More announcements today, but not quite the deluge of each of the past two days. Here’s our nightly roundup:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From this afternoon’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:
Public Health – Seattle & King County is reporting the following confirmed cases and deaths due to COVID-19 through 11:59 p.m. on 3/12/20
328 confirmed cases (up 58 from yesterday)
32 confirmed deaths (up 5 from yesterday)Deaths being reported today include:
A woman in her 90s, a resident of Life Care Center, who died on 3/6
A woman in her 90s, a resident of Life Care Center, who died on 3/6
A woman in her 80s, a resident of Life Care Center, who died on 3/4
A man in his 70s, who died at Overlake Medical Center on 3/9
A man in his 80s, who died at Swedish Issaquah on 3/11Of the 32 deaths reported, 25 are associated with Life Care Center of Kirkland.
BRIDGE PARK FOLLOWUP: Following our report last night on the High Point senior-living complex’s notice that a resident has tested positive for COVID-19, we heard back from its owners today, and added that to the story, as well as the letter sent to families. No public word on how the patient is doing.
QUARANTINE/ISOLATION SITE PLAN CHANGES: Even before a single patient has arrived at the Top Hat quarantine/isolation site, an incident at the one in Kent led to the county announcing a change in plans.
GOVERNOR’S BRIEFING: This afternoon, Gov. Jay Inslee and State Supt. of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal briefed the media again. The governor expanded the school closure order to all K-12s statwwide and also to higher-education institutions. Here’s the video:
In Q&A, Inslee also debunked that National Guard rumor that’s been circulating (as he had done earlier on Twitter).
FARMERS’ MARKETS CLOSED: A mayoral order announced this afternoon means the West Seattle Farmers’ Market and others like it are closed until mid-April. WSFM management says it’s working on “creative solutions” to make its farmers’ produce/products available – they’re surveying customers’ interest.
LUNCH SITES FOR SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS STUDENTS: Five West Seattle/South Park schools are among the 26 schools citywide where the district will start distributing sack lunches Monday. Here’s the story, with addresses and a map.
HELPING: Yesterday we told you about the Highland Park Elementary PTA marshaling volunteers and donors to help local students stay fed until the district operation fires up. Today, we found out about volunteers at Highland Park Improvement Club providing lunches to Sanislo Elementary students:
Among the volunteers who made/distributed more than 160 lunches, City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. (P.S. Here’s her latest newsletter, including lots of city info about the virus crisis.)
BUSINESSES: Lots of biznotes today – and more to come this weekend – as independent local businesses do their best to adapt to “social distancing” while still serving customers. Many are implementing strategies like delivery or pre-ordering for pickup (not just food businesses, which have long deployed those tactics). The West Seattle Junction Association has added two 15-minute parking spaces in each of its four free-parking lots to help make quick pickup possible. Look for signs like this:
Let us know what YOUR business is doing – – thank you!
WHAT’S CANCELED, POSTPONED, CHANGED LOCALLY: We’re continuing to update our West Seattle list – see it here (more updates tonight). If/when your organization, business, church, school, group, etc. has cancellations, postponements, changes, PLEASE let us know – or text/voice 206-293-6302.
WSB CONTINUING COVERAGE: All the stories published on WSB related to the COVID-19 situation are categorized so that you can find them anytime at We’re also continuing to use Twitter (@westseattleblog) for instant bursts. Any local info you’re NOT finding, please let us know so we can improve how we serve you.
P.S. How about some “poems to lean on,” as suggested by state Poet Laureate Claudia Castro Luna (a West Seattleite)?