month : 03/2020 350 results

FOOD: Free High Point Community Dinners to go, on Sundays

Starting tomorrow, a weekly free meal in West Seattle goes to-go – here’s the announcement:

Our free community dinner, High Point Community Dinner Church, has been serving a hot meal to our guests in West Seattle every Sunday night for 2 years. With a non-traditional set-up, we are able to get to know each other over dinner in an organic way, reaching out to people who may not typically feel comfortable in a more standard church setting. Everyone is always welcome for dinner, conversation, and prayer. Even with COVID-19, our volunteers are committed and eager to continue to serve food and show up for the community, especially those that heavily rely on the meal and leftovers to sustain them throughout the week. We are making changes to help keep people safe, fed, and encouraged by serving to-go meals outside at Walt Hundley Playfield starting this Sunday, March 15. With High Point Community Center closed, and many churches and meals cancelled, we hope to continue to help provide for those in need in our community. We thank our leaders, Verlon and Melodee Fosner, our cook and driver, all of our supporters and volunteers, and the other 10 Community Dinner locations in Seattle for coming together to be a bright spot in hard times.

Dinners to-go
Sunday nights at 5 p.m.
Walt Hundley Playfield (in the park near playground)
Organizers: Michael and Naomi Cox

The park is at 34th and Myrtle [map].

CORONAVIRUS: The Saturday 3/14 roundup

No big annouucements today, but there was some news:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From today’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

Public Health – Seattle & King County is reporting the following confirmed cases and deaths due to COVID-19 through 11:59 p.m. on 3/13/20

388 confirmed cases (up 60 from yesterday)
35 confirmed deaths (up 3 from yesterday)

Deaths being reported today include:

A woman in her 70s, died at Swedish First Hill on 3/12
A man in his 80s, a resident of Life Care Center, hospitalized at EvergreenHealth, died on 3/12
A man in his 80s, a resident of Life Care Center, died at Overlake Medical Center on 3/8

Of the 35 deaths reported in King County, 27 are associated with Life Care Center of Kirkland.

No additional public word of West Seattle cases beyond the two we’ve reported.

ABOUT TESTING: Also from SKCPH’s daily update, if you are wondering about the criteria for who should get tested for COVID-19 and when:

Although the laboratory test is becoming more broadly available, there are limitations in the health care industry’s capacity to obtain samples from people as rapidly as we would like. In addition, people do not always need to be tested for clinical care purposes since there is currently no medication to treat COVID-19.

Currently, anyone with a fever and cough should assume their illness could be COVID-19 and take steps to protect others in the community and household from the disease. If you are sick, you need to stay home and stay away from other people in your home. If you need to go into public to visit a healthcare provider, wear a mask and practice meticulous hand washing.

There are currently no restrictions for who can be tested for COVID-19 in Washington State. However, Department of Health Guidance to healthcare providers directs them to focus testing on people with COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. The guidance prioritizes testing for people at higher risk for COVID-19. While anyone can ask a provider to be tested for COVID-19, testing is provided at the provider’s discretion.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Here’s the latest from the state Department of Health.

DOH’S PLEA: As we noted earlier tonight, the Health Department is pleading, don’t hoard items like sanitizer.

SEATTLE EVICTION MORATORIUM: Announced today, the mayor has signed an emergency order for a moratorium on residential evictions. See the order here (PDF). The announcement is clear, this does NOT mean, stop paying your rent. It means eviction can’t be initiated or pursued until the civil emergency is over.

WHAT TO DO, AND NOT TO DO, IF YOU CALL 911: Added guidelines, to help keep first responders safe. Among them:

If you are calling 911 for a reason other than COVID-19 (i.e. fall, vehicle collision, etc.), it is still critical to tell dispatchers if you have symptoms. If you flag down emergency responders on the street – be sure to shout out before they meet you that you may have symptoms.

REMINDER, NO FARMERS’ MARKET TOMORROW: As announced Friday, the West Seattle Farmers’ Market is canceled until at least mid-April. We are hearing informally that some vendors will be “popping up” around The Junction anyway.

VIRTUAL CHURCH TOMORROW: Some of the local churches that plan online services are listed on our changes/cancellations/postponements page; we are researching others tonight (help us out and email what yours is doing!) and will include everything we find in the happening/not happening list for Sunday, which goes live here on the main WSB page around 6 am.

WHAT ELSE IS CANCELED, POSTPONED, CHANGED LOCALLY: We’re continuing to update everything on the aforementioned list. If/when your organization, business, church, school, group, etc. has cancellations, postponements, changes, PLEASE let us know – or text/voice 206-293-6302.

HOW TO GET HELP/OFFER HELP: We’re hoping to amplify offers and requests in the days/weeks ahead. In the short run, a reader has posted a resource guide she’s put together – here’s the link in the WSB Community Forums.

DON’T HOARD! State Health Department’s plea

(Roxbury Safeway this morning – photo by Tamsen Spengler)

A plea late today from the state Health Department, in this news release:

The COVID-19 pandemic may have you rushing to the store to stock up on hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other supplies.

But before you sweep the store aisles clean of these items, you might want to remind yourself of the harm you’re causing to yourself and your community by overstocking. The more you overstock those supplies, the less is available for your sick neighbors, and for doctors, dentists, and emergency response personnel. Doing our part to keep vulnerable people healthy includes making sure they have access to necessary supplies.

Grocers say consumer overstocking – not a disrupted supply chain — is the main reason their store shelves are empty of many supplies and food items, especially hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, toilet paper, and plastic gloves.

“We want the public to be assured that if they will return to their normal pace of grocery shopping that there will be an adequate supply of products for their consumption,” said Jan Gee, president and CEO of the Washington Food Industry Association and its educational foundation. “We also want the public to be assured of the fact that the grocery stores are taking extensive measures to reduce any opportunity for contamination in our stores, and with the public’s cooperation, we will continue to provide a clean, virus-free environment stocked with healthy and fresh foods for everyone.”

Some consumers also seem to perceive a need to stock up on certain items such as bottled water. Health officials say water supplies are fine. Health experts emphasize the best way to protect yourself from infection is through good hygiene and limiting contact with others, not by overstocking certain supplies.


Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds multiple times a day is the best way to reduce your risk of infection. Hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol is recommended if you aren’t able to wash your hands with soap and water.
Try to stay six feet away from others, and stay away from others in larger social gatherings.
Regularly disinfect surfaces in your home and workspace.
Stay home if you’re sick.
Don’t buy more supplies than you absolutely need.
We all want to stay healthy and reduce the risk of infection for ourselves and others in our community. Help do your part by only buying what you need, and leave some for your neighbors.

DOH has established a call center to address questions from the public. If you have questions about what is happening in Washington state please call 800-525-0127 and press #.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Scam calls; stolen green Civic; found bicycles

Three West Seattle Crime Watch items:

SCAM CALLS: We’ve received two recent reports – one today for the City Light scam, claiming your power’s about to be shut off, even spoofing the phone number so it looks legit. City Light’s Scam Alert page reminds you:

Seattle City Light Employees will:
Never call, email, or make a home visit requesting an immediate payment.
Never call on the weekend
Never call to request credit card, banking, or financial information
Never email you to request credit card, banking, or financial information
Never request credit card banking or financial information during a home visit
Never shutoff service without providing written warning in advance

The other scam report involved a call that’ll claim you have a “federal criminal offense” and have to call a certain number to speak to a “federal agent.” None of this type of action would be handled by phone. You may already savvy to scam calls but someone you know might not be, so remind them that even in the current crisis, scammers are still hard at work.

STOLEN CIVIC: Car thieves remain busy too. Second report today (here’s the first) – this one’s from Kirk:

My car was stolen from my condo parking spot on California Ave. SW & Dawson. I discovered it missing today, March 14, but it could have been stolen as early as March 11. It’s a green 1994 Honda Civic Hatchback with the license number of ADY3889.

If you see it, call 911.

FOUND BICYCLES: These were seen in Fauntleroy:

They’ve been there more than a day, we’re told. Recognize one or both? Let us know and we’ll connect you with the finder.

WHALE-WATCHING: Orcas headed this way

Kersti Muul reports transient orcas are headed up the west side of Vashon – hard to know how visible they’ll be from here when they emerge by north Vashon, but we’re publishing this heads-up anyway!

BIZNOTE: What neighboring retailers Alair Gift Shop & Coastal Surf Boutique are doing

As you’ve no doubt gathered by now – independent local businesses are doing everything they can to survive the virus crisis. Two neighboring West Seattle retailers have sent heartfelt messages to their customers, the first one forwarded by multiple people regarding Alair Neighborhood Gift Shop (3270 California SW):

This has been a really tough time for everyone.

And I really think it’s just the beginning. We have no clue what will happen next. For me at least, most of my tears have been rooted in feeling helpless. I’m a lady of action, and not being able to DO something is always when I feel the most frustrated, and always leads to the tears.

So I have a plan.

Step #1 (for me as a business)

I did a full cost analysis of operational cost by hour (with the help of the amazing Lori- thank you!). All week I’ve been closing early and just kind of winging it. The basic process behind determining when to close was “after two hours goes by without a customer, then I’ll close”. But that’s not helpful to anyone and we need some consistency. So we have new hours effective today. This will save about 6 operational hours per week, which is a start.

We also have a store text line where you can always reach out if you have any questions.

Alair Text Line For Customer Service: 206-659-7152


Step #2 (for me as a person)

I started Alair because I love this community and wanted to have a business that was for profit but also gave back as much as possible. I believe in only growing responsibly. I believe in kindness. And I believe that it’s really really easy for everyone to make another person’s day a little better.

So how can we help each other right now?

We have a lot of teachers in our community that just learned the schools are closing for over a month. Some of those kids rely on school meals to eat every day. And parents are working their asses off to feed them, and could be possibly be facing layoffs, less hours, etc.

We are going to help. OF COURSE WE ARE.

Starting today and for as long as we need to, we are having a food drive. Some of us are not worried about where the next meal will come from, so let’s help some other folks feel that same security. Please bring any non-perishables to Alair starting today, and we will figure out a plan to get it to the right place. I have been talking with a couple of teachers from the districts that need it the most, and we are working on it. But the first thing is start collecting food, so please bring what you can. Preference on things that are easy to make- microwave soups, easy mac, etc. I’m all ears on this one so let me know if you have any ideas here or if you’re with a school that has a need.

Step #3 (for Alair, how to survive this, and how to make everyone feel comfortable)

I have been cleaning and sanitizing the f— out of everything.

I have pulled all testers and samplers and have antibacterial wipes at the store if you need me to wipe things down before you grab them.

We have the website looking good with lots of things to do at home added on there- puzzles, idea boxes, etc. It’s a continual project and I’ll add new stuff every day.

We have the gift concierge service available for anyone that would like to stay out of the public for now.

We have been doing FaceTime shopping and local delivery (within West Seattle) on a case by case basis! Email or Text if this is the option for you! (We are also working on a more formal plan for this)

The online-shopping link is here. Text # is above; email is

Meantime, here’s the email update from Coastal Surf Boutique next door at 3270 California SW – it was sent as an image so we can’t cut and paste:

It’s been less than half a year since Coastal moved “up the hill” from Alki.

We’re continuing to publish business messages/updates as we get/find them – is best – thanks!

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at 8th/Roxbury

1:39 PM: Avoid 8th/Roxbury – a big “rescue extrication” response is headed that way for a crash. One person is reported trapped. More info to come …

1:43 PM: First crew on scene says everyone is out of the vehicle. They’re downsizing the response.

1:52 PM: Photo added – it’s a flipped car. We’re checking with fire/police about injuries.

1:56 PM: A second vehicle was involved; its driver came to a stop about 30 yards away. Our crew has been told, no serious injuries.

BIZNOTE: Second Gear Sports offers options for shoppers

March 14, 2020 1:30 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

From Second Gear Sports in Morgan Junction:

Second Gear Sports remains open with regular business hours to serve our community. While Covid-19 has had a significant impact on our community, we want to ensure that kids and adults take time to get outdoors and avoid cabin fever, while following the guidelines for social distancing. We have a great selection of bikes and other play gear that allow for social distancing while being outdoors. We will have frisbees and other items in the coming weeks. We are also beefing up the presence of our online store on our website

We can take orders online and by phone and will even offer curbside and home delivery. Should you prefer to visit us in person, please know that as a consignment store, we have always had rigid cleaning and disinfecting procedures for intake items. However, we have stepped up our efforts with thorough cleaning and disinfecting of our store at multiple points throughout the course of business. Our staff are healthy and ready to serve you!

If you go in person – or to pick up a purchase at curbside – SGS’s address is 6529 California SW.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen dark-green Altima

March 14, 2020 11:12 am
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 |   Crime | Delridge | West Seattle news

Angie‘s car was stolen from Delridge/Henderson around 8:30 Friday night: “2016 dark green/blackish color Nissan Altima. Plate #BIF6114.” If you see it, please call 911.

Remembering Ginny Sundberg, 1925-2020

Here’s the remembrance being shared for Ginny Sundberg, who lived in West Seattle for many years:

Virginia May (Freeman) Sundberg, 94 beautiful years old, went peacefully home into the presence of God on March 11, 2020 at her home in Regency on Whidbey (Assisted Living Facility) in Oak Harbor, Washington.

Virginia (Ginny) was born in Mount Vernon, Washington, on October 16, 1925 to Edward Maurice Freeman and Stella Marguerite (Jenkins) Freeman. Her early years were spent in Mount Vernon, where she attended Ridgeway Grade School and later graduated from Mount Vernon High School.

After high school, Ginny moved to Seattle, where she attended Wilson’s Modern Business College, and went to work for Seattle Transit. During this time she worked as a maid/housekeeper to earn her room and board. At a point in her life Ginny considered absolutely critical, she moved into the home of a fellow transit worker, Sylvia (Berg) Severiede.

The Bergs attended the Norwegian Danish Methodist Episcopal Church (Central Methodist) at Boren and Stewart in Seattle. On her very first Sunday attending church with the Bergs, Ginny met Roy Sundberg, another pivotal event in her life. Virginia gave her life to Christ at a Youth For Christ meeting in Anacortes in 1945 where she played the piano for the trio Roy sang in. This lifelong commitment to Jesus shaped Virginia’s entire life. Roy and Virginia were married on October 18th, 1946 and they spent the next 67 years together, raising their family and enjoying God’s many blessings. Ginny thoroughly enjoyed and thrived being a stay-at-home mom. Her life was centered on her home, family, and church.

Ginny (Virginia) was preceded in death by her loving husband Roy. She is survived by her son Gary Sundberg (Kerry Heavey) of Bend, Oregon; son Terry Sundberg (Kathy Olund) of Winlock, Washington; and daughter
Merrie Burley (Mark Burley) of Coupeville, Washington. She enjoyed and treasured every one of her 7 grandchildren and their spouses, as well as her 15 great-grandchildren and her large extended family.

Services will be held for Virginia on Monday, March 16th, 2020 at 1 p.m. at Wallin Funeral Home in Oak Harbor with a reception to follow. Her family is so very grateful for the loving care “Miss Ginny” received from her Regency on Whidbey (Assisted Living Facility) “family” and the exceptional terminal care provided by Hospice of Island County, as well as her care at Whidbey Health. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Funeral arrangements made through Wallin Funeral Home.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to

THE LIST, UPDATED: What is, and isn’t, happening on your West Seattle Saturday

(Steller’s Jay, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

It’s been a long week. Now – the final weekend of winter. Here’s what’s happening, followed by what’s not happening:

GROUP RUN: West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) is continuing with its weekly free group runs, like this one. Meet at the shop by 8 am. (2743 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE LINUX USERS GROUP: Meeting at 9 am via Zoom – info here.

WEST SEATTLE ULTIMATE FAMILY FRISBEE: Organizer Timothy won’t be there, but you can be – 9 am at Walt Hundley Playfield, He shares the COVID-19 safety recs from Disc NW. (34th & Myrtle)

GIRL SCOUT COOKIES: Last scheduled weekend for sales. Buy yours online!

WINE: The Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) tasting room is open, 2-7 pm. (5910 California SW)

DAMON BUXTON: Guitarist at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. All ages. No cover. (5612 Californa SW)

(updated, 11:06 am, postponed to TBA date) RECORD RELEASE: Sweet Jesus at The Skylark, 8 pm doors, 9 pm music. $8 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

THE LOOSE HEELS: Danceable country classics at Parliament Tavern, 9 pm. $8 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

Next, from our our cancellations, postponements, changes page):

CLOSED – City and county libraries
CLOSED – Community centers, pools, other Seattle Parks facilities
CANCELED – Family Reading Time at Paper Boat Booksellers
CANCELED – Seattle CYO Athletics games
CANCELED – Middle-school (SPS) basketball playoffs
CANCELED – Free Tax Help
CANCELED – Northwest Symphony Orchestra concert
CANCELED – Live music at Pacific Room
CANCELED – Downtown St. Patrick’s Day Parade (which had had some WS participants)
POSTPONED – Magical Strings at Kenyon Hall (new date – June 27th)
POSTPONED – West Side Presbyterian Garage Sale (new dates are June 5 & 6)
POSTPONED – Pathfinder K-8 PTSA fundraiser (new date = May 15th)

Please continue sending in not only cancellations/changes but also announcements of what IS happening – or text 206-293-6302 – business info welcome too – thank you!

CORONAVIRUS: The Friday 3/13 roundup

More announcements today, but not quite the deluge of each of the past two days. Here’s our nightly roundup:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From this afternoon’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

Public Health – Seattle & King County is reporting the following confirmed cases and deaths due to COVID-19 through 11:59 p.m. on 3/12/20

328 confirmed cases (up 58 from yesterday)
32 confirmed deaths (up 5 from yesterday)

Deaths being reported today include:

A woman in her 90s, a resident of Life Care Center, who died on 3/6
A woman in her 90s, a resident of Life Care Center, who died on 3/6
A woman in her 80s, a resident of Life Care Center, who died on 3/4
A man in his 70s, who died at Overlake Medical Center on 3/9
A man in his 80s, who died at Swedish Issaquah on 3/11

Of the 32 deaths reported, 25 are associated with Life Care Center of Kirkland.

BRIDGE PARK FOLLOWUP: Following our report last night on the High Point senior-living complex’s notice that a resident has tested positive for COVID-19, we heard back from its owners today, and added that to the story, as well as the letter sent to families. No public word on how the patient is doing.

QUARANTINE/ISOLATION SITE PLAN CHANGES: Even before a single patient has arrived at the Top Hat quarantine/isolation site, an incident at the one in Kent led to the county announcing a change in plans.

GOVERNOR’S BRIEFING: This afternoon, Gov. Jay Inslee and State Supt. of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal briefed the media again. The governor expanded the school closure order to all K-12s statwwide and also to higher-education institutions. Here’s the video:

In Q&A, Inslee also debunked that National Guard rumor that’s been circulating (as he had done earlier on Twitter).

FARMERS’ MARKETS CLOSED: A mayoral order announced this afternoon means the West Seattle Farmers’ Market and others like it are closed until mid-April. WSFM management says it’s working on “creative solutions” to make its farmers’ produce/products available – they’re surveying customers’ interest.

LUNCH SITES FOR SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS STUDENTS: Five West Seattle/South Park schools are among the 26 schools citywide where the district will start distributing sack lunches Monday. Here’s the story, with addresses and a map.

HELPING: Yesterday we told you about the Highland Park Elementary PTA marshaling volunteers and donors to help local students stay fed until the district operation fires up. Today, we found out about volunteers at Highland Park Improvement Club providing lunches to Sanislo Elementary students:

Among the volunteers who made/distributed more than 160 lunches, City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. (P.S. Here’s her latest newsletter, including lots of city info about the virus crisis.)

BUSINESSES: Lots of biznotes today – and more to come this weekend – as independent local businesses do their best to adapt to “social distancing” while still serving customers. Many are implementing strategies like delivery or pre-ordering for pickup (not just food businesses, which have long deployed those tactics). The West Seattle Junction Association has added two 15-minute parking spaces in each of its four free-parking lots to help make quick pickup possible. Look for signs like this:

Let us know what YOUR business is doing – – thank you!

WHAT’S CANCELED, POSTPONED, CHANGED LOCALLY: We’re continuing to update our West Seattle list – see it here (more updates tonight). If/when your organization, business, church, school, group, etc. has cancellations, postponements, changes, PLEASE let us know – or text/voice 206-293-6302.

WSB CONTINUING COVERAGE: All the stories published on WSB related to the COVID-19 situation are categorized so that you can find them anytime at We’re also continuing to use Twitter (@westseattleblog) for instant bursts. Any local info you’re NOT finding, please let us know so we can improve how we serve you.

P.S. How about some “poems to lean on,” as suggested by state Poet Laureate Claudia Castro Luna (a West Seattleite)?

CORONAVIRUS: Jefferson Square office building closed for weekend cleaning after tenant reports ‘direct contact with a confirmed case’

Multiple sources have sent us a letter posted in the Jefferson Square office building, on the north side of the center, saying the building is closed this weekend for cleaning, because “It has been reported that one of the tenants in the office building … has had direct contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.” Here’s the entire letter:

No information on which tenant or how the exposed person is doing. The office building’s access is largely separate from the retail businesses that ring the center.


8:06 PM FRIDAY: Announced today – a chance to help The Admiral District‘s beverage businesses stay afloat:

These last few weeks have been really tough for a lot of local businesses in the Admiral Junction. Here is your chance to help out. This Sunday, March 15th, join us for a bar crawl to support your favorite local businesses. Each of these businesses will be running drink specials and food specials.

5 pm – The Nook
5:30 pm – Yen Wor (in the bar in the back)
6 pm – Admiral Pub
6:30 pm – Arthur’s
7 pm – Mission Cantina
7:30 pm – Copper Coin
8 pm – Parliament Tavern
8:30 pm – Circa

If you can’t join us for the bar crawl, please try and stop by on Sunday to one of these businesses, and if you can’t stay, you can always buy gift cards. Any amount of support would be greatly appreciated from all your favorite bartenders, servers, cooks, dishwashers, and barbacks in the Admiral Junction.

Starting point The Nook is at 2206 California SW.

ADDED 11:15 AM SATURDAY: The proprietors have just told us this is off, after they discussed further and agreed the “social distancing” recommendations might be tough to meet.

BIZNOTE: Pacific Room on Alki goes delivery-only, suspends live music

Driving Alki this afternoon, we noticed a note on the door at Pacific Room (2808 Alki SW), so stopped to check it out. The restaurant/nightclub has suspended dining-room service and live music for at least the rest of March – but: “We will, however, be keeping our kitchen open and available for all takeout orders, 4 pm-9 pm, 7 days a week. Visit our website, check out our menu, give us a call, 206-829-9695, and let us make dinner easy for you!”

HEALTH INSURANCE: Need it? Special open-enrollment window

March 13, 2020 4:51 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | Health | West Seattle news

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the state’s Healthplanfinder has a special open-enrollment period for those who need health insurance. Read about it here. The announcement mentions working with a local broker/navigator – here’s a message from West Seattleite Carol McClure:

In response to the Coronavirus, the Washington Health Benefit Exchange announced a limited time special enrollment for individuals currently without health insurance. Applications must be created and submitted by April 8 to be covered beginning April 1. If you have questions or need help enrolling, please contact Financial Designs, 425-392-7390

ENTERTAINMENT: How Admiral Theater is staying open

(WSB photo, this afternoon)

Need some diversion? West Seattle’s only movie theater is open. Here’s how the Admiral Theater‘s parent company Far Away Entertainment says things are being handled:

We are open and if you’re able to visit our movie theater, we thank you!

In order to promote social distancing, we’ll only be selling 50% of our seats to each show and scheduling shows further apart to allow for extra cleaning time. The 50% sales limit allows for more effective social distancing. Now there will be plenty of room to sit apart from others in all our auditoriums.

Employees have been asked to stay home if they’re feeling unwell and will also be screened upon coming to work. We will continue to take all extra cleaning precautions and measures.

We have some great shows on screen and hope you’re able to escape and enjoy a movie!

The Admiral is at 2343 California SW. Its lineup, showtimes, and ticket prices are here.

UPDATE: West Seattle Farmers’ Market announces closure

(WSB photo, 3/8/20 West Seattle Farmers’ Market)

ORIGINAL 2:42 PM REPORT: Just in from the nonprofit that manages the West Seattle Farmers’ Market and others, a cancellation notice but with word that they’re working on other ways to get fresh food to shoppers:

For 26 years, the Neighborhood Farmers Market has provided the link between hundreds of Washington farmers and food producers and you, our neighborhood shoppers. And that is what we will continue to do as we explore safe options to connect you with local food.

Yesterday evening, the Mayor’s Office notified us that all neighborhood farmers markets in the City of Seattle will be suspended through April 13 in an imperative attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19. We are complying, and with support from the city and our stakeholders it is our goal to welcome you all safely back into the markets as soon as possible.

I want to assure you that our staff, board, and community partners are working around the clock to ensure the Neighborhood Farmers Markets leads an effort to find creative solutions during this time – especially our farmers, food producers, and shoppers who rely on the markets and programs like Fresh Bucks for access to healthy food.

You can do two things to help local growers:

First, if you are interested in deliveries or pick-ups at neighborhood drop points from our over 200 market farmers and vendors, we want to know! As we explore all options to support our local farms and feed the community, you are an essential part of the solution. Fill out the interest form here.

Second, please donate to the Good Farmer Fund. Since 2008, this fund has provided over $250,000 in relief to small farms, who operate on slim margins and face high degrees of uncertainty even during the best of times. We need to replenish the fund and explore alternate funding in order to keep these small businesses in business during this time. Donate today.

In the coming weeks, we will be in regular touch to keep you informed about how COVID-19 is impacting our markets, organization, neighborhood food supply, and the farmers and food producers who make up a thriving local food economy that is now under threat. Our goal is to ensure that farmers markets and vendors survive this unforeseen disruption in their businesses and are able to continue to bring healthy food and vitality into Seattle neighborhoods.

There is work to do, and in the spirit of community, our interconnectedness, and feeding neighbors during good times and bad, you are all needed.

The timeframe means there won’t be another WS Farmers’ Market before Sunday, April 19th.
3:37 PM: Another email from Farmers’ Market management: “Please stay tuned for a corrected announcement from our organization later today. We regret the mixed messages during a confusing time, and are working internally and with our stakeholders to get you an update as quickly as possible.” We’ll update when we get it.

5:11 PM: Still waiting for the Farmers’ Market update, but the mayor’s office has just announced that her order suspending events such as these markets takes effect Monday, so we’re waiting to hear if that means one last market on Sunday or not.

7:51 PM: The Farmers’ Market management’s updated announcement says the market is suspended immediately, so NO market Sunday or subsequent Sundays until at least April 19th.

BIZNOTE: West Seattle Junction adds 15-minute parking

Look for signs like that in each of the West Seattle Junction Association‘s four free parking lots (44th/Alaska, 44th/Oregon, 44th north of Edmunds, 42nd/Oregon) – they have just been set up to set aside two 15-minute parking spots in each lot, meant to facilitate going to a local business for something quick like picking up takeout food or an item you’ve ordered online or by phone.

BIZNOTES: Morgan Junction edition – Thunder Road Guitars, The Bass Shop, West Seattle Thriftway

Local businesses are doing everything they can to keep serving you as long as they can during the COVID-19 situation. So we’re publishing updates as we get them. These are from three Morgan Junction businesses:

THUNDER ROAD GUITARS & THE BASS SHOP: We stopped into the shop at 6400 California SW to check in. Here’s their message for you:

West Seattle! Thunder Road Guitars and The Bass Shop are open for business and will remain open. We have more inventory in the store than ever with new guitars arriving daily. To be safe, we are taking daily measures to disinfect and wipe down surfaces, doors, etc. We understand and respect people wanting to stay out of public places and therefore we are offering free local shipping and/or delivery to all of West Seattle. We have gift cards available as well. We would love to see you! Tues – Sat 10 am – 6p m, online 24/7 and

Both shops are WSB sponsors.

WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY: Ownership/management of this independent local grocery store at 4201 SW Morgan (also a WSB sponsor) have this message for you:

(The “no personal cups” change for coffee bars seems to be increasingly common – though we’ve proudly brought a reusable cup to coffee shops going back to the ’90s, we’re leaving ours at home TFN.)

THE LIST, UPDATED: What’s happening & not happening on your West Seattle Friday

(Bald Eagles, photographed Wednesday at Lincoln Park by Mark MacDonald)

First, what IS happening (always subject to last-minute change, though):

LAST DAY FOR LIBRARIES: Seattle Public Library branches are closing for at least a month after 6 pm tonight.

LAST DAY FOR COMMUNITY CENTERS/POOLS: As announced, they too are closing after today.

FOOD DISTRIBUTION @ HP ELEMENTARY: Again today until early evening, Highland Park Elementary PTA volunteers are distributing food at the school. Donations welcome too. (1012 SW Trenton)

FOOD DISTRIBUTION FOR SANISLO STUDENTS: 11 am-2 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club. (1116 SW Holden)

LUNCHES AT THE JUNCTION CHURCH: The weekly lunch is now a distribution of sack lunches, all welcome, noon-12:30 pm. (4157 California SW)

(updated 5:15 pm, canceled) SONGWRITERS’ SHOWCASE: 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor). No cover, all ages. (5612 California SW)

LIVE IN-STORE AT EASY STREET RECORDS: 7 pm, Mr. Dinkles. Free, all ages. (California/Alaska)

(updated 7:27 pm, canceled) MUSIC AT PACIFIC ROOM: 8 pm, Jose “Juicy” Gonzales. Cover info here. (2808 Alki SW)

(2:26 PM, show is canceled but tavern IS open) MUSIC AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: 9 pm, The Mutineers, Michael Ray & the Plastic Sheets, Gravel Road. $8 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

What’s NOT happening, from our cancellations, postponements, changes page:

CANCELED – ArtsWest production “Saint Joan”
CANCELED – Seattle CYO Athletics games
CANCELED – CRS community meal at Our Lady of Guadalupe
CANCELED – VR Wine Happy Hour at Quail Park West Seattle
CANCELED – Senior Center of West Seattle “non-essential” programs/events
POSTPONED – Arbor Heights Elementary auction (new date: May 8th)
POSTPONED – West Seattle High School Big Band Dinner Dance (no new date yet)
POSTPONED – West Side Presbyterian Garage Sale (new dates are June 5 & 6)

Please continue sending in not only cancellations/changes but also announcements of what IS happening – or text 206-293-6302 – business info welcome too – thank you!

BIZNOTE: Antique Mall of West Seattle closed TFN

Seen in The Junction:

The Antique Mall of West Seattle is closed TFN.

We’ll continue to report on what businesses are doing to stay open as well as closures, so please keep the info coming – or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

MARITIME: ‘Cargo-handling facilities remain operational’

March 13, 2020 10:15 am
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 |   Coronavirus | Port of Seattle | West Seattle news

With Port properties in West Seattle, you might wonder how the COVID-19 situation is affecting shipping. Here’s the latest update from the Northwest Seaport Alliance (the ports of Seattle and Tacoma):

During this COVID-19 pandemic, The Northwest Seaport Alliance remains committed to protecting the health of our community and employees. Working closely with the United States Coast Guard and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NWSA continues to serve the needs of our customers as cargo-handling facilities remain operational. We are also following the CDC’s recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus.

“We are focused on maintaining the reliability of our gateway, reducing the potential of infections and positioning ourselves so that we can adjust in the event that further measures become necessary,” said NWSA CEO John Wolfe.

The CDC is the main federal response agency for maritime vessels. The U.S. Coast Guard has authority on commercial vessel traffic and crew members on board the vessels. Here’s the U.S. Coast Guard’s latest marine safety information update from March 9:

Vessels destined for a U.S. port are required to report to the CDC any sick or deceased crew/passengers during 15 days prior to arrival at the U.S. port.

Non-passenger commercial vessels that have been to China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) or embarked crew members who have been in China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) within the last 14 days, with no sick crew members, will be permitted to enter the U.S. and conduct normal operations, with restrictions. Crew members on these vessels will be required under captain of the port authority to remain aboard the vessel except to conduct specific activities directly related to vessel cargo or provisioning operations.

The NWSA and Washington state ports are in communication with each other and the United States Coast Guard through the USCG Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC), which was established to be prepared for events such as this.

We have implemented daily enhanced cleaning protocols to prevent the spread of coronavirus at Port maritime and marine maintenance facilities including:

Providing hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes for self-cleaning of desks, equipment and NWSA vehicles.
Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces throughout facilities, including kitchens, handrails, doorknobs, offices, conference rooms and restrooms.

The Annual Breakfast, scheduled for March 25, 2020 has been postponed to a later date.

All non-essential domestic and international business travel for employees through April 15, 2020 has been suspended.

To increase physical distance among employees, the NWSA has implemented a flexible worksite policy for employees who are able to telework.