Fauntleroy 1217 results

FERRY ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth down to one boat tonight

Washington State Ferries ran three boats on the Triangle Route for much of the day, attempting to accommodate Vashon Island’s biggest event of the summer, the Strawberry Festival, but a crew shortage has struck again and the run will be down to one boat – here’s the alert WSF sent:

Due to a shortage of crew, the 3rd vessel on the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth has tied up for the evening. The #2 Kitsap will go out of service following the 5:20 p.m. sailing from Fauntleroy to Vashon, which puts the route on one-boat service for the remainder of the day. Customers can expect long waits and delays due to the disruption.

For customers trying to reach Vashon Island, your alternate route is Point Defiance/Tahlequah.

Due to the Vashon Strawberry Festival, we’ll be prioritizing service between Vashon and Fauntleroy. It is highly recommended for Southworth/Fauntleroy customers use Seattle/Bremerton as an alternate route.

How much time and (street) space will the new Fauntleroy ferry dock save? Community Advisory Group reviews traffic-analysis report

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

A matter of time and space dominated the latest meeting of the Community Advisory Group that Washington State Ferries convenes when there’s something new to discuss about planning the Fauntleroy dock expansion/replacement.

In this case, the main agenda item for last night’s online meeting was the analysis of how the various alternative dock size/shapes under consideration (see them here) would affect the time needed for loading/unloading and the space taken up by vehicles queueing along Fauntleroy Way.

From the meeting presentation, here’s where the project planning is now:

WSF has not yet chosen a preferred size/shape alternative. That’s likely to happen next year, and detailed studies will ensue. Still lots to discuss before then – the first five in dark green here are what the group has asked to hear about:

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FERRY ALERT: 1 boat on Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route

Washington State Ferries‘ Triangle Route is down to one boat TFN, as WSF deals with a continuing crew shortage. They say that “dispatch is working hard to fill the open position” but in the meantime, “The Kittitas will operate the #1 position and sail as scheduled. Customers should expect loading delays.” You can watch for updates here as well as checking current vessel status here.

FERRY ALERT: Triangle Route going down to one boat tonight

Another crew shortage has the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth state-ferry route going down to one boat this evening. Here’s the announcement:

Due to a shortage of crew, the M/V Kitsap will go out of service following its 6:15 p.m. sailing from Fauntleroy to Vashon. The route will continue to operate on one-boat service on the #1 schedule for the remainder of the service day.

This cancels the following sailings:

6:40 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. from Vashon to Southworth
7:05 p.m. and 9:35 p.m. from Southworth to Vashon
7:55 p.m. and 8:50 p.m. Fauntleroy to Vashon

And a reminder that next week, starting Wednesday and lasting for up to two days, the route’s unscheduled third boat will be out of service because of the domino effect from another route losing a boat to maintenance – this too is explained on the WSF bulletins page.

FERRY ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ‘ghost boat’ to vanish for a few days

(WSB photo – Fauntleroy dock and ferry at noontime today)

Washington State Ferries has yet another boat in need of repairs, and that’s going to have a domino effect for the Triangle Route and elsewhere – here’s the WSF explanation:

Due to urgent repairs needed, the Walla Walla, the only vessel assigned to the Bremerton/Seattle route, needs to be removed from service for approximately 1-2 days next week. Not doing this work risks a catastrophic failure that could take the vessel out of service for an extended period of time.

To complete these urgent repairs, we need to move vessels around based on capacity and route ridership. We’ll make these moves on Wednesday, July 10 and expect them to last for 1-2 days.

The 144-vehicle Chimacum will move from the Bainbridge route to the Bremerton route, replacing the 188-vehicle Walla Walla.

The 90-vehicle Sealth will move from the Fauntleroy/Southworth/Vashon “Triangle” route to the Bainbridge route. This means we won’t have the third, unscheduled boat on the “Triangle” route during these repairs.

We will return the Chimacum to Bainbridge and the Sealth to the “Triangle” route as soon as we complete the repairs, which we expect to take 1-2 days.

FERRY ALERT: Some evening Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth sailings canceled

If your holiday evening plans include a trip on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry route, take note of this Washington State Ferries announcement:

Due to lack of crew, the last trip for the #2 M/V Kitsap is the 6:15 p.m. Fauntleroy to Vashon, no Southworth traffic will be loaded.

The 6:40 p.m. and 7:05 p.m. Vashon to Southworth and back to Vashon sailings have been cancelled

The M/V Salish will resume the #2 schedule at 7:25 p.m. out of Vashon.

You can check lines via the WSF terminal cams.

Fauntleroy ferry-dock replacement: Advisory group to get long-awaited info this month

No summer hiatus for the Fauntleroy ferry-dock replacement project. It’s still in the planning stage, working toward a decision on the size and shape of the replacement. The project’s Community Advisory Group has been waiting for results of traffic studies, which could show how technology advances in ticketing could affect the vehicle flow – for example, some group members have asked, could the new dock be smaller if Washington State Ferries used Good To Go! electronic passes to eliminate the need for most vehicles to stop at toll booths. That information is expected at the next meeting, just announced for Tuesday, July 16, 6 pm, online (first meeting since March). You can register here to observe; there’s no public-comment period, but you can send feedback any time to FauntleroyTermProj@wsdot.wa.gov. The project’s Technical Advisory Group will be meeting two days later, 1 pm July 18, also online (register here to watch). Construction of the new dock isn’t expected to start before 2027.

UPDATE: Car-on-side crash in Fauntleroy

11:53 PM: SFD and SPD are headed to 47th/Wildwood, just southeast of the Fauntleroy ferry dock, for a report of a flipped-car crash. Everyone in the vehicle is reported to have already gotten out, so no “rescue” response is expected. At least one other vehicle is reported to have been involved.

12:07 AM: Actually a car-on-side crash, per the reader who sent that photo. The other car may have been parked, officer/dispatch communication indicates. No serious injuries reported so far.

12:16 AM: They’re arresting the driver, a woman in her 20s.

UPDATE: Fauntleroy incident leads to Arbor Heights arrest

(Texted photo)

3:52 PM: Lots of questions about this. Police have converged on a car in Arbor Heights, near 35th/Ocean View, to investigate whether it’s linked to an incident in Fauntleroy involving someone in a car with a gun. They’re questioning two people. So far as we’ve heard in monitoring, they’re still trying to sort it all out; the resident who sent the photo says officers told him it started as a domestic-violence incident. The car that was stopped was reported to have two children in it.

(WSB photo)

4:19 PM: One man has been arrested, police tell us at the arrest scene. The original incident, in which a gun was brandished, happened near 45th/Wildwood in Fauntleroy. We don’t know whether a gun was found but officers were bagging various items as apparent evidence. The aforementioned children’s mom was brought to the scene earlier so they are OK.

ADDED THURSDAY 11:18 AM: Here’s the brief initial SPD summary of the incident:

Multiple bystanders in the 9200 block of 46 AV SW attempted to intervene in an in-progress assault. The suspect assaulted the bystanders, then produced a handgun, pointed it at multiple people, and fled in a vehicle with the original victim. Officers located the vehicle and detained all occupants. The suspect was arrested and booked …

The suspect is 21 years old and remains in jail this morning, under investigation for assault and unlawful gun possession, the latter because of an assault conviction – we’re still looking into court records but the docket says he was charged in 2021 and resolved the case with a guilty plea in 2022. As for Wednesday’s arrest, there will likely be a probable-cause hearing this afternoon that would determine whether he remains in custody (an initial decision on charges would be later this week); we’ll be checking with prosecutors on what happens next.

ADDED 11:38 AM: The suspect has an extensive record going back to juvenile cases when he was 15 years old. The 2022 conviction involved a gunfire case in Kent, but he has other gun-related convictions, leading to this passage in the charging documents from that case, in a passage arguing for bail (which at one point in that case was set at $1 million):

The Superior Courts of King and Pierce County have repeatedly ordered the Defendant not to possess firearms and he has violated that order with impunity. There is no expectation that he would follow such an order if released. He not only possesses firearms, he endangers the public by his wanton use of them.

He was sentenced in January 2023 to almost five years in state prison for the Kent case, but that included credit for time already served in county jail. We’ll be checking with the Department of Corrections to see when he was released.

ADDED 12:56 PM: DOC says he was released from prison six weeks ago (and is on “community custody” aka parole currently).

ADDED THURSDAY NIGHT: We haven’t received documents from today’s hearing yet, but the jail docket shows his bail was set at $100,000.

CALL FOR ARTISTS: Want to be part of this year’s Fauntleroy Fine Art and Holiday Gift Show?

(WSB file photo)

On this almost-summer holiday, some planning is under way for almost-winter holiday events. The Fauntleroy Fine Art and Holiday Gift Show, set for November 1-3 this year, has issued its annual Call for Artists. Applications will be welcome through August 31. The three-day show and sale is held at Fauntleroy UCC‘s Fellowship Hall, usually over the course of a Friday evening session, all day Saturday, and midday Sunday. Show and application information is on the church website.

Washington State Ferries has moved from crisis to recovery, new leader declares at systemwide community meeting

(WSB photo: Ferry at Fauntleroy dock, Sunday night)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Shortages again factored into many explanations at today’s Washington State Ferries systemwide community meeting, first of two online sessions (the second is at 6 pm Tuesday), as they did during the winter meetings.

Shortage of boats and shortage of crew were just two of the shortages mentioned this time, but some things are improving, if slowly, insisted new WSF boss (aka assistant secretary of transportation) Steve Nevey:

(Zoom screengrab of new WSF boss Steve Nevey)

“A year ago, we were in crisis … (now) we’re in recovery.” One example: Two weeks ago, Nevey said, the system had an entire week with no sailing cancellations caused by crew shortages. Overall, according to stats he showed from the first five months of the year, compared to the same time last year, the cancellation trend is down:

Nevey suggested the improvement is likely to continue as extra state funding is about to kick in for scheduling extra crew on boats so that they don’t have to cancel a sailing if someone can’t make it to work. And starting today, while the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth officially remains on a two-boat schedule, they are adding a “bonus boat” (or “ghost boat”) on weekdays to make unscheduled sailings, helping the regularly scheduled boats stay on time. This is the plan for the “next several months.”

As for the two regularly scheduled boats – during the Q&A that took up more than two-thirds of the meeting, someone asked when the Triangle Route schedule would finally be rewritten, since it’s expected to take a few more years for the third boat to permanently return. That’s where another shortage came in: WSF executive John Vezina explained that WSF still hasn’t been able to hire a new service planner to work on writing a better two-boat schedule. First they opened a hiring proccess, he said – and they couldn’t find anyone. Then they tried again, found a qualified candidate – who was going to take the job but changed their mind. Now, Vezina said, they’re in the process of finding a “consultant” who can take on the schedule, and they’re supposed to get help from a WSDOT service planner. Even with that, Vezina said, it’ll probably be a year or so before a new two-boat Triangle Route schedule can be in place. He added that they actually have funding now for two service planners, so that if one leaves in the future, they won’t be entirely without one – but they still need to hire the first one before they can hire a second.

Two other personnel challenges affecting the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run came up: First, the Vashon dock cameras are currently down, because the WSDOT employee who works on cameras is “out on family leave” (and apparently has no backup), and second, traffic-control officers at the Fauntleroy dock aren’t consistently available because they’re generally area law-enforcement officers on overtime, and the short staffing at agencies including the Seattle Police Department leave few available and/or interested for those kinds of assignments.

WSF’s Nicole McIntosh talked about their efforts to recruit for other jobs, including work to increase maritime-career awareness among high-school students, plus a new effort called MITAGS in which they’re taking applications for a class of 12 recruits to start on the path toward becoming licensed deck officers. They’ve been to job fairs around the country, too, she said. In Q&A, someone asked if the system staffing is still hampered by the dismissal of employees who refused to comply with vaccination requirements during the pandemic. McIntosh said that WSF had lost 120 employees but in the past year alone has hired more than 180, so their overall staffing has more than bounced back; plus, it was noted, as of a year ago, those employees are eligible to return if they’re interested.

As for the boat shortage, introductory remarks recapped that WSF is in the process of seeking one or two builders for its new hybrid-electric ferries, two of which will be available in 2028 if the process proceeds as hoped, two more in 2029, and the fifth in 2030.

Meantime, the system keeps running with boats as old as 65, and some boats for which parts aren’t even made any more – sometimes WSF employees make their own parts, Vezina noted. The WSF manager in charge of electrification, Matt von Ruden, fielded questions including how much of an environmental savings the hybrid-electric ferries would really bring. 76 percent less greenhouse-gas emissions, he said. Twice, persistent questions about “wouldn’t it be faster to just build diesel ferries?” No, said WSF execs, because they have a design, funding, and directive to build hybrid-electric boats; even if the directive changed tomorrow, they’d be “a year behind.” Other questions about the future new boats included battery safety – that was explained in minute detail – and capacity (160 cars).

MISCELLANEOUS: If you’re interested in ridership trends, it’s not back to pre-pandemic levels yet (that’s the green line, while the red line is this year so far):

And here’s the by-the-numbers slide with which the meeting opened:

IF YOU’RE WONDERING ABOUT THE FAUNTLEROY TERMINAL PROJECT: It wasn’t mentioned in the presentation (though it got a brief mention in the winter meetings), and we didn’t hear anything about it in the Q&A (although we missed a few minutes in the last half-hour of the meeting).

TO ATTEND TUESDAY’S MEETING: It’s scheduled for 6 pm, online; go here to register for the link.

FERRIES: Three notes for tonight and the next three days

Three Washington State Ferries notes:

TONIGHT: On the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth route, M/V Kitsap is sailing at a reduced capacity for the rest of the night, 300 people maximum, because of a crew shortage.

SUNDAY: The systemwide summer schedule takes effect tomorrow. For the Triangle Route, that means two things, WSF says:

Beginning with our summer schedule, we will operate an unscheduled third ferry weekdays on our Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth route when crewing and a vessel are available.

This boat will sail around the other two scheduled vessels to help move more riders and keep the two-boat schedule on time.

(Also) an added roundtrip sailing between Vashon and Fauntleroy midday on Fridays.

MONDAY/TUESDAY: Another reminder that WSF’s systemwide updates/Q&A community meeting will be held in two online sessions, noon Monday and 6 pm Tuesday, with duplicate presentations. Registration to get the link for either (or both) is here.

FERRY ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route down to one boat tonight

June 14, 2024 6:14 pm
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Washington State Ferries says that “due to the lack of an Oiler,” it will take M/V Kitsap out of service after the 6:15 pm Fauntleroy to Vashon sailing. After that, all #2 sailings are canceled for the rest of the night; M/V Kittitas will remain in service. (You can use Vessel Watch to check its location while you’re waiting.)

Updates from June’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting

No major topics at June’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting, held at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse and online on Tuesday night, but we do have a few toplines from monitoring via Zoom:

FAUNTLEROY FERRY DOCK PROJECT: FCA’s ferry-issues point person Frank Immel said the next Community Advisory Group meeting for the dock-replacement project isn’t expected any sooner than July – the traffic studies they’ve been waiting for aren’t ready yet. (WSF is having systemwide general-info meetings next week, though – info on those is here.) He met recently with Ferries’ new boss Steve Nevey; FCA president Mike Dey says he has a conversation scheduled next week with our area’s State Sen. Joe Nguyễn.

FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER: Last month’s dine-out benefit at Endolyne Joe’s was deemed a success. The annual festival is entirely supported by donations and volunteers, so another dine-out benefit is under consideration, perhaps with Wildwood Market as well as Joe’s.

PLANTERS: FCA maintains the flower planters you might have noticed around the Endolyne mini-business district. They were recently replenished – with 19 volunteers, that took about an hour and a half.

WHAT’S NEXT: The FCA board meets most months on the second Tuesday at 6 pm. Watch fauntleroy.net for updates.

FERRY ALERT UPDATE: Triangle Route returning to 2-boat service

June 8, 2024 8:37 am
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8:37 AM: Thanks for the tip. Washington State Ferries has only one boat running on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route, because M/V Kitsap is having mechanical trouble. That leaves only M/V Kittitas in operation.

10:08 AM: If you’re waiting, you can check Vessel Watch to see how close (or far) the ferry is.

12:40 PM: Per text alert from WSF, the Kitsap is returning to service at 12:45, on a run from Vashon to Southworth.

Preschoolers close busy salmon-release season on Fauntleroy Creek

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)

By Judy Pickens
Special to West Seattle Blog

This afternoon, preschoolers from Holy Rosary School capped one of the busiest salmon-release seasons on Fauntleroy Creek since the first, in 1991.

Between April 28 and May 31, volunteers with the Fauntleroy Watershed Council hosted 720 students and 250 adults for 19 releases that introduced 2,000+ coho fry to the creek.

The total included about 400 fry reared by volunteer Jack Lawless to ensure that, even if a school lost a lot of fish, every student would have at least one to put in the water. His fish also enabled children from Holy Rosary, three other area preschools, and members of Scout Troop 284 to have a salmon-release experience.

During elementary-school releases, students explored habitat in Fauntleroy Park, and one group went on to Lincoln Park to hear the stewardship story behind Bruun Idun, the troll sculpture.

(Releases went on regardless of the weather – here, fish dipper Dennis Hinton assisted Highland Park Elementary 4th graders – photo by Tom Trulin)

“It was a very busy but rewarding season with quite a variety of enthused students,” said Dennis Hinton. Shannon Ninburg and Tom Trulin joined him in making up the release team, and six new watershed volunteers gave a hand.

Release fry and those from last fall’s spawning are now feeding primarily on aquatic-insect larva in the creek. Those that find enough food and protection will head to saltwater next spring as smolts (teenagers). From mid-March to mid-May this year, volunteers used net traps in the upper and lower creek to document 30 smolts en route to nearshore habitat in Fauntleroy Cove.

“Fry released at the big bridge in the park will linger there for a few weeks, so come have a look,” Dennis said. “Given the life cycle of these fish, the creek has salmon in it year round, so remember to help protect them by keeping dogs out of the water and leaving limbs where they are in the creek.”

(WSB photo)

Next up for the general public: the annual drumming in October to call in spawners and, if it’s successful, a weekend “open creek.”

WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Fauntleroy Fall Festival fundraiser at Endolyne Joe’s. Two ways to help!

Ben and Reed from the Fauntleroy Fall Festival are at Endolyne Joe’s (9261 45th SW) right now as the restaurant’s special annual festival fundraiser continues. If you dine/drink, part of today’s tab will go to the donations-and-volunteers-powered festival, but that’s not the only way to help!

Whether or not you’re dining/drinking, you can buy raffle tickets – three for $5 – for a chance at a variety of donated goodie baskets – items up for grabs include games, puzzles, coffee, event tickets, gardening items, more!

The basket raffle is on through 9 pm; Joe’s is open until 10. And set your calendar for the next Fauntleroy Fall Festival – October 20! (Here’s our 2023 coverage, if you’ve never been and wonder what it’s like.)

Set your calendar! Dine out next Tuesday for Fauntleroy Fall Festival

May 16, 2024 11:56 am
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(WSB photo: Pumpkin-decorating at 2023 Fauntleroy Fall Festival)

Yes, spring/summer event season is just getting started, but one of fall’s biggest events will have a moment in the spotlight at a tasty fundraiser next Tuesday. It’s the annual Endolyne Joe’s dine-out day for the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, a free-admission event that runs entirely on donations and volunteers. If you come to the restaurant (9261 45th SW in the heart of Fauntleroy’s mini-business district) on Tuesday, May 21 (it’s open 8 am-10 pm), you’ll be part of it. Here’s the announcement from festival organizers:

Join us @ Endolyne Joe’s on Tuesday, May 21st, for a full day of fundraising! A portion of the daily sales from Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be donated directly to our beloved Fall Festival. Dinner time (4-9 pm) @ Joe’s will have the famous raffle ticket sales for amazing gift baskets donated by our local community.

If you haven’t been to the Fall Festival before – check out our coverage from last year.

FOLLOWUP: Here’s how much was recycled at Fauntleroy Church’s spring ’roundup’

(WSB photo, April 27)

Twice a year, Fauntleroy Church offers the community the opportunity for free drop-off recycling of many items you can’t put out for curbside pickup. Judy Pickens shares the tally from the recent spring edition:

At least 475 people took advantage of 1 Green Planet‘s free, responsible recycling at Fauntleroy Church on April 27. The day’s take of 15.518 tons of recyclables brought the total since these Recycle Roundups began, in 2010, to just over 353 tons. The fall roundup will be on Saturday, Sept. 21.

The participation fluctuates a bit year to year – weather can be a factor, too – but for comparison, this is up a bit from last year’s spring totals.

From classroom to creek: Salmon-fry release season begins in Fauntleroy

Field trip to Fauntleroy Creek this morning for fifth-graders from Arbor Heights Elementary, the first of this year’s Salmon in the Schools participants to release the fry they’ve been raising in tanks.

It’s been four months since volunteers Judy Pickens and Phil Sweetland coordinated getting salmon eggs from hatchery to teachers so that students could start fry-raising. Over the next month, Fauntleroy Watershed Council volunteers will team with teachers and students for 19 release visits.

Above is volunteer Dennis Hinton, one of those who helped with this morning’s Arbor Heights visit. These sunglasses factored into the event too, but not for the usual reason:

Polarized glasses helped the students see the baby fish in the water after they’re released. They’re part of a growing tradition – last year almost 1,000 people participated in the releases, the most since the first one in 1991. As for the fish, those that survive a year in the creek will head out for salt water next spring.

VIDEO: West Seattle Food Bank’s ‘Instruments of Change’ gala spotlights ‘explosive growth’ and honors C & P Coffee

Story by Tracy Record
Photos/video by Patrick Sand
West Seattle Blog co-publishers

The West Seattle Food Bank is providing food to 30 percent more people than it did a year ago.

If that sounds like a big increase, consider this: The need for another WSFB service, emergency financial assistance, has gone up 300 percent.

All that is part of why every dollar given at the WSFB’s Instruments of Change dinner/auction mattered so much. The crowd gathered Saturday night at The Hall at Fauntleroy heard about the people behind those numbers – an average of 500 families served every day that the Food Bank’s 35th/Morgan HQ is open for distribution, home deliveries to 400 more families every week, more than 400 students getting “backpacks” of food to take home for the weekend, when there’s no school meals to stave off hunger. And the WSFB operates the Clothesline clothing bank, too, whose clientele has doubled.

To help pay for all those services for another year, hundreds of supporters not only bought tickets to the dinner, but also had the opportunity to give more in multiple ways at the event, such as the traditional “dessert dash”:

There was also bidding on auction items – the silent auction included this bicycle:

The live-auction options included a West Seattle “staycation” that went for $400 and an annual favorite, the taco-and-margarita party with WSFB executive director Fran Yeatts and former operations manager Lester Yuh (auctioneer Matthew DiLoreto awarded two, at $2,600 each)

Before the bidding, Yeatts took the microphone to speak about the WSFB’s “explosive growth” as well as a big upcoming staff change and a highlight of the night – the annual Instrument of Change Award, presented this year to C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) proprietors Pete and Cameron Moores.

As Yeatts explained, C & P supports the food bank in myriad ways – from regular musical fundraisers tp Pete’s weekly volunteer delivery-driver shift!

Also speaking was the new WSFB board president, Joe Everett, who you might know as the longtime City Attorney’s Office liaison at the Southwest Precinct. He spoke about how his public-service career has shown him so much of what happens “when our social safety net fails” but he’s heartened at the support for the work WSFB does “to stop those things before they happen”:

A video produced by Straight 8 Films was shown later, introducing gala-goers to WSFB clients and volunteers, with the observation “None of us ever expect to be in need … but it happens … and when it does, you can expect the West Seattle Food Bank to be here.”

Earlier in the program, there were shoutouts for some of the elected officials past and present who were in attendance. We photographed them, and a few others, during the “happy hour” that opened the event. First, from left, State Rep. Emily Alvarado, State Senator Joe Nguyen, and Deputy King County Executive Shannon Braddock:

Below, former State Rep. Eileen Cody and former King County Councilmember Joe McDermott:

Below, WSFB’s outgoing development director Breanna Bushaw (thanked by Yeatts in her speech) and West Seattle Chamber of Commerce executive director Rachel Porter:

And incoming WSFB Development Director Robbin Peterson with executive director Yeatts:

If you couldn’t get to the event, you can help WSFB in multiple ways every day of the year – here’s how.

(WSB was a community co-sponsor of this year’s Instruments of Change.)

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: 2024’s first Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church

(WSB photos)

Big demand for free dropoff recycling of what you can’t put out at the curb! The spring Recycle Roundup is happening in the Fauntleroy Church lot (9140 California SW) until 3 pm, and organizers tell us the drive-up line was more than a block long before it began. This one catches up quickly, and DTG Recycle – new parent company of longtime partner 1 Green Planet – has multiple trucks on site.

Here is the list of what they will and won’t take this time. You have until 3 pm to get there, but organizers remind you, please don’t wait until the last minute, so they can close on time without people still waiting. If you can’t get to today’s event, the church usually does it again in fall; also, Seattle Public Utilities‘ “Where Does It Go?” page can help with recycling/disposal options.

WEEKEND PREVIEW: Recycling and drug disposal Saturday, shredding both days

Here’s a reminder about three events this weekend that can help with your spring cleaning in a variety of ways:

FREE RECYCLING SATURDAY: That’s the list from Fauntleroy Church for its twice-yearly Recycle Roundup, happening 9 am-3 pm Saturday (April 27) in the church lot. (You can also see it here in PDF.) Just drive up or ride/walk up and Recycle Roundup partner DTG Recycle/1 Green Planet will take your item(s). The lot is at 9140 California SW.

DRUG TAKE-BACK WITH SHREDDING SATURDAY: Also on Saturday, the twice-yearly Drug Take-Back Day dropoff event is happening outside the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster), 10 am-2 pm, and this year SPD is offering free shredding, too (up to three boxes) – bring nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank.

FREE SHREDDING AND FOOD DRIVE SUNDAY: On Sunday (April 28), 9 am-noon, you can shred with John L. Scott Real Estate Westwood (WSB sponsor), which will be accepting food/money donations for the White Center Food Bank. Look for the canopy and truck in the northwest lot at Westwood Village (west of the former Bed Bath and Beyond, north of the future Daiso).