Out of the WSB inboxes this afternoon:
CAR BREAK-INS: William sent the photo, noting two car break-ins on Belvidere Avenue in southeast Admiral.
ABANDONED CAR? Bill sent that photo, reporting, “Looks abandoned and ransacked. On the sidewalk/Duwamish Bike Trail north side of Highland east of the intersection with W Marginal.” He’s reported it but wanted to post here too in case this car’s owner is looking for it.
DAMAGED CAR: From a texter:
It looks like there may have been a gray car hit outside of the Rite Aid on California and it’s up on the sidewalk. Just saw it a few minutes ago when I drove by. Not sure if it was an active incident or a parked car was hit and just hadn’t been cleared, but there was debris around it. I didn’t see any police or response vehicles there when I drove by.
We checked the SFD and SPD logs; nothing in that area in the past couple days.
STOLEN MAIL FOUND: This just came in from “a neighbor on Alaska”:
We had a package stolen this week which was recovered by a very kind neighbor who found it in a ditch and delivered it to us. When I went to take out the trash I noticed a bag inside. I pulled it out and inside there was stolen mail, trash, and evidence of other stolen packages. Most of the mail was from Edmonds but I wanted to alert anyone who may be missing items like a book, small zipper bag, and bandana. These may have been stolen from a car. I have called the police and will be turning in the items to them and the mail to the post office.