West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
Key, Sean, and Yesenia took a moment for that photo just before cutting the ribbon to open the new West Seattle Junction location of their shop Rush Hour, less than a block south of the storefront where they’d been since June.
The move to 4517 California SW was already in motion even before the two crash-and-grab burglaries at their former storefront, which is awaiting demolition and redevelopment. The new space was Seattle E-Bike for a little while and Jan’s Beauty Supply for a long while. It’s bigger than Rush Hour’s previous spot, and a new mural by @TheyDrift spans the entire south wall:
Most of what Rush Hour carries is wearable, including shoes:
They also have unique shirts, jackets, and other apparel. A line was waiting to get in once they opened today:
In addition to shopping, you’ll also be able to visit Rush Hour during Art Walk – Yesenia told us they’re excited to participate, and very grateful for all the community support. Store hours are noon-8 pm Tuesdays-Saturdays, 11 am-6 pm Sundays, closed Mondays.
High-school basketball season has just begun. But no game tonight for the West Seattle High School boys’ team – they’re at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW) for the Slam Dunk Social benefit event. It’s on until 9 pm with food, fun, and a silent auction. Meet the coaches, too:
From left in our photo are Rick Ticeson, Jeff Auter, head coach Dan Kriley, Jeff Dabbs, and Nick Crespinel. Supporters raise money for expenses that the basic sports budgets just don’t cover – and that’s what tonight’s event is all about. A silent auction is part of it too, including a highlight item – a Pearl Jam Christmas record autographed by Eddie Vedder! Meantime, the boys are 1-1 on the season so far – next game Tuesday night, varsity at 7:30 pm, at home vs. Garfield.
It’s been a big day of event coverage, and it’s not over yet – but we want to give a quick shout-out to one of tomorrow’s biggest events: The West Seattle Big Band‘s free holiday concert at Admiral Church.
If you somehow haven’t seen them, the WSBB – directed by Jim Edwards – is the jazziest show in town, and will be a fun way to play out your weekend. Plus, you can dance if you want to (or just sit and listen)! The show starts at 3 pm, and we’re told cookies are part of the plan. Did we mention, free admission? Admiral Church is at 4320 SW Hill.
5:59 PM: That’s the view from the loft at Kenyon Hall, where a night of music to benefit Westside Neighbors Network Shelter is under way. Four musical acts are scheduled to perform before the event ends at 8 pm, including Michael Pearsall of Pearsall Properties, which organized the event. (We’ll add video of him a bit later.) The shelter – located in the West Seattle Veteran Center – runs entirely on donations and volunteers, and it’s the only emergency shelter in West Seattle. If you didn’t or couldn’t get a ticket to tonight’s concert, you also can donate to the shelter by going here.
8:10 PM: Here’s the video we promised:
Also of note – local businesses donated raffle prizes to sweeten the deal for attendees:
Find out more about the shelter by going here.
Got a reader on your holiday gift list – kid, teen, adult? You’ll find a variety of books – and their authors/artists – at the Seattle Urban Book Expo, happening right now at Acts on Stage Theater in White Center (10806 12th SW). We stopped by in the first hour and talked with four of the participants – Sinaya Parrott might be the youngest:
Sinaya’s book “Come Meet the Rabbits” is about her bunnies Sunny and Rooty. She also has a website, pawcastkids.com. We talked with another author whose book is for kids and features animals, La Manda Jeannine Davis:
La Manda explained that her book “Surprise, It’s Just Pee” is a “potty-training” book of sorts, advocating against punishing/shaming pets if they have accidents. She’s also worked on an animation of the story. We also talked with an author/illustrator we’ve introduced you to before, Danitra Hunter:
She’s there with her work featuring Purrdie Burrdie, espousing self-love and self-confidence. … The expo also features adult-themed work, like what CJ Dudley is showing:
CJ is an author and artist as well as a singer, rapper, and poet. His work includes the poetry book “Letters to a Blind Man: America, God, Love, And Myself.”
In all, the Seattle Urban Book Expo – first one in White Center, coordinator Jeffrey Cheatham II told us – features more than 20 BIPOC authors and artists. It’s on until 6 pm, free admission, and if you’re there at 5, writer/publisher Marcus Harrison Green is scheduled to speak.
Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
Our tan 1995 Tahoe was stolen from our driveway on lower Henderson Street. The vehicle was stolen sometime between midnight (12/2) and 5 am. Washington plates AFL3344. Barn doors on rear and no emblems to indicate Chevy/Tahoe. License plate frames had “Catch and Release Wild Trout” both front and back. SPD report # 23-346806.
APPARENTLY ABANDONED RED CIVIC: From an anonymous texter:
There’s an abandoned red
HyundaiHonda Civic at the corner of 26th and Brandon with the front wheel off. I reported on Find It Fix It but thought you might be interested in posting in case the owner wants to come get it before it is towed. License plate number BMS0627.
UPDATE: Commenter below says the car is NOT abandoned – it was in a crash and was towed there.
HOME BURGLARY: This report is from Kathy:
Our neighbor’s house on 54th Ave SW near Dakota St. was broken into this week. The neighbors are still assessing the damage and loss. It appears the crooks entered the backyard from the alley, then smashed the back glass door to get into the house.
West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays Selfies with Santa are a hot (and free) ticket today! We snapped a pic of Santa between families, with a line forming shortly after he was set up in the Holiday Room at noon. He’s there – in the Junction HQ building at 4210 SW Oregon, immediately east of Shadowland – until 3 pm. The Holiday Room also will be open for Santa-less DIY photos Monday-Friday (December 4-8), 3-7 pm, as featured in our West Seattle Holiday Guide – and if you’re looking for other Santa photo ops, there’s a full-season list in our guide too!
11:16 AM: Above are the Caudles – Atticus, Leah, Dominic, and Tim. For the fourth year, they’re collecting food and coats for the West Seattle Food Bank and Westside Interfaith Network, in a drive-up/ride-up one-day event. Until 3 pm, all you have to do is roll on into the lot behind Hope Lutheran, off SW Oregon just east of 42nd SW, and they’ll happily unload your donation(s). As our daily list shows, plenty of other holiday happenings are in progress in The Junction, so if you’re going that way anyway, check your cupboard and closet to see what you can spare! (Or if you live nearby, just walk it on over.)
5 PM: If you missed the Caudles’ drive, see the list of giving opportunities in our Holiday Guide for other ways to donate coats, warm clothing, food (and more).
If you run, walk, or ride along Alki, you’ve probably seen the recently completed “Tracing Alki” public art at newly overhauled Pump Station 38. The artist, Sarah Thompson Moore, is there until noon to answer questions about it. It’s inspired by old topographical maps of the area and spans the site (1400 block Alki Avenue SW) from the cabinet in the photo to the newly installed safety rail. The concept was announced in 2020, as Seattle Public Utilities prepared for the pump-station renovation.
9:55 AM: West Seattle escaped major power outages when the wind swept through for a few hours this morning – but there is one 27-customer outage on the Seattle City Light map, and that tree is the reason. Thanks to David for sending the photo and reporting, “We didn’t totally escape unscathed from last night’s wind storm. The wind knocked down a tree in the back of the apartments at 5220 California at around 3 am. So far that building and the ones behind it are out of power – no word from SFD or SCL on when they are coming to address the downed power lines.” Let us know if you are seeing any other storm damage – here in Upper Fauntleroy, a tree-sized branch came off a big evergreen, but landed harmlessly on an unoccupied planting strip. As for the weather, partly sunny and calm right now, but more major rain is on the way by tomorrow.
1:10 PM: That outage is fixed. But it wasn’t the only big tree brought down early today:
That photo is from Seaview resident Kaci, who says, “We lost a big beautiful Aspen tree during the windstorm last night. It fell at about 3 am. No major damage to our house except our rain gutters. Our catio didn’t fare so well.”
4:55 PM: A commenter notes that the first situation isn’t entirely resolved, and indeed, a new marker on the outage map shows that.
Lots of teamwork at today’s Kiwanis Club of West Seattle Community Pancake Breakfast, continuing until 11 am at Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds in The Junction). Above – the kitchen crew. Below – Troop 284 Scouts (having breakfast before their volunteer work as servers):
Santa Claus is there too, along with U.S. Marines Gunnery Sgt. Samuel Hernandez and Cpl. Alejandro Cavazos on behalf of Toys For Tots:
If you’re going, you can bring an unwrapped toy to donate – the Kiwanis Club’s been collecting them at their weekly Farmers’ Market booth for weeks.
This is a tradition that goes back decades (prior to the pandemic hiatus) – Joel Draper found the apron he used to wear for the occasion:
The Kiwanis Club raises money for its work with youth, including Key Clubs at local high schools. Price of this morning’s breakfast: $10 at the door, kids under 10 free with a paying adult.
(Newest image from SDOT camera in the heart of The Junction)
An amazing Saturday begins – with dozens of possibilities. We’ve again divided them into two lists – starting with everything for today/tonight from our West Seattle Holiday Guide:
WINTER WANDER: First full day of Alice Kuder‘s holiday-season “Winter Wander” West Seattle scavenger hunt – not too late to register! (Runs through December 10.)
SANTA PHOTOS AND PANCAKES: Santa photos are part of what you’ll find at the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle pancake breakfast, 7 am-11 am at Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds) – details in our calendar listing. Pancakes, ham, beverage, $10 at the door – kids under 10 eat free with paying adult.
‘HOLIDAY FUN’ PHOTOS WITH GAIL ANN: 8:30 am-2 pm, first day of sessions at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW) – book your date/time here.
DRIVE-UP FOOD AND COAT DRIVE: The Caudle Family is again standing by in the lot behind Hope Lutheran (off Oregon east of 42nd), 10 am-3 pm, to accept drive-up/ride-up/walk-up food and coat donations – help them help the people served by the West Seattle Food Bank!
LINDA MCCLAMROCK HOLIDAY ART SALE: Mixed-media artist’s annual sale, concludes 10 am-4:30 pm today at 5532 SW Lander Pl – details in our calendar listing.
HOLIDAY ART SHOW & SALE: Rain City Clay is hosting a holiday show & sale featuring artists who work with clay, continuing 1-5 pm today. Here’s our Friday report. (4208 SW 100th)
SANTA PAWS: Pet photos with Santa at Windermere West Seattle (4526 California SW), 10 am-noon.
HOLIDAY ARTISAN MARKET: Nine artists/makers, 10 am-4 pm, at Keller Williams Realty (5446 California SW).
SANTA PET PHOTOS: At Westwood Village:
Free Santa Pet Photos will be available from 11 am-4 pm at the Pet Supplies Plus Store in West Seattle. Pet Supplies Plus is celebrating its one-year anniversary, inviting neighbors to bring their furry, scaly or feathery friends for a free photo with Santa, who will be giving away holiday cookies, coffee and hot chocolate.
SELFIES WITH SANTA: The West Seattle Junction Association offers Selfies with Santa from 12 pm – 3 pm in the Holiday Room at 4210 SW Oregon St.
SANTA AT OUNCES: Bring the kid(s) to Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW) 2-5 pm for free photos with Santa Claus.
CHRISTMAS MOVIE NIGHT: 6-8 pm at West Seattle Christian Church (4400 42nd SW), an event featuring a free screening of “Home Alone” plus holiday activities including cookie decorating, ornament-making, and photo booth. “Invite your friends, family, and neighbors! Admission is free; please consider bringing new underwear (all sizes) or body wash to support the life-changing work of The Bread of Life Mission in the heart of Seattle. Concessions are available for purchase. All proceeds will benefit the mission!”
‘SNOWED IN’: ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) presents its holiday production, described as a “a journey of song, dance, friendship, family, and the true meaning of the holidays.” 7:30 pm. Tickets are here.
Now, the non-holiday list – mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
MOON ROOM SALE: Friday we announced Moon Room Shop and Wellness (5902 1/2 California SW) as our newest sponsor. That announcement included word of a 15% off sale all weekend.
DELRIDGE GROCERY COOP SALE: As announced Friday, the store is having a big sale on produce all weekend. (5444 Delridge Way SW)
FREE GROUP RUN: Start your Saturday with this weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW) group run! All levels welcome. Meet at the shop by 8 am.
HOOP SHOOT CONTEST: Kids 8-13 are invited to the Lafayette Elementary gym (2645 California SW) 9 am-noon for a free-throw competition that could send them eventually to nationals, competing for scholarships. No pre-registration required – just show up!
TAE KWON DO: December classes begin at 9:30 am at High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW).
TILDEN SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-noon, as previewed here, visit independent K-5 Tilden School (4105 California SW; WSB sponsor) to see and hear what it’s all about.
THE BRIDGE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-noon, as previewed here, visit The Bridge School Cooperative Elementary (10300 28th SW; WSB sponsor) to find out more about its program and people.
WEST SEATTLE BEE GARDEN NEEDS YOU: Can you take a little time to volunteer this morning?
The last official work party of the year is this Saturday, December 2nd, from 10-12 pm. We will continue weeding and trimming as well as other general garden clean-up. Dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.
The garden is at the north end of High Point Commons Park, Graham/Lanham.
MEET THE ARTIST: As previewed here, Sarah Thompson Moore, who created the “Tracing Alki” art at newly overhauled Pump Station 38, will be on site in the 1400 block of Alki SW 10 am-noon to answer questions about and celebrate her work.
SSC GARDEN CENTER: Never too late in the year to plant – so if you’re looking for something you can add to your garden and/or planters, visit the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Garden Center 10 am-2 pm, north side of campus (6000 16th SW).
MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Info about Marco’s music is here.
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.
FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
RUSH HOUR’S NEW LOCATION: The Junction shop has moved to 4517 California SW. where they’ll celebrate with a noon ribboncutting (and more).
SEATTLE URBAN BOOK EXPO: More than 20 BIPOC authors will gather for this annual celebration of books and the people who make them, noon-6 pm at Acts on Stage Theater in White Center (10806 12th SW). Free admission.
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2234 SW Orchard)
VISCON CELLARS: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor). Try the fall-release red wines!
‘SCENES ABOUT TEENS,’ 2 PERFORMANCES: The “musical extravaganza” at Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle) has two public shows today – 2 pm and 7:30 pm. More details and ticket info are in our calendar listing.
CONCERT TO BENEFIT SHELTER: The video above explains why Pearsall Properties is organizing a benefit concert with local musicians 5-8 pm at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW), raising money for Westside Neighbors Network Shelter, West Seattle’s only emergency shelter, powered by donations and volunteers. Get your tickets here.
(added) SKATEPARK FUNDRAISER: 3-8 pm, party in South Park to raise money for improving River City Skatepark – drop by Uncle Eddie’s (14th S. and S. Cloverdale).
SLAM DUNK SOCIAL: 6-9 pm at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), fundraiser for the West Seattle High School boys’ basketball program – including a silent auction, with items including a Pearl Jam Christmas single record autographed by Eddie Vedder – info here.
BURGERS & BEATS: Saturday night food and music at Revelry Room – burgers start at 6, DJs at 9. (4547 California SW, alley side)
COFFEEHOUSE MUSIC: 7-9 pm, Circle of Songs at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)
‘GREAT NIGHT’: Saturday night program for young adults 18+ to hang out 7 pm-midnight, at Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle).
Planning a concert, open house, show, sale, event, meeting, seminar, reading, field trip, fundraiser, class, game, holiday-season happening, or ? If the community’s welcome, get your event on our calendar! Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!