SW. Emergency radio indicated that, after officers chased him on foot, a man was taken into custody on suspicion of violating an anti-harassment order. We’ve been researching the case since then – it’s going through Seattle Municipal Court, and that system has a lag for document availability. But now we’ve confirmed that the suspect, 31-year-old Casey Carlstedt, is charged, and the file includes the police report detailing what officers say happened that morning:

Officers responded to a reported order violation at the Safeway supermarket located at 4754 42 Av SW. A staff member called 911 because a known suspect (Carlstedt) was in the store, and she believed that an order was in place that prevented him from being there.

(He) is a known prolific offender in the William Sector area – specifically in the Admiral and Alaska Junction areas. Carlstedt is familiar to most patrol officers in the precinct as well as many business owners and staff. (He) is also on the (City Attorney’s Office) High Utilizer list.

As (an officer) arrived in the area, she saw A/Carlstedt near the intersection of 42 Av SW / SW Alaska St. (She) stopped her patrol car and told Carlstedt to “STOP.” Carlstedt fled on foot and led officers on a foot chase over several blocks and across multiple busy roadways. Carlstedt fled through residential yards to escape (the officer). He ignored repeated commands to “STOP” and was told more than once that he was under arrest. Carlstedt yelled that he was not violating an NCO while fleeing from police. … Carlstedt was eventually detained on the 4700 block of 46 Av SW.

Checking the system, officers say, they found an anti-harassment order prohibiting Carlstedt from being within one mile of a particular person’s home, and they say he “was seen well within 1 Mile of that address.” He was arrested and booked into jail. The City Attorney’s Office has since charged him with violation of a court order and obstructing a public officer (gross misdemeanors), and he has pleaded not guilty. A document from Wednesday indicates that Municipal Court Judge Willie Gregory set bail at $7,500, though on the jail docket, it’s listed as twice that, possibly because he is listed as having another order-violation case pending. (We’re looking into that.)

BACKSTORY: Our previous mentions of Carlstedt include a 2021 case in which he was accused of using “bear mace” on a man who confronted him during an alleged car-prowl attempt, a 2020 case that was a lot like the current one, and multiple 2017 cases.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen pink pickup truck

Sent by Kathy:

My 1995 pink Chevy S-10 pickup truck with a matching pink canopy was stolen (today) between 12:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. on 8/29. It was parked on SW Myrtle St in West Seattle, right outside of The Kenney. WA plate #B18447T. I’ve filed a police report (# 24-244276) and the police checked to see if it had been impounded (it wasn’t).

The Kenney had video footage and around 3:40 a.m. it looks like a small, dark colored (possibly black), older pickup truck pulled into their delivery area. The truck has a vertical, light colored stripe on the back driver’s side quarter panel. Two men got out of the truck and stole some things from The Kenney. Possibly a tire and it looks like they had a bike in the back of their truck along with a large gas can. The employee reviewing the video at The Kenney believes that when they pulled out, my truck was behind them and they turned south heading down Fauntleroy. It appears that these are the men who stole my truck.

The black and white picture of their truck isn’t very clear, but you can see the stripe on the back. It’s smaller than my truck and does not appear to have an extended cab.

I’m sentimental about my truck. I purchased it brand new in 1995 and it only has 109k miles on it. Please be on the lookout. I’d like to have my truck back in one piece. Any info as to where my truck is would be greatly appreciated.

Call 911 if you find it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue Accord, with decorations you’d notice

Sent by Colin:

My girlfriend’s light blue 1996 Honda Accord with bee and flower magnets was stolen from SW Portland St and Highland Park Way SW between the hours of 8 pm 8/27 and 7 am 8/28. WA plate is BSF 3634. She’s filed a police report, #24-242931. If the magnets have been removed, you can still see their shapes due to the sun bleaching of the paint.

Call 911 if you find it.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: ‘More to this story’ after flipped-car crash

(Reader photo from Monday, sent by Marie)

Two days ago, that flipped-car crash on California south of Brandon injured the driver. He was taken to a hospital, the scene eventually cleared, and we thought that was the end of it. But a commenter revealed last night that there’s “more to this story” – that the car was stolen. Neighbors say it was taken early Sunday, from a neighborhood near Fairmount Ravine, with another apparently stolen car left in its place. So we followed up with police, who said that after medical treatment, the 31-year-old man had been booked into jail for investigation of stolen-vehicle possession, stolen-gun possession, and unlawful gun possession. We don’t know anything about the gun, but we found out that the suspect could not lawfully possess one because he’s a convicted felon. Documents from his most recent conviction, in 2019, cited an “extensive criminal history”; that case involved a West Seattle burglary, and he eventually was sentenced to six years in prison – with credit for eight months served before sentencing. He got out of prison last December; records show this was his first jail booking since then. “Was,” we say, because after two days, he was released about an hour and a half ago. Among the various authorities we contacted today was the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which did not file charges by today’s deadline, so the law required his release. KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney told us late today that they didn’t charge him because they couldn’t:

The information that was sent to us from police investigators was not legally sufficient to file charges, so the prosecutor handling the case wrote a detailed note to the investigating detective explaining what is needed for a legally sufficient case under state law. This is not a judgement on Seattle Police – we appreciate their continued work – it’s addressing what prosecutors can and cannot do under the law with the available evidence. It’s certainly possible that the additional elements are sent to us by the investigating Seattle Police detective for a charging decision.

In the meantime, the suspect is out of custody, for now. And the stolen, flipped car sits in an impound lot – its owner sent this photo:

They found some items that aren’t theirs inside and say they ;vehad trouble reaching police to deal with that. Meantime, personal items of theirs turned up inside the car – a blue Chevy Blazer – dumped nearby after theirs was taken.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bicycle stolen outside store

Sent tonight by Beth:

My daughter had her bike stolen outside PCC this evening. (She was there buying ingredients to make me a birthday cake for tomorrow ❤️.)

It’s a white Bianchi Boardwalk with a Topeka rack on the back (for panniers), with straight handlebars with black grips. It also had a bike helmet hanging on it.

The [temporary] police incident report is T00009476. We would truly appreciate people keeping an eye out for it.