West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
Every Monday, the Seattle Public Schools COVID-19 data dashboard is updated. This week, it shows 68 new cases (compared to 58 new cases a week before) among the district’s more than 90 schools. Here are the school-by-school breakouts for our area, with the changes compared to what was on the dashboard last week – again, the numbers are cumulative for the entire school year so far:
Denny International Middle School – 18, up 3
Chief Sealth International High School – 18, unchanged
Highland Park Elementary – 10, up 1
Roxhill Elementary – 10, unchanged
Genesee Hill Elementary – 8, up 2
Madison Middle School – 8, unchanged
Lafayette Elementary – 7, unchanged
Arbor Heights Elementary – 6, unchanged
Gatewood Elementary – 5, up 1
Concord International (Elementary) – 5, unchanged
West Seattle Elementary – 5, unchanged
Sanislo Elementary – 3, unchanged
West Seattle High School – 3, unchanged
Pathfinder K-8 – 3, unchanged
Alki Elementary – 2, up 1
Louisa Boren STEM K-8 – 2, unchanged
Fairmount Park Elementary – 2, unchanged
BRIDGES @ Roxhill – 1, unchanged
The dashboard still does not break down student cases/staff cases school by school; for the Southwest Region – West Seattle and South Park – 91% of the cases are among students.
Six years ago, the Beachwood Apartments at 4027 Beach Drive SW were momentarily in the spotlight because of community questions regarding their takeover by Seattle Sober Living. The organization stressed that it wasn’t a halfway house or treatment facility – just a building renting apartments to men committing to drug- and alcohol-free living. The years passed and it didn’t return to our radar until this past weekend, when a reader emailed to say the building looked empty. Checking the Seattle Sober Living website, we found the Beach Drive location was no longer listed; though in 2015 it was the organization’s only location, now SSL lists buildings in Capitol Hill and Kirkland. Unable to find anything else about the West Seattle building’s status, we emailed David Gould, director of SSL then and now (and a West Seattle resident). He replied:
We have found another property in the Seattle area which we believe is even better suited for our tenants. SSL is no longer renting the property at 4027 Beach Dr SW.
Speaking for myself and representing feedback I’ve received from tenants and their families, the West Seattle community is owed a debt of gratitude for welcoming us. This is a beautiful area and hundreds of recovering addicts who have come through the Beach Drive home hold a special place in their heart for this community. Lives have been changed. Thank you, West Seattle.
Alliance Multifamily is managing the building now. While stressing that he wasn’t speaking for the ownership, Gould said he had “heard it was going to be rented as standard housing.” And indeed, when we subsequently went over for a photo of the building, we noticed sandwich boards advertising “Now Leasing.”
Nine days ago, we brought you first word of the new identity of West Seattle Bowl‘s Highstrike Grill – Three 9 Lounge. Since then, we’ve stopped by for a look inside, as they finished the furnishings and decor, down to the glassware.
From the pineapple hanging lamps to the tinted windows, WS Bowl manager Jeff Swanson told us they’re going for a “warm” vibe.
With high-tech touches – USB jacks under the bar, next to the purse hooks.
They’ll have seven signature cocktails, and plan to offer 35 different rums from all over the world. As for the food, they’re continuing to serve classic American fare in the bowling alley, while Three 9 will offer island-style bites – from malasadas to lumpia to skewers. (You can see the menus on the website, just launched today.) It’ll seat 50, including huge padded corner booths on each end.
Three 9 opens Thursday (October 28th) and will be open 4 pm to midnight, 7 nights a week. 21+
The forecast remains “breezy” through Wednesday, but not as windy as Sunday, so cleanup continues today. Above, Joel sent the photo of a tree that toppled in the 4100 block of Chilberg SW. But the worst toppling trouble in the area remains on East Marginal Way. Seattle City Light says 15 poles fell in the storm, closing part of East Marginal and blocking access to the South Park Bridge as a result.
The bridge and road might stay closed until “midday Tuesday” although SCL says they’re prioritizing the cleanup near the bridge’s east end in order to expedite the reopening. And if you’re wondering about the East Marginal poles that fell two years ago, here’s what City Light says:
These poles, located north of the stretch of poles that failed during a 2019 incident, were last inspected in August 2021. Three poles were identified for replacement and were in the process of being designed and permitted for replacement. As we clear the road, we are transferring the poles and equipment to a location for further inspection.
Meantime, SDOT has been out today sweeping leaf-deluged gutters – we saw this one on California SW in Gatewood:
They can’t be everywhere, though, so check on your nearest drain to ensure it’s not choked with all the leaves that have blown off th trees.
Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:
ONE BIKE STOLEN, ONE LEFT BEHIND: From Margaret, who says this happened on SW Andover “between the Admiral and Alaska junctions’:
HI. Our black Novara bike was stolen, but someone’s else’s bike was left in its place so we thought we would reach out in case the original owners might be located.
The black bike is the one that belongs to us and is missing.
The white and blue bike is the one that was left with us.
If you’ve seen Margaret’s bike or recognize the dumped one, let us know and we’ll connect you.
CAR PROWLER: Texted report and photo:
Car Prowler on camera in Gatewood neighborhood this morning of 10/25/2021 at 5:30 am.
This car prowler was walking west on SW Austin Street and at 5:30 am came into my driveway and tried getting in our vehicles. At 5:50am he was spotted walking east on SW Austin street. This is the same location in Gatewood and same truck that has been targeted more than a dozen times in the last 6 months.
Also note – he is wearing a blue Adidas gym outfit and appears to have a Ace bandage wrapped around his left leg shin area. Following up the above- I made a police report online and they game me incident tracking number T21021940.
SUSPECTED INTRUDER ARRESTED: A 40-year-old woman was arrested Sunday afternoon for suspected burglary after two incidents in the Alki area. According to the police-report narrative, first police were called to the 3200 block of Alki SW after a report that a woman broke into a residence, briefly, and then walked out onto Beach Drive. Then what’s believed to be the same woman turned up in a back yard in the 3400 block of Beach drive, trying to enter that residence. Police arrested her there. The only thing taken, according to the Alki SW resident, was several pieces of candy. The suspect was booked into the King County Jail and the roster shows her still there now.
2:37 PM: We’ve received multiple reports of a whale breaching off West Seattle this afternoon, and it’s not an orca. A texter says they’re 100 percent sure it’s a juvenile humpback. They last saw it off Me-Kwa-Mooks/Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook (4500 block of Beach Drive).
2:48 PM: Even the emergency crews responding to the day’s second Beach Drive water-rescue call (that call’s unfounded so far) have just mentioned the breaching whale.
3:31 PM: Thanks to Beach Drive resident Ruth Winter for sending the photo we’ve added above. She says, “It was spectacular” – something she’s never seen.
This week, SDOT plans two Highland Park appearances – online Wednesday, in person Friday – to talk about the potential future of Delridge/Highland Park “Stay Healthy Streets.”
Join us Friday, October 29, to kick off your Halloween and Día de Muertos weekend!
We are evaluating making your Delridge-Highland Park Stay Healthy Street a permanent community feature and need your feedback on ways to create a space that reflects your community values and needs.Enjoy kids’ activities, giveaways, treats, and more!
Location: Stay Healthy Street on 11th Ave SW, next to Highland Park Elementary (between SW Cloverdale and SW Trenton streets)
Date: Friday, October 29
Time: 2 to 4 PM
Learn more about this Stay Healthy Street on our website.
Proposed permanent route
Above is a map of the proposed permanent route of the Delridge-Highland Park Stay Healthy Street. We hope to see you on Friday, October 29 or hear from you by calling 206-727-3565 or emailing delridgestayhealthystreet@seattle.gov.We will also be attending the virtual Highland Park Action Coalition meeting on Wednesday, October 27 from 7 to 8:30 PM if a virtual event works better for you.
The SHS stretch that’s drawn the most opposition over the months is on SW Trenton, but that doesn’t appear to be proposed for removal – we’re doublechecking on that with SDOT.
ADDED TUESDAY: SDOT’s Madison Linkenmeyer responded to our followup: “Right now we are proposing keeping that section of SW Trenton St. This is based on the speed data, traffic volumes, bicycling and pedestrian data, and focused outreach to the people living on SW Trenton St. We’ll also bring more detail on this at the HPAC meeting. In addition to input on the proposed route, we’d like to hear from the community what education and engineering strategies might work to encourage people passing through the neighborhood to stay on arterial streets, such as S Henderson St, instead of diverting onto neighborhood streets like SW Trenton St.”
1:36 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a water-rescue response to Beach Drive/Genesee. Dispatch says the report is of a paddleboarder 20 yards off shore, bleeding, yelling for help. Updates to come.
1:39 PM: They’ve revised the location to SW Carroll, which is Weather Watch Park (across from La Rustica).
1:40 PM: The person is now reported to be out of the water, and the response is being downsized to a low-level medical response.
2:38 PM: And now another water-rescue response dispatched, this time to the 5200 block of Beach Drive for a possible kite-surfer in distress.
2:45 PM: So far nobody in trouble – responders report seeing a kite-surfer “stand back up” on their board.
ADDED MONDAY NIGHT: Even after SFD closed their response, the Coast Guard stayed in the area a while. Danny McMillin sent the photo above showing what kind of seas they faced.
With Halloween now six days away, the West Seattle Junction’s weeklong Harvest Festival is on – starting with the Scavenger Hunt! Here’s an update from the Junction Association:
What flies above but haunts below? You’ll need to figure out this clue, plus 12 more to get the goods during the second annual Harvest Fest Scavenger Hunt. Beginning today (Monday, October 25th), pick up your scavenger hunt map from participating businesses. Or, if you purchase a tote bag, the scavenger hunt map will be included. Here’s part of it (the official version also has the clues):
Harvest Fest Totes for Kids – The Junction is bringing the joy of Harvest and Halloween in one special tote. Each box has a seasonally themed or musically themed craft, individually wrapped Halloween treats, and a special surprise from the Junction! $35 each ($45 value). UPDATE: There are seven remaining tote bags! Email the Junction at info@wsjunction.org for yours. Pick up at the Junction office (located above Shadowland) – we will email you an invoice to pay via credit card.
Harvest Fest Adult Totes – SOLD OUT
Go here for other Harvest Fest details, including online Haunted Trivia this Friday, and Junction Trick-or-Treating on Sunday, 10 am-2 pm outside businesses along the sidewalks, plus bonus treat stations (including the KeyBank Plaza, where we’ll have a booth too).
11:15 AM: One month after the city announced it would open a new West Seattle COVID-19 vaccination hub – 4 1/2 months after closing the previous one – the location has finally been made public. During this morning’s City Council briefing meeting, a weekly chance for councilmembers to present quick updates, West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold said the location would be Neighborhood House, which has a center at 6400 Sylvan Way SW in High Point. She said the official announcement is planned tomorrow (Tuesday, October 26). The city’s announcement last month said West Seattle would be one of three new vaccination hubs to help with the increased volume following booster recommendations. So far it’s opened one downtown but the West Seattle and South Seattle plans had remained undisclosed.
2:48 PM: We’ve since received the advisory that Mayor Jenny Durkan and Councilmember Herbold will be at Neighborhood House tomorrow morning for the announcement. The partner will be Pliable, the mobile health service that’s already had multiple pop-ups around West Seattle. According to the advisory:
Over the coming weeks, the clinic will operate on most Fridays from 11 am to 7 pm and on most Saturdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Appointments and more information is available at seattle.gov/vaccine.
We’re checking to see if its first day will be this Friday.
(Weekend photo by Carolyn Newman)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and coverage archives, five notes for today/tonight:
VACCINE VERIFICATION BEGINS: Today’s the start date for King County’s new policy requiring COVID-19 vaccination verification (or a negative test) at many venues including restaurants and bars (for indoor dining) and fitness facilities – all detailed here.
ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Today’s your last day to register online for voting in the general election; after today, you can register in person up until next Tuesday.
HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS: Sites to see, with photos/locations sent by your West Seattle neighbors, are on our West Seattle Halloween Guide page.
OPEN D&D: Drop-in play at Meeples Games (3727 California SW), 6:30-10 pm.
TRIVIA AT BEST OF HANDS: Weekly trivia at Best of Hands Barrelhouse (35th/Webster), 7 pm, hosted by Melanie from Trivia o Muerte – details in our calendar listing.
TRIVIA AT THE GOOD SOCIETY: Weekly trivia at The Good Society Public House (California/Lander) at 7 pm with Jesse from Trivia o Muerte – more info in our calendar listing.
TRIVIA AT THE SKYLARK: 7:30 pm with Quizfix, weekly trivia at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW).
Are we missing something happening today/tonight? Text 206-293-6302 – thank you!
Thanks to Joseph for that photo taken this morning on the West Seattle low bridge. The photo reminds us that with one week to go until the start of November, it’s time to share this announcement with you:
Looking for an active transportation alternative to sitting sedentary in traffic jams?
West Seattle Bike Connections encourages everyone to join the November Ride in the Rain Challenge sponsored by Washington Bikes and Cascade Bicycle Club.
It’s free, easy and fun to sign up, whether you are a seasoned bike rider or want to try out commuting by bicycle for the first time. You can ride anywhere and for any reason as long as your trip is at least 10 minutes long. Once you join, you can also invite friends, family or coworkers to join and form a team of up to ten riders to compete with other groups across the region. Every day you log a ride in November 2021 you get points for participation, a point for every mile you ride and bonus points for encouraging others. Maximize your points by making a goal of riding every day. You have a chance to win prizes and enjoy the knowledge that riders across Washington are silently cheering you on.
Check the West Seattle Bike Connections Resources web page for tips on riding safely and comfortably in rainy weather and for route suggestions to popular commuting destinations on and off the West Seattle peninsula.
6:03=4 AM: Good morning!
More stormy weather in today’s forecast – south wind that could gust to 40 mph, and intermittent rain.
As noted last night, the South Park Bridge and a stretch of East Marginal Way, between 14th Ave South and South 86th Place, are closed for power line/pole repairs, and might remain closed until tonight. Here’s the nearest camera:
583rd morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are views of other bridges and routes:
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):
Are movable bridges opening for boats or barges? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed is down again. But 1st Ave. South Bridge openings are tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.
26th SW – Ongoing closure between Roxbury and Barton for RapidRide H Line prep work. We checked on Wednesday – about another month to go. (They’ve had a procurement delay in signal loops.)
Regular Metro schedule, except for the rerouting in RapidRide H Line work zones – on 26th and 15th SW in particular. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of trip cancellations.
For ferries and Water Taxi: WSF is back to two-boat service on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. Check here for alerts/updates. The Water Taxi remains on its new schedule (no weekend or off-peak shuttle buses).
Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.