month : 05/2023 320 results

JUNE PREVIEW: Delridge Disc-O tournament next weekend. Players wanted!

May 29, 2023 4:50 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Another preview of what’s up as June approaches: In case you haven’t already seen it in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, the second annual Delridge Disc-O ultimate tournament for middle- and high-school players is happening next Sunday:

Delridge Disc-O
Ultimate Mixed Hat Tournament
Sunday, June 4th | Delridge Playfield South

Middle School – 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
High School – 2 pm – 5 pm

The second Delridge Disc-O Hat Tournament has been announced! Join us for this one-day Mixed Hat Tournament. We will have separate Middle School and High School divisions. All levels of ultimate players are welcome, from West Seattle as well as anyone willing to drive to our “island.” This is a great opportunity to meet other players and pick up some skills as you see them on the field.

A Hat Tournament is where players will be “randomly” placed on teams, and the team plays several games against the other teams at the tournament. Teams will be constructed so that there will be roughly even skills and gender ratios.

Please email questions to wshsfrisbee@gmail,com, or check out our website for any FAQs.

Register for Delridge Disc-O

When you register at DiscNW, you can choose the fee ($0, $10, $20) that fits best with your current financial situation. All proceeds will benefit DiscNW’s Youth Development Fund.

Middle School Players will be 11-15 years old and High School Players will be 14-19 years old on June 4th. The registration asks for experience and what types of teams players may have played with, and this will help with balancing the teams.

On the day of the tournament, players should bring a white jersey/shirt, a dark jersey/shirt, non-metal cleats or other shoes to play on turf, and a water bottle, a great attitude, and optionally a snack. We will be providing some water to refill water bottles and some fruit.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 3 thefts – Vespa after collision (update: found), school’s Pride flag, garden plants – plus, dumped-possibly-stolen debit card, keys found

Four reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

VESPA STOLEN AFTER COLLISION: On Friday night, we mentioned a South Delridge collision that left a Vespa rider injured. Today, the rider emailed to report that their Vespa was stolen after the collision:

On Friday, 5/26 around 9 pm I was riding my 1981 Vespa P200e home on SW Delridge. I lost control when the car in front of me made a sudden stop and when I stopped, my scooter fishtailed and I fell off. I hit my head and was unconscious. Should have been wearing my full face.

Fire and emergency were called. I was taken to the hospital and provided care at Harborview.

SPD rolled my collector vehicle Vespa to the sidewalk on SW Trenton and SW Delridge and left it there with no intent of telling me where it was or notifying an emergency contact, or impoundment. I was even informed by the reporting Officer that the Sergeant said to leave it.

It was stolen from the sidewalk while I was unconscious.

I want my scooter back. It means more to me than anything else in the world.

Monday update: The scooter owner found it – repainted and resold – spotting it being driven around.

PRIDE FLAG STOLEN FROM SCHOOL: From Whitney at the Community School of West Seattle (22nd/Roxbury):

Community School of West Seattle’s Pride Flag was removed/stolen (Saturday) night and the flag pole was damaged.

PLANTS STOLEN FROM GARDEN: A North Admiral resident reports:

I had quite a theft of plants in my yard & was wondering if anyone else had this. Some had been there for prob 60 years & others for around 15 years. Just about wiped out one part of south side garden of all herbs and flowers, took ferns on other side of house plus stones.

DUMPED/POSSIBLY STOLEN: Reported by Katherine:

I found a debit card and some keys with an AirTag in the bushes by my house. Looks like they may have been stolen and dumped. The keys have an AirTag with initials. The debit card first name is Z—— and a photo of the keys is below.

I’m happy to reconnect them with the owner/owners, if they can provide a last name or the initials on the air tag.

Email us – – and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE BIRDS: Pelican sighting

Thanks to James Tilley for the photo! He reports, “Infrequent visitor to our area – I saw a brown pelican flying along Alki on my morning walk.” They’re only brown when immature, so this is a younger pelican. In our region they’re more commonly seen along the open-ocean coast, but we do get visits here inland. They’re no longer listed as endangered by the state or federal governments, according to this state Department of Fish and Wildlife status report from last year, which also notes: “Brown Pelicans are protected from ‘take’ by federal law under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and are a ‘protected wildlife’ species by state law.” They’re big birds – wingspan up to 6 1/2 feet.

MEMORIAL DAY 2023: West Seattle notes

(Bald Eagle, photographed last month by Jon Anderson)

Here’s info you might find useful on this Memorial Day Monday:


Metro: Sunday schedule

West Seattle Water Taxi: Sunday schedule

Washington State Ferries: Changes noted here include Sunday service on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route

Sound Transit: Sunday schedule

Other services: See a list here


Our page highlighting local cameras is here

SDOT’s map with cameras and alerts from around the city is here


Most Seattle Parks facilities

Seattle Public Library facilities


Government offices


USPS holiday

No charge for street parking in Seattle neighborhoods with city pay stations


Highland Park Spraypark (11 am-8 pm, 1100 SW Cloverdale)


*No Memorial Day service this year at Forest Lawn

Anything else we should know/let others know about? Texting’s the best way to reach us today – 206-293-6302 – thank you!

South Delridge Action Plan updates from HPAC’s May meeting

May 28, 2023 9:27 pm
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 |   Delridge | Highland Park | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

HPAC – the community coalition for Highland Park, South Delridge, and Riverview – met in-person this month for the first time in a while. New venue, too – Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery in South Delridge. The centerpiece of Thursday night’s agenda was the South Delridge Action Plan, which kicked off back in January with a survey to which about 300 people responded. The city’s point person for the plan is David Goldberg, who shepherded the North Delridge Action Plan almost a decade ago, and he was at the HPAC meeting to talk about this plan, listen to suggestions, and answer questions, following up on his appearance in March.

The goal of the SDAP is to “create a shared community-city [government] vision and an action plan that builds community assets an capacity and aligns city investments to achieve this vision.”

Goldberg said the city was working on the foundation of the plan by gathering data on how people are connected to their neighborhood – where they gather, where they shop, other places they visit. When that information is all gathered, it’ll be presented, and the city will ask about how people get around. That’ll include transit – including Metro‘s RapidRide H Line and Route 128.

Goldberg said the overarching goal is to connect government with the people in the neighborhoods to create a narrative of what a given neighborhood is all about. Part of that is building relationships between city agencies and the people in studied areas – in this case, South Delridge.

That relationship-building needs to happen sooner rather than later, suggested HPAC co-chair Kay Kirkpatrick. She noted as an example that the new Highland Park Improvement Club has multiple city hurdles to clear before it can be built, even though it’s a building intended to strengthen the neighborhood. In general, attendees said they want more in-depth relationships with the departments/agencies that are supposed to be planning action for the community’s future.

NEXT STEPS: Goldberg’s department – the Office of Planning and Community Development – is working with the Department of Neighborhoods and Seattle Public Utilities to “draft a shared Racial Equity statement for community review over the summer,” intended to “establish a shared framework for equity across the [South Delridge Action Plan] work.” OPCD also is convening seven local nonprofit community organizations to have a say in Station Area Planning and Equitable Transit Oriented Development for the future North Delridge light-rail station to which buses from South Delridge will connect. Watch for reps at community events this summer, such as the Low Rider Block Party (which will be presented for a third year by Nepantla).

HPAC’S NEXT MEETING: Usually the fourth Wednesday, 7 pm, but some months (like this one) may vary, so check for updates.

MEMORIAL DAY: Monday’s transportation changes

May 28, 2023 6:26 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

So you’ll know before you go, here are the transportation/transit changes for the Memorial Day holiday on Monday:

WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route on Sunday schedule, most other routes on Saturday schedule
WATER TAXI: West Seattle route (and its shuttles) on Sunday schedule, Vashon route out of service
METRO BUSES: Sunday schedule
SOUND TRANSIT BUSES & TRAINS: Mostly Sunday schedule – here’s the list
OTHER SERVICES: See the list in this Metro Matters post

FOLLOWUP: Washington State Patrol explains Saturday morning’s West Seattle airplane circling, and more

(Saturday morning photo from Gary)

Early Saturday, after numerous texts, we reported on what turned out to be a Washington State Patrol aircraft circling in multiple areas of West Seattle. We also showed its flight path, looping over other areas of the county before coming here. Commenters added word of WSP on the ground in Seaview (and, as shown above, a photo). Today a WSP news release explains it all (West Seattle is the second case):

Just after 1:00 am yesterday morning, May 27, 2023, Washington State Patrol (WSP) troopers were involved in two incidents in which drivers fled from attempted traffic stops.

Eluding #1 – A Pontiac G8 fled from an attempted traffic stop NB SR 167 near 212th in Kent. WSP aircraft followed as the vehicle took the exit to 180th where it got caught up in traffic allowing the ground units to contact the vehicle. The driver was arrested for Felony Eluding and the 17 year old passenger was arrested for illegal possession of a handgun.

Eluding #2 – This occurred in nearly the same location – NB SR 167 approaching I-405 – when two Infiniti sedans were observed at a high rate and fled from an attempted traffic stop. WSP aircraft was able to locate one of the vehicles and began following the vehicle and communicating to the ground units on the direction of travel. The Infiniti continued NB on I-405 to WB I-90, at times turning all lights off and driving in an extremely reckless manner even though there was NO pursuit. WSP aircraft followed the vehicle all the way to SB I-5, then the West Seattle Freeway into West Seattle, where the car was abandoned in an alley. Ground units were guided to the area and were able to place the driver and passenger that fled on foot into custody.

These two incidents display the use of the Aviation Section of the Washington State Patrol as paramount to holding suspects accountable that choose to flee from law enforcement. This creates the safest way possible to reach the goal of safety for all and create a deterrent for this illegal and unsafe behavior. The communication and coordination between the aircraft, WSP District 2/King County ground units and local law enforcement partners allows for this accountability and WILL continue.

We’ll be following up on the people arrested in West Seattle.

More brown water in Gatewood, south Morgan Junction

Multiple reports, via email and Twitter, with word of brown water. First:

John on the 7100 block of California Ave SW reports taking a “mineral bath” and recommends checking your water before doing the laundry.

Also just out of the inbox, T reports, “I want to let you know about brown water in Gatewood (41st and Holden) this morning. It’s been reported to SPU. … Apparently someone has operated a hydrant in the neighborhood which stirred up sediment. It should be clear by 6:00 p.m.” If your water turns up discolored, always report it to SPU, 206-386-1800, so they can track it; they recently explained that a change in hydrant-testing procedures is apparently stirring up more sediment – mostly rust – in the lines. (Thanks to the commenter who provided the initial tip about that change!)

CRIME WATCH: Shooting victim found dead at Don Armeni Boat Ramp

6:30 AM: Thanks to Stewart L. for the photos. Homicide and CSI detectives are at Don Armeni Boat Ramp after a shooting victim was found dead.

It happened around 4 am – the initial SFD dispatch was that “armed security found a man down and a bullet nearby.” They tried CPR but it was too late. We’ve just talked with SPD spokesperson Officer Shawn Weismiller, who confirms that a male victim was found dead, and no one is in custody. No other details on the circumstances yet. This was the third shooting incident in our area in the span of five hours, after the Roxy’s Casino and Lincoln Park incidents. And it’s the fourth deadly shooting that SPD has investigated in West Seattle in less than two months, with no arrests in any of these cases yet – 20-year-old Ka’Don Brown, found dead on the Chief Sealth IHS campus April 8th; 41-year-old Chad Anderson, found dead on 15th SW in South Delridge on May 8th; and 25-year-old Davonté Sanchez, killed near Alki’s Whale Tail Park on May 13th.

7:11 AM: The Medical Examiner’s Office has arrived on scene, as shown in that photo from Doug, who says police are asking nearby residents if they saw anything or have any video that might show what happened. The victim was found by the path along the south-end vehicle parking spaces. If you have video or other information for investigators, the SPD tip line is 206-233-5000.

ADDED 9:18 AM: SPD says the victim was 49 years old.


(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

Here’s what’s on the list for the second day of this holiday weekend, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

BABY DEVELOPMENTAL PLAY & Q/A: At Alki Beach, 9 am. Free/donation-based. RSVP – our calendar listing explains how.

VFW POPPIES: VFW Post 2713 is at Admiral Safeway (2622 California SW) with handmade Memorial Day poppies, accepting donations.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm; the market offers spring produce as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, fresh-cooked food, beverages (from kombucha to beer/wine), nuts, plant starts, more. Here’s today’s vendor list. (California SW between Oregon and Alaska)

SOUL SPA: Inner Alchemy is hosting Soul Spas on Sundays at Jet City Labs (4547 California SW) during Farmers’ Market hours, 10 am-2 pm: “a fun community experience of meeting our talented local healers, makers, and artists right alongside the Farmers’ Market. Mini-sessions, shopping, connecting, and Timmy cooking brunch!”

SALES: Holiday-weekend sales continue today at two WSB sponsors:
Emerald Water Anglers (4502 42nd SW) – 20% off all winter clothing and select rods. Open 11 am-5 pm.
Mountain to Sound Outfitters (3602 SW Alaska) – paddle-sports gear and accessories. Shop in-store to get 15 percent off one in-stock item, or buy online and use code MEM10N to get 10 percent off. Open 11 am-6 pm.

HIGHLAND PARK SPRAYPARK OPEN: 11 am-8 pm daily through Labor Day. (1100 SW Cloverdale)

ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: First Sunday of the season for free tours of historic Alki Point Lighthouse (3201 Alki Avenue SW), 1-4 pm (last tour starts at 3:45 pm).

MEET KITTENS: Pop-up event at Meeples Games (3727 California SW) with adoptable kittens and Beloveds Foundation, 3-6 pm.

THEATER: Closing performance for “Zach” by Christian St. Croix, directed by Sara Porkalob, at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), 3 pm. Tickets here.

END THE WEEKEND PEACEFULLY: Inner Alchemy offers Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Breath Work, and Gong Bath from 7-8:30 pm at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska). RSVP/fee info is in our calendar listing.

SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.

Have an event – one-time or recurring – to add to our calendar? Please email – thank you!

UPDATE: 45th/Findlay garage fire ruled ‘accidental’

1:57 AM: Seattle Fire is sending a “full response” for a possible house fire at 45th/Findlay. The initial report is “garage on fire adjacent to the house, possible house involvement as well.”

2:02 AM: First unit on scene confirms it’s a “working fire.”

2:18 AM: Thanks to Janet for the photo. Firefighters are still working on the garage fire. No report of any injuries so far. Some units are being dismissed.

2:45 PM: We asked SFD about the cause. Response: “Fire investigators determined that this was an accidental fire. The amount loss was about $50,000.” The fire was sparked by oily rags, which can self-combust.

CRIME WATCH: Gunfire in Lincoln Park, teenager shot

11:53 PM: Police checking out reports of gunfire in the Lincoln Park area have found casings in one of the parking lots and one person who is wounded, found just east of the park near 46th/Rose. Updates to come.

11:57 PM: They’re also reporting at least one house hit by gunfire, 8000 block of Fauntleroy Way (right across from the park). Officers have told dispatch they’ve recovered five .45 casings so far. Meantime, the injured person is reported to have been shot in the leg. (Update: Knee.)

(Added: SPD photo)

12:06 AM: Police are reporting a “second scene” in the park, finding shell casings by the baseball diamond.

12:15 AM: According to an SFD radio transmission, the shooting victim is a 15-year-old boy.

12:36 AM: Officers told dispatch that they were told several people in the park were “firing guns into the air.” The victim, meantime, has been taken to the hospital.

12:43 AM: Officers say they have collected six .45 casings from the north parking lot.

CRIME WATCH: Three shot at Roxy’s Casino

11:04 PM: King County Sheriff’s deputies are getting assistance from Seattle Police responding to a report of a shooting victim at or near Roxy’s Casino (28th/Roxbury). No other details yet.

11:26 PM: We don’t have information on the victim’s condition but per SPD, KCSO has one suspect in custody.

11:30 PM: A reader who says he was in the casino when it happened just called. He says three people were shot.

12:24 AM: Our photographer is just back from the scene. KCSO is not commenting, saying they’ll “issue a statement” at some point. Meantime, commenters who were there say one victim died at the scene.

3:30 AM: No statement yet.

7:55 AM: From KCSO Sgt. Eric White :

What we do know at this point is that around 2248 hours last night an unknown person came into Roxbury Lanes Casino located at the 2800 block of SW Roxbury Street in Unincorporated King County and began shooting. KCSO Deputies from White Center, Burien, Sea Tac, Metro and Sound Transit Divisions responded to the scene. As many as three victims were reported to have sustained injuries, and were transported to Harborview Hospital for their injuries. KCSO Major Crimes Detectives responded to the scene. The suspect in this is still at large. This case is still an active and open investigation.

ADDED MONDAY: Though Harborview Medical Center usually won’t provide the media with updates on patient conditions without names, they are making an exception in this case. HMC spokesperson Susan Gregg tells WSB that 2 men are in critical condition and one woman is in serious condition. … Also, the casino, bowling alley, and restaurant plan to remain closed until Thursday.

SUNDAY: Alki Point Lighthouse tour season begins

(2013 photo – the lighthouse’s centennial year – by Dustin T. Smith)

Tomorrow’s the first day this year that you can visit a historic West Seattle gem – Alki Point Lighthouse. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers are again there for free tours on Sunday afternoons throughout the summer. Just show up between 1 pm and 3:45 pm on Sundays (except July 2nd). You can learn about its history – going back 110 years! – and enjoy panoramic views of Puget Sound.

Celebration of Life on Tuesday for Jon-Paul “JP” Sletten, 1970-2023

The family of Jon-Paul “JP” Sletten wants to be sure everyone is invited to his Celebration of Life this Tuesday (May 30th) and are sharing this remembrance along with the invitation:

Jon-Paul (“Jonâ€) (“JPâ€) Sletten passed away peacefully and unexpectedly in the early morning hours of April 27, 2023. He was 53 years old at the time of his death – gone from this world too soon for all who knew and loved him.

Jon-Paul was preceded in death by his brother, James Galen (Daisy) Sletten of Bozeman, MT, his grandparents Marvin and Margaret Sletten, Thomas and Dolores Barclay, and Orlano and Phyllis Palm, all of Anaconda, MT, his uncles Marvin “Red†Sletten of Seattle and John “Jack†(Eileen) Sletten of Anaconda, MT; and his aunt, Linda Sue Miller-Page, of Tacoma.

Jon-Paul is survived by his mother Cheryl Anne (Mike) Dunn of Anaconda, MT, his father Charles Edward Sletten of Laurel, MT, his stepfather Tony Wayne Palm of Anaconda, MT, his sisters Jessica Sletten (Joe) Daniels of Longwood, FL, Charlsie Jane Sletten of Billings, MT, and Korri Jane Palm Toll of Scotch Plains, NJ, and his brother Toby James (Stacy) Palm of Roseburg, OR, and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins from the Sletten, Barclay, Palm, and Miller families.

Born on February 26th, 1970, to Charles and Cheryl Sletten, Jon-Paul attended school in his hometown of Anaconda, Montana, graduating from Anaconda High School in 1988. He was a brilliant student and an avid reader who had a passion for world history. He was also a boy filled with a sense of wonder who loved to create imaginary worlds that transported the minds of his siblings, cousins, and friends. Later in life, his knowledge and creativity would help him bring acceptance and peace to others; many felt truly seen by Jon-Paul, even when others were unable to fully acknowledge them.

Jon-Paul was a hard worker who started his first job at 14 years old, bussing tables at Barclay II, a local Anaconda supper club. He went on to become a career server, working at multiple restaurants in the greater Seattle area and eventually settling at his final place of employment: Endolyne Joe’s. Jon-Paul was well-known in the Seattle service family for his engaging personality. He went to extremes to bring smiles to the faces of his customers and co-workers, relying on his signature sense of humor, and readily deploying a string of bad jokes if all else failed.

Jon-Paul’s primary passion in life was his love of people. He had a bright smile and an easy, cackling laugh, and he was always quick to share both with others. He loved his family and friends deeply. He could be both silly and serious, but he was always loving. And whenever Jon-Paul was nearby, the people who loved him crowded around to feel his light shining on them, while he joked in his quick-witted way and told animated stories.

A Celebration of Jon-Paul’s Life will be held at Endolyne Joe’s at 9261 45th Avenue SW, Seattle, on May 30th, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. We hope you can join us there to share your favorite story or memory of this wonderful man whose accepting nature brought peace to so many. If not, don’t worry – Jon-Paul would understand and would simply ask that you do something kind for another person to honor his time on this earth.

Please send family condolences or final personal comments to Hope Lutheran Church at In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you please send donations to Seattle Children’s Hospital at, an organization that Jon-Paul visited often to support one of his favorite people, his cousin Kaylor “Bean†Feeley, who received life-saving medical care there.

Special thanks to the staff at Endolyne Joe’s in Seattle, Emerald Cremation and Burial in Seattle, and Hope Lutheran Church in Anaconda, MT.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to

COUNTDOWN: One week until our area’s only obstacle-course 5K – and more – at Loop the ‘Lupe 2023!

(WSB file photo from Loop the ‘Lupe)

With relatively few scheduled events this holiday weekend, we’ll be previewing some of what’s ahead in June. First up, Loop the ‘Lupe is just one week away, on Saturday, June 3rd. This fundraiser for Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s social-service community work is the one and only event of its kind – with your participation options including an obstacle course! This time, two options are offered: An “elite wave” for participants 16+, with two extra obstacles, and the “family wave.” Other options: 5K fun run, Senior Saunter, and Youth Dash. It’s one big party, also with live music, BBQ, and a beer garden, at Walt Hundley Playfield (34th/Myrtle, next door to OLG). Event starts are staggered between 11 am and 1 pm. Not registered yet? Go here! (WSB is a community co-sponsor for Loop the ‘Lupe.)

P.S. If you also want to run/walk the July 22nd Float Dodger 5K, you can register for both together right now and get $5 off each event’s registration fee!

Brown water in Arbor Heights

If your tap water looks like this right now …

… it’s hydrant testing again, according to what Garrett – who sent the photo – was told when he called Seattle Public Utilities. As we’ve been reporting recently, a procedural change in hydrant testing has led to more sediment disturbance in the lines than used to be the case. The sediment is mostly rust, and SPU says it’s not toxic, but certainly unpleasant to see – and definitely hold off on laundry until the water runs clear. Always report it to SPU – 206-386-1800.

BASEBALL: West Seattle High School finishes #4 in state 3A

Just in from Everett, the West Seattle High School baseball team finished another strong season as the #4 3A team in the state. For the second day in a row, they lost by just one run – today’s final was O’Dea 8, WSHS 7.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: VFW Post 2713’s Memorial Day poppies

(WSB photo)

It’s a Memorial Day weekend tradition – West Seattle VFW Post 2713 is at Admiral Safeway (2622 California SW) with Memorial Day poppies, by donation. The poppies have a century of history. As explained, “The VFW Buddy Poppy program provides compensation to those who assemble the poppies, provides financial assistance in maintaining state and national veterans’ rehabilitation and service programs and partially supports the VFW National Home.” Post 2713 reps will be at the store until noon, and again 10 am-noon tomorrow (Sunday, May 28th).

WEST SEATTLE SATURDAY: 19 possibilities

(Seen on the Sound at sunset – photo by David Hutchinson)

Welcome to the holiday weekend! Quieter Saturday than usual, but here are some possibilities, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

SALES: Three WSB sponsors are having sales today:
Emerald Water Anglers (4502 42nd SW) – 20% off all winter clothing and select rods. Open 10 am-6 pm.
Mountain to Sound Outfitters (3602 SW Alaska) – paddle-sports gear and accessories. Shop in-store to get 15 percent off one in-stock item, or buy online and use code MEM10N to get 10 percent off. Open 11 am-6 pm.
Lauren’s Jewelry (Westwood Village) – online sale today only; use code FLASH20 to get 20 percent off online purchases (until midnight).

SOUTH SEATTLE COLLEGE GARDEN CENTER: 9:30 am-3 pm, the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Garden Center will be open, selling a vast variety of student-grown plants. (6000 16th SW, north end of campus)

BASEBALL: 10 am at Everett Memorial Stadium, the West Seattle High School baseball team plays for third place at the state 3A tournament.

(added) VFW POPPIES: VFW Post 2713 is at Admiral Safeway (2622 California SW) today and Sunday, 10 am-noon, with handmade Memorial Day poppies, accepting donations.

SOUTH DELRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET: Back for a third year, this farmers’ market on the grounds of Hope Academy (9421 18th SW) is happening weekly this year, 10 am-2 pm Saturday, prioritizing vendors of color and presented by African Community Housing & Development.

FAMILY STORY TIME: 10:15-10:45 am at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond), for kids 0-5 and their families.

MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Get info about Marco’s music here.

FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.

FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).

(added) SPRAYPARK OPENING DAY: Highland Park Spraypark will be open daily starting today, through Labor Day, 11 am-8 pm. (1100 SW Cloverdale)

VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2234 SW Orchard)

LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: You’re invited to visit the home of West Seattle’s history noon-4 pm Saturdays. (3003 61st SW)

VISCON CELLARS: 1-6 pm, visit the tasting room at Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) – selling wine by the glass or bottle. Learn about their wines here! (5910 California SW)

NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY: Taste, sip, buy student-produced wine at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor; 6000 16th SW), 1-6 pm.

AUTHOR AT HIGH POINT LIBRARY: 3:30 pm appearance:

Join The Seattle Public Library for a reading and presentation with Burien author Joseph Sissón from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 27 in the meeting room of the High Point Branch (3411 SW Raymond). Sissón will read from and discuss his recently published book, “Down the Road a Piece,†a fictional historical memoir about a 13-year-old African American boy who travels in 1957 with his family to the Deep South. Sissón will be in conversation with Jacqueline Ware from the African American Writers Alliance. Copies of the book will be available for purchase.

CANDIDATE MEET-AND-GREET: Maren Costa, candidate for City Council District 1, will be at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) to talk with any interested potential constituents, 3:30-4:30 pm.

EVENING COFFEEHOUSE MUSIC: Also at C & P, Levi Said performs 7-9 pm.

THEATER: Final weekend for “Zach” by Christian St. Croix, directed by Sara Porkalob, at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7:30 pm. Tickets here.

DRAG AT THE SKYLARK: Doors 7 pm, show 8 pm, for the monthly drag extravaganza West End Girls, hosted by Cookie Couture. Tickets here! (3803 Delridge Way SW)

If you have a show, sale, event, meeting, seminar, reading, field trip, fundraiser, class, game, or ? for our calendar … please email info to – thank you!

UPDATE: About that circling airplane

1:40 AM: Thanks for all the texts. We’re looking into the small plane that’s been circling various parts of the peninsula. Checking its trail on a flight tracker (Flightradar24), it’s been all over points from Olympia northward throughout the night, not just here.

(Screenshot from Flightradar24)

With its flight originating in Thurston County, and crosschecking the type of aircraft, it may well be State Patrol.

1:52 AM: As noted by a commenter, another flight tracker (Flight Aware) confirms that it’s a WSP plane. It’s headed back for Thurston County, too. … Checking WSB archives, we reported on almost exactly the same type of flight and aircraft Labor Day weekend last year, same time of the morning.

1:59 AM: A few commenters have mentioned officers at 45th/Juneau, and a phone caller says they’re State Patrol.

2:06 AM: That said, the Seaview incident has been described on emergency radio as a suicidal person … Meantime, looking further into our archives, we covered another State Patrol circling/looping situation in 2021, and learned later that it had to do with a stolen car.

UPDATE: Rider hurt in South Delridge collision

11:08 PM: SPD and SFD are arriving at the scene of a crash that is reported to involve a driver and a motorcyclist. Delridge is reported to be blocked right now at Trenton. Updates to come.

11:13 PM: The rider, who is reported to have been on a Vespa, does not have life-threatening injuries, according to firefighters. They have canceled the medic unit that was responding.

11:27 PM: Officers just told dispatch they’ll reopen Delridge in a few minutes.

DEVELOPMENT: Land-use approval for long-planned SW Orchard development

It’s been four years since we last mentioned the 18-townhouse plan for 2000-2050 SW Orchard, along the north side of the street, east of Delridge Way. They resurfaced in the latest twice-weekly city-circulated bulletin with the latest land-use notices. Land-use approvals have been given for both parcels, each of which would hold nine 3-story townhouses and nine offstreet-parking spaces. The approvals open a two-week appeal period, until June 8th; that process is explained on the public notices – here’s the 2000 SW Orchard decision and notice; here’s the 2050 SW Orchard decision and notice.