LOCAL BIZ UPDATES: SoundYoga; Fitness Together-West Seattle; Fit4Mom

Though fitness studios had to close in the governor’s first wave of business shutdowns more than a week and a half ago, many in West Seattle are thriving online. Here are notes on three:

SOUNDYOGA (WSB sponsor): Longtime yoga instructor Chris Dormaier sent the image:

Chris reports, “We have gone totally online and it has been working well and fun!” You can check out the online classes by going to soundyoga.com.

FITNESS TOGETHER-WEST SEATTLE (WSB sponsor): Fitness Together is offering virtual 1-on-1 live training sessions during the temporary shutdown of the studio. You can try one for free – email bonniekatz@fitnesstogether.com. They report, “Our clients are surprised at what a great workout they are getting!”

FIT4MOM WEST SEATTLE: This Admiral-based business is “offering online fitness classes and kids’ playgroups to give their community a way to stay healthy and connected.” That includes “online workout classes 18 times per week for all paying members. And free playgroups, activities, crafts and even Mom Chats at least 3 times per week for anyone. In addition, new moms are invited to join the community and get access to all of the workouts and playgroups.”

More business updates tomorrow!

1 Reply to "LOCAL BIZ UPDATES: SoundYoga; Fitness Together-West Seattle; Fit4Mom"

  • LG March 27, 2020 (6:40 am)

    Barre3 West Seattle is having a few Zoom classes next week, starting Saturday. I signed up via the Mind Body App. 

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