FOLLOWUP: City narrows timeframe for clearing SW Trenton encampment

(Tuesday afternoon)

As reported here last Friday afternoon, just before the holiday weekend, the city sent an update about the SW Trenton RV encampment, saying it would be cleared “within three weeks.” It was too late for us to reach a city rep for clarification until after Labor Day weekend, but we’ve since heard back from spokesperson Callie Craighead. She says, “The Unified Care Team has a scheduled resolution date for this site in the second half of September, pending shelter bed availability. Notices will be posted 72 hours prior to the scheduled date.” In late August, the city had said only that it was “closely monitoring” the site.

51 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: City narrows timeframe for clearing SW Trenton encampment"

  • David September 4, 2024 (3:22 pm)

    I can’t wait for this “crime scene” to be cleared! I drive by there twice a day, and observe more and more criminal activity.

  • DRW September 4, 2024 (3:51 pm)

    “Closely monitoring”?! Please.

  • Vee September 4, 2024 (4:02 pm)

    Really disappointed, should be done NOW,school started, I drove by today,it’s worse if possible, and some of the people who are barely functional with pants falling down ate going closer to post office and one was outside Marshalls and one went in there, it’s atrocious, I saw a group of students walking on other side of sidewalk going back to school , are they waiting for something to happen, the mayor called for safer schools and has added security at Garfield , where is Saka ,come take a look, and sports are starting, foot ball opener tomorrow, this is so upsetting 

  • Alki resident September 4, 2024 (4:25 pm)

    Grateful it’s happening but three weeks is way too long. Hopefully within a week or so it’ll be cleared.

  • snowskier September 4, 2024 (4:45 pm)

    School is back in session and this is a key lunchtime, before and after school route for loads of Sealth kids.  Not to mention it is adjacent to their athletic fields.  I thought the city was going to prioritize safety of children this year?? 

  • wetone September 4, 2024 (4:55 pm)

    Spotted these post on Capital Hill ?  Why no consistency in this city from Bruce Harrell and his staff ?         

  • Disappointed September 4, 2024 (5:04 pm)

    It looks like now that they know the site will be cleared some of the criminal(s) have moved on, leaving mostly the users for now, they’ll be what’s left when they start cleaning up.  Unfortunately the criminal aspect is allowed to move to a new neighborhood and not addressed. 

    • Rick September 5, 2024 (8:43 am)

      Looks like we’re playing Whack A Mole.

  • Window September 4, 2024 (5:19 pm)

    “pending shelter bed availability” = it may or may not happen even then. Again … show up to the community meeting on 9/11!!

  • Rick September 4, 2024 (5:35 pm)

    Priorities ya know.

  • KT September 4, 2024 (5:57 pm)

    This community is strong and focused on safety but we are exhausted with many years of clearing RV encampments only for them to return over and over again. We the community can petition to the city for no over night parking zones in that area. However, this could impact the resistants whose homes are located on Trenton. How can we get together to come up with a parking zone that works for everyone to keep the neighborhood safe and accessible to the residents. Mike Gain was a leader of the Alki community group that petitioned for no overnight parking zone along Alki Harbor Ave and it’s been a success since 2023. 

    • WS mom September 4, 2024 (10:04 pm)

      Great idea! Maybe registered parking passes or special colored stickers on the window for the residents 

    • Bbron September 4, 2024 (10:48 pm)

      residents in the area have plenty of parking, don’t worry. if y’all actually cared about kids getting to school, then add a bike lane. if residents are pressed for parking 1) you’re not entitled to public streets and 2) they demanded eco blocks on Henderson between 18th and 19th, so look there.

    • Wseattleite September 5, 2024 (6:08 am)

      KT, All that needs to happen is enforcement of the existing 72 hour parking limit.  That is all. We don’t need to dream up new regulations.  

  • Barb September 4, 2024 (6:56 pm)

    We are on our way to another 12th and Jackson or 3rd Ave. It isn’t safe for anyone over there! Clean this mess up! Where is all the tax dollars going? 

  • Joe September 4, 2024 (7:16 pm)

    If this were down on Beach Drive, it would have been cleared out in 5 minutes.

    • right September 5, 2024 (7:15 am)

      That is absolutely correct.

    • Vaughn Rohrdanz September 5, 2024 (8:02 pm)


  • Rebecca September 4, 2024 (7:46 pm)

    Police presence was high around Sealth today it was good to see! I saw at least two people get arrested at the encampment while driving that way around 8 this morning

    • WSB September 4, 2024 (7:52 pm)

      Thanks for mentioning that. We noted the plans for increased SPD presence there (and other “focus” high schools) in last night’s back-to-school preview.

      • Vee September 4, 2024 (8:02 pm)

        Glad to know that

  • Bbron September 4, 2024 (9:39 pm)

    y’all are downright ruthless. you read this post, and should be able to connect that there isn’t shelter availability, yet you want them swept… to where? oh, right, you don’t care about the people, just that you have to see it and might have to *gasp* interact with a “undesirable”. atrocious mindset.

    • Shawn September 4, 2024 (11:35 pm)

      Hey Bbron, you have a solution??? Would love to hear it. Let’s move them all out front of your house. Sounds like you “care about the people”. Bottom line, this is illegal activity and a danger to the community. Clean it up. 

      • Bbron September 5, 2024 (6:57 am)

        ah yes, the uncreative “hOW abOut WE mOVe TheM inTo YoUR houSE :):):)” Turns out, they do live right near my rented studio apartment (I’m not a wealthy individual like lots of other homeowning commenters). I also walk by and talk with these folks on occasion. Only danger I’ve ever felt living here has been almost getting hit by reckless car drivers. I’m also not chomping at the bit to displace them with no alternative which is more of a solution than other commenters that just want them swept out of their sight so their pearls can take a break. We seem to have plenty of money to burn: look at the sweetheart deal we have to SPD without any sort of accountability. Could’ve gone to shelters that actually help people.

        • S - Neighbor to West Wood September 5, 2024 (1:57 pm)

          These people are not interested in shelters. They are more interested in being able to do the illegal things they want to do. It is my understanding that prostitution and sex trafficking is happening at this location.   There were cops at this illegal encampment this morning arresting someone. 

          • Bbron September 6, 2024 (7:13 am)

            you have no substance to back up that assumption, just your own feelings and bias. you don’t understand a thing about what these folks need. whenever someone is spouting this bs, it’s a thinly veiled call to either incarcerate them indefinitely because you hate seeing them or for them to die off out of sight.

        • Jeepney September 5, 2024 (2:12 pm)

          Bbron, what is your solution?

          • Bbron September 5, 2024 (5:22 pm)

            I feel like I’ve been clear that a problem is with the lack of shelter space, so there’s 1 fix. As I’ve said time and time again, it’s a lack of services and resources for homeless folks, and on top of that we need to focus on reducing the cruelty of our built environment (to the benefit of everyone), e.g. build and maintain more public bathrooms, more street furniture, better public transit, etc. as a lack of those things results in the negative feedback loop that keeps folks stuck (would you feel good day after day if you didn’t have access to basic hygiene facilities? everyone bemoans public urination/defecation, yet there is literally no where else to go…)

          • Jeepney September 6, 2024 (10:19 am)

            Bbron, do you feel that dwelling challenged people who commit crimes should be held accountable?

          • Bbron September 6, 2024 (12:45 pm)

            really laying on the third degree. depends. what does accountability look like to you for someone that has to steal to save themselves from starving to death? or, yes, to be able to buy drugs that they could literally die without (opiod withdrawal bring one of the only withdrawals that can kill you). “crimes” committed by those without any resources is different than those who choose to do them with access to resources. this idea of “equality under the law” falls apart when capital is the sole determinate of whether you live or die in this country. why does it feel like you’re continuing to ask me questions like your fishing for a “gotcha”? everything I think and say is backed up by empirical data if you want to research it yourself.

        • Jason September 5, 2024 (2:56 pm)

          Thank you BBron, you’re the only one with common sense here. A lot of folks bemoaning RVs as if these people can afford a home. Poverty is fixed with social nets folks. Capitalism has failed.

          • CarDriver September 6, 2024 (1:43 pm)

            Jason.Bbron.    Have you ever been a crime victim? If so, and the thief was caught you wouldn’t prosecute because the thief had valid reasons for doing what they’re doing and was in your mind the real victim? 

          • Bbron September 6, 2024 (8:10 pm)

            @CarDriver i’ve answered this before: yes i have had things stolen from me, and no i’ve not pressed charges or gotten police involved because i don’t believe 1) punitive punishment works nor 2) do the police ever end up doing anything besides create more issues for everyone (plus, I’ve been harassed by SPD, so not really a good working relationship). i’m done answering these attempts at “gotcha” questions, so how about you or someone answers this one instead: have you or a loved one ever been homeless? have you or them been on the brink of starvation, stuck in the miserable built environment unable to find hygiene resources, or addicted to opioids?

        • Allison September 9, 2024 (3:18 pm)

          Lady bye . Who wants this in their neighborhood ,?I don’t have a plan or answer to the problem but I DO know i don’t like people rummaging in my yard while I’m sleep and stealing my mail etc. so you can go right along with them . Have fun . 

  • Del Griffith September 4, 2024 (11:02 pm)

    I watched a group of guys doing heroin on that staircase up to the school on the north side of the street the other evening. Sad the city wants to wait a little bit (while school is in session) to clean that up. You can see the burnt tinfoil trash around that area. Kids shouldn’t have to deal with that.

  • wetone September 5, 2024 (9:10 am)

    Saw these posted over at Capitol Hill the other day. Why can’t Mayor Bruce Harrell and staff use the same approach everywhere sidewalks, parking strips and more are being impacted ? So much inconsistency throughout city.

    • WSB September 5, 2024 (10:14 am)

      That is the same kind of note the city will post here 72 hours in advance of the sweep, as the spokesperson mentioned. And the same thing they’ve done at other sites here and elsewhere.

  • Jason September 5, 2024 (2:15 pm)

    Yay! Yet another post on poor people and poverty. Love it. With everyone cheering on the poverty shuffle. Gross.

  • Admiral-2009 September 5, 2024 (5:28 pm)

    Strict enforcement of the 72 hour limit would go a long way to resolving the issue.  

    And for those that say that it is poverty, I say BS.  The vast majority of low wage workers are able to put a roof over there head’s with out significant government support.  The elephant in the room is DRUGS and the theft associated with the addicts feeding their addiction. I’m not saying all homeless people are addicts, but suspect that a high percentage are.

    • Bbron September 5, 2024 (6:24 pm)

      “suspect that a high percentage” oh cool, a feelings based opinion. demonstrably wrong one, too.

      • feelings September 5, 2024 (10:27 pm)

        this is a blog message board, i think it’s pretty much meant for people to share their feelings and opinions.

        • Bbron September 6, 2024 (7:18 am)

          except opinions like left unchallenged create problems for the most vulnerable people by affirming other people with incorrect opinions to look at the world without empathy. these are voters that are allowing themselves to pat their own backs with confidence in their biases. there’s also empirical data and evidence to the contrary, but I guess since it’s a comment section misinformation should be protected?

  • Admiral-2009 September 6, 2024 (1:50 pm)

    Bbron – I see homeless people smoking fentanyl all the time when riding my bike on trails throughout the City.  And at many of the so called campsites I see disassembled bikes piled high.  This is the inconvenient truth. 

    I agree that not all homeless are addicted to drugs but many unfortunately are and these bad apples need to be dealt with more firmly.  The old adage a few rotten apples ruin the whole crate.  The City needs to cull the bad apples!

    • Bbron September 7, 2024 (4:39 pm)

      as I’ve said before, your feelings and anecdotes don’t reflect the full picture. most homeless folks aren’t using drugs. a lot of them are families including kids. this vehement effort to paint an unemphatic picture only serves to harm, especially considering all you’re implying here is to not help out because you feel they’re all addicted drug addicts (which even if it was the case they still deserve help and empathy; no one becomes or stays a drug addict by choice).

  • MrsImpossible September 7, 2024 (2:20 pm)

    In my opinion the “vulnerable” population in this case are the kids that go to Chief Sealth High School and the children who go to the daycare run in Westwood Village. I can feel empathy for the homeless population while also believing that our kids 100% take priority and they should not be subjected to being in close proximity to what goes on in those encampments.

    • Bbron September 7, 2024 (4:42 pm)

      wonder if you realize that kids can also be homeless. a couple of teens I’ve talked to live in this very encampment, but they’re “less vulnerable” to you?

      • Jeepney September 8, 2024 (6:55 am)

        Bbron, do you have empirical evidence that there are children staying at the encampment that is the focus of this article?

        • Bbron September 8, 2024 (3:34 pm)

          yes, I live a block away, walk thru this area often, and have talked with the folks there including 2 teenagers (like I stated in the comment you replied to). what do you want, me to post their photos or full government names? if reporters cared to talk with the folks here, it’d be easy to confirm.

      • MRSIMPOSSIBLE September 9, 2024 (2:39 pm)

        I don’t think that homeless children are “less vulnerable.” All children deserve our care and protection. Unhoused children deserve a safe, long-term solution.  Kids who go to school and who have a place to live also deserve society’s care and protection. They don’t deserve it less simply because others have it worse. There are plenty of arguments about whether or not encampments should be enabled or taken down. My point was that given the drug use, filth, and nudity that I see there almost every time I go by it, I think it is an abdication of our responsibility to allow it to proliferate so close to two schools. I don’t think any child is well-served by being exposed to that – and that includes the two that are apparently  living there.

  • Trenton resident September 18, 2024 (9:12 am)

    Just passed this area this morning and looks like the city is working to clear it out. Multiple city vehicles and cops on the scene. 

    • WSB September 18, 2024 (9:17 am)

      Yes, thanks, we’ve been by three times since 7 am and on the most recent pass a crew chief told us they would be starting at 9. We’ll have an update in a bit.

Sorry, comment time is over.