Environment 1841 results

FOLLOWUP: 3 months later, abandoned, deteriorating stolen SUV still on West Seattle beach

This afternoon, with orcas passing through our area again, a longrunning hunk of giant beach junk stands out more glaringly than ever.

(First and last photos are from last weekend, sent by Janel)

That stolen-and-abandoned Jeep Compass has been on the rocky beach in the Seola/Arroyos area since mid-April (here’s our first report). By the time of our first followup days later, local, state, and federal authorities had been to the site, and the SUV’s owner had belatedly reported it stolen. The state removed fuel from the tank. But no one, we were told, could figure out how to get it off the beach – it was apparently exactly in the wrong position for various removal options by land or sea.

(This photo and next are from Robin)

We checked back again in mid-May. By that time, area resident Robin was tracking the situation, and trying to figure out who could do something about it. She’s still on the case; she says she’s even talked with the property owner, who was away when this happened and, she says, is frustrated too. But nothing has changed, and as her photos show, the car continues to fall apart, as the water rushes in and rushes back out. Pieces of it are strewn about on the beach.

We thought a marine-focused environmental advocacy group might have a lead on accountability. That inquiry dead-ended. We then turned back to the state, whose Department of Natural Resources has a Marine Debris Removal Program. (We mentioned it five years ago, when state commissioner of public lands Hilary Franz came to visit a crew.) So we tracked down DNR spokesperson Michael Kelly, who asked around and then told us this could be a matter of “jurisdictional issues”:

Some of the problems we run into with vessels may be at play here with this vehicle. DNR only has jurisdiction on State Owned Aquatic Lands (SOAL) and not all tidelands are within SOAL. Cities and counties have jurisdiction where we do not but may lack the ordinances allowing them to remove private property from private property. Another is funding, we can only remove vessel when we have the funding to do so.

The private property owner can get a junk vehicle affidavit filled out by their code enforcement office of their local law enforcement department to get the legal right to remove the vehicle, but it would be at their expense.

However, he had one tip for Robin as a concerned citizen – to file a “large debris” report via the agency’s MyCoast app.

She’s already tried the city’s Find It, Fix It system – which went nowhere because it wasn’t on a public beach – so now she’s trying this too. Robin told us in one exchange, “The car is falling apart and I am sure several things have just washed away into the Sound. They will surface further north of here or some poor creature will be killed or maimed by it. Tragedy on so many levels.”

COUNTDOWN: Two weeks until you have two ways to help make West Seattle Summer Fest history

Two weeks from tomorrow, the peninsula’s biggest party of the year begins – West Seattle Summer Fest. In the days ahead we’ll bring you festival previews with what you need to know about this year’s event, Friday, July 12, through Sunday, July 14, in The Junction. First off – this year is the first time Summer Fest goes big with an all-out “zero-waste” initiative, joining forces with Bold Reuse and Seattle Public Utilities for reusable drinkware, dishware, and serviceware at both festival food booths and at the beer garden. Your most important role in this is to properly return those items after use. Collection bins with explanatory signage will be available throughout the festival zone, and people will be standing by to help you know what goes into which bin – reusable, recyclable, compostable, or garbage. Throughout the days and evenings of the festival, the West Seattle Junction Association tells us, Bold Reuse will check in with vendors to be sure they’re stocked up; the company then will inspect, clean, and replenish items for each day. This will not only be a first for West Seattle Summer Fest, but the first festival-reusables program “at this scale” in the city.

(Photo courtesy Bold Reuse)

This is happening in connection with the city’s Reuse Seattle initiative, and in addition to doing your part as a West Seattle Summer Fest food/drink consumer, there’s another way to help: Volunteers are being recruited, to help festivalgoers know what goes where (as mentioned above) and to explain the benefits of reusing. If you’re interested, fill out this online form, and program reps will be in touch about the possibilities. More Summer Fest previews ahead!

YOU CAN HELP: Volunteers welcome for World Environment Day celebration Wednesday at Pigeon Point Park

June 3, 2024 8:26 pm
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The blustery weather should be gone just in time for a big outdoor event Wednesday afternoon/evening (June 5) in West Seattle – a restoration celebration at Pigeon Point Park in honor of World Environment Day. Organizers are still looking for dozens of volunteers to participate – here’s what’s happening:

Enjoy World Environment Day with a community celebration hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter, Green Seattle Partnership, Seattle Parks and Recreation, and the United Nations Environment Programme!

Join us at Pigeon Point Park for a fun afternoon of activities to celebrate Seattle as the only US Role Model City for the UN Decade of Restoration and to spotlight local young leaders working in our urban ecosystems.

The afternoon will include:
-Guided forest restoration, a bird walk, citizen science, a community mural, and more!
-Special presentations by local young stewards and community leaders!
-Gathering together for a community picnic!
-Free raffle from local businesses and partner organizations!

Plus, several of our local partners will be tabling and participating in the event, so you can connect and learn about the many ways you can get involved in greening our urban landscape this summer season!

Registration is free and includes 5 raffle tickets to try your luck at winning some local swag and goodies! All ages are welcome and food will be provided for registered participants.

It all starts with a welcome at 3 pm, “guided activities” 3:30-5 pm, then speeches and picnic dinner. Go here to sign up. The park entrance is next to Pathfinder K-8 (1901 SW Genesee).

Preschoolers close busy salmon-release season on Fauntleroy Creek

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)

By Judy Pickens
Special to West Seattle Blog

This afternoon, preschoolers from Holy Rosary School capped one of the busiest salmon-release seasons on Fauntleroy Creek since the first, in 1991.

Between April 28 and May 31, volunteers with the Fauntleroy Watershed Council hosted 720 students and 250 adults for 19 releases that introduced 2,000+ coho fry to the creek.

The total included about 400 fry reared by volunteer Jack Lawless to ensure that, even if a school lost a lot of fish, every student would have at least one to put in the water. His fish also enabled children from Holy Rosary, three other area preschools, and members of Scout Troop 284 to have a salmon-release experience.

During elementary-school releases, students explored habitat in Fauntleroy Park, and one group went on to Lincoln Park to hear the stewardship story behind Bruun Idun, the troll sculpture.

(Releases went on regardless of the weather – here, fish dipper Dennis Hinton assisted Highland Park Elementary 4th graders – photo by Tom Trulin)

“It was a very busy but rewarding season with quite a variety of enthused students,” said Dennis Hinton. Shannon Ninburg and Tom Trulin joined him in making up the release team, and six new watershed volunteers gave a hand.

Release fry and those from last fall’s spawning are now feeding primarily on aquatic-insect larva in the creek. Those that find enough food and protection will head to saltwater next spring as smolts (teenagers). From mid-March to mid-May this year, volunteers used net traps in the upper and lower creek to document 30 smolts en route to nearshore habitat in Fauntleroy Cove.

“Fry released at the big bridge in the park will linger there for a few weeks, so come have a look,” Dennis said. “Given the life cycle of these fish, the creek has salmon in it year round, so remember to help protect them by keeping dogs out of the water and leaving limbs where they are in the creek.”

(WSB photo)

Next up for the general public: the annual drumming in October to call in spawners and, if it’s successful, a weekend “open creek.”

GOT PHOTOS? Log House Museum looking for West Duwamish Greenbelt views

May 22, 2024 5:29 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle history | West Seattle news

The West Duwamish Greenbelt is our city’s longest stretch of unbroken forest, running through eastern West Seattle – and if you have images of it, the Log House Museum would like to see them! Here’s the call for contributions:

(Photo courtesy West Duwamish Greenbelt Trails Group)

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society and the West Duwamish Greenbelt Trails Group invite community members to submit photographs and other artistic depictions of the West Duwamish Greenbelt for an upcoming exhibit at the Log House Museum.

The Greenbelt, the city’s largest contiguous forest, spans 500 acres from Pigeon Point to Westcrest Park, from the Duwamish Waterway to Puget Ridge. The exhibit will highlight its indigenous and industrial history, the story of civic advocacy that led to its protection, and – through community-sourced submissions – contemporary depictions of its flora, fauna, and urban stories.

Submissions can include historical or contemporary images and documentary or artistic representations. Submissions that depict the diversity of the Greenbelt, including both natural and urban environments, are encouraged.

Submissions are due by June 10. To submit, use this online form.

Questions? Contact museum@loghousemuseum.org or call us at 206.350.0999

FOLLOWUP: Almost a month later, SUV still on West Seattle beach

It’s been almost a month since somebody drove that Jeep Compass onto the rocky beach between Seola and The Arroyos. (Here’s our original report; police later told us the vehicle’s owner belatedly reported it stolen.) While other vehicle-in-water cases have resulted in relatively rapid removal, this one is still there. Area resident Robin, awho sent the photos above and below, has been tracking the situation, and campaigning to get something done about it.

Most recently, Robin filed an illegal-dumping report via Find It Fix It. Seattle Public Utilities, which runs the illegal-dumping program, referred it to Seattle Parks. But Parks closed the ticket, telling Robin in a follow-up call that it’s not on Parks property. Meantime, it’s not just beached, it’s in and out of the water as the tide fluctuates:

That photo is from Tim, who was startled to see the semi-submerged SUV while out paddling last Saturday. The question remains, who’s ultimately accountable for getting it off the beach? In our most-recent round of inquiries more than a week ago, the state Ecology Department – which had responded to the scene early on, to remove fuel from the vehicle – said it was a “police matter” and that local law enforcement needed to work with the beach owners. After that, we asked SPD where it stood, and they repeated what had been mentioned before – tow trucks couldn’t get close enough to remove it: “There have been discussions with the Department of Ecology, U.S. Coast Guard and others, but it remains in the water for now.”

That it does.

‘If we restore it, the fish will come’: Big dreams for Schmitz Park and its creek, and how you can help

(Schmitz Park, in the center of pilot/photographer Long Bach Nguyen‘s 2012 image)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

In the spirit of the people who brought Fauntleroy Creek back from near-death, a new community coalition is dreaming of restoring another creek to its salmon-sustaining glory.

Right now, the stream in Schmitz (Preserve) Park ends unceremoniously underground and then into Elliott Bay via an outfall. The vision is to daylight it and let it run to the sea along its historic path to Alki.

To daylight this vision, a roomful of community leaders gathered at renowned photographer Art Wolfe‘s Seaview home this past Tuesday night for a presentation that Wolfe himself introduced, with a slideshow of images of Schmitz Park in its greenest glory.

“This is a good idea for this time,” declared Wolfe – good for people, good for wildlife (he mentioned his most recent book Wild Lives). That wildlife includes salmon; they have just a few home creeks left in the city limits, including Fauntleroy and Longfellow, but Wolfe expressed certainty that Schmitz Park’s creek could join them. “I think it’s worth trying to open-air the creek to salt water.” That would be a few blocks downhill to the north, at Alki Beach.

The room rippled with people murmuring “yes” in agreement. Wolfe continued showing images of what he found in Schmitz Park earlier this spring – trillium and salmonberry flowers, hummingbirds “like little gems,” a pileated woodpecker, red-breasted sapsucker, the snags where birds can find food and respite, trees coated with moss. Wolfe said everyone should see it for themselves: “This kind of environment” – the forest’s “boggy bottom” – “is what purifies the water and makes this a viable salmon-spawning resource.”

His photos also included the not-so-scenic grate over a segment of the creek at 57th and Stevens – here’s the Google Maps Street View image of that spot:

From there, he recounted, the culvert “empties so far out (in Elliott Bay) that nobody realizes (fresh water is mingling).” Wolfe said a potential vision for the Schmitz Park creek could be to run the streambed along a street and down to the beach, “maybe a sidewalk along one side and the creek on the other.” But he stressed that it’s “early in the game” and this is just an idea for now. But: “I think we need more salmon-spawning streams.”

Next to speak was Daniel Nye, co-chair of the new coalition, the Schmitz Park Creek Restore Project. He too spoke reverently of Schmitz Park, “sacred ground,” observing that its old-growth trees “have been here waiting and watching … for centuries since the icebergs retreated.” The forest, he reiterated, is “a spiritual place.”

Nye recounted the park’s history – long before it was a park, it was part of the home territory of the Duwamish people (whose chair Cecile Hansen and council member Ken Workman were among the guests at the gathering). In 1851, the Alki arrival of the white settlers known as the Denny Party started a wave of change on the peninsula. The Schmitz family (whose representative Vicki Schmitz Block was at the gathering) set aside the 53 unlogged acres that became Schmitz Park.

Nye talked about the park’s design by the famed Olmsted Brothers (shown above in an image from a federal website). Their plan “was only partly realized,” he noted – hopes of a “treed corridor (that) went from Alki to the Park” went unrealized, though, as he observed, the features that were realized included the WPS-built “art deco bridge” circa 1936.

This new effort, he said, could make a long-held dream come true. That’s why Nye and co-chair Brian Barilleaux are “getting together a group of people and approaching Seattle Parks with a plan of how to achieve this, and how to finance it.” Nye noted that this is a rare chance to “protect and preserve” something that has not yet been totally transformed from its origins. “We also want to restore the ties to the community and the gift of this park that was given.” And it would be a gift for our area’s life-sustaining salmon. “There are no marine species (in the creek). because it was cut off … even though it’s clear water, it’s essentially lifeless. We want to bring the fish back. … If we restore it, the fish will come.”

But long before the grand dream of daylighting the creek might come true, Nye said, people can take relatively simple action now to help the park and creek – removing ivy and graffiti, clearing blocked sections of the creek within the park. And in the big picture, “There are several ways to get the creek to the beach.” Looking back into history, they think the Alki Elementary playground might have held a “natural lagoon”: “The ghosts of that lagoon are still there,” so perhaps the creek ran in that area to get to the sea.

The dream stretches beyond the creek. They envision the possibility of a National Heritage Area, with buildings such as Alki Point Lighthouse, the Alki Beach Bathhouse, the Fir Lodge/Alki Homestead – and the awaiting-a-new-home Stone Cottage could factor into this too (among those at the gathering was Mike Shaughnessy from Save The Stone Cottage). Wayfinding to help people with area trails could be a factor. Barilleaux added, “Make it a historic monument and historic attraction.”

Other possibilities suggested by Nye: Restoring ties with local schools; demonstrating Indigenous agriculture such as camas (recently planted at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse) and berries; honoring the “sacred” nature of the forest and creek through connecting with local faith communities.

So how to make it happen? Schmitz Park already has inspired generosity and future vision, Nye noted, with a nod to yet another person in the room, Bruce Stotler, who has donated his park-adjacent home to become part of the park when he’s gone. “He’s an inspiration to all of us … in the tradition of Emma and Ferdinand Schmitz.”

An initial list of coalition supporters was shown – and an invitation offered for all to join – that means you, too. “Even if there’s nothing you think you can contribute to this, you can pull out ivy!” They’re going to have ivy-removal training sessions soon, and then organize teams to go to the park in June and July and get going.

You can find out more about the restoration proposal here, and you can email with questions or to volunteer at SchmitzParkCreekRestore@gmail.com.

FOLLOWUP: Here’s how much was recycled at Fauntleroy Church’s spring ’roundup’

(WSB photo, April 27)

Twice a year, Fauntleroy Church offers the community the opportunity for free drop-off recycling of many items you can’t put out for curbside pickup. Judy Pickens shares the tally from the recent spring edition:

At least 475 people took advantage of 1 Green Planet‘s free, responsible recycling at Fauntleroy Church on April 27. The day’s take of 15.518 tons of recyclables brought the total since these Recycle Roundups began, in 2010, to just over 353 tons. The fall roundup will be on Saturday, Sept. 21.

The participation fluctuates a bit year to year – weather can be a factor, too – but for comparison, this is up a bit from last year’s spring totals.

VIDEO: Seattle City Light shows off new curbside chargers for EVs

You might have noticed a few of those unique parking signs around the peninsula. They mark curbside spaces for users of Seattle City Light‘s new public Level 2 curbside chargers. SCL invited media to a demonstration on Tuesday at the one installed in the 2100 block of California SW, one of the locations we first mentioned after spotting the city permit application more than a year ago. Citywide, the pilot project is installing 58 chargers at 31 locations – two chargers at most sites – and 25 of those sites are now operational, five in West Seattle, including this one.

The program uses a few different types of chargers – this one is tailored expressly to installation on metal utility poles. It’s first-come, first-served, up to four hours of parking for EVs that are being charged (longer if they’re parked overnight). They envision the average user, driving 25 miles a day, would use a charger like this once or twice a week, for up to four hours. These are (corrected) 9.6-kilowatt-hour chargers, not high-speed; the cost to the user is 21 cents per kilowatt-hour, so that’s (corrected) about $2 an hour, which SCL’s Jacob Orenberg says would get the average EV driver about 30 miles. You need to use an app, special card, or pay by phone to get access to the cord. Here’s how it works.

To reduce the chances of vandalism and theft that have plagued City Light’s first generation of public chargers, features include the cables staying inaccessible until activated, and the fact that these Level 2 cables have very little content of value, Orenberg said, maybe “a buck worth of copper.” The installation and activation took longer than originally hoped, he also said, for reasons inclluding designs that needed to be “reconfigured,” leading to “permits that needed to be redone,” and contractor scheduling delays, “no one thing.” But now that they’re available, SCL say, “use has far exceeded our expectations,” so far. You can see the five West Seattle locations (plus the city’s Junction fast-charger station, and future Morgan Junction charging lot) on this map.

No, the orange-red water along Lincoln Park’s shore isn’t a spill. Looks like noctiluca’s back

Thanks to Ellen P. for the photo from Lincoln Park’s north shore. If you’ve never seen, nor heard about, that before, it’s a startling sight – orange-red water along the beach. But it’s not a spill. Just about every year in mid-to-late spring, an algae bloom called noctiluca shows up. Pending official verification (we have a inquiry out), that’s almost certainly what this is. The state Ecology Department says it’s not toxic but it can be irritating, so don’t go wading in it! (This is a bit earlier than our first mentions in many previous years – last year, it was late May.)

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Shredding and food drive with John L. Scott Westwood

April 28, 2024 10:21 am
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 |   Environment | West Seattle news

(WSB photos)

Your next chance for free shredding is happening now. The John L. Scott Real Estate Westwood (WSB sponsor) spring shredding event is happening in the northwest lot at Westwood Village (northwest of the ex-Bed Bath and Beyond, southwest of the post office). Look for the White Center Food Bank van – they’re also collecting donations (non-perishable food and/or cash) for WCFB again this year.

They’ll be there until noon.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: 2024’s first Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church

(WSB photos)

Big demand for free dropoff recycling of what you can’t put out at the curb! The spring Recycle Roundup is happening in the Fauntleroy Church lot (9140 California SW) until 3 pm, and organizers tell us the drive-up line was more than a block long before it began. This one catches up quickly, and DTG Recycle – new parent company of longtime partner 1 Green Planet – has multiple trucks on site.

Here is the list of what they will and won’t take this time. You have until 3 pm to get there, but organizers remind you, please don’t wait until the last minute, so they can close on time without people still waiting. If you can’t get to today’s event, the church usually does it again in fall; also, Seattle Public Utilities‘ “Where Does It Go?” page can help with recycling/disposal options.

WEEKEND PREVIEW: Recycling and drug disposal Saturday, shredding both days

Here’s a reminder about three events this weekend that can help with your spring cleaning in a variety of ways:

FREE RECYCLING SATURDAY: That’s the list from Fauntleroy Church for its twice-yearly Recycle Roundup, happening 9 am-3 pm Saturday (April 27) in the church lot. (You can also see it here in PDF.) Just drive up or ride/walk up and Recycle Roundup partner DTG Recycle/1 Green Planet will take your item(s). The lot is at 9140 California SW.

DRUG TAKE-BACK WITH SHREDDING SATURDAY: Also on Saturday, the twice-yearly Drug Take-Back Day dropoff event is happening outside the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster), 10 am-2 pm, and this year SPD is offering free shredding, too (up to three boxes) – bring nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank.

FREE SHREDDING AND FOOD DRIVE SUNDAY: On Sunday (April 28), 9 am-noon, you can shred with John L. Scott Real Estate Westwood (WSB sponsor), which will be accepting food/money donations for the White Center Food Bank. Look for the canopy and truck in the northwest lot at Westwood Village (west of the former Bed Bath and Beyond, north of the future Daiso).

VIDEO: South Seattle College shows off expanded solar array

(Photos courtesy South Seattle College)

It’s Earth Week and South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) used the occasion to show off the solar array installed a few months ago atop Cascade Hall on the north end of campus as part of the larger Seattle Colleges systemwide campaign to decarbonize. It’s an 82-kilowatt array, successor to the building’s original 7-kilowatt array, supported with state financing that will be paid back over 15 years by energy savings. SSC’s Steve Abercrombie led a tour of the installation atop the roof:

But first, those gathered heard from not only Abercrombie but also reps from partner McKinstry – which is helping with a variety of energy-efficiency campus upgrades – and from Seattle City Light, which supported the Seattle Colleges installations with $425,000 in renewable-energy credits:

The array is not only generating power, but it and the arrays at the other Seattle Colleges campuses are also integrated into the curriculum, including sustainable building.

Abercrombie says, “Students get tours of the arrays to understand the mechanics of the siting, installation, and considerations for solar. They then engage in projects related to solar feasibility, planning, and renewable energy financing through several of our classes.” They also use the real-time data to learn about performance evaluation and, ultimately, workforce opportunities. He says those “include identifying and practicing 21st century skills like troubleshooting and communication that are the heart of careers like energy analysis and commissioning.”

FOLLOWUP: Somebody drove it in. But nobody knows how to get it out.

(Friday photo, sent by Craig)

Back on Friday night, we reported on that Jeep Compass that turned up on a rocky stretch of shore in southwesternmost West Seattle, between the dead-ends of Seola Lane and Arroyo Beach Place [map]. Last night, via an update from tipster Craig, we learned it’s still there. We asked Seattle Police why. Thanks to Officer Brian Pritchard for giving us an update via reports that tell a tangled tale. In short, Seattle Police, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Department of Ecology have all been to the site, and private salvagers have been consulted, but no one has been able to figure out how to get the vehicle out, via land or sea, either towing it out, pulling it out, or even floating it out. So far, the only major action taken is that Ecology removed the fuel that was in the SUV’s gas tank.

(Monday photo, sent by Craig)

So what about the person who owns it? Apparently that’s not the person who showed up on a nearby resident’s doorstep asking for a ride early Friday. Police say they’ve spoken to the resident and they weren’t aware the vehicle was on the beach at the time. The vehicle wasn’t reported stolen, Officer Pritchard just told us, until a short time ago, when its owner contacted police to tell them her vehicle had been taken while she was visiting friends last Thursday in North Seattle. So it might be her responsibility – or her insurer – to figure out how to get it off the beach. We’ll continue following up.

TONIGHT: ‘Common Ground’ film screening for Earth Day

April 22, 2024 2:30 pm
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Breaking news kept us from publishing our daily event list today – you can always preview what’s up for the hours/days/weeks ahead by checking the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, to which we add new listings every day. But we do want to take a moment to mention the lone one-time-only event on the calendar tonight – an Earth Day screening of the film previewed above, the documentary “Common Ground.” All are welcome to the screening at 7 pm in Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s Pastoral Center (northeast corner of 35th/Myrtle). Organizers say, “Common Ground was a winner at multiple film festivals, including the Tribeca Festival, and provides hope for future generations, with concrete ways to fix a broken planetary system.”

VIDEO: Hundreds of helpers for Seattle’s only river during spring 2024 Duwamish Alive!

April 20, 2024 10:02 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle news

(WSB photos/video)

Some paddled out on the sparkling water of the Duwamish River to remove trash and debris …

… and others dug into the forest floor for tasks to help it heal. They were among the 400 volunteers who volunteered today at 12 sites during the spring edition of the twice-yearly Duwamish Alive! mega-work party. Those who welcomed them during an opening gathering at həʔapus Village Park across from the Duwamish Tribe’s longhouse included tribe chair Cecile Hansen.

Duwamish Alive! Coalition leader Sharon Leishman also introduced indigenous Wisdom Keeper Jacob Johns, and 34th District State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon:

After the gathering, groups of volunteers got their orders – at this park, some were off to the kayak cleanup, others to install “goose fencing,” some to remove ivy, and more.

If you missed this event, watch for word of the fall Duwamish Alive! in October, and many other opportunities throughout the spring and summer, such as those via the Green Seattle Partnership.

COUNTDOWN: Here’s what you can drop off at next Saturday’s Recycle Roundup

April 20, 2024 6:09 pm
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 |   Environment | Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

One week until Fauntleroy Church‘s twice-yearly Recycle Roundup! Here’s another look at the list of what you can drop off, for free (and what NOT to bring):

It’s happening 9 am-3 pm next Saturday, April 27, in the church lot. at 9140 California SW. Drive up or ride/walk up with your item(s) and the church’s Recycle Roundup partner 1 Green Planet will handle it. Generally traffic flows fairly well across the six hours, but they axk that you NOT wait until the last minute. (You can also see the list here in PDF.)

Tugboat blamed for oil spill on the Duwamish River

The state Department of Ecology confirms it’s investigated a fuel spill first reported online Wednesday by local wildlife biologist/advocate Kersti Muul. She received photos including the ones she gave us permission to republish here – showing the sheen on the water off Harbor Island and the West Seattle Bridge.

Here’s how Ecology spokesperson Ty Keltner responded to our inquiry:

There was a spill a couple days ago in the Duwamish. Ecology got multiple reports of sheen near the southeast end of Harbor Island. The source of the spill is believed to be the tug Westrac II. The tug reported a spill of 40-50 gallons of hydraulic oil to due to an engine drive unit issue. Ecology Spill Responders went out to determine if anything could be recovered and to ensure the vessel is no longer spilling. We sent out a responder again yesterday to see some of the leftover sheen, but it’s very weathered and there isn’t much we can do for recovering what is left.

Kersti notes, “We should continue to keep eyes out for wildlife and pockets of concentrated oil.” The state hotline for reporting a spill is 800-OILS-911.

Shredding added to Drug Take-Back Day in West Seattle this year – which means 2 shredding events weekend after next

One week from Saturday – 10 am-2 pm April 27 – the Southwest Precinct will be one of three locations in the city for the twice-yearly Drug Take-Back Day. This year, SPD is adding shredding to each location – which means that weekend has two shredding opportunities in West Seattle.

First: At the precinct, Iron Mountain Shredding will have a truck on site, with the limits/requirements shown above. It’s free, but they’re welcoming non-perishable food donations for the West Seattle Food Bank. The precinct is at 2300 SW Webster.

Second: A reminder about the already-announced shredding event/food drive in the northwest lot at Westwood Village, 9 am-noon Sunday, April 28 – this one is presented by John L. Scott Real Estate – Westwood (WSB sponsor), also free, with food or cash donations welcome for the White Center Food Bank.

FOLLOWUP: Here’s the plan for Duwamish Alive! opening ceremonies and post-event talk on Saturday

Whether or not you’re volunteering for Duwamish Alive! this Saturday, you’re invited to the opening ceremonies and a post-event talk – we have new details from Sharon Leishman of the Duwamish Alive! Coalition:

This Saturday will find community volunteers working throughout our Duwamish River Watershed in South Seattle and Tukwila, removing debris from the river in kayaks, restoring salmon habitat, and even restoring a 10,000-year-old bog at Roxhill Park. Several of the 11 event locations which Duwamish Alive Coalition partners are hosting are sacred places of the Duwamish Tribe.

Special opening ceremonies will be held at həʔapus Village Park in Seattle with special guest speakers House Majority Leader and 34th District Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and Wisdom Keeper Jacob Johns of the Akimel O’Otham and Hopi Tribes, who will be sharing the indigenous perspective on climate change. The public is welcome to attend the opening ceremonies at 10:00 and visit the informational tables. Volunteers will get started with their restoration activities at 10:30.

There are still a few volunteer spots open – for more information go to DuwamishAlive.org This is a family-friendly, free event to improve the health of our watershed and our communities.

Wisdom Keepers Jacob Johns and Jeff Ferguson (of the Spokane Tribe) will be giving a talk at the Duwamish Longhouse at 1:00 on Saturday, April 20th. This is an opportunity for adults and youth to learn more about an indigenous perspective on climate change and the urgency – combined with optimism – that guides indigenous efforts worldwide. The general public is welcome. This is a free event; register at bit.ly/WisdomKeepers4-20-24

HELPING: Here’s some of what divers found during West Seattle underwater cleanup

(WSB photos)

That’s just some of what volunteer divers, coordinated by Seattle Dive Tours, brought up from the seafloor around Seacrest this morning. With the Water Taxi taking a break this weekend, it was the perfect chance to remove some discarded junk from Elliott Bay, as SDT and volunteers have done before. This electric scooter was one of the more unusual items:

Also retrieved: A handgun, which had been turned over to police by the time we visited the pier in late morning. Fairly rusty, we’re told, so it’s apparently been in the water a while. (Checking on last year’s cleanup coverage – divers found a scooter and gun then, too.)

P.S. Want to volunteer on land – in a way that benefits local waters and wildlife? Duwamish Alive! is next Saturday.

Curious about EVs? West Seattle show set

Just out of the inbox tonight – news of an electric-vehicle show in West Seattle next Sunday. The Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation‘s Environmental Justice Group is presenting the show from noon-2 pm Sunday, April 14 (right after WSUU’s 10:30 am Earth Month service, “Answering Creation’s Cry“). Their invitation to you: “Talk to your neighbors about their electric cars. Leaf, Mustang, Mini-Coop, Tesla, etc.” WSUU is at 7141 California SW. Questions? Email jfawcettlong@gmail.com.

TUESDAY P.S. We asked if they have room for more participants. The reply: “We have room for two more; we try to avoid duplicates, there are a lot of Leaf owners already.”