West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
(Reader photo from Monday, sent by Marie)
Two days ago, that flipped-car crash on California south of Brandon injured the driver. He was taken to a hospital, the scene eventually cleared, and we thought that was the end of it. But a commenter revealed last night that there’s “more to this story” – that the car was stolen. Neighbors say it was taken early Sunday, from a neighborhood near Fairmount Ravine, with another apparently stolen car left in its place. So we followed up with police, who said that after medical treatment, the 31-year-old man had been booked into jail for investigation of stolen-vehicle possession, stolen-gun possession, and unlawful gun possession. We don’t know anything about the gun, but we found out that the suspect could not lawfully possess one because he’s a convicted felon. Documents from his most recent conviction, in 2019, cited an “extensive criminal history”; that case involved a West Seattle burglary, and he eventually was sentenced to six years in prison – with credit for eight months served before sentencing. He got out of prison last December; records show this was his first jail booking since then. “Was,” we say, because after two days, he was released about an hour and a half ago. Among the various authorities we contacted today was the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which did not file charges by today’s deadline, so the law required his release. KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney told us late today that they didn’t charge him because they couldn’t:
The information that was sent to us from police investigators was not legally sufficient to file charges, so the prosecutor handling the case wrote a detailed note to the investigating detective explaining what is needed for a legally sufficient case under state law. This is not a judgement on Seattle Police – we appreciate their continued work – it’s addressing what prosecutors can and cannot do under the law with the available evidence. It’s certainly possible that the additional elements are sent to us by the investigating Seattle Police detective for a charging decision.
In the meantime, the suspect is out of custody, for now. And the stolen, flipped car sits in an impound lot – its owner sent this photo:
They found some items that aren’t theirs inside and say they ;vehad trouble reaching police to deal with that. Meantime, personal items of theirs turned up inside the car – a blue Chevy Blazer – dumped nearby after theirs was taken.
Sent tonight by Beth:
My daughter had her bike stolen outside PCC this evening. (She was there buying ingredients to make me a birthday cake for tomorrow ❤️.)
It’s a white Bianchi Boardwalk with a Topeka rack on the back (for panniers), with straight handlebars with black grips. It also had a bike helmet hanging on it.
The [temporary] police incident report is T00009476. We would truly appreciate people keeping an eye out for it.
Two and a half years into the war in Ukraine, where do relief efforts stand, and how can you help? The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s next dinner meeting will feature a local guest answering those questions – here’s the invitation:
Peter Gelpi, West Seattle’s own, will be returning to Ukraine soon. The Kiwanis Club will host Peter at their monthly meeting – next Wednesday, September 4 – open to the public. Peter will report on the feeding programs, orphanage, and evacuations. The meeting starts at 6 PM, so attendees are asked to be seated prior to 6. Attendees can order dinner off the menu. RSVP is requested prior to Tuesday, 9/3, to help the Great American Diner & Bar (4752 California SW) with seating and staffing. RSVP to sapirodenis@hotmail.com or 206-601-4136 (text or voice).
The Seattle Public Schools Board meeting for August (agenda) is happening right now (livestream here), and it began with an update from Superintendent Dr. Brent Jones on where he’s at with the long-expected plan for closures/consolidations. After reiterating the reasons he believes it’s necessary – including a nine-digit annual budget gap – Dr. Jones offered an updated timeline:
*The week of September 9, an online “hub” will open, a website with an “inventory of buildings” and information on how closures/consolidations might affect families
*After that, they’ll “continue to gather feedback” via meetings and other “engagement” opportunities
*At the September 18 board meeting, Dr. Jones will present an update on the process
*In October, the “preliminary recommendations” for elementary-school closures/consolidations will be presented
*After that, site-based (specific school) hearings will be held
According to the superintendent, the closure/consolidation plan would save $30 million a year. He reiterated, “Maintaining the status quo is simply not an option.”
P.S. After asking a followup question, the school-board director for West Seattle and most of South Park, Gina Topp, announced that her next community meeting will be at 6 pm Wednesday, September 25, at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library, so that’ll be an opportunity to discuss what’s emerged by then.
(Screengrab from low-bridge camera at 3:56 pm)
3:56 PM: Thanks for the tips. SDOT has just acknowledged that the low bridge is having “technical issues.” Avoid it TFN.
4:14 PM: SDOT tells us there’s no estimate yet on how long it’ll take to fix this.
5:30 PM: Just checked the live camera, and the bridge is functioning again.
Thanks to Mark for the photo. He and another reader mentioned the surprise appearance of a new crosswalk at 39th/Admiral [map], east of the Admiral Way Bridge seismic-strengthening project, which moved into the top-deck half-closure phase this week. Project spokesperson Dr. Matthew Howard tells us it’s temporary: “It was low-key, a quick flip and safety measure. We added these Rapid Flashing Beacons and a temporary crosswalk to the intersection as we move into the phased closures of the bridge lanes. We wanted to maintain pedestrian access throughout these times so that people could get across safely. Community supported/wanted it, and the team was able to deliver.” But “temporary” means it’ll be removed when the project’s complete; Howard adds, “I’ve broached the topic of a permanent solution, though.”
Not far from his earliest signal-box work – portraits of Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain – artist Desmond Hansen has painted another mural on California Avenue SW in Morgan Junction. This one was for, and of, the O’Neill Plumbing (WSB sponsor) family. That’s Tim O’Neill in our photo, taken this morning. The mural is on the north side of the former Sub Shop building into which the O’Neill Plumbing HQ has expanded. O’Neill Plumbing is one of West Seattle’s longest-running businesses, founded in 1917.
(Tuesday’s hint of sunset color, photographed by Bruce Gaumond)
Here’s our list of what’s happening today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you can always preview the hours, days, and weeks ahead!):
SPRAYPARK: Highland Park Spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale) is open every day, 11 am-8 pm, free.
COLMAN POOL: Swim in the outdoor heated-salt-water pool on the shore at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm – session times are on the Colman Pool webpage.
LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL OPEN: The city says wading pools will open today – find this one in upper north Lincoln Park, noon-7 pm.
SOUTHWEST POOL CLOSED: The repair/maintenance closure for West Seattle’s city-run indoor pool continues.
TODDLER STORY TIME AT THE LIBRARY: 3 pm at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING: No, the school-closures plan is NOT on the agenda. But the board still has a lot to talk about, 4:15 pm, viewable in person (district HQ is at 3rd/Lander in SODO) or via cable/streaming. Agenda items of note include a contract amendment for the new Alki Elementary and a study session for this year’s budget process.
PADDLE IN THE PARK: The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce teams up with Alki Kayak Tours (WSB sponsor) and Mountain to Sound Outfitters to head out on the water at Jack Block Park (2130 Harbor SW), 5 pm. Our calendar listing includes RSVP info so you can check if there are spots left.
FIX-IT WORKSHOP: Fix it, don’t toss it! Weekly event, free (donations appreciated), 5:30-7:30 pm at West Seattle Tool Library (4408 Delridge Way SW, northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center).
FERRY DOCK ADVISORY GROUP MEETING: You are welcome to watch/listen as the Community Advisory Group for the Washington State Ferries Fauntleroy dock-replacement project meets online, 6 pm. This time brings details and discussion on the long-awaited report about how Good To Go! could affect dock operations, as well as an update on planning for the Fauntleroy Way intersection at the dock. Our preview includes the link for registering to attend.
FREE GROUP RUN: All runners, all levels, are welcome to join the weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) group run – meet at the shop by 6:15 pm.
TRIVIA x 4: Four places where you play tonight: At 6 pm, Locust Cider (2820 Alki SW) offers trivia … Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW) hosts Wednesday-night trivia starting at 7:30 pm … Quiz Night begins at 8 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) … and at 8:30 pm, trivia with Phil T at Talarico’s (4718 California SW).
LIVE MUSIC AT THE LOCOL: 6:30 pm. 21+. Rotating performer slate. (7902 35th SW)
YOGA IN THE PARK: Two West Seattle teachers lead this outdoor-yoga event at Myrtle Reservoir Park (35th/Myrtle), 6:30 pm – follow the link for ticket info.
ALKI UCC CONCERT SERIES: Third and final concert, this time at 7 pm in the church sanctuary: Zachary Fitzgerald and Stephen Anthony Rawson (classical). More info in our calendar listing. (6115 SW Hinds)
MUSIC BINGO X 2: Two options! Play at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7 pm … At Three 9 Lounge (39th/Oregon), you can play MINGO music bingo at 7:30 pm Wednesdays, hosted by Mingo Maniac.
SKYLARK OPEN MIC: The spotlight is yours! 7:30 pm signups for West Seattle’s longest-running open mic. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Planning a show, presentation, meeting, open house, reading, tour, fundraiser, sale, discussion, etc., that’s open to the community? Please send us info so we can get it onto West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar! westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Thanks to the texter who sent that photo early this morning after a fleeting aurora appearance! This was the view from Alki looking north after midnight. (Not just here – the National Weather Service noted another regional sighting.) By the time we heard, we checked the online forecast and the chances of another sighting had receded. But if you want to be on the lookout for the next one, skywatching expert/educator Alice Enevoldsen has tips and links here.
6:03 AM: Good morning! It’s Wednesday, August 28 – five days to Labor Day.
Sunny, high in the upper 60s. Today’s sunrise will be at 6:23 am, while sunset will be at 7:56 pm.
*No work, no closures, until after Labor Day, for the Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project.
*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project has begun top-deck work. The north half of the bridge is closed, with one lane each way on the south side; Fairmount Avenue remains closed under the bridge.
*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.
*The East Marginal Way S. project continues, with a temporary routing change for bicycle riders (explained at that link).
*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work continues at spots along the southern stretch. Watch for no-parking zones and steel plates (many on northbound side right now), plus flaggers.
*On Saturday (August 31), the Alki Beach Pride celebration will close Alki Ave. between 57th and 61st from 7 am to 10 pm.
Water Taxi today – Regular schedule for both routes.
Metro buses today – Regular schedules; check for advisories here.
Washington State Ferries today – 2 boats on the Triangle Route, and the unscheduled third boat may be available. Check that link before you sail.
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:
High Bridge – The Fauntleroy-end camera:
Spokane Street Viaduct – This view looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:
Low bridge: Here’s the main view:
1st Avenue South Bridge:
South Park Bridge – Looking east:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!