Seattle Public Schools has yet to announce the dates and times of community meetings about its newly released proposals for school closures, but we’ve learned of one TENTATIVE date, courtesy of Gina Topp, the school board representative for West Seattle and most of South Park. She has changed the time of her previously announced community-conversation meeting on Wednesday, September 25, to an earlier start, 5 pm, because, she says, the district has tentatively scheduled a West Seattle meeting for 6:30 that same night. Topp adds, “I’ll be at both to listen, connect with the community, and take feedback. If anyone can’t make it, they can always email me directly at with their thoughts or questions.” Her meeting at 5 pm September 25 will be in the West Seattle (Admiral) Library at 2306 42nd SW; no location yet for the possible district meeting, pending confirmation.
West Seattle, Washington
06 Sunday