West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
4:32 PM: Thanks to the tipster who called to let us know about a traffic tie-up at Highland Park Way/Holden because of work crews. This is where SDOT told us on Wednesday that a temporary traffic signal would be installed because the high-rise West Seattle Bridge’s closure has put added stress on the already-busy intersection. We just got here to check and SDOT is in the southbound lane of HP Way on both sides of Holden. Avoid the area.
5:29 PM: We checked with SDOT regarding status. Spokesperson Ethan Bergerson replied, “We started work for the signal installation yesterday and are continuing today. We expect to be done sometime next week depending on weather. To give you a better sense of the timing, we began electrical work yesterday and are working on striping today.”
Another community update from Seattle Police Southwest Precinct operations ccommander Lt. Steve Strand:
The Southwest Precinct is fully staffed and has not had any positive COVID-19 cases in our work force. We are deployed around the clock, every day of the week, just as we have always been.
As a data-driven department, we are constantly looking at our crime trends to determine where to place our resources. We are currently focusing high-visibility patrols on vacant businesses, schools, and residences.
We are taking additional precautions in our response by donning the appropriate PPE level for the situation. We encourage everybody to maintain their social distancing when they must leave their residence for groceries, essential work, or fresh air.
The West Seattle bridge being closed has not seemed to impact us significantly at this time but only time will tell. There are a variety of ways you are able to report crimes, concerns, and suspicious behavior that you can look up online.
Remain vigilant with your neighbors and take care of yourself and your loved ones.
We also got an update from Lt. Strand last week – see that here.
Last night we briefly mentioned a reported stabbing in the 9200 block of 17th SW. No other details were available at the time but today we’ve obtained the police report. According to the report, it started with a 911 call about “people fighting with knives.” Arriving officers found a man with what the report describes as a deep, 3-inch long wound on his upper left rib cage. He told them he was awakened by his roommate reporting someone was “attacking” his car, parked near 17th/Cambridge. The victim said he went out to check and found someone kicking the car, so he grabbed a small rock and confronted the person, who then pulled out a “7- to 8-inch-long knife” and “started swinging it.” The victim ran back to his apartment, where he discovered he was wounded. Before medics took him to Harborview, he told police he recognized the suspect from social media, though that didn’t pan out. Meantime, a witness told officers that the stabbing suspect had been doing driving stunts – speeding and then slamming on the brakes – in a black SUV, before getting out to key and kick the victim’s car. He was described as Hispanic, about 50 years old, wearing a red T-shirt, blue jeans, and a hat.
West Seattle’s Westcrest Park is one of six sites where the city is planning “hygiene stations” to help unsheltered people stay healthy. From the announcement today:
Building on the 1,900 new sites across the City to help individuals experiencing homelessness, the City of Seattle announced the deployment and maintenance of six hygiene facilities throughout the City, which augment the more than 128 Seattle Parks comfort stations that remain open for hygiene needs. This expansion of resources is a continuation of ongoing work by the City and County to bring critically needed resources to those most in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Beginning tomorrow, the City will deploy and maintain 14 toilets and 6 handwashing stations near City Hall Park, Lake City Community Center, Jefferson Park, Westcrest Park, Cal Anderson Park, and Benvenuto Viewpoint. All areas are in close proximity to individuals experiencing homelessness. This is in addition to the more than 128 locations in parks throughout the City, available to all residents, and are currently being serviced by Seattle Parks and Recreation. The new facilities will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days per week. Daily maintenance will be provided including sharps disposal, waste removal, and supplemental cleaning.
In addition to the portable toilets, the City expects to soon deploy at least four hygiene trailers with showers, toilets, and hand-washing stations. Currently under procurement, the trailer locations and staffing will be determined by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) in partnership outreach teams and other departments and Public Health – Seattle & King County.
The announcement – which you can read in its entirety here – also says:
SPU has partnered with HSD’s Navigation Team and local stakeholders to address public health and safety in unmanaged encampments. Increased litter and trash collection services will be delivered at unmanaged encampments over the next several weeks. In addition, the SPU encampment trash program that delivers trash bags and collects them, currently in 14 locations, will increase to 16 sites by March 31, 2020. SPU will also increase their pump-out services for RVs, expanding their initial pilot of two events per week.
We asked the city where exactly in Westcrest Park the hygiene station would be placed, since it’s a sprawling park; the reply was that it would be “installed on the SPR property across the street from 9063 Henderson Place SW.” That maps to one of the entrances on the west side of the park.
(WSB file photo of Jeff Hogan presenting Killer Whale Tales at a local school)
From Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales:
Hi Neighbors: My West Seattle-based non-profit, Killer Whale Tales, is offering free online classes for students learning at home. (In fact, if you have kids in the area’s schools, I may have already visited with them…) I am offering multiple classes for a limited number of students in each session until we all get back to school. Even if you don’t live in WS we would love to have any kids that you know join us for this science-based activity. Sign up at this link and check back for other classes coming soon.
And yes, we meet WA States Next Generation Science Standards!
One week after Metro buses went to a reduced schedule, more Sound Transit buses will be doing the same as of Monday (March 30th), including the West Seattle-serving Route 560. See the new timetable here (PDF).
(West Seattle Bridge cracks, from sdotblog.seattle.gov)
When the safety shutdown of the West Seattle Bridge was announced Monday, a City Council briefing was promised. As noted in our Wednesday followup, City Councilmember Lisa Herbold said it appeared that would happen next Monday (March 30th). Now the agenda is out and that’s confirmed – 9:30 am Monday, during the council’s regular “briefing” meeting, It’s billed as “Presentation on the Condition of the West Seattle Bridge,” with SDOT officials. The council meets by phone these days but it’ll still be live on Seattle Channel, online (we’ll carry the feed here too) or cable 21, or you can dial in to listen at 206-684-8566.
5:35 AM: For the fourth day, the high-level West Seattle Bridge is closed – here’s our latest report.
No timetable for repairs yet:
The low bridge is off-limits unless you’re transit, freight, emergency response, or working on Harbor Island. (SDOT requests voluntary compliance.)
A primary alternative across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) – that’s also how to get to I-5.
Or, the South Park Bridge (map).
Metro routes are affected, too – check yours here (and remember the new Reduced Schedule also applies). Taking the Water Taxi? Here’s the schedule (the WT, like Metro, is currently free). Let us know what you’re seeing on your alternate commute – comment, or text (not while at the wheel!) 206-293-6302.
This morning, we published the citywide call for people to “make a joyful noise” at 8 pm, as a show of appreciation and support for health-care workers, first responders, and others working to keep people safe and healthy. All over West Seattle, people answered the call. This video is from Michelle in Seaview:
We received even more clips via Twitter. (If you have trouble with playback, click the time/date line beneath any tweet to see/hear the clip there.)
Bagpipes in our neighborhood. ❤️#MakeAJoyfulNoise pic.twitter.com/dKz0ngkmYl
— jetcityjen (@jetcityjen) March 27, 2020
Tonight at 8:00, Seattle came together on our balconies and porches and yards to #MakeAJoyfulNoise in honor of our treasured front-line workers. Here's Rob playing his clarinet, & our neighbors are making their own joyful noise in the background. #SeattleTogether #WestSeattleBlog pic.twitter.com/CYUlYNxTFR
— Trileigh Tucker (@TrileighTucker) March 27, 2020
Lots of shouts and music here on Genesee Hill! pic.twitter.com/1bIM81pwcv
— Mac Justice (@macjustice) March 27, 2020
Our musical tribute from Seaview. pic.twitter.com/BipfbMV5tO
— Doug Alder (@SeattleVolFan) March 27, 2020
And Pete on Pigeon Point summarized what happened in his ‘hood: “I stepped outside and heard neighbors banging pots, yelling greetings to neighbors, singing songs, generous amounts of hollering and just general neighborly coming together to support those who are supporting us. Was joyful to hear my neighbors making noise tonight.”
One night short of four weeks since the first confirmed King County case of COVID-19, here’s the nightly roundup:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the daily Seattle-King County Public Health news release:
1,577 confirmed positive cases (up 218 from yesterday)
109 confirmed deaths (up 9 from yesterday)
Eleven people are currently staying in a King County isolation and quarantine facility
To compare, countywide numbers one week ago were 693 confirmed cases, 60 deaths.
DATA DASHBOARD DOWN: On Wednesday, King County launched a new “dashboard” with far more granular info, such as how many confirmed cases by zip code. However, now it’s down because heavy use crashed it.
STATEWIDE NUMBERS: 3,207 confirmed cases, 147 deaths; see other state stats here.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them – nation by nation – here.
GOVERNOR’S WARNING: In a streamed news conference today – the first full day his “stay-home order” was in effect – Gov. Inslee warned it may have to last longer than two weeks to conquer the virus. Our coverage has the video.
NO PARKING AT MORE PARKS: You can still go to city, county, or Port parks, but now more of them are no-parking zones.
SPEAKING OF PARKING: The city announced a parking-permit program for health-care workers at certain facilities, mostly downtown.
CHILD CARE: Health-care workers and first responders are getting it for free at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), which expressed gratitude for community support making that possible.
IF YOU’RE HOME WITH THE KID(S) … go bear-hunting!
GOT INFO? westseattleblog@gmail.com or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!
No word yet on the circumstances, but the big “scenes of violence” response in the 9200 block of 17th SW is for a man described by the dispatcher as having a knife wound. Police are also there investigating.
Thanks to Marc for the photo, and to Anne for the original tip – for the past few hours, SW Lander between Admiral and Alki has been closed because of downed wires. Anne says a PODS truck headed uphill snagged the wires. They were deactivated and the truck was freed, but the wires haven’t been fixed at last report.
Though fitness studios had to close in the governor’s first wave of business shutdowns more than a week and a half ago, many in West Seattle are thriving online. Here are notes on three:
SOUNDYOGA (WSB sponsor): Longtime yoga instructor Chris Dormaier sent the image:
Chris reports, “We have gone totally online and it has been working well and fun!” You can check out the online classes by going to soundyoga.com.
FITNESS TOGETHER-WEST SEATTLE (WSB sponsor): Fitness Together is offering virtual 1-on-1 live training sessions during the temporary shutdown of the studio. You can try one for free – email bonniekatz@fitnesstogether.com. They report, “Our clients are surprised at what a great workout they are getting!”
FIT4MOM WEST SEATTLE: This Admiral-based business is “offering online fitness classes and kids’ playgroups to give their community a way to stay healthy and connected.” That includes “online workout classes 18 times per week for all paying members. And free playgroups, activities, crafts and even Mom Chats at least 3 times per week for anyone. In addition, new moms are invited to join the community and get access to all of the workouts and playgroups.”
More business updates tomorrow!
Thanks to Richard in the Fairmount Park area for the video! He explains: “We are blessed in the Fairmount Park neighborhood to have an acclaimed Jazz saxophonist as one of our neighbors. Next Monday he was scheduled to play at Jazz Alley but alas we all know that is not going to happen now. Anton S. is his name and he has decided to play each night at 6 pm a solo for anyone to listen and appreciate from a safe distance, like on my porch. I hope … other muscians in other neighborhoods might be inspired to do same. Community, neighbors, safe personal distancing … We can beat this virus!
(WSB photo, Southwest Teen Life Center)
As noted in our nightly COVID-19 local-news roundup last night, the city and county have announced a list of sites where they plan to add shelter space to enable “social distancing” in existing shelters. Two of the sites are in our area – Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle) and county-owned space on Harbor Island. We followed up today in search of more details on who would be served and how the expansion shelter would be managed. For the city, Will Lemke replied, saying most details haven’t been worked out yet: “We have not yet identified a shelter to move clients into the SW Teen Life Center or the Harbor Island site. These spaces are being made available in anticipation of this need. … As with the other de-intensifying shelters we are standing up, the City and County will partner with shelter operators to arrange for transportation, 24/7 staffing, food, and cleaning services at locations being used in response to COVID-19.” The announcement says SW Teen Life Center will have room for 50 people and that Harbor Island will have room for 24, both to be ready sometime in April. These are NOT quarantine/isolation sites – just meant to create literally more space for unsheltered people.
(WSB photo, gate at Jack Block Park)
As reported here earlier this week, Seattle Parks as closed parking lots at eight “destination parks” around the city, including Lincoln Park and Alki Beach (as clarified yesterday, Seacrest and Don Armeni were folded in with the latter). Today, the Port of Seattle announced it has closed park parking lots too – that includes, in West Seattle, Jack Block Park, plus T-105 and T-107 on the Duwamish River. And as noted on our partner site White Center Now, King County Parks’ lots also are closed. BUT all three jurisdictions stress that the parks themselves REMAIN OPEN for walking and other social-distancing-friendly activity.
With everyone at home, more people might notice things such as discolored tap water. It happened to Jenny west of The Junction today, and she sent the photo. If it happens to you, here’s what to do:
Call Seattle Public Utilities at 206-386-1800.
They should be able to tell you whether it’s the result of a water-main break, or – as in Jenny’s situation – nearby hydrant testing. The latter often stirs up sediment (basically, rust) in the system, and that leads to tbe discoloration. After you’ve reported it, here’s what else to do.
This was so much of a problem a few years back that SPU did a major flush in West Seattle over the span of months in 2016 – read about it here. It’s important to let SPU know if you see it, because without so many reports back in 2016, they wouldn’t have done the flush.
Announced by DNDA, an update on plans that were in the works pre-pandemic:
DNDA currently owns seven buildings in the Delridge area of West Seattle with a total of 144 units for rent. All of our buildings offer housing that is less expensive than for-profit buildings so that families with lower incomes can always live in Delridge. With these properties, DNDA’s goals are:
· To offer housing that is less expensive than for-profit buildings so that families with lower incomes can always live in Delridge
· To take good care of the properties that we own so that they are comfortable to live in, and assets to the communityDNDA had planned for the renovation of three multi-family buildings; Centerwood, Delridge Heights, and Holden Manor during the Spring of 2020. These plans are currently pending due to complexities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both Delridge Heights and Holden Manor were built in the 1960s. Centerwood was built in the 1980s. The planned work for each building will include the following;
Delridge Heights
· Roof replacement
· Plumbing replacement
· Fencing Replacement ·
Replace older toilets with low-flow toilets.
· No tenant relocation necessaryCenterwood
· Roof Replacement
· Replace existing fencing.
· Removal of unhealthy/dangerous trees and pruning of healthy trees, per arborist report.
· Parking lot repairs, seal-coat, and striping
· No tenant relocation necessaryHolden Manor
· Roof replacement,
· Replace existing galvanized plumbing lines with new hot/cold plumbing lines
· Parking lot repairs and striping
. · No tenant relocation necessary
This past hour, we dialed into the latest media briefing given by Governor Inslee. No new announcement. But one key point – he said multiple times that the stay-home order (read it here), which is now officially fully in effect, may well last longer than two weeks. “”It would not be adequate to knock this virus down for two weeks and have it come roaring back.”
Other notes: “So far, we’ve seen overwhelming compliance,” he said. There are some exceptions. “We are hunkered down but we are not locked down.” You can take a walk, go out for a drive. But remember “social distancing is our only weapon against this scourge.” He also said, “We do believe we are seeing some encouraging signs.” But also: The state still has “very significant unmet needs in testing” and he spoke to the President and Vice President about that this morning. Some PPE has been sent but he still has “long-term concerns” and demands coming in from around the state still cannot be met. “We need the full energy of the manufacturing capacity of the United States of America” to be “fully engaged” in answering needs – he talked about a cross-state drive someone made for vials to be used in tests. States are now competing. “We need … a federal system to be effective in this regard.”
Meantime, back to “some hopeful news” – “some evidence that our community mitigation strategies” have slowed the rate of increase in King, Snohomish, Pierce Counties. He says the curve is flattening a bit. “We cannot let up on this virus … we have to hammer this until we can be sure it won’t spring back up.” He says that’s the only way to bring the economy back – to conquer the pandemic.
He notes that retailers are allowed to sell items by delivery and mail/shipping. Also: New unemployment claims are coming in “five times faster” than during the last recession – “we have seen nothing like this in our state’s history.” One employee category, however, is in a different situation. “We are going to need additional medical personnel” – he has “cleared the decks” for retired doctors/nurses to have their licenses restored. Find out how at coronavirus.wa.gov – he calls it a “medical militia.”
Archived video should be available soon here. (2:58 PM: We’ve added it above)
An update from the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor):
Due to the statewide mandate to prevent the spread of COVID-19, all Y branches, offices, and clinics are temporarily closed for normal operation. Housing, shelter, and counseling services continue with social distancing practices. We are quickly responding to this change and will provide details on our website, and via email to members, as the situation changes.
Beginning on Wednesday, March 18, the West Seattle YMCA pivoted its work and will provide full-day child care at the West Seattle Branch, FREE of charge to first responders and healthcare workers. Members who maintain their membership dues, volunteering, and donating help the Y tremendously, as we take on additional work to meet the growing needs of our fellow community members who are economically or medically vulnerable. We are directing our community funding to critical and essential services such as child care, securing food for vulnerable children, and serving those experiencing homelessness and economic disruption.
To learn more about our efforts in responding to this crisis and how you can help, please visit our website at seattleymca.org/coronavirus/community-action. THANK YOU to our members who have chosen to not cancel their memberships in order to sustain this work! For those who want to support our efforts, there is an option to donate as well.
This has apparently already started in some neighborhoods – Jeremy emailed us this morning saying he happened onto it last night on a street in North Admiral – but now there’s a citywide call to #MakeAJoyfulNoise starting at 8 pm tonight to show gratitude. The announcement:
Let’s make some noise, Seattle! Seattle’s cultural community in association with the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture encourages residents to participate in a civic-wide celebration of people on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic response.
Starting 8 p.m. sharp Thursday evening, we’re asking Seattleites to join a movement that began in European countries, opening our windows, standing on our balconies, from our front yards, backyards and or anywhere you can to make a joyful noise letting the healthcare and front line workers know how much we appreciate them. People can clap their hands, raise their voices, bang some pots and pans to show solidarity, and let the front line know how much they are appreciated.
The message is simple #MakeAJoyfulNoise asks us to:
Applaud our healthcare workers
Celebrate those on the front lines
Make a joyful noise at 8 p.m. starting Thursday (26th of March)We are doing this to celebrate the front lines, which include grocery store workers, supply chain specialists, janitors, Fire, Police, nurses and doctors and health care workers, sanitary workers, and so many more. We’d also like to bring some cheer to these dreary days in Seattle.
10:28 AM: Yes, it’s OK to go out for a walk (or run, or bike ride) during the stay-home order. We’ve featured a few neighborhood displays meant to provide something for neighbors to see on their walks – and this one seems to be gaining traction here as well as across the nation. Sean is the latest to send word of sightings for “teddy-bear hunts” – if you have a bear, put it in your window, so kids walking by will see it. The photos above are from a friend of his who spotted several in Highland Park; Sean has one in his window near 35th/Thistle. What’s in YOUR neighborhood windows? westseattleblog@gmail.com or text 206-293-6302 – thank you!
10:57 AM: Thanks to the texter who sent that photo from North Admiral (near 45th/Seattle)!
4:28 PM: Thanks to 6-year-old Tino for the photo from 12th/Holden!
ADDED THURSDAY NIGHT: Three bear photos via text – 20th/Thistle:
And from Julia on 41st in North Admiral:
ADDED: From Valerie near Madison Middle School:
And from Monica on Palm Avenue in North Admiral:
5:31 AM: The high-level West Seattle Bridge remains closed until further notice. Here’s our latest report, from a Wednesday night SDOT interview.
Here’s the camera view::
Next, the low bridge – SDOT says police will be stationed by it during “peak periods” but there will not be “checkpoints” – they ask that you not use it unless you’re transit, freight, emergency response, or working on Harbor Island.
You can use the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) instead – that’s also how to get to I-5.
Or, you can cross the Duwamish River on the South Park Bridge (map).
Metro routes are affected, too – check yours here (and remember the new Reduced Schedule also applies). Taking the Water Taxi? Here’s the schedule (the WT, like Metro, is currently free). Let us know what you’re seeing on your alternate commute – comment, or text (not while at the wheel!) 206-293-6302.