The forecast remains “breezy” through Wednesday, but not as windy as Sunday, so cleanup continues today. Above, Joel sent the photo of a tree that toppled in the 4100 block of Chilberg SW. But the worst toppling trouble in the area remains on East Marginal Way. Seattle City Light says 15 poles fell in the storm, closing part of East Marginal and blocking access to the South Park Bridge as a result.

The bridge and road might stay closed until “midday Tuesday” although SCL says they’re prioritizing the cleanup near the bridge’s east end in order to expedite the reopening. And if you’re wondering about the East Marginal poles that fell two years ago, here’s what City Light says:
These poles, located north of the stretch of poles that failed during a 2019 incident, were last inspected in August 2021. Three poles were identified for replacement and were in the process of being designed and permitted for replacement. As we clear the road, we are transferring the poles and equipment to a location for further inspection.
Meantime, SDOT has been out today sweeping leaf-deluged gutters – we saw this one on California SW in Gatewood:
They can’t be everywhere, though, so check on your nearest drain to ensure it’s not choked with all the leaves that have blown off th trees.