Health 866 results

WEEKEND PREVIEW: West Seattle’s community Alzheimer’s walk set for Saturday

Again this year, on the same day as the Seattle Walk to End Alzheimer’s downtown, West Seattle caregivers are organizing an informal walk here on the peninsula. Here’s the invitation!

Saturday…September 28…10:00 am…Holden and 39th

For those who don’t want to go to the big walk (at Seattle Center), the Alzheimer’s Caregivers’ Support Group has a local walk and welcomes anyone affected by the disease. We will meet at 39th Ave SW and SW Holden and walk together…usually under an hour and at a very social pace.

It’s FREE and FRIENDLY…wear purple if you have it.

No need to RSVP – just show up! (Here’s a map to 39th/Holden.)

Countywide property-tax increase proposed to save health clinics, fix Harborview Medical Center

It’s budget season for government agencies, which is why you’re hearing more than usual about money matters. One of today’s announcements would bring a countywide property-tax increase to save King County’s endangered public-health clinics and to fund maintenance at Harborview Medical Center, our region’s trauma hospital. This proposal does not need voter approval; it’s made possible by what the announcement from King County Executive Dow Constantine calls “a modified county hospital property tax authority approved by the state Legislature earlier this year.” It would cost 8.5 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value – that’s $72 a year for a house at the median King County valuation of $850,000. Here’s what the announcement says that money would go for:

It will raise $25 million, about 3 cents, for Public Health — Seattle & King County to sustain clinic operations in 2025 and provide essential health services to the most vulnerable. It will also raise $25 million for operations supporting those most in need at HMC. Roughly 2 cents of the tax total will raise $19 million for major infrastructure improvement projects at HMC in 2025. The remaining amount covers administrative costs to implement operations and contributes to the fund’s rainy-day reserve.

Clinic funding had been coming from the general fund, which faces a nine-digit shortfall. The county’s clinics serve 80,000 people; the nearest one is in the Greenbridge area of White Center, focusing on services for mothers and babies.

You asked, so we asked: When is Virginia Mason Franciscan Health finally opening 3400 California?

No photo (yet), but Thomas emailed today to say the future Virginia Mason Franciscan Health clinic at 3400 California SW is getting painted, and to ask when it’s opening. It’s now been 3 1/2 years since the health-care organization announced it would take over the former Swedish building, plagued by vandalism and burglary over those many vacant months. So we sent the question to VMFH’s media team and received this response attributed to Franciscan Medical Group COO Jane Root:

We’re excited to open the Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Medical Pavilion – West Seattle (3400 California Ave.) in the coming months to bring services including primary care, cardiology, women’s health, gastroenterology, and more to the community. We are targeting opening before the end of year 2024 and will keep you apprised of the grand opening details.

The original announcement had targeted fall 2021 for the facility’s opening. Swedish was in the building previously and moved to The Junction.

BABY ON THE WAY? Free, scenic workout Saturday with FIT4MOM on Lake Washington PT’s West Seattle waterfront rooftop

September 5, 2024 2:09 pm
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If you have a baby on the way, Saturday morning, the Elliott Bay-facing rooftop terrace at Lake Washington Physical Therapy West Seattle (WSB sponsor) is the place to be. This announcement explains why – and how to register:

If you are expecting or know someone who is, a FREE FIT4BABY prenatal preview class is planned this Saturday, September 7, at 9 am on the rooftop terrace of Lake Washington PT.

You can RSVP with this link and we will enroll you!

The 9 am class will be followed by a short presentation and Q&A on posture and pelvic-floor function pre- and postpartum given by April Johnson PT, DPT, PCES of LWPT, who is also a FIT4BABY alum!!

April is a physical therapist and a pregnancy and postpartum corrective-exercise specialist. Her goal is to help women decrease pain during pregnancy and safely return to activity postpartum. She has a deep understanding of the issues associated with pregnancy and strives to master the whole-body approach to women’s health. This process involves restoring posture, breathing mechanics, pelvic floor function (external), strength and much more! Some of the most common conditions treated are low back pain, sacroiliac joint pain, neck/shoulder pain, diastasis recti and incontinence.

For the class, please enter Lake Washington PT through the main entrance at 1309 Harbor Ave SW, Suite A. Street parking will be available. Make sure to check in at the front desk and someone will be there to direct you to the rooftop terrace. We can’t wait to see you then!

Forecast for Saturday morning so far – more sunshine!

FOLLOWUP: Fauntleroy YMCA hours expanding

The Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) continues its comeback. West Seattle/Fauntleroy branch executive Cleveland King just sent word that it’s expanding hours starting Friday, September 6 – until then, the Fauntleroy hours are 9 am-noon and 4 pm-7 pm Mondays-Thursdays, and the new Fauntleroy hours will be 8 am-noon and 4 pm-8 pm Mondays-Thursdays. (The Fauntleroy Y is co-housed with Fauntleroy Church at 9140 California SW.)

Seattle Strength & Performance: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!

August 19, 2024 11:47 am
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Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor, Seattle Strength & Performance, now open in West Seattle at 2942 SW Avalon Way. Businesses joining our sponsor team get the opportunity to tell you about what they offer – here’s what Seattle Strength & Performance would like you to know:

We believe in the benefits of strength training AND community. In the first six months of training with us, we’ve shown our members increase their strength on average by 114%! Plus, when they’re in the gym, they meet and develop strong relationships in their neighborhood and community.

Seattle Strength & Performance members often seek us out to begin strength training, and our personal-training programming is personalized to the individual and is done in a progressive way, meaning our members see and feel the results of training with us relatively quickly. We often get feedback that the activities they are doing in day-to-day life become easier, and they feel stronger and more capable as a result of their training.

We also hear that people are seeking a gym environment with expert coaches that keep them accountable to their routines and progress. All of our sessions are appointment-based and many members develop relationships with others in the gym, and coming to SSP becomes something they look forward to!

Ready to improve your strength? Sign up for a FREE workout class at SSP!

We thank Seattle Strength & Performance for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here. You can email for info on joining the team!

Public Health cracks down on unlicensed Alki Beach vendors

Public Health – Seattle & King County announced this morning that it shut down seven unlicensed food vendors at Alki Beach last night for “operating without a valid permit.” They list the vendors in question as:

Botanas Lokas
Tacos El Amigo
Unpermitted chicharron vendor
Tacos Seattle & Hot Dogs
El Corre Caminos

Besides health, other permits are required for food vendors, as listed here. Meantime, you can check Public Health’s list of current food-establishment closures any time by going here.

HEALTH: Public Health issues alert about possible measles exposure at Franciscan Urgent Care West Seattle clinic

An alert this morning from Public Health – Seattle & King County – “a confirmed measles case in a child, with possible exposures at Franciscan Urgent Care – West Seattle” (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW) this past Monday afternoon/evening. Here’s the full news release, explaining what to do if you might have been exposed.

Public Health – Seattle & King County is investigating a confirmed measles case in a child. The individual was at Franciscan Urgent Care – West Seattle while infectious. Anyone who was at the facility during the time span when the child was there on June 10th may have been exposed to measles. The child was not vaccinated, and the infection was likely associated with travel outside the United States.

“Measles is highly contagious and if you don’t have immunity, you can get it just by being in a room where a person with measles has been,” said Dr. Eric Chow, Communicable Disease Chief for Public Health – Seattle & King County. “We’ve seen an increase in measles cases around the world and in the U.S., so it’s an important time to check your vaccination status and get vaccinated if you aren’t protected. Talk to your doctor about vaccinations and other recommendations to prevent infection during your travel.”

Fortunately, the measles vaccine is very effective. Two doses of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine provides about 97% protection against getting infected by measles and that protection lasts a lifetime.

Transmission of measles can occur before people know they have the disease, before any rash appears.

The infected individual was at Franciscan Urgent Care – West Seattle during a period when they were infectious but before being diagnosed with measles. The time includes the period when the individual was at the clinic and two hours after. Measles virus can remain in the air for up to two hours after someone infectious with measles leaves the area. Anyone who was at the following location during the time listed could have been exposed to measles:

Date: June 10, 2024
Time: 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Franciscan Urgent Care- West Seattle 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW, Suite 110

What to do if you were in a location of potential measles exposure

Most people in our area have immunity to the measles through vaccination, so the risk to the general public is low. However, anyone who was in the location of potential exposure to measles around the times listed should:

-Find out if you have been vaccinated for measles or have had measles previously. Make sure you are up-to-date with the recommended number of measles (MMR) vaccinations by talking to your doctor.

-Call a healthcare provider promptly if you develop an illness with fever or with an unexplained rash. To avoid possibly spreading measles to others, do not go to a clinic or hospital without calling first to tell them you want to be checked for measles after an exposure. And it is also important to limit contact with others, especially those without known immunity.

-Vaccination or medication can be given after exposure in some cases to prevent illness – check with your healthcare provider. This is especially important for people at high risk for measles complications.

-If you were at the location at the times listed above and are not immune to measles, the most likely time you would become sick would be between June 17, 2024 – July 1, 2024. People who are immuno-compromised may take longer to experience symptoms.

Alerts like this are rare – last one in our archives was 10 years ago. You can find more measles info from Public Health by going here. There’s also an FAQ here.

BIZNOTE: Biggest sale of the year at nonprofit Discovery Shop West Seattle

June 6, 2024 10:36 pm
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Good deals for a good cause – that’s what you’ll find the next two days at the Discovery Shop in the West Seattle Junction. The shop is a nonprofit operation, raising money for the American Cancer Society. For the next two days – Friday, June 7, and Saturday, June 8 – everything in the store will be half-price. Manager Patricia Bolton says this is a very important sale for the shop, and it happens just twice a year. The shop will be open both days 10 am to 4:30 pm, at 4535 California SW.

BIZNOTE: Fitness Together West Seattle’s small-group training classes, with a deal

May 23, 2024 5:31 pm
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Longtime WSB sponsor Fitness Together West Seattle in The Junction is now offering small-group training classes, and a deal:

Fitness Together is now offering Small Group Training Classes! Our groups will be capped at 6 people so you get a personalized experience while still enjoying the community support and camaraderie. To sign up for a free trial class, click HERE.

After the free class, FTWS is offering a 10 percent discount. They recently expanded its studio space (4546 California SW), as we reported earlier this year.

FYI: Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care offering online ‘lunch and learn’ series

May 20, 2024 9:32 am
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 |   Health | West Seattle news

Health/wellbeing questions? Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care (WSB sponsor) is launching a series of three free online “lunch and learn” sessions starting this Thursday. Here’s their announcement:

Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care is launching a free Lunch and Learn series that is open to the general public. Generally, these will be offered on Thursdays from 12:30 pm-1:00 pm and will include a variety of topics with time to ask the provider questions. Interested participants will need to pre-register with a provided Zoom link. We look forward to having you join!

Thursday, May 23rd 12:30-1:00: Healthy Skin Care: Navigating a World of Options with Brie Woodruff, ARNP, DNP

Have you ever stood in a store staring at the hundreds of lotions, creams, toners, moisturizers, face washes, exfoliants, sunscreens, and serums and wondered what you should actually be using? Do you wonder which products are effective, what you should use for your skin type, or what brands are ‘good’, safe, and non-toxic? Join Brie Woodruff, ARNP, DNP, to get your questions answered and discuss tips & tricks for keeping skin healthy. Reserve your spot here!

Thursday, June 6th 12:30-1:00: Easy At-Home Steps to Support Recovery from Long-COVID with Grace Downs, ND

Did you know that 1 in 10 who get COVID will go on to develop “Long-COVID”? And recent CDC reports indicate that number of people who are suffering from “Long-COVID” has continued to increase compared to previous years. There are many different options to treat the symptoms of “Long-COVID”, and some of the treatments that can have the most profound benefit are simple changes you can start to make at home now. Join Dr. Grace Downs, ND, as she explores the signs & symptoms of “Long-COVID” and what foundational steps you can take to begin recovering. Reserve your spot here!

Thursday, June 20th 12:30-1:00: SIBO or IBS: Finding the True Cause of your Gut Symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is an incredibly common, but not often talked about, medical condition that affects 1 in 10 Americans. But did you know that IBS symptoms can actually be caused by an entirely separate condition called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)? Based on some studies, up to 3/4 of IBS patients may actually have SIBO. Treating this bacterial overgrowth can lead to significant symptom improvement in many patients. Join Dr. Megan Taylor as she explores the signs and symptoms of SIBO, and how to know if you might have this condition! Registration link will be provided on the WSB calendar closer to the date.

Again, these are all online. Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care is based in West Seattle, with a clinic at 5410 California SW.

BIZNOTE FOLLOWUP: Cascadia Fresh Market opens this weekend, aimed at affordable healthy food for all: ‘Why not, when it’s only $2?’

As reported here last month, Delridge Grocery Coop has ended retail operations – and its former space is becoming home to a new store aimed at making affordable fresh food available to everyone. That new store, Cascadia Fresh Market, opens this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 11-12, in the space at 5444 Delridge Way SW. As noted in our previous story, the people behind it are the West Seattle entrepreneurs and community advocates behind Cascadia Produce, Jill Moore and Jeremy Vrablik. They’ve lived in North Delridge for a decade and have had the free-food stand Carrot Man’s Carrot Stand outside their house since mid-2020.

They established Cascadia Produce in 2017, and pivoted to food security in 2020 “with a food box contract from the USDA serving all of Washington State in a time of critical need.” Jill continues: “Since then, Cascadia has gone on to make custom food boxes featuring produce for many customers, most of them non-profits, food banks, or government institutions. Cascadia specializes in culturally relevant food boxes and medically tailored food boxes for people with specific health conditions – health organizations are increasingly investing in food as medicine. Our boxes always feature fresh produce, but include other items that allow meals and snacks to be made from the contents.”

Here’s how they make this go: “During the course of our food box work, as well as the fresh food sourcing we do for over 50 Washington food banks, Cascadia developed unique access to wholesale recovered food, as well as farm fresh food without a sales channel. Cascadia is able to receive these two categories of food and create a secondary market for food security partners in which the originating farms are paid, fresh food is affordable, and no food goes to waste for lack of a market. Fresh Food should be available to everyone at a reasonable cost, within a reasonable distance of where they live.”

That’s the philosophy that led them to propose the Cascadia Fresh Market pop-up as a successor to DGC – as a four-month pop-up for starters. “If successful in the community, Cascadia Fresh Market will negotiate with the landlord (DESC) to stay long-term,” Jill explains. Here’s how the store will work: “Cascadia Fresh Market is produce-focused, but will have other cooking staple items and some simple, sweet treats. Produce will be priced like a dollar store, for $1, $2 or $3 per item. All produce prices will be well below retail. Produce we can’t sell rapidly will go to an onsite ‘Foodbank Outpost’ sponsored by the West Seattle Food Bank. Anyone may take food from the free fridge during business hours. The market aims to be zero waste, making sure all edible food has a chance to be consumed by a human while still in good condition.” As for the space, even if you shopped there in the DGC years, Jill says, “We have been working hard in the space to reconfigure and add additional cold storage to showcase the fruits and vegetables. It looks very different!”

They’re soft-opening for a “neighbor preview night” this Friday. Then it’s opening weekend Saturday-Sunday; Jill says, “The market will be fully stocked and will carry some flower bouquets for Mother’s Day.” The store will be open daily – 10 am-7 pm Tuesdays through Saturdays, noon-6 pm Sundays and Mondays. That may change, Jill adds, “as we understand the preferred shopping hours of our community.”

There’s a benefit aspect too: “Cascadia Fresh Market is partnering with a different elementary school each day of the week in a symbiotic effort to make families aware of a market where they can save money by buying more fresh produce and also benefit school programs. Every day, once the Fresh Market hits a low daily overhead number, Cascadia will profit-share 20% of sales back to the PTA of the school assigned to the day of the week. Shop, save money, eat more fresh foods, and benefit local schools all in one fell swoop.” So far they’re partnered with Fairmount Park (Sundays). Highland Park (Mondays), Louisa Boren STEM (Wednesdays), Sanislo (Fridays).

For families, “This market will be very kid friendly, with a couple of games for them to play while parents browse, as well as snacks on site so parents can have a quiet moment to squeeze melons etc while they shop. The market will also be friendly for the DESC building residents, providing hot coffee and eventually grab and go foods we hope will please residents and give them a nice place to visit.”

For everyone: “Shopping at the fresh market will be a bit of an adventure. While we will have all the produce staples like apples, potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, etc, we will also have exotic foods – less commonly-seen produce items like broccoflower, escarole, purple cauliflower, dragonfruit and more (rotating stock, always fresh). We hope people will enjoy the produce they love but also try new and exciting foods, because why NOT when it’s only $2?”

VIDEO: Alki throng joins Jill and Eddie Vedder at ‘Plunge for Patterson’ on behalf of EB research, awareness

Not a bad Sunday morning for a swim in the Sound – 50-degree water, 50-degree air, and an infinite degree of generosity from those who took the plunge. This happened to be – as previewed here last weekend – the “Plunge for Patterson,” on behalf of a local boy living with EB, organized by his friends Jill and Eddie Vedder:

As explained in the event announcement, this is “part of a national campaign to raise money to treat and cure Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), a family of painful and life-threatening rare genetic disorders that affect the body’s largest organ: the skin. The Vedders serve as global fundraisers and ambassadors sharing the mission of curing and treating EB with the world,” as co-founders of the EB Research Partnership, which Jill Vedder chairs. This morning she thanked the crowd, and Patterson had a few words too:

Then it was time to plunge:

EBRP’s goal is to cure EB by 2030. The Vedders co-founded the nonprofit in 2010.

Even if you weren’t at Alki to plunge this morning, you can support the cause by donating here.

Learn about suicide prevention at Sunday workshop in West Seattle

Would you recognize when someone is thinking about self-harm – and know how to help them? You can learn this Sunday at Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is inviting community members – including middle- and high-school students – to this workshop:

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is hosting a Suicide Prevention Workshop this Sunday, April 21st, from 9 am-12 pm.

This workshop is facilitated by O’Dea High School students and helps participants recognize a person with thoughts of suicide and connects them with resources to help them choose to live. Participants don’t need any formal preparation to attend the training — anyone who wants to make a difference can learn the SAFETALK steps. There will be scheduled breaks and opportunities to practice the skills built in the workshop, including practice on how to talk about this subject with others.

Mental health, depression, and especially suicide are prevalent in our community. The more informed we are, the more we can keep our community safe. Click on this link to sign up or use the QR Code in this flyer.

OLG is at 35th/Myrtle.

FOLLOWUP: Fauntleroy YMCA adds classes along with expanded hours, new-membership deal

April 16, 2024 9:48 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Health | West Seattle news

We’ve been reporting on the expanded hours at the Fauntleroy YMCA (9140 California SW; WSB sponsor), responding to community requests voiced after the branch’s future was called into question at the start of the year. Those new hours are official as of this week: 9 am to noon and 4 pm to 7 pm Mondays through Thursdays. And as of this week, classes have relaunched – starting with circuit at 9:30 am Mondays and Wednesdays, yoga at 9:30 am Tuesdays and 10:30 am Thursdays, and Zumba at 10:30 am Wednesdays (see the full Fauntleroy schedule here). To welcome more people in to enjoy the classes and facility, the Y is offering new memberships for the next two weeks with no joining fee – go here to sign up, and use the code WSJOIN2024. The no-fee offer continues through April 30.

NEXT WEEKEND: Plunge for Patterson at Alki Beach with Vedders & Friends to cure EB

Your next chance to plunge into Puget Sound from Alki Beach for a cause is one week from tomorrow – and this one is taking on disorders collectively known as EB, under the leadership of a West Seattle couple you might know. We received this announcement with the explanation that they’ve done this at their home in previous years but this year “want to get as many West Seattleites to join them as possible!”

Longtime West Seattleites Eddie & Jill Vedder co-founded EB Research Partnership (EBRP) in 2010 along with a dedicated group of parents set out to save their children’s lives. Their community will be rallying around Team Vedder by plunging into the cold waters of Puget Sound off Alki Beach on Sunday, April 21st at 10 am as part of a national campaign to raise money to treat and cure Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), a family of painful and life-threatening rare genetic disorders that affect the body’s largest organ: the skin.

The Vedders serve as global fundraisers and ambassadors sharing the mission of curing and treating EB with the world. EBRP is now the largest global nonprofit funding research to discover treatments and cures for EB, and Jill serves as the Board’s chairperson. The organization has raised more than $60 million, funded 140 research projects, increased clinical trials from 2 to now more than 40, and helped lead to the first two ever FDA-approved treatments for EB last year.

The Plunge for Elodie is named after 7-year-old Elodie Kubik, who lives with a severe form of EB. The event began in 2018 in Wellesley, Massachusetts, organized by friends of Elodie’s mother, and has now grown into an annual global fundraising and awareness-raising initiative.

This year, Team Vedder will be plunging Alki Beach with a local EB patient, Patterson, a young boy who, like Elodie, suffers from a severe form of EB. Patterson endures daily bandage changes that can be grueling and take time away from other activities. EB is challenging, as it affects so much more than just his skin. It is a constant battle, both physically and emotionally, as he navigates through pain, itch, inflammation, and wound care. But amidst the challenges, there is a powerful force that emerges – strength and resilience.

“We are inspired by the courage that those with EB, like Patterson and Elodie, show every single day to fight alongside them. Our mission is to cure EB by 2030 and events like the Plunge help us raise the awareness and dollars to achieve it. We have made tremendous progress towards our goal of delivering treatments and a cure; however, we will not stop until there is a cure for every patient and our model can lead the way for all those battling rare diseases,” said EBRP Chairwoman Jill Vedder.

4 Ways to Support Team Vedder’s #PlungeForElodie This Year

1. Donate to Team Vedder: Hit the “Donate” Button to give. Every dollar raised through the Plunge supports EBRP’s mission to treat and cure EB.

2. Fundraise in Your Community: If you want to go bigger and make your own fundraising page under The Vedder Team, click “Join Team” and follow the prompts to create an account. (All ofyour efforts will be tallied up on the “Team Vedder” page.)* We have good prizes for top fundraisers!

3. Join Vedders & Friends in person at Alki Beach near the bathhouse at 10 am on Sunday, April 21 to take the plunge with us by making a minimum donation of $25 here *AND* completing this waiver online prior to the event.

4. If you can’t join us in-person, film yourself taking a virtual plunge in a cold-body-of-water, mound of snow, or tub filled with ice and tag @ebresearch and @jill.vedder #PlungeForElodie on April 21st so we can see your amazing plunge!

Alki Event Participants – Know Before You Go

-Bring a copy of your signed waiver and registration form, both of which need to be submitted ahead of time online.

-Arrive ready to Plunge with your plunge clothes beneath the clothes you wear to the event.

-Don’t forget to bring warm clothes and towels for after you plunge, comfy shoes that are easy to slip in and out of, and something to put your wet clothes in after!

-There will be no lifeguards on duty.

-Swim caps will be provided, first come-first serve.

More About EBRP

Combining its award-winning Venture Philanthropy business model and world-renown Scientific Advisory Board, EBRP is creating a blueprint for how rare diseases can be cured. Donating to EBRP not only supports families fighting EB everywhere, but also has the potential to impact thousands of other rare diseases.

Thanks to the long-standing support of brave EB Warriors, resilient EB families, brilliant medical experts and generous donors, EBRP has been able to raise over $60M for critical EB research, fund 140+ innovative projects, and accelerator the first two FDA approved treatments for EB and transform the clinical trial landscape by 20x since 2010.

The Alki Beach Bathhouse is at 60th SW/Alki SW.

BIZNOTE: Dental chain announces closure of West Seattle office

(Added: Google Street View image)

Thanks to the multiple readers who sent word that they’ve received an announcement of Gentle Dental closing its office in the strip mall at 35th/Fauntleroy. Gentle Dental is part of a chain with more than 100 locations, mostly on the West Coast; the chain announced its affiliation with what was Smiles by Bond at that location in 2015. Today’s emailed announcement says the closure is effective tomorrow and refers patients to the Capitol Hill Gentle Dental office (206-757-2896) for account inquiries and “seamless transition of (their) dental records.” No reason is given for the closure.

FOLLOWUP: Fauntleroy YMCA expanding hours starting next week

The West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) is taking the first step toward expanding its hours, a key community request in the past few months’ discussion of the location’s future. Here’s the flyer in circulation today:

(Reader photo)

West Seattle/Fauntleroy Y branch executive Cleveland King tells WSB that the April 1 change will be a “soft open,” giving members the chance to adjust their schedules to new hours (50 percent more than the hours Fauntleroy’s been open in recent years). He says they’ll also be announcing new programs when the expanded hours are finalized in mid-April. And he says community members can help by showing support: “As we continue to grow, we will need the community to re-engage with our Fauntleroy YMCA.”

Life-saving workshop Sunday in West Seattle: Overdose response/prevention

It happens on the streets, it happens inside homes and businesses, it happens at schools: Drug overdoses are taking lives that could have been saved. If you have two hours to spend learning what to do for someone who is overdosing, we just found out about a free workshop Sunday afternoon at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW). The Washington Recovery Alliance is presenting it, 1 pm-3 pm tomorrow: “Patrons will gain knowledge, practice, and resources on how to identify and respond to a drug overdose. The trainer will also discuss local overdose trends, harm reduction & recovery resources, and provide naloxone at no cost.” Registration is optional, but you can do that here.

Public Health reports E. coli outbreak likely linked to PCC West Seattle guacamole from one February date

Thanks for the tip. Public Health – Seattle & King County is reporting a recent E. coli outbreak linked to PCC West Seattle (WSB sponsor). Here’s what the notice posted on the PHSKC website says:

Public Health is investigating an outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157:H7 (also known as STEC). Three of the five people who got sick had testing that matched by genetic fingerprinting. This means they most likely got sick from the same source.

Based on information collected, we found one common source for all sick people, which was a store-made guacamole purchased at PCC Community Markets – West Seattle Co-op on February 10, 2024. Even though we think this is the most likely source of illness, we do not know for certain. We did not find out how the guacamole might have been contaminated with STEC and did not have any left to test.

This outbreak appears to be over.

The Public Health report says the five people got sick between February 14 and February 28 and all had gastrointestinal symptoms. None were employees. The agency adds these details:

Four people who became sick had testing that was positive for STEC O157:H7. Three people also had further testing showing they matched by whole genome sequencing or WGS (like genetic fingerprinting) at the Washington State Public Health Laboratory. One person who became sick did not have any testing done.

Public Health also subsequently visited the store last Friday (March 15) to review rules and prevention strategies. We contacted PCC and they pointed us to this announcement on their website’s “recalls” page. It reiterates the PHSKC information about the outbreak and adds:

PCC has fully cooperated with Public Health. West Seattle PCC temporarily ceased all production of guacamole, conducted a deep cleaning of food production areas, and reinforced safe food handling procedures with our staff.

We are so sorry to those impacted by this unfortunate incident. At PCC, we believe in providing open information and responding swiftly if a food safety concern arises. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and know we are trusted in our region for our high quality standards.

As a leader in fostering and promoting healthy, resilient and sustainable food systems, the co-op makes these commitments to our staff, members and customers:

Prioritize and educate: Food safety is top of mind for all of us at PCC — from our staff, food handlers and certified food safety managers at each neighborhood PCC store, to the leaders of our supplier approval process, right up to the co-op’s leadership team.

Teamwork:Every role at the co-op is important to strengthening PCC’s food safety culture. We work collaboratively across all departments, so team members understand how they impact food safety and quality, as well as how they can reduce food safety risks.

Excellence: PCC works with local, state and federal health agencies to ensure that we meet and exceed safety compliance standards.

Continuous improvement: We regularly review our food safety program, procedures, processes, tools, and technology to ensure support and resources to effectively and efficiently manage food safety risks.

Listen deeply: Finally, we will continue to listen deeply to our staff, co-op members and customers when a concern about food safety arises.

You may learn more about recall protocols here. All shoppers can sign up to receive recall notifications here.

We asked a PCC spokesperson if they’re certain no one has this still in their fridge: “As indicated by Public Health, the one common source for all sick people was store-made guacamole purchased on February 10. Given the short shelf life, it is unlikely that any shoppers have this guacamole (still).” But if anyone hearing about this thinks they might have gotten sick too, they should contact Public Health.

BIZNOTE: Reopening deals at expanded Fitness Together West Seattle

Spring arrives tomorrow night. Spring weather showed up a few days ago. Want to be ready to enjoy all the outdoor fun the warm season offers? Fitness Together West Seattle (longtime WSB sponsor) has reopened its expanded studios (4546 California SW) and is offering deals! The announcement from proprietor Bryan Habas:

We’ve expanded our facility and are thrilled to welcome you to our new space. It’s the perfect time to kickstart your fitness journey with us. Choose from two incredible re-opening deals:

-Get 50% off your first month of membership, or
-Save 15% on packages of 10, 25, or 50 sessions

If you are thinking about getting back into shape, let us help make your fitness goals a reality!

Fitness Together’s offerings include personal training, either in-studio or online. And small-group classes start next month!

HEALTH NOTE: New provider joins Neighborhood Naturopathic West Seattle

Neighborhood Naturopathic West Seattle (5410 California SW; WSB sponsor) has added a new care provider, and wants to be sure you know:

Neighborhood Naturopathic West Seattle is excited to announce Dr. Brie Woodruff recently joined the practice. She is trained as a family nurse practitioner and is accepting new patients.

Dr. Woodruff offers:

-Integrative primary care including annual well visits, routine follow-up care, and acute care
-Diabetes management: Type I and Type II diabetes management including: nutritional and supplemental support, oral/injectable medication or insulin management, continuous glucose monitor (CGM) management, and insulin pump management
-Menopausal transitions: including hormone therapy, medication and supplement management, and nutrition and lifestyle support
-Gender-affirming hormone therapy

You can read more about Dr. Woodruff and her practice here.

Neighborhood Naturopathic has one more thing to tell you: “We would also like to let the West Seattle community know that we continue to offer same-day visits for acute and more urgent concerns; more information can be found here.”

NEXT WEEK: See ‘Screenagers Under the Influence’ in West Seattle

February 23, 2024 2:26 pm
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 |   Health | Safety | West Seattle news

“Practical solutions for keeping our teens safe in a changing world” is the focus of the newest film in the “Screenagers” series, and local families are invited to a free screening next Thursday at West Seattle High School (3000 California SW). In case you haven’t already seen it in our Event Calendar, here’s the announcement:

The fentanyl crisis is escalating. Kids are vaping in classrooms and school bathrooms. Dealers direct message teens on social media. And substance use among youth in West Seattle is a big issue. The Healthy Youth Survey in 2021 showed that one quarter of 12th graders at West Seattle High School used cannabis in the previous 30 days–almost 10 percentage points higher than the state average.

Parents and caregivers are looking for ways to protect their kids from substance use. But they’re up against some powerful industries that have literally copied the playbook of tobacco companies from decades ago and supercharged that strategy for our digital age. With the constant, 24-hour deluge of content pushing the normalcy of drugs, alcohol, and vaping on social media, TV, movies, ads, influencers, etc., the substance use culture has never been more appealing and accessible to teens than it is today.

Youth substance use prevention groups in West Seattle and White Center welcome parents, caregivers, and youth to watch the new documentary Screenagers Under The Influence: Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age. The screening is free and will take place at the West Seattle High School auditorium on February 29, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. Register at

Screenagers Under The Influence is the third feature documentary in the Screenagers trilogy from award-winning Seattle-based filmmaker Delaney Ruston, MD. Trained at Stanford Medical School, Delaney has split her time over the past two decades creating documentaries and providing primary care. She has spent the past 11 years intensely researching the impact of screen time on youth and solutions for screen time balance.

She grounds her latest film in teens’ current reality of being flooded by images on social media, movies, and TV shows about vaping, drugs, and alcohol. Like the first two Screenagers films, Screenagers Under The Influence interweaves cutting-edge science with personal stories to create an informative and entertaining film experience for young people and adults alike. The documentary focuses on practical solutions for keeping our teens safe in a changing world.

The February 29 screening at West Seattle High School is hosted by:

Westside HEY Coalition, a community group focused on youth substance use prevention in the Madison Middle School and West Seattle High School attendance zone;

SW Seattle Youth Alliance, which is working to prevent youth substance use in the Denny International Middle School and Chief Sealth International High School attendance zone;

Coalition for Drug-Free Youth, which works to keep youth off of substances in the White Center and North Highline areas;

West Seattle High School PTSA