West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
The most spectacular sight in today’s Fiestas Patrias Parade through South Park was at the end – dozens of horses and their riders.
According to the parade lineup we obtained from Sea Mar Community Health Centers, which presents the parade as well as the Fiestas Patrias festival at Seattle Center downtown, two groups participated – Folkloric Horses and Octavio Rios Horses. Mariachi musicians walked with some of them:
We also saw an aspiring rider:
The annual parade is an exuberant celebration of Latin American culture and heritage, in the month that many of those nations celebrate their independence. Before more photos, here’s our video of the entire parade, recorded at the starting point, 14th Avenue S. and S. Henderson (note the first few minutes were stop-and-start, before the parade began to flow) – this year’s theme was “Unifying Our Communities“:
The colors of flags and traditional dresses brightened the gray morning. The many folkloric and cultural groups included Joyas Mestizas, Folklore Mexicano Tonantzin, Grupo Folklore Costarricense, Grupo Folklore Grupo Folklore Salvadoreño, Somos Mujeres Latinas, and Sea Mar’s many locations:
The Duwamish Valley Youth Corps walked in the parade with environmental exhortations:
Local schools participated, including Chief Sealth International HS:
Denny International MS and Concord International Elementary marched too, as well as the Kennedy Catholic HS band (see them all in our full-parade video). One school, Whittier Elementary, came all the way from Ballard, with their unicycle team:
Wheeled entries also included the Malportados Vespa scooter club:
And with four wheels, a big turnout of lowriders from multiple car clubs, including Eazy Duz It, Lord Riderz, Family Stylez, Northwest Finest, and Panaderia la Ideal (again, you can see them all in our video):
And so many more people, including Grand Marshal Karla Mora from the Consulate of Mexico:
Marching in masks were El Diablos de Seattle:
SPD sent a delegation too (in addition to the officers who were guarding the periphery of the parade):
The parade was largely rain-free, aside from a brief bit of mist about halfway through, and lasted about 45 minutes at the starting point. Meantime, Sea Mar’s Fiestas Patrias festival at Seattle Center continues Sunday (here’s the program), 11 am-6 pm.
7:14 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “rescue extrication” response to the scene of a crash on the low bridge. Two people are reported hurt, and the bridge is blocked. Complicating matters, the bridge is currently in the “open” position, and the crash happened on the westbound side, which is the only direction from which emergency crews can access the scene.
7:18 PM: Dispatch has told responders that the driver, who’s being extricated, apparently “ran into the bridge as it was opening.” SDOT is sending a crew to check on whether that’s damaged the bridge. A passenger is already out of the car and is reported to be less seriously hurt.
7:28 PM: The low bridge “is probably going to be closed for quite some time,” police just told dispatch. Note that since the bridge is in the “open” position, it’s closed to bicyclists and pedestrians as well as to drivers.
7:35 PM: Police have also told dispatch they’ve arrested the driver for investigation of DUI; he’s reported to be in his 30s and will be taken to the hospital for treatment of injuries.
8:12 PM: With SFD’s departure, the traffic camera shows the crashed car (note its top is missing because firefighters cut it off to get the driver out):
A tow truck arrived just a moment after we took that screenshot.
9:14 PM: The crash scene is cleared but the bridge remains closed to traffic. A team that showed up a few minutes ago appears to be inspecting the arm that the driver is reported to have hit.
11:12 PM: Still closed to surface traffic, and no status update from SDOT yet.
1:53 AM: Seventh hour of the closure. (You can check on the bridge’s status here; we’ll update again i a few hours.)
6:35 AM: Still closed.
10:51 AM: Still closed, no update from SDOT, who we are trying to reach. Meantime, SFD says neither of the people taken to the hospital after the crash had life-threatening injuries – a 21-year-old woman (who we believe was the passenger) taken via AMR ambulance (which indicates less-serious injuries), a 25-year-old man (who we believe was the driver) taken via SFD medic.
12:38 PM: Still closed. We’ll publish a separate update when we get more info from SDOT, but for now, a spokesperson tells us that “our roadway structures crew and engineers are working as fast as possible to determine the extent of the damage and repair timeline.”
2:07 PM: New story here.
ADDED SUNDAY EVENING: SPD has provided additional information about the crash investigation. They say that the officer’s report summarizes:
The vehicle had been traveling westbound at a high rate of speed when it crossed into the opposite lane of travel, crashed through a gate, and finally coming to a stop when it struck another gate. The gates had been down with their lights active as the bridge had been opening [during the collision].
SPD’s response to our request for information adds, “While working, SFD located a loaded Glock 45 9mm pistol inside of the vehicle, belonging to the 25-year-old driver, and provided it to Seattle police; it was seized as evidence.” The driver is described as a Seattle resident and under investigation for DUI and “unlawful carry (of) pistol.” (The latter section of city code is explained here.)
Seattle Public Schools has yet to announce the dates and times of community meetings about its newly released proposals for school closures, but we’ve learned of one TENTATIVE date, courtesy of Gina Topp, the school board representative for West Seattle and most of South Park. She has changed the time of her previously announced community-conversation meeting on Wednesday, September 25, to an earlier start, 5 pm, because, she says, the district has tentatively scheduled a West Seattle meeting for 6:30 that same night. Topp adds, “I’ll be at both to listen, connect with the community, and take feedback. If anyone can’t make it, they can always email me directly at gina.topp@seattleschools.org with their thoughts or questions.” Her meeting at 5 pm September 25 will be in the West Seattle (Admiral) Library at 2306 42nd SW; no location yet for the possible district meeting, pending confirmation.
That’s one of several reader photos we’ve received of an unceremoniously strewn pile of stuff on the sidewalk and street in front of the Westside Flats apartment building at 3233 SW Avalon Way. The first reader to mention it said the pile showed up sometime last night. Police logs indicate it’s been reported, but it’s still there as of a short time ago. We advised one concerned reader that sidewalk/street obstructions can be reported to SDOT‘s 24/7 dispatch line at 206-386-1218; they called but got stuck on longterm hold. The city of course has mechanisms for reporting illegal dumping, but this seems more urgent than Find It Fix It. What led to it, we don’t (yet) know.
Some tickets are still available for the Taste of West Seattle, our area’s premier food fair, supporting the West Seattle Food Bank, this Thursday (September 19). More than two dozen food and beverage providers will be at The Hall at Fauntleroy that night for The Taste, with delicious food and drink for attendees. WSFB’s Robbin Peterson tells us this is the lineup:
A Butter Place
Cactus Restaurants – Alki Beach
Dolcetta Artisan Sweets
Elliott Bay Brewery & Pub
Falafel Salam
Fire Tacos & Cantina
Ghostfish Brewing Company
Margie’s Cafe (at the Center for Active Living)
Mission Cantina
Murder Hornet Hot Sauce
Nola’s Events
On Safari Foods
Papa Tony’s Hot Sauce
Seattle Sorbets
Sopranos Antico Pizza and Pasta
T2 Cellar
The Birdhouse
The Good Society Brewery & Public House
The Locol Kitchen & Bar
Thorntail Hard Agave
Highland Park Corner Store
Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering
Viscon Cellars
West Seattle Grounds
MVP Photo Booth
You get to vote on your favorites. Plus, Robbin adds, “We will have raffles available only for event attendees and one raffle prize is a trip for 2 to Tuscany! Fun games will include ‘Plinko’ for local gift card prizes and ‘Sorry!’ for wine prizes!” Ready to get your ticket(s)? General admission is $75 and gets you in at 6 pm; VIP early admission, 5:30 pm, is $125 (limited number, so if you’re interested, don’t wait). Go here!
WSB is media sponsor – see you there Thursday! The Hall is at 9131 California SW.
In case you haven’t seen this in District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka‘s newest newsletter:
… We’re launching a short community survey to help guide our approach to a specific investment involving our wonderful Seattle parks: playfield grass-to-turf conversions.
We have heard strong community demand for more turf playfields in our city. One issue that I’ve seen firsthand is that many parks currently have grass playfields, which can make it more difficult from an accessibility standpoint for those participating in sports. This problem is obviously worsened when the fields are wet. Our youth are often the most impacted.
I am honored to represent a district that has the second highest population of under-18 youth across all City Council Districts. Many of these kids are engaged in youth sports; others are regular users of our terrific parks and recreational facilities. As a dad of three young kids who are active in various team sports, I spend significant time in our parks as well. Note: our Seattle Parks & Recreation Department (PARKS) manages over 400 parks enjoyed daily by park users! 
Thus, we have a unique opportunity to gradually convert more of our grass playfields to turf. This effort is necessary to improve safety, help ensure year around accessibility and playability, address fairness and equity considerations (especially gender equity), and fulfill community demand for more turf fields. …
You can answer the survey here.
(August 18, 2021, reader photo by Rachel)
Three years after being moved off its site, the Stone Cottage remains in search of its permanent home. The “Save the Stone Cottage” organization asked us to share this open letter/update:
Do you own a possible Stone Cottage site? Let us know now
An update to the West Seattle community:
Time flies! We just passed the three-year mark since the one-of-a-kind 90-year-old Stone Cottage was moved on Aug. 18, 2021, from its original site across from Don Armeni Boat Ramp one mile south to temporary storage on Port of Seattle property.
In the past three years, our Save the Stone Cottage committee has examined a variety of options in great detail. To determine the best possible future for this unique building, adorned with 15,000 beach stones, we have studied options for it to be situated on public land or private property near the West Seattle shoreline.
We have narrowed possible final locations to a few select sites. Because some of them involve potential real-estate transactions, we will not disclose them at this point.
We are, however, optimistic. Moreover, we are grateful that we can envision a not-too-distant day when we can carry out the vision that we communicated to the public, the original cottage owners and the hundreds of volunteers and donors to this unique and heartfelt preservation project.
They entrusted us with an inspiring mission: to save and relocate the Stone Cottage within the West Seattle community so that it can be enjoyed for generations to come.
As we near a final decision, we ask that if there is any owner of property near West Seattle’s shoreline who would like for us to consider such a parcel in our deliberations, the time to let us know is now. At 24-by-36 feet, the Stone Cottage totals 864 square feet. Contact us by email at info@SavetheStoneCottage.org.
We also renew our thanks to our fiscal sponsor, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, as well as to Chainqui Development and many other partners and supporters, all of whom are saluted on our website.
Good things do not always come easily or quickly. This is a lesson we have learned in the trenches. But we look forward to the time when all of West Seattle can celebrate a new home for a restored Stone Cottage, which has long been a cherished symbol of the heritage of the Duwamish peninsula.
The Save the Stone Cottage LLC
Deb Barker, John Bennett, Mike Shaughnessy, principals
Redevelopment of the cottage’s previous site across from Don Armeni Boat Ramp was imminent at the time of the move, but stalled after being cleared.
Got late word of this – a compost giveaway at Westcrest Park, SW Henderson entrance, until 1 pm unless they run out sooner:
– 2 wheelbarrows of FREE compost per person
– Bring a shovel and container
– First come, first served
– Pedestrian friendly
-Limited vehicle access
(Photographed on Genesee Hill by Sarah Vanston)
The weekend has arrived! Here’s what to know for today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, starting with traffic and transit reminders:
NO SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT CLOSURE: No work this weekend, so the Spokane Street Viaduct (continuation of West Seattle Bridge between 99 and I-5) is fully open.
METRO SERVICE CHANGE: Some changes for bus riders start today in Metro’s twice-yearly “service change” – the affected routes in West Seattle (see the full list here) are 60, 125, 131, and 132.
ORCA HALF: This half-marathon will be run in West Seattle both mornings this weekend, starting from Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) in waves – first one at 7:30 am – heading to Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1222 Harbor Avenue SW). No road closures, but runners will use parking lanes in some areas.
SATURDAY GROUP RUN: Meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) at 8 am for the regular Saturday morning run.
BIG BLUE TRUCK: The Northwest Center‘s donation-dropoff truck is back in West Seattle, every weekend. You’ll find it outside WaFd Bank (4102 California SW). Our calendar listing has info on what items the truck (a WSB sponsor) will accept. 9 am-5 pm.
SECOND-TIME SALE: 9 am-4 pm, day one of this carefully curated indoor rummage sale at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW). Not all secondhand – for example, look for these “scarf teddy bears” made by Tina, who’s 96!
More photos in our preview.
MORE SALES TODAY: See what’s listed in the WSB Community Forums!
HEAVILY MEDITATED: 9 am at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska), free community meditation – RSVP here.
DELRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET: West Seattle has TWO farmers’ markets every weekend! Start your market shopping with this one – your weekly Saturday opportunity to go get fresh food from growers and makers – 10 am-2 pm, the market’s fourth season offers produce, plants, condiments, prepared food, more, continuing weekly through late October! (9421 18th SW; WSB sponsor)
FIESTAS PATRIAS PARADE: More than 40 entries – folkloric dancers, mariachi musicians, car and scooter clubs, schools, neighborhood and cultural representatives, horseback riders – comprise this annual parade in South Park, 10 am, starting from S. Henderson just west of 14th Ave. S., heading north on 14th to S. Cloverdale, then west.
WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION WALKING TOUR: A housing-advocacy group is leading this tour as part of its campaign to advocate for changes in the city’s draft comprehensive plan. All welcome. Meet at 10 am at Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska).
WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: You’re invited to join others taking a walk in Lincoln Park (meet at 47th/Fauntleroy), 10 am.
SSC GARDEN CENTER, WITH THE OTTER PUP: Summer gardening season isn’t over yet! Student-grown plants await you at the north end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus, 10 am-3 pm. Plus: The Otter Pup is open by the center, with coffee, ice cream, and other treats!
GRIEFSHARE SUPPORT GROUP: For those who’ve lost a spouse. 10:30 am at Grace Church (10323 28th SW)
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.
MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Info about Marco’s music is here.
FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL: 11 am-4 pm at the Seattle Chinese Garden (north end of SSC campus, 6000 16th SW).
GARDEN FAIRY EVENT: Everyone needs a little magic in their lives! 11 am-3 pm at Delridge P-Patch (5078 25th SW).
BICYCLE RIDE TO LEARN ABOUT GREENWAYS: Join Stu Hennessey and West Seattle Bike Connections on a ride to learn about and understand the “greenways” in West Seattle. Meet at Stu’s shop (Alki Bike and Board in Admiral; 2606 California SW; WSB sponsor) by noon to join the ride.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN: The home of West Seattle history is open for your visit, noon-4 pm. (61st/Stevens)
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER OPEN: The center is also open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2236 SW Orchard)
VISCON CELLARS TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).
\NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: The tasting room/wine bar is open 1-6 pm with student-produced wines and “affordable eats” at the north end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus.
PETTING ZOO AT OUNCES: 3-6 pm at the beer garden/taproom – “Our beer garden will be transformed into a petting zoo with goats, piglets, bunnies, and ducks for you and your littles to pet! Event is FREE and all ages!” (3809 Delridge Way SW)
PAPER BOAT BOOKSELLERS’ 5TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY: 4-6 pm, stop in for cake, sips, raffles, and discounts, while congratulating PB proprietors Desirae and Eric on the milestone! (6040 California SW)
MAKE LEAF MOBILES: Create at The Clay Cauldron, 4-5:30 pm. Registration info is in our calendar listing.
MOVED TO SUNDAY DANCE AT THE BEACH: This season’s last scheduled night of salsa and bachata dancing at Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki) starts with a lesson at 4:30 pm – more info in our calendar listing.
‘YO GABBA GABBA LAND’ CHARACTERS: Meet Brobee and Muno from the Apple TV show, 5 pm at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), free, all ages.
AT THE SKYLARK: “Psychedelic, aquarium-themed” show with Clairvoyant Sun, Stoneyard, Avec Anne, Tapwire. Doors 6, show 7, $10. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
MUSIC AT THE COFFEEHOUSE: Roo Forrest and Friends at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm, no cover.
ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)
GUARDS AT THE TAJ: “Dark comedy” in its first weekend at ArtsWest (4711 California SW), 7:30 pm – get tickets here.
REVELRY ROOM DJ: 9 pm, Soul Focus FM. (4547 California SW)
JARAY’S DJ: 9 pm, DJ Buzsy at Jaray’s Lounge (2216 SW Orchard).
KARAOKE AT THE PIZZERIA: Saturday nights, you can sing at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW), starting at 10 pm.
FIREWORKS? Many have asked if a repeat is expected of the Saturday-in-mid-September fireworks off Blake Island that startled many last year. As we’ve replied to the emails and texts, we’ve been looking around for hints – Coast Guard notices, Fire Department alerts, etc. – and haven’t found any. When evening arrives, we’ll be checking the MarineTraffic tracker too. But note that the last two years, the fireworks were on the third Saturday in September, which isn’t until next weekend, so we’ll keep the radar up.
West Seattle event coming up? If the community’s welcome, your event is welcome to be featured on our calendar! Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Friday brought ample reasons for Chief Sealth International High School supporters to cheer, as the Seahawks’ second game of the season ended as their second win of the season, 29-7 over Franklin HS at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex. Three CSIHS seniors contributed touchdowns in the first half – #0 Xavier Nguyen, #8 Seth Clark, and #14 Laith Nelson.
Next Friday, head coach Daron Camacho‘s Seahawks are the home team vs. West Seattle in the annual crosstown Huling Bowl clash.
The game’s at 6 pm Friday at NCSWAC (2801 SW Thistle).
The “Neon Night” theme in the stands at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex lent a little brightness to a Friday night that ended with West Seattle High School losing their second football game of the year, despite being ahead 13-0 over visiting Interlake HS at halftime.
The halftime lead followed touchdowns by #5, junior Miles Guidry, and #13, junior LJ Moody:
Interlake outscored WSHS 21-6 in the second half, and that resulted in the final score, Interlake 21, West Seattle 19.
Next week, head coach Anthony Stordahl and his Wildcats (0-2) face the crosstown competitors of Chief Sealth International HS (2-0) in the annual Huling Bowl, 6 pm Friday (September 20).