From Josh:
The Dakota building along California Ave (4116 California Ave SW) had a break-in this weekend. They took our garage door off the tracks and broke three of our doors. There were four suspects and their license plate was captured. They broke into a car, an electrical room and stole items.
According to a summary that Josh forwarded, compiled by building management, this likely started around 4:45 am Sunday:
Camera in lobby shows Suspect #1 enter the lobby via the elevator at 0454. He walks to the door from the lobby to the garage, sets down his backpack and takes out a 24-30 nch bar. Uses the bar to wrench open the door handle. The door did not unlock. He picks up an Amazon package from a counter in the lobby and exits via the front doors at about 0456.
Camera in alley shows Suspect #1 walking SB in the alley from north of the building at 0500. At 0501 he uses something, possibly same tool, to pry the garage gate off its track far enough to squeeze through. He prowls around the garage for several minutes … During this time he probably used his bar to wrench open the door to the electrical room. The contents of the Amazon package were opened and left on top of a cart in a bicycle storage area. A bicycle from that area was moved to a parking space about 20 feet away.
One burglar then was shown checking car doors and opening a resident’s car trunk before going through some items stored in another parking space, subsequently carrying two totes into the garbage room and rummaging through them.
Suspect #1 left via the garbage room double doors at 0515 and walked SB toward SW Genesee St. Suspect #1 Description: Black or Hispanic Male; 20’s to 30’s; average build. Wearing gray pants and a gray hoodie with “All Hustle No Handouts” on the front. Carried a blue or black backpack.
Josh says managers are still working on providing the video but did circulate this image of that burglar:
Video also shows a car associated with the three other suspects, “a silver or gray compact, possibly a Hyundai,” license CLE2—. They are described as:.
Suspect #2; White or Hispanic Male; 30’s; average build. Wearing gray pants and dark gray hoodie and black baseball hat; white sneakers. Does not appear to be the original suspect (#1).
Suspect #3; Unknown race male or female; heavy set; orange puffy coat over a white shirt, blue pants.
Suspect #4; White male; Very long ponytail; heavy set, but not nearly as much as #3; wearing mask; dressed in greenish jumpsuit with patches visible.
They’re still assessing what was stolen. If you have any information, SPD case number is 24-201737.