Fauntleroy 1183 results

From past test to future schedule @ Washington State Ferries’ Triangle Task Force

(WSB photo from February, approaching Fauntleroy)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Tomorrow night, six weeks of pavement and pathway work will start at the Fauntleroy ferry dock, aimed at keeping it viable until its scheduled replacement in about seven years.

That’s part of what the Washington State Ferries Triangle Improvement Task Force members heard about at their most recent meeting – projects in the near and distant future.

We’ve already published details of the dock work. So now, here’s what else was talked about at the task force meeting:

WSF is still working on the challenge that originally led to the task force’s creation – improving efficiency at the Fauntleroy terminal. Part of the meeting was spent reviewing results of a two-week experiment last month. You can see the results in the slide deck used for the meeting:

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Two weeks until spring Recycle Roundup; one change on the list

Two weeks from today, you’ll be able to drop off recyclables at Fauntleroy Church, during the spring Recycle Roundup. There’s been one change since we first published the list of what they will accept this time, so take a close look before you finish rounding up whatever you plan to drop off: Instead of “flat screen” computer monitors, 1 Green Planet will only be accepting LCD computer monitors. Here’s the updated list (PDF). Dropoff hours will be 9 am-3 pm Sunday, April 22nd, in the lot outside the church at 9140 California SW. As usual, no charge, but the church’s Green Committee always appreciates donations.

BETTER READY THAN SORRY: Disaster drill April 28 to focus on power-outage scenario. You can help!

(WSB file photo from past drill)

Early heads-up in case you can help – three weeks from tomorrow, neighborhood volunteers could use your help during another disaster drill. Here’s the announcement:

Imagine if all power and normal communications were down – what would you do?

Come see what your community is doing to be prepared.

Join us in a simulated full city power outage field exercise of the Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs and the Seattle Auxiliary Communication Service

April 28, 2018, 9:00 am – noon

Join us as a participant or a volunteer!

Emergency communication hubs – predetermined meeting places you would go for information in case of a catastrophic loss of regular communication – will be “activated” citywide for the drill, including three in West Seattle. Show up at one of them to be part of the April 28th drill:

Fauntleroy United Church of Christ (9140 California SW)
High Point Neighborhood House (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
Pigeon Point (20th SW/SW Genesee)

Even if you can’t participate in or even observe this drill, check the West Seattle hubs map to learn the location nearest you, just in case:

You’ll find more West Seattle-specific preparedness information at westseattlebeprepared.org.

P.S. To sign up in advance as a volunteer/participant, or if you have a question, e-mail info@westseattlebeprepared.org.

NIGHTTIME WORK ALERT: Washington State Ferries confirms Fauntleroy dock project will start Monday

That’s the notice Washington State Ferries is circulating this afternoon to homes and businesses near the Fauntleroy ferry terminal (you can also see it here). It’s a confirmation that work to repave the dock and approach will start Monday night, as was tentatively scheduled when we published this report a week ago. The work will be done Monday-Thursday nights for the next month and a half or so, 7 pm-4 am, and WSF warns that it’ll be noisy. As promised, they’ll have a hotline during the project, answered around the clock, 206-402-8070. This round of repaving is expected to last until an even-bigger project, dock replacement, in about seven years.

GOT ANSWERS? Fauntleroy Community Association survey closes in a few days

March 30, 2018 10:35 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

You’ve got answers – they have questions. The Fauntleroy Community Association‘s every-other-year neighborhood survey is closing soon, Shannon Ninburg from the FCA board reminds us:

If you live in the Fauntleroy area, you still have until the middle of next week (April 4th) to participate in the Fauntleroy Community Association’s survey. Every two years the FCA conducts a survey to ask community members about issues important to them. The results help guide the FCA’s focus over the next couple years. Fauntleroy area residents can take the survey via the FCA website. We’d love to hear from you!

The community is also always welcome at FCA’s monthly board meetings – next one 7 pm April 10th at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW)

WORK ALERT: Fauntleroy ferry dock repaving starts soon

The Fauntleroy ferry dock is about to get repaved, and Washington State Ferries says it’s years overdue. We got a project update at tonight’s meeting of the Triangle Route Task Force (we’ll cover the rest of the meeting in a separate report). At one point, WSF thought the work was going to start next week, but now it looks like it’ll get going around April 9th. The asphalt helps preserve the timber decking at the dock, which has a full replacement planned in about seven years – which is how long this round of repaving should last. The work is going to be done four nights a week, 7 pm-4 am, Monday through Thursday nights, for about six weeks. And WSF says it’s going to be noisy, especially as they demolish the old asphalt. The work also will involve the walkway on the south side of the dock, replacing the railroad-tie barrier that’s the only thing between the path and the lane used as vehicles come off the boats. On work nights, some lanes will be closed, and that will mean “changes to loading and offloading procedures,” WSF says. An extra traffic attendant will be there to help direct drivers. They expect to be out in the nearby neighborhoods with flyers next week, and that information will include a 24-hour hotline for construction questions/complaints.

VIDEO: See who asked what at Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s West Seattle town hall

March 28, 2018 10:30 am
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Some talking and a lot of listening last night at The Hall at Fauntleroy, as our area’s first-term U.S. House Rep. Pramila Jayapal held the first of two Town Hall meetings in her district. We estimated the crowd at more than 120:

Rep. Jayapal, whose local home is in the West Seattle area, took questions over two hours on a wide range of topics. Here’s our unedited video:

Her next Town Hall is tomorrow (Thursday, March 29) at the Edmonds Senior Center (220 Railroad Ave.).

SPRING RECYCLE ROUNDUP: Some changes this time around

img_6608(WSB file photo from past Recycle Roundup)

Exactly one month from today, Fauntleroy Church hosts the spring Recycle Roundup, a free drive-up/ride-up/walk-up dropoff event for a wide variety of recyclables. But this time around, the company that partners with the church, 1 Green Planet, has made some changes to what it’s accepting, so you’ll want to take a close look at the new list if you’ve been saving up items to drop off. In particular, notes Judy Pickens, “Books are now on the list, for instance, but freezers and refrigerators are not any longer.” The hours are the same – 9 am-3 pm, Sunday, April 22nd, in the lot at 9140 California SW.

FAUNTLEROY FOOD FEST 2018: Honors, volunteers, and samples

March 21, 2018 10:25 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

Above are Fauntleroy Community Association president Mike Dey and Irene Stewart, one of two people honored last night at FCA’s annual Fauntleroy Food Fest membership meeting. Until recently, Irene was volunteer website and social-media manager for FCA. Also honored: outgoing FCA board member and Ferry Advisory Committee liaison Gary Dawson:

We mentioned Gary’s departure announcement in our coverage of last week’s FCA board meeting. He’s been on the board for more than 20 years. The honors were a reminder that community groups run entirely on volunteer power – countless hours given by people including Judy Pickens:

Judy is editor of the FCA newsletter, which we’re fairly sure is the last printed-and-mailed community council news publication in West Seattle. She was at the FFF on behalf of the Fauntleroy Watershed Council and its new stewardship fund. Other volunteers there, talking with community members, included Cindi Barker and FCA’s Gordon Wiehler on behalf of the Emergency Communication Hubs:

As for who put the “food” into the Fauntleroy Food Fest – local purveyors included Lonjina from Wildwood Market:

And from Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor), Annette and Kelsey:

The turnout:

And, the FCA board elected last night:

If you live/work in Fauntleroy but didn’t get to the FFF to renew (or start) your membership, you can do it online here.

FOLLOWUP: Early response to Fauntleroy Creek Stewardship Fund ‘encouraging’

March 19, 2018 4:48 pm
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 |   Environment | Fauntleroy | How to help | West Seattle news | Wildlife

Our area’s precious green spaces can’t be taken for granted. In realization of that, the Fauntleroy Watershed Stewardship Fund was announced earlier this month, and we have an update from creek steward Judy Pickens:

The fund to enable ongoing stewardship of Fauntleroy Creek and Fauntleroy Park now has $3,600 toward its initial goal of $30,000.

The Fauntleroy Watershed Council announced the fund on March 1 in the wake of ever-decreasing grant funding for restoring and maintaining Seattle’s natural areas. EarthCorps, an international conservation training program, is accepting tax-deductible donations on behalf of the council and its trainees will do the lion’s share of the work that’s funded.

“This early response is greatly encouraging,” said Peggy Cummings, a member of the council’s executive committee. “Our main concern is being able to maintain restoration already done at public expense so those investments aren’t lost.”

Ensuring that the creek is safe for students is a particular focus for donations. Volunteers will be hosting 19 salmon releases starting April 27, which will bring an estimated 750 students to the watershed.

Find out more about the fund at the council’s table at Tuesday night’s Fauntleroy Food Fest, 6 pm in the Hall at Fauntleroy, or at www.fauntleroywatershed.org.

The FFF is the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s annual membership meeting – community members are invited to enjoy tastings from local restaurants, to find out more about what’s going on in the community – with a multitude of groups (like the Watershed Council) and agencies participating – and to renew FCA membership. (The Hall is at 9131 California SW.)

WORSHIP WITHOUT WALLS: 2nd annual service day for Fauntleroy Church

March 18, 2018 6:39 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news | West Seattle religion

(All ages made blankets to comfort sick children through Project Linus. Photo by Monika Lidman)

Thanks to Judy Pickens for sending the photos and sharing the report:

Today the second annual Worship Without Walls at Fauntleroy Church drew 120 adults and children to a morning of service, volunteering an estimated 200 hours to Food Lifeline, Friends of Lincoln Park, West Seattle Elementary, Project Linus, and refugee support through the International Rescue Committee.

(Church volunteers repackaged sufficient food for 2,133 meals; here they ready portions of pasta for area food banks. Photo by Bill Zoellner)

The first-ever WWW last year saw volunteers involved with four projects that day.


By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The Fauntleroy Community Association‘s always-popular annual membership meeting – known as the Food Fest – is days away. And that was one of several major discussion items at last night’s FCA board meeting – as well as an unexpected announcement.

FAUNTLEROY FOOD FEST: The annual FCA membership meeting is set for 6 pm Tuesday, March 20th, at The Hall at Fauntleroy. So far, eight confirmed food vendors and a multitude of community groups. The bites are free but the big point of this gathering is for Fauntleroy residents, businesses, etc., to renew their annual memberships, and to vote for officers. FCA will also be collecting non-perishable food donations, so bring something for the White Center Food Bank (which serves West Seattle from SW Myrtle southward). The Seattle Police Mobile Precinct is scheduled to be there too for visitors to tour. And Gary Dawson, Fauntleroy’s longtime liaison with Washington State Ferries, says Jon Vezina from WSF will be the first WSF rep at the Food Fest in years. Stop by, ask questions about the forthcoming dock replacement, or anything else. They’re also considering having a HALA upzoning info table too.

JOSLIN BUILDING UPDATE: FCA continues to closely monitor the potential redevelopment of the 9250 45th SW site in the Endolyne business district (first reported here last October).

Read More

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: South Delridge search; stolen Dodge Ram Megacab truck

Two items in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:

SOUTH DELRIDGE POLICE SEARCH: A man was stabbed in the hand in the 8800 block of Delridge Way SW this past hour and police say they know who they are looking for. The victim originally declined medical assistance, so what was briefly dispatched as an “assault with weapons” response quickly closed, while the search proceeded. No description info.

STOLEN PICKUP TRUCK: Barbara reports, “Our 2006 Dodge Ram 2500 Megacab was stolen out of our driveway in upper Fauntleroy probably early this morning. Think we heard it drive away at 5:00 a.m.” Here’s an image of it as shown on Google Maps:

If you see it, call 911. (added Sunday) The owner is “also offering a reward in the amount of $250 for information leading to the recovery of our truck.”

‘In danger of losing these gains,’ Fauntleroy Watershed Stewardship Fund created

March 2, 2018 3:01 pm
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 |   Environment | Fauntleroy | How to help | West Seattle news

(Photos courtesy Fauntleroy Watershed Council)

By Dennis Hinton
Special to West Seattle Blog

If you value natural areas in West Seattle and want to keep them healthy and safe, you may now make a tax-deductible donation toward ongoing stewardship of two of them: Fauntleroy Creek and Fauntleroy Park.

Initial goal for the new Fauntleroy Watershed Stewardship Fund is $30,000.

The Fauntleroy Watershed Council has arranged for EarthCorps, a 501(c)3 international environmental training program headquartered in Seattle, to receive one-time and monthly donations to the fund. Gifts will help pay for work along the creek and in the park that otherwise would not be funded.

“We’ve made a lot of progress since 1989 in restoring natural features of the neighborhood, primarily
with $2 million in public and foundation funding,” said Judy Pickens, a member of the council’s executive committee. “In recent years, grants have become so scarce that we’re in danger of losing these gains.”

Of particular concern is maintaining the safety of areas used as both classroom and lab by the nearly
11,000 students who have visited the creek and park since 1995 to learn about clean water, a healthy
environment, and salmon-friendly habitat.

Pickens noted that governmental priorities have shifted just when the effects of climate change are becoming evident. Peak flows in the creek are now seven times what they were in 2007, putting pressure on weirs designed decades ago for milder conditions. Also, summer droughts have become the norm, threatening vegetation that holds soil and cools the water for salmon and other aquatic life.

The $30,000 would fund permits, design, supplies, and EarthCorps labor to upgrade weirs and vegetation in the lower creek to withstand heavy flows and improve bank stability, spawner access, and student safety over the long term.

“The work that’s now needed is often too hazardous for volunteers or it requires the expertise and equipment of contractors,” explained Peggy Cummings, one of two volunteer forest stewards for the watershed. “This fund gives residents a tangible way to continue to be involved.”

You can donate:

-Online. Go to the donation page at earthcorps.org, select “This gift is in honor or memory of someone,” and write “Fauntleroy Watershed Stewardship”

-By postal mail. Write “Fauntleroy Watershed Stewardship” on the memo line of your check and mail to Development Office, EarthCorps, 6310 NE 74th St., #201E, Seattle, WA 98115.

-In person. Give your check to any member of the council’s executive committee: Judy Pickens
(judy_pickens@msn.com; 206-938-4203), Peggy Cummings (peggyc@seanet.com; 206-369-4830), or Dennis Hinton (denhinton@msn.com; 206-937-1410).

For a full prospectus, stop by the council’s table at the March 20 Fauntleroy Food Fest or visit www.fauntleroywatershed.org/donate.html, where you’ll also find the 2017 watershed annual report.

TICKET TIME! Ready to serve up your spot at Taste of West Seattle 2018

March 1, 2018 1:03 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | How to help | West Seattle news

(WSB photo from Taste of West Seattle 2017)

It’s the most delicious nonprofit-benefiting event of the year, and an enjoyably efficient way to sample dozens of local food and beverage purveyors – the Taste of West Seattle, presented by and benefiting West Seattle Helpline. As of today, tickets are on sale for this year’s ToWS, which is happening May 24th at The Hall at Fauntleroy. And Helpline is still signing up vendors and sponsors, too. The announcement!

The West Seattle Helpline is THRILLED to announce that Metropolitan Market is back as our presenting sponsor for Taste 2018! Metropolitan Market has been a supporter of the West Seattle Helpline since our organization was founded and we are so thankful for their steadfast support.

This local, community-based food fair is the largest event of its kind in West Seattle. This year’s Taste will feature food and drink from more than 50 different restaurants, breweries, wineries, coffee shops, bakeries, chocolatiers, and more – all from right here in West Seattle!

All proceeds from the event go directly to the West Seattle Helpline’s emergency assistance programs. These services stabilize and support low-income individuals and families in West Seattle and White Center who are recovering from a crisis or unexpected hardship.

The Taste has drawn a sell-out crowd of more than 500 people for the past seven years. Make sure to get your tickets before they sell out!


Sign up to participate as a West Seattle food/drink vendor – go here

Become a sponsor of the Taste of West Seattle 2018 – go here

The event runs from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm (VIP entry at 6:00 pm; General Admission at 6:30 pm). See our coverage from last year’s Taste of West Seattle here.

POWER OUTAGE UPDATES: 370+ customers in Gatewood, Upper Fauntleroy; 4,100+ restored in Shorewood, WC; new outage along part of Roxbury

2:59 PM: First significant power outage in West Seattle since the weather got blustery on Friday – more than 150 customers in Gatewood and Upper Fauntleroy, including WSB HQ, per the City Light outage map. More to come.

3:09 PM: The cause isn’t listed yet but the restoration guesstimate is 9 pm – as always, we caution that it can be fixed a lot sooner (like that recent 1 1/2-hour outage) or much later. Meantime, a much-bigger outage has just happened in the White Center/Shorewood/north Burien area – 4,100+ customers:

4:04 PM: SCL blames the White Center-and-beyond fire on a tree. Meanwhile, we’re checking out a brush-fire call in west Gatewood that’s blamed on downed wires – we don’t know if it’s related to the outage but it’s not far. Separate coverage here.

4:23 PM: As noted in comments, the big outage to the south has been resolved, as verified by the SCL map. The outage east of Lincoln Park, not yet.

5:53 PM: New outage as of a little over an hour ago – two pockets on SW Roxbury in the 26th/28th area, and we’re told that is affecting Roxbury Safeway. We’ll be checking there in a bit.

6:46 PM: Roxbury Safeway has some power inside but cold cases are covered and there’s no external lighting. Meantime, the outage in our HQ area, east of and uphill from Lincoln Park, is now listed as 371 customers. Still a 9 pm restoration guesstimate, but no cause – the wires-down fire is likely related.

9:34 PM: Still in the outage zone but we did see a couple City Light trucks a few blocks away while we were on our way back here a short time ago. The restoration guesstimate has been pushed back to ~1:29 am but please remember, it’s not based on anything scientific, as City Light itself will tell you, so it’s just a guess. Some important things to remember:

-It’s cold but in trying to stay warm, you need to follow carbon-monoxide-safety rules.

-Wondering about the safety of food in your refrigerator? Read the FDA advice and guidelines.

2 AM: Our power came back on around 1:30. Now there’s a new 90-customer outage along Walnut.

UPDATE: Fire call in Fauntleroy, dog rescued

12:27 PM: Seattle Fire has a big response on the way to the 9100 block of 45th SW in Fauntleroy. More to come.

12:32 PM: We’re just arriving – smoke is visible. It’s a three-story condo building with fire in one unit, per SFD radio, with one firefighter noting they’ve rescued a dog. (Photo added)

And if you’re hearing a helicopter, it’s a TV chopper taking a look.

12:39 PM: SFD tells us this was an electrical problem in a wall and while it generated a lot of smoke, it was confined to the wall. Nobody hurt.

12:44 PM: Note that 45th SW is blocked between Wildwood and Director (just north of the Endolyne mini-business district) until more of the SFD units leave.

4:47 PM: Update from SFD on fire’s cause: “Fire investigators ruled the fire as accidental. Fire was caused by ignition of combustible materials placed too close to an electric wall heater. Estimated loss is $55,000.”

DONE EARLY: Fauntleroy/Wildwood intersection has reopened

2:23 PM: The project that was supposed to close the Fauntleroy/Wildwood intersection for two weeks is done in less than one. The intersection is open again, and crews are removing the no-parking signs on the SW Trenton detour route. No official alert updates yet; we’ll update when that happens. The work involved replacing concrete road panels, plus a curb ramp.

4:48 PM: Metro has since sent a rider alert via text and tweet that it has resumed its regular route in the area.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT REMINDER: Fauntleroy/Wildwood closure set to start Monday

Another reminder that tomorrow is the scheduled start of the SDOT project that will close the intersection of Fauntleroy Way SW and SW Wildwood [map], just south of the ferry terminal, for up to two weeks, for replacement of concrete road panels and construction of a curb ramp. That means a traffic detour, bus reroutes, and parking restrictions nearby, including along the temporary bus route, which includes SW Trenton.

-The original SDOT announcement with detour info is here
-The detailed Metro reroute announcement for RapidRide C Line and Route 116 is here

SDOT says the closure starts at 7 am Monday; Metro says the reroutes begin at the “start of service” for the affected routes. We will be checking the area for our regular weekday traffic/transit coverage. You can check traffic cameras in the vicinity via this page on the Washington State Ferries website.

FOLLOWUP: How Metro plans to reroute C Line, Route 116 buses during road closure south of Fauntleroy ferry dock

That sign is on the corner of Fauntleroy and Trenton, which is now confirmed as part of the reroute for buses once SDOT starts its two weeks of work – announced Monday – closing the intersection of Fauntleroy/Wildwood, just south of the ferry terminal. Metro has now finalized the reroute plan for the C Line and Route 116 buses, and has published it here (PDF). The project replacing some of the road panels and adding a curb ramp is scheduled to start next Monday, lasting up to two weeks.

STAIRWAY WORK: Fauntleroy/Director closed for SDOT project; see which West Seattle stairways are next

12:24 PM: Discovered this morning that the stairway at SW Director Street/upper Fauntleroy Way, between the Fauntleroy fish-ladder viewpoint and northbound RapidRide C Line stop, is closed for SDOT work. Further research turned up this map, which reveals it’s one of four city-owned stairways on the list scheduled for work this year, along with:

-SW Hill St between 42nd Ave SW & California Ave SW
-SW Holly St & Beveridge Pl SW to 46th Ave SW
-California Ave SW & SW Willow St

We’re checking with SDOT to see how long the work is expected to last, and which West Seattle stairway project will be next up.

3:33 PM: SDOT’s Greg Funk has replied with the info:

-SW Director “just started” and could reopen February 19th if all goes well
-California/Willow is expected to start February 26th, “substantial completion” March 16th
-Hill/42nd is expected to start April 30th, “substantial completion” June 8th
-Holly/46th is expected to start June 11th, “substantial completion August 17th

“Substantial completion” means “stairway will have temporary handrail and (will be) opened to the public until our rail fabricators finish the install of new rail.”

Two other stairway projects will be in “design options” mode this year – SW Thistle (east of Lincoln Park) and Bonair SW.

QUESTIONS FOR YOU: Fauntleroy Community Association launches 2018 survey

January 30, 2018 9:04 am
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Live and/or work in Fauntleroy? It’s survey time, as just announced by the Fauntleroy Community Association:

Every two years, the Fauntleroy Community Association (FCA) conducts a community survey to help us determine what topics, issues, and concerns are important to the residents of Fauntleroy. It helps the FCA prioritize and strategize, and gives us direct feedback about what matters to the community.

We want to hear what Fauntleroy residents currently think are the most important issues for the area. If you live in the Fauntleroy area, please take the survey (by going here).

It will only take a few minutes, and will help guide FCA’s efforts in the coming years.

If you don’t have time now – you can use our Share This link below to e-mail it to yourself for later (that’s also how you can share any WSB story, forum post, etc., in a variety of ways)!

ROAD-WORK ALERT: 2-week closure ahead, south of Fauntleroy ferry dock

A big road-work project near the Fauntleroy ferry dock will detour traffic – including buses – starting one week from today. The announcement just in:

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) advises travelers that contractors will close the intersection of Fauntleroy Way SW and SW Wildwood Place, just south of the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal, beginning Monday morning, February 5, through Monday, February 19.

Crews will replace concrete road panels at the intersection, and install a curb ramp on the northeast corner.

Between 7 a.m. on Monday, February 5 and 5 p.m. on Monday, February 19, travelers can expect:

The intersection of Fauntleroy Way SW and SW Wildwood Place to be closed in all directions.

Signed detours will be in place:

Motorists exiting the ferry terminal wanting to head southbound will be directed to go northbound on Fauntleroy Way, turn right on SW Morgan St, and right onto 35th Ave SW to head southbound to their destination.

King County Metro’s Rapid Ride C Line will be detoured along SW Trenton St and 45th Ave SW.

There will be No Parking on either side of SW Trenton St between Fauntleroy Way SW and 45th Ave SW.

There will be No Parking on the west side of 45th Ave SW for 100 feet in both directions of SW Director St.

Temporary parking restrictions are necessary for the detour bus route.

Check Metro’s Alerts & Updates page for additional bus route information.

Construction will occur Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday construction may be required to finish within the scheduled timeframe.