Fauntleroy 1211 results

UPDATE: Salmon spawning season continues; ‘open creek’ set for Saturday

10:51 AM: Thanks to Kersti Muul for the photos from Fauntleroy Creek earlier this week. Spawning season continues and she photographed those eggs, explaining, “Some critter had dragged them up on the banks. Eventually they were eaten but it took a few days … which surprises me! Seeing that we have otters and raccoons and birds a plenty.” She also shared this photo of the 13th coho counted in the creek, a ~3-pound female:

We’re checking on where the count stands. (UPDATE: Creek steward Judy Pickens tells us it’s at 18 – that’s more than 4 times last year’s four-fish count.)

ADDED 3:55 PM: Judy has since announced there’ll be another “open creek” tomorrow:

We’ve seen 18 coho to date, witnessed active spawning, and continue to have favorable tides for bringing in more fish. Volunteers will host an “open creek” Saturday (11/10) afternoon from noon to 3:00 at the fish ladder (SW Director and upper Fauntleroy Way SW). Come to the viewpoint there and a watcher will invite you down. Children need to bring a parent and dogs should be leashed and well behaved. Decking and steps will likely be wet, so use caution.

P.S. Bonus video from Kersti:

She explains, “It’s from yesterday, a spawning pair activity making a nest, with a little Jack trying to have a turn but getting turned back by the larger male.” (A “jack” is a salmon returning a year earlier than they usually would.)

More Fauntleroy fish, on eve of Saturday ‘open creek’

(Salmon creating a redd in Fauntleroy Creek, photographed by Dennis Hinton)

Planning on visiting Fauntleroy Creek during Saturday afternoon’s “open creek”? Your chance of seeing salmon spawners keeps rising along with the water – creek steward Judy Pickens tells WSB that as of late today, volunteers have counted 12 fish, three times last year’s total. Again, you’re invited to visit 1-4 pm tomorrow – go to the fish-ladder overlook at upper Fauntleroy Way SW and SW Director, and a volunteer will take you down creekside. If the weather gets mega-stormy, they might have to cancel for safety results, so if that happens, check here for an update before 1 pm.

Want to see salmon? You’re invited to visit Fauntleroy Creek to look for fish Saturday

markahlness(“Wally,” a 2016 Fauntleroy Creek coho photographed by Mark Ahlness)

With the first spawners spotted in Fauntleroy Creek – as reported here earlier this week – you’re invited to visit, to try to see for yourself. Creek steward Judy Pickens says her fellow volunteers Dennis Hinton and Pete Draughon will staff an “open creek” time this Saturday (November 3), 1-4 pm. While on one hand stormy weather is a boon – Judy says they’re hoping the next wave of rain will “bring in another wave” of fish, as they haven’t seen new arrivals since Tuesday – if it’s too stormy on Saturday, she notes, “we’ll have to cancel as wind could bring down limbs and heavy rain will muddy the water and cause dangerously high flow.” (If that happens, check here for an update.) But in the meantime, you can tentatively plan to visit: “All are welcome and children should come with a parent. People should dress for the weather, including boots or old shoes. Dogs must be on a leash and well behaved.” Come to the fish-ladder viewpoint (SW Director & upper Fauntleroy Way SW, across from the ferry terminal) and a volunteer will invite you down.

FIRST FISH! Salmon show up in Fauntleroy Creek, one day after community drumming

“The drumming worked!” So exults Fauntleroy Creek steward Judy Pickens after the first fall sightings of coho salmon in the creek, the day after the annual drumming/singing gathering to ceremonially call them home (WSB coverage here). Whitney Fraser provides the photo and video:

Judy first reported that fellow longtime volunteer Dennis Hinton “had the honor of spotting the first coho spawner of the season … It’s a beautiful female between the two lower bridges, which means unlike last year, we have a spawner in the natural creek upstream of the fish ladder.” Then a “jack” – a male who returned a year earlier than the usual rhythms – was spotted, and then four more. That’s already surpassed last year’s entire total of four. Salmon watch on Fauntleroy Creek will continue into mid-November – or until an entire week has passed with no fish sightings – whichever comes first.

West Seattle weekend scene: Calling coho home to Fauntleroy Creek

October 28, 2018 9:36 pm
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(WSB photos)

While some were cheering for the Boston Red Sox or Los Angeles Dodgers earlier tonight, this group was cheering for the Fauntleroy Creek Coho. No spawner sightings yet this season, but hopes remained high during the annual gathering to drum and sing and welcome them home.

Some of the younger participants wore salmon hats made during last Sunday’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival with the help of creek steward Judy Pickens, whose creekside carport hosted the gathering, providing cover from the showery weather.

This year added some fish jokes (example: Why don’t fish play basketball? They’re afraid of the net). But caring for the creek is serious business. Hundreds of students visit every spring to release fish they’ve raised via the Salmon in the Schools program, with which Judy and husband Phil Sweetland are also closely involved. (See its newest annual report here [PDF].)

Judy promises updates as always if and when spawners are sighted. You can peek at the creek from the public fish-ladder overlook at Fauntleroy/Director – across from the ferry dock – any time.

Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry notes: One boat late after assistance; one boat down starting Monday

October 27, 2018 7:14 pm
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Two notes about the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry run:

ONE BOAT LATE AFTER ASSISTANCE: Thanks to M for sending that photo of crew members from the ferry Kitsap helping a boater in distress off Southworth. As a result, the Kitsap is running 20+ minutes late. You can check its status via Vessel Watch.

ONE BOAT OUT STARTING MONDAY: WSF has this alert out for the route:

Beginning on Monday, October 29 until further notice, the Fauntleroy/Vashon Island/Southworth route must operate on a two-boat schedule so that the M/V Sealth can undergo a Coast Guard-required maintenance inspection. WSF is doing everything possible to minimize the duration of this service disruption and will be sending updates as soon as more information is available. Passengers can expect delays on this route during that time, and alternate routes are advised where available. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to restore full service on this route.

You can see the two-boat schedule here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bike reunion! Plus, 2 more dumped/found. Also: Video of burglar stealing 2 at once

Bicycle theft is today’s West Seattle Crime Watch theme, so far. Good news first:

BIKE REUNION: Shortly after we published word from Melissa that her son’s bicycle had been stolen and another left in its place, a reader at Westwood Village reported a bike matching the stolen one’s description had been found dumped at the center. We pointed Melissa to WWV and a reunion ensued! (The bike she found hasn’t been claimed yet, though.)

2 MORE BIKES DUMPED/FOUND: This just turned up in Fauntlee Hills:

And this one in Seaview:

Either one yours? Let us know so we can point you to it.

BURGLAR STEALS 2 BIKES AT ONCE: Here are three short security-cam videos sent by a burglary victim – first, prowling cars in her driveway; then coming back – after stealing the garage opener rom one car – and breaking into the garage; finally, leaving while stealing two bikes at once.

This happened in the span of two early-morning hours on October 17th near South Seattle College on Puget Ridge. The bikes are “a women’s 2017 white Vita specialized bike, size small, and a men’s 2017 Sirrus carbon fiber, size medium.” If you have any information, the SPD incident # is 18-388463.

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2018!

2:55 PM: The sun has arrived! And the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is on, until 5 pm, at the church/schoolhouse/Y in the 9100 block of California SW. Here again is what’s happening and who’s here:

(If you can’t view what’s above, here’s the PDF version.) Among the attractions: The Falconer:

3:35 PM: This is an outdoor-indoor festival – something going on at every turn. Music, too! Inside The Hall at Fauntleroy on the west side of the street:

Elvis is in The Hall, too!

Meantime, outside the church/Y on the east side of the street, here’s who was playing when we arrived:

To get between them, you’ll be assisted by volunteer crossing guards!

This is all free (except for food/drink) – this year funded in part by a city Department of Neighborhoods Matching Fund Grant.

5 PM: Festival’s over! Big turnout, all ages. Adding more photos/video in the next hour-plus. Starting with pumpkin-painting:

ADDED: More video – first Elvis:

The West Seattle Big Band:

Festival vendors included Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) with a multigenerational team:

And Wildwood Market with proprietor Lonjina:

Climbing was easier with a little help:

And it’s not the Fall Festival without salmon-hat-making (supervising off-camera, Judy Pickens):

By the way, Fauntleroy welcomes you back next Sunday (October 28th) – drum to welcome the salmon home (and bring fish jokes!) at 5 pm at the fish ladder across and upslope from the ferry dock.

FERRY ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth back to 3 boats

October 20, 2018 11:08 am
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M/V Cathlamet went back into service this morning, after mechanical trouble took it out on Friday, so the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route is back to 3 boats.

FERRY/TRAFFIC ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth down to 2 boats

4:05 PM: Friday afternoon outbound ferry-rider traffic from Fauntleroy is usually backed up even in the best of times, but we’re getting word it’s worse than usual today, and that the run is down to two boats. The M/V Cathlamet is out of service. Here’s the latest word from Washington State Ferries:

The M/V Cathlamet is out of service for the remainder of the day due to the issues with the ship’s service generator. While technicians continue to troubleshoot and assess for repairs, the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth will being following the weekday two-boat schedule beginning with the Fauntleroy 4:05 pm sailing to Vashon, the Vashon 4:30 pm to Fauntleroy, and the Southworth 5:25 pm to Vashon and Fauntleroy.

4:23 PM: Here’s the Fauntleroy-Vashon 2-boat schedule; here it is for Fauntleroy-Southworth. WSF says the wait is now 2 hours at Fauntleroy.

10:21 PM: Still 2 boats and as of last WSF update, a one-hour wait at Fauntleroy.

Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2018: Here’s the fun awaiting you Sunday!

October 18, 2018 9:28 pm
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(WSB photo, 2017 Fauntleroy Fall Festival)

Three days until three hours of fun await you at this year’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival! Tonight we have the schedule for what you’ll be able to see and do during the festival 2-5 pm Sunday (October 21st):

(Note: Updated version substituted Friday night. If you can’t view what’s above, here’s the PDF version.) The festival happens at and around the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse/Hall and Church/YMCA grounds, across the street from each other in the 9100 block of California SW:

Crossing guards make sure you can get back and forth safely. Everything’s free except food/drink – just show up and be ready for a great time! And remember that if you enjoy baking, contenders for the cake-decorating contest and donations for the cake walk are welcome – here are those details. See you at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival (looks like it’ll be sunny)!

Draft schedule revision for Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry route goes public

Above and here (PDF), you can see the proposed new schedule for the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route of Washington State Ferries. WSF has just released the draft for public comment, a week before starting a round of community meetings about the proposal. The accompanying message, via WSF spokesperson Hadley Rodero:

Over the past two years, WSF has engaged in a robust community process and has worked with the Triangle Task Force, local FACs, and the public to develop a draft schedule that considers customers’ needs and priorities. The result of these efforts is a draft sailing schedule that focuses on the afternoon peak commute westbound from Fauntleroy and adjusts eastbound sailing times in the morning from Southworth to better serve commuters. The draft schedule also aims to provide reliability, increase capacity, and regularly fill all sailings when a third 124-car Issaquah Class vessel begins serving the route.

In response to feedback from community members, King County Metro and Kitsap Transit staff, and WSF vessel and terminal employees on the timing of a schedule change, the new schedule will be implemented on March 31, 2019 at the beginning of the spring schedule. This will allow our transit partners to better align their schedules with ours and it will allow us to start the new schedule before the busy summer season.

We hope to hear from you or see you at a public meeting!

The first meeting is at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW) one week from tomorrow – 5 to 7 pm Tuesday, October 23rd. You also can comment via e-mail – WSFPlanning@wsdot.wa.gov – deadline November 9th. It’s been two months since the Triangle Task Force got a look at two draft-schedule options (WSB coverage here). That group isn’t scheduled to meet again until next month, and will get a look at the feedback that’s starting now with the release of this proposal.

Ten topics tackled @ Fauntleroy Community Association

October 10, 2018 9:31 pm
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By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Community group meetings are often excellent ways to learn a little about a lot of things – and not just about what’s happening in the group’s home neighborhood. So it went at the October board meeting of the Fauntleroy Community Association on Tuesday night, with 10 topics of note:

BUDGET MEETING WITH COUNCILMEMBER HERBOLD: FCA president Mike Dey said City Councilmember Lisa Herbold convened representatives of at least a dozen neighborhoods a night earlier to talk about the budget. They are being invited to sign on to a letter supporting increases in fines/fees to support SDCI monitoring vacant buildings proactively. Also discussed: Funding for paving. SDOT might delay some West Seattle repaving (Roxbury and part of 35th) until 2023 because the Avalon repaving is going to stay on track (Delridge repaving also is in the works); Herbold wants support for pressing to keep all the repaving on track. Dey said they also talked about the need for more police but Herbold felt that would be tough because of the back pay in the new police contract; he said Herbold suggested that they should focus on recruiting now and depending on how that goes, come back in the second half of the year and talk about more staffing.

SCALE HALA MHA EIS APPEAL: The citywide coalition challenging the environmental impact report for Mandatory Housing Affordability upzoning has raised almost $200,000 and needs about $20,000 for the lawyers who are handling the appeal, to which FCA is a party. The Hearing Examiner’s ruling is due before Thanksgiving.

HISTORIC BUILDING? There’s talk of investigating a landmark designation for the commercial building that holds Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor), the Original Bakery, and other businesses. They’ll be talking with Historic Seattle. The 1926-built building is more significant for its history than its architecture. The idea is in a very early stage.

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Calling all cake bakers!

October 9, 2018 3:17 pm
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(WSB file photo)

Less than two weeks until the Fauntleroy Fall Festival – time to start planning your cake, if you’re up for baking one! From Judy Pickens:

The judging of decorated cakes and an old-fashioned cake walk are popular activities at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, this year on Sunday, October 21, 2:00-5:00 pm, and cake donations are needed for both. Demonstrate your creativity by decorating a cake with a fall, Fauntleroy, or West Seattle theme. Judging will be by level of difficulty and both adults and kids are encouraged to enter. If decorating isn’t your thing, simply bake and frost a donation for the cake walk. It can be just one layer, a small sheet cake, or a cluster of cupcakes. Plan to bring your creation to Fellowship Hall in Fauntleroy Church by 1:00 pm on festival Sunday.

The festival happens in and around the church and schoolhouse, across the street from each other (and there’s a crossing guard during the festival!) at 9131 and 9140 California SW.

Ferries’ future: ‘Citizen team’ organizing as Triangle Route schedule change nears

(WSB photo, Fauntleroy ferry dock, this morning)

As we’ve been reporting in coverage of the Triangle Route Task Force advisory group, Washington State Ferries is preparing for the first major change in years to the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth schedule. The new schedule hasn’t yet been finalized; the task force got a look in August at two possible options, and a proposal will be out soon for public comment. With that as a backdrop, a new community group is organizing, and sent us this announcement:

Everybody has an opinion on how to fix the triangle route ferry schedule — lots of discussion and controversy. It’s not just about the time the boat is moving. It’s total time including the annoying wait in a ferry line while congesting and polluting the dock neighborhoods.

So, how would life be different if you knew a boat would leave at least every 30 minutes from the Fauntleroy dock throughout the day? Ferry waits would be dramatically reduced. On average, ferry users save an hour a day — an hour now mostly spent congesting and polluting the Fauntleroy dock neighborhood.

How could it be possible? The answer is so counter intuitive that you will laugh. Every boat should stop at every dock on every triangle route run, from early morning to evening. A group of Vashon commuters has completed over the last 18 months a professional, thorough process engineering ferry efficiency study. It shows that clearing the Fauntleroy dock of both Vashon and Southworth cars every 30 minutes is feasible and would reduce dock area waiting cars by 50% while creating 20% more departures. That’s a fact-based prediction based on detailed ferry observation, data collection and analysis.

You would be right to say “prove it.” We couldn’t agree more. We need the legislature to approve funds and direct WSF to test the concept with a pilot project. We need to be positive and professional with WSF and Olympia or nothing will happen.

We have put together a citizen team to make this happen. Want to help too? Email us at
ferrycommunities@gmail.com and we can work together for positive change.

WSF is planning public meetings for schedule comment starting later this month, including a 5-7 pm meeting October 23rd at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW).

RESULTS: What Fauntleroy’s fall Recycle Roundup added up to

September 29, 2018 12:23 pm
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Big haul last Sunday for the latest Recycle Roundup! Judy Pickens just sent the results:

Despite it being a Seahawk Sunday, the September 23 Recycle Roundup collected 13.5 tons of recyclables – in the top three since Fauntleroy Church teamed with 1 Green Planet in 2010 for this event. An estimated 475 vehicles came through the line to offload all manner of things now on their way back to the resource stream. Watch for the next roundup in April.

YOU CAN HELP! Fauntleroy Creek’s fall salmon-watching starts soon

September 26, 2018 1:57 pm
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(2012 WSB photo)

Last year, four salmon spawners were spotted in Fauntleroy Creek. But each fall, hopes run high and anything can happen – it’s only been six years since 274 showed up in 2012. Right now, watershed stewards are seeking more volunteers to help keep watch. Here’s the announcement from Judy Pickens:

Whether or not coho spawners come into Fauntleroy Creek always depends on their having survived saltwater conditions. If they do come in, watchers need to be on duty to document them.

This year’s watch will start October 22 and continue until mid-November or until no more spawners have come in for one week.

Spawners are most likely to be present in the fish-ladder area during the five hours after daytime high tide, so the watch window varies day to day. Using a simple form, volunteers document activity for a half hour. Written details and a brief training session will be provided to new watchers.

Children are welcome with a parent, and teens may watch on their own. For questions and to sign up, email judy_pickens@msn.com or call 206-938-4203.

HAPPENING NOW: Fall 2018 Recycle Roundup

September 23, 2018 11:38 am
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Things are moving fast at the fall Recycle Roundup in the lot at Fauntleroy Church! Multiple trucks/trailers from 1 Green Planet and lots of help. Just drive/ride/walk up before 3 pm and give them your recyclables – first look at the list (PDF) to see what they are and are not accepting this time. Free! The church has been hosting these events since 2010 and they always leave the peninsula tons lighter.

READY? Fall Recycle Roundup, one day away

September 22, 2018 2:32 pm
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“Spring cleaning” is what you hear about most often – but tomorrow’s Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church brings you an opportunity to start fall with some cleaning too. 9 am-3 pm on Sunday, the church parking lot (9140 California SW) welcomes you to drop off items for 1 Green Planet to recycle. The list of what will and won’t be accepted is here. No charge, though the church accepts donations if you want to help support the twice-yearly Recycle Roundups. Rain or shine!

HAPPENING NOW: Find out about Washington State Ferries’ future

Just a few blocks uphill from Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy terminal, you can drop in until 7 pm at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW) to find out about/comment on the WSF Draft Long-Range Plan. Among the easel displays, the ferry of the future:

The proposed plan would have three 124-car hybrid-electric ferries serving Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth by 2029. Other big changes on this route would include a second slip at Southworth by 2026. The long-range plan – which is supposed to look all the way ahead to 2040 – also covers climate change:

And it covers budget woes – with one board saying the system only has half the funding it would need to make it’s proposed plan reality. If you can’t make it to this open house, you have until late October to comment via this online open house. The so-called Triangle Route, meantime, has a much nearer-term change in the works – a new schedule for the first time in a long time (here’s our most-recent report on that process). We just got the schedule for three meetings specific to THAT proposed change:

-Fauntleroy, 5-7 pm October 23 (Fauntleroy Church)
-Vashon, 6-8 pm October 24 (Vashon Island High School)
-Southworth, 5:30-7:30 pm October 25 (Harper Church)

COUNTDOWN: One week until fall Recycle Roundup

September 16, 2018 1:35 pm
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 |   Environment | Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

(WSB photo from April’s Recycle Roundup)

One week from today is not only the first full day of fall, it’s also one of two days each year that the Fauntleroy Church Green Committee invites you to a Recycle Roundup! We thought you might appreciate a reminder in case today’s weather is keeping you indoors. 9 am-3 pm on Sunday, September 23rd, you can ride, drive, walk, roll up to the church parking lot (9140 California SW) and drop off items for 1 Green Planet to recycle. In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the list of what they are (and aren’t) accepting this time. It’s free (though of course the Green Committee appreciates donations to help it keep offering these events every fall and spring) – see you there!

WEEKEND: Wall-to-wall shopping @ 24th annual 2nd Time Sale

September 14, 2018 11:11 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

We just stopped by Fauntleroy Church to preview this weekend’s 2nd Time Sale and we can tell you firsthand, the Fellowship Hall is wall-to-wall with gently used stuff in great shape, lovingly arranged by volunteers and ready for you to shop. Among them, Judy Pickens, who explains:

This huge community sale began as a one-day spree for bargain shoppers in the church parking lot, then moved indoors in 2010 so everything could be under cover and well organized. Donations throughout the year from members and friends of the congregation enable volunteers to sort for quality and make sure items are clean and in working order. Proceeds benefit the mission of the church and leftovers benefit nearly a dozen local charities. All sale areas are wheelchair accessible and free delivery of large pieces is available upon request.

Cookware, art, jewelry, Halloween and Christmas decorations, toys, puzzles, bikes, even two telescopes!

Go see for yourself tomorrow and/or Sunday. Sale hours are 9 am-4 pm Saturday, 11:30 am-2 pm Sunday (with half-price time for whatever’s left in the final hour).

Washington State Ferries’ future: Dates set for Long-Range Plan meetings, including one here

September 1, 2018 10:09 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Transportation | West Seattle online

By the end of the year, Washington State Ferries is under orders to deliver its next Long-Range Plan to the state Legislature. First, WSF will make the draft version public soon, in time for a round of open-house meetings in the communities it serves. The dates and locations are already set, including one here in West Seattle – Monday, September 17th, 5-7 pm at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW). The new Long-Range Plan is supposed to cover the ferry system’s future through 2040.