month : 12/2022 287 results

WEATHER, TRAFFIC, TRANSIT UPDATES: Snow arrives mid-morning, after not-so-snowy start to the day

(We’re updating this story through the noon hour and will switch over to afternoon coverage after that – scroll down for updates)

9:44 AM: Thanks to Debra Salazar Herbst for the tip and photo from Alki – it’s snowing in north West Seattle.

Here’s the “live” image from the California/Admiral traffic cam:

9:59 AM: And now it’s turning to mostly snow here on the Gatewood/Upper Fauntleroy line.

10:19 AM: Metro says all buses are now on snow routing.

10:32 AM: SDOT is out – we’ve heard a plow truck just around our corner, and the SDOT Winter Weather Response map verifies where they’ve been most recently. Reminder if you’re new, they don’t plow side streets – just pre-designated main routes (also outlined on the map, as well as here). Meantime, Caity Gerhardt sent this photo from Highland Park:

Photos always welcome – or text 206-293-6302 – thank you! … Traffic report: 35th/Hudson treacherous, per SPD dispatch saying SFD is asking SDOT for plow attention there.

11:01 AM: Thanks for the photos from Sylvan Way, where things are bollixed right now, with a stuck trash/recycling truck among other problems. The photo above is from Sam, who’s trying to get to her Junction shop Fleurt to open it for the day but is stuck on Sylvan. … Where we are, the snow has stopped for now, so perhaps SDOT will be able to catch up with trouble spots soon.

11:17 AM: Texter reports that “Highland Park hill is super-icy and several cars pulled over, having to turn around. Several cars are stalled on the hill as well.” … Update from Sam on Sylvan Way: “The truck driver stuck in the ditch has been directing traffic. Sylvan Way is down to 1 lane, somewhat passable right now when people drive on the curb,” though it’s still “really backed up.”

11:29 AM: Update from Sam – SDOT sanded Sylvan and pushed the dump truck out – both lanes now open. … Weather update: NWS has now shortened the Winter Weather Advisory to expire at 2 pm, so they’re not expecting much more snow. … Our Highland Park Way tipster says the hill’s just been closed and that a solid-waste truck’s stuck there.

12 PM: Kersti Muul reports a truck vs. pole crash at 47th/Admiral.

12:25 PM: As published separately, SPU has now announced solid-waste pickup is a day delayed this week. Also: Community School of West Seattle is closing and asking families to pick up their kids. In The Junction, Fleurt is now open, and reporting that Menashe & Sons Jewelers and CAPERS also are open, if you can get out to shop safely – shop local! … The traffic camera at the bottom of Highland Park Way hill shows it’s at least partly reopened.



6:02 AM: Good morning! It’s Tuesday, December 20th. The weather alert was downgraded overnight to a Winter Weather Advisory – not so snowy after all, at least in Seattle.


Today’s forecast as a result: Rain/snow mix more likely than outright snow, high in the upper 30s.


Metro is still down buses for repairs and is suspending some routes again today, but as was the case Monday, no West Seattle routes were on the initial list. Keep watching notification channels such as @kcmetroalerts for trip cancellations and route suspensions. (Also, no snow routing anywhere in the county. 10 AM UPDATE: Some reroutes in all areas – follow that same link to see if your bus is affected.)

-The West Seattle Water Taxi is on its regular schedule.

-WSF’s Triangle Route remains on its two-boat schedule- check here for alerts/updates.


(Just for reference, here’s the SDOT Winter Weather Response map – nothing going on this past hour.)

New Delridge cameras: As reported here, three have been added; four more are on the way. Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also up at Delridge/Oregon and Delridge/Orchard.

High Bridge – here’s the camera at the top.

High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way).

Low Bridge: Or nearby, depending on where SDOT points the camera.

1st Ave. S. Bridge: The south route.

Highway 99: Here’s the northbound side at Lander.

All functional city traffic cams can be seen here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page … Are movable city bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

If you see a problem on the roads/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Snow on the way, and related notes

(Photographed near Me-Kwa-Mooks by Patricia Boiko)

10:05 AM: As reported this afternoon, a Winter Storm Warning is now in effect for our area, and that could mean several inches of snow by morning. Many areas still have some lingering from the weekend; today’s high only reached 34 (12 degrees below normal) so there wasn’t much melting. With the anticipation of potential overnight snow, we have a few announcements in already:

Senior Center of West Seattle will be closed Tuesday
West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) plans to open late, at noon Tuesday
-If you have Tuesday solid-waste pickup, Seattle Public Utilities tells us they’ll be making their decision early in the morning, once they’ve assessed safety; if there’s a change, they’ll announce it here (we’ll have the info too)
SDOT‘s out treating roads – this map shows where
-Citywide traffic cameras (with still image and video options) are here
Metro is on regular routing as of right now

If you have changes, announcements, info, pics, please email or text 206-293-6302 – thank you!

5:45 AM: We’ll launch the usual morning traffic coverage shortly, but first a note that the alert was downgraded overnight to a Winter Weather Advisory – less potential snow.

VIDEO: State, federal health officials come to West Seattle with a message: Protect your older relatives and friends.

West Seattle’s Providence Mount St. Vincent was the venue today for a simple, urgent message delivered by federal Health and Human Services regional director Ingrid Ulrey and state Department of Health director Dr. Umair Shah: Before you spend time with senior friends and relatives during the holidays, be sure you’re not bringing them something unwanted as you bring gifts and good cheer – disease.

Briefing media after a private roundtable, they spotlighted the “tripledemic” that’s a factor right now – flu, COVID, and RSV – stressing that COVID in particular is not a thing of the past. It’s “not the disruptive force it used to be,” said Ulrey, but it’s still killing more than 300 people in the U.S. each day, and 90 percent of them are seniors. So, she urged, “show your love for your loved ones” – before gatherings, be up to date on vaccines and boosters, and take a COVID test. Here’s our video of the full briefing:

The other speakers were The Mount’s administrator Charlene Boyd, state AARP director Marguerite Ro, King County’s long-term-care ombudsman Pamela Williams, Mount residents’ son Chris Robert, and Public Health -Seattle & King County‘s adult-vaccine program manager Caren Goldenberg. In addition to urging everyone to get current on vaccines, the officials said that’s something long-term-care facilities nationwide have to work on, too, with only 47 percent of residents and 22 percent of staff up to date. Between the two sides of the effort, Williams said, it’s important to remember that care-facility residents have rights including “the right to be free of communicable diseases.” Indoor masking – as recently recommended by health officials – and good ventilation are important too.

The health officials also pointed out that federal and state programs offering free home COVID tests are still active. But some COVID-related resources have ended; we asked about their status. Dr. Shah called it a “complex issue”; Ulrey explained that Congress has failed so far to pass the White House request for resources including preparing for future pandemics. But in the short run, the bottom line of the briefing was that it’s time for you to do what you can and protect the people you love.

TONIGHT’S LIGHTS: Up on the roof

Thanks to Alice Kuder, creator of the Winter Wander scavenger hunt, for tonight’s West Seattle Christmas lights photo – this display is in the (corrected) 7900 block of 32nd SW [vicinity map], and was the solution to one of this year’s Winter Wander clues.

To see every display we’ve shown this year (and to explore years past), scroll through this WSB archive. And if you have a suggestion – with or without photos – please email or text us, or 206-293-6302 – thank you!

SDOT’s new director tours Fauntleroy

(WSB photos)

Even before starting his job, SDOT‘s new director Greg Spotts (above left) invited people from neighborhoods around the city to ask him to visit for “listening tours” – and the Fauntleroy Community Association did just that. This morning, Spotts made good on his promise, despite the snow (he’d originally been booked to visit a few weeks ago, but even snowier weather forced a postponement). He and SDOT’s interim transportation-operations director Dusty Rasmussen spent more than an hour getting a firsthand look at some of Fauntleroy’s transportation challenges, which the FCA has long been nagging the city about. The tour started in the north Lincoln Park parking lot, where Spotts declared that he’s passionate about streets along parks, observing that this particular park entrance isn’t particularly welcoming to “non-vehicle arrivals.” FCA president Mike Dey talked about the ferry traffic that queues up in the afternoon and on weekends, and how some drivers flout the rules that are. supposed to keep the parking lane clear during peak hours. Others pull midblock U-turns and there was talk of whether a hardened center line might prevent that. Crossing Fauntleroy is a challenge at some spots along the park, too.

From the park, they headed southbound on Fauntleroy to the ferry dock, where the main challenge happens in bursts – getting 120 vehicles (the capacity of the ferries usually on the route) out at a time. A public-safety officer is there to direct traffic some of the time; there’s also been talk of a signal, though Dey noted that the FCA doesn’t support that. He also mentioned the planned terminal/dock replacement, and a quarter-century-old city resolution opposing expansion of the dock. Continuing south, next stop was the Endolyne business district.

There’s been some traffic calming here, after previous pushes by the FCA – more pedestrian features have been applied to the 45th/Wildwood intersection, and 45th has some speed humps. One remaining major point of concern – the hill to/from Marine View Drive and chronic downhill speeding. Spotts observed that it “looks like a ramp.”

After a stop at Wildwood Market for warm beverages, the group was planning to continue eastbound to the Fauntleroy Church/YMCA/Schoolhouse stretch of California SW – which can be perilous for pedestrians. We had to drop out before then, with another scheduled event to cover. We did hear Spotts make one commitment along the way – he promised to come back in January/February for a better look at some of the conditions Dey had mentioned.

P.S. If you’re in Fauntleroy and want to get involved with the FCA, they meet second Tuesdays at the schoolhouse (9131 California SW), 7 pm; you can watch via livestream, too – info’s at

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Shoplifters on video

That video shows two shoplifters walking out the door at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) on Saturday with jackets they didn’t pay for. They’re also suspected of vandalism nearby. From WSR co-proprietor Tim McConnell:

They came into the store and said they were just looking around.

I assumed they were looking for a gift or something, so we went back to helping other people and checking back in with them like we do for every customer. Then they started focusing on our waterproof coats, which are the most expensive apparel items we carry. They checked the men’s and then the women’s, which seemed a little odd, but whatever. But then they started acting a little weird, looking around and seeing where the staff was. I’ve seen shoplifters before, so I am aware of the signs, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt and kept helping the people I was with. Then we started getting busy again, so my attention got diverted for a moment. A few minutes later they left, and one of my staff said that one of the kids grabbed a jacket and walked out. I ran down the street after them, and I came up on a kid that hadn’t been in the store, but as soon as I passed him, he yelled “Run!”. I was about 20 feet behind the thieves, and they started running. I caught up to the smaller kid right in front of PCC and yelled at him to drop it. He turned and squared up, but realized I was much bigger than him, so he dropped it and ran. At that time, I was under the impression he was the only one who took anything, so I collected my item and went back to the store. After reviewing the security video, I realized both kids had grabbed jackets, so we are still out at least $200. The money is a concern, but the brazenness is the most alarming. I can almost understand an addict doing this, but a teenage kid acting with complete disregard is troubling. We hope that by sharing this the kids’ families will see this and deal with them appropriately. We need to make this community a better one, but these kids seem like they are headed down the wrong path.

Here’s a catalog image of the still-missing jacket (women’s large). Meantime, Westside Barber Shop proprietor Stormy, a few blocks south of WSR, sent this security image taken shortly before the WSR theft:

Those same kids were vandalizing my neighbor’s air unit. I had a verbal exchange with them that ended with the kid in the green hat threatening me with physical violence.

We’ll add a police report # when we get it.

HOLIDAY HIGHLIGHT: First day with Santa and live music at West Seattle Thriftway

December 19, 2022 2:19 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

It’s a tradition at West Seattle Thriftway (4201 SW Morgan; WSB sponsor) to feature Santa visits and live holiday music the week before Christmas. That all started today – Santa roamed the store 10 am to 1 pm, and Alex Baird is there playing holiday favorites until 3 pm.

Gary Benson also is performing at Thriftway – here’s the schedule for both musicians, as posted at the store:

And as noted in our Holiday Guide, Santa will be back 4 pm-7 pm Tuesday (December 20) and Thursday (December 22) and 10 am-1 pm Friday (December 23).

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Midday road note, and an alert (upgraded!) for tonight/tomorrow

(SB 35th SW near Providence Mount St. Vincent)

12:11 PM: We’ve been out all morning covering two stories outdoors (details later), but wanted to share one observation in case you’ve been trepidational about going out – our side street was snow-coated when we returned between events an hour and a half ago, and now it’s mostly clear, so there is some melting happening. The arterials have been clear all along. SDOT crews have been out the past few hours – here’s the map that shows you where they’ve been and when. Meantime, the National Weather Service now has Seattle (among other areas) under a Winter Storm Watch alert starting at 7 pm tonight and lasting through Tuesday.

2:53 PM: The alert is now upgraded to a Winter Storm Warning – up to 8 inches of snow possible, but it may not last long, as the alert also mentions a possible transition to rain “across King County.”

RPZ fees are going up. One West Seattle neighborhood might want to renew a bit early

The new city budget raises the fee for Restricted Parking Zone permits by almost 50 percent. SDOT notes that one RPZ neighborhood in West Seattle might want to renew a bit early to save money:

Readers who live in the Fauntleroy neighborhood [should] know about an opportunity to save money on their Restricted Permit Zone (RPZ) permit renewal.

On January 1, 2023, the new citywide budget will take effect and the fee for a two-year RPZ permit will increase from $65 to $95. Fauntleroy (Zone 3) RPZ permits will expire on December 31, 2022. Anyone who lives in this zone and renews their permit (or requests a new permit) in 2022 will be charged the current fee ($65). After January 1, permit requests will be processed with the new fee ($95).

Discounted $10 permits will continue to be available for people who are income-eligible. People with disabled parking placards / license plates do not need to apply for a separate RPZ permit.

Permit renewals should be made through the Seattle Services Portal to ensure they are processed on-time before the fee increase takes effect. Any questions about permits can be sent to

RPZ permits do not guarantee a parking space – they just guarantee the right to park during restricted hours, if you find a space.


(Photo by Jerry Simmons)

Here’s the list for today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide. If we hear of any weather-related cancellations, we’ll update, but for now, here’s what we have:

DONATION DRIVES: Many holiday donation drives have already wrapped up, but others continue! The list in our Holiday Guide includes warm clothing at Dave Newman State Farm Agency (3435 California SW; WSB sponsor), more info here; and a food drive at Canna West Culture Shop (5435 California SW), open 10 am-6 pm, with a bin across the street at Canna West Seattle (WSB sponsor) after-hours.

SANTA AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY: First of four appearances at the grocery store – 10 am-1 pm. (4201 SW Morgan)

MIDDAY MUSIC: Flute duo at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 10:45 am-11:30 am.

CITY COUNCIL BREAK: No briefing meeting today because the council is on winter break until after New Year’s.

HANUKKAH: Tonight is the second of its eight nights.

CRAFTING AND CREATIVITY NIGHT: 6-10 pm at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW), explained in our calendar listing.

COMEDY NIGHT: 7 pm at Otter on the Rocks (4210 SW Admiral Way), it’s this month’s comedy night! Ticket link’s in our calendar listing.

MEDITATION: Free weekly Zen sitting/meditation event at the chapel at Fauntleroy UCC (9140 California SW), 7 pm-8:30 pm.

PLAY TRIVIA! Two scheduled options tonight for trivia players – 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7:30 pm at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)

Have a West Seattle/White Center event to list on our calendar or Holiday Guide? Please send info to – thank you!

WEATHER, TRAFFIC, TRANSIT: Monday morning info

6:02 AM: Good morning! It’s Monday, December 19th. After some snow last night, be careful when you head out, as the cold temperatures have kept it around this time.


Today’s forecast: Cloudy, high in the low to mid-30s, another chance of snow tonight, with a few inches potentially due tomorrow,


Metro is still down buses for repairs and is suspending some routes again today, but no West Seattle routes were on the initial list. Keep watching notification channels such as @kcmetroalerts for trip cancellations and route suspensions.

-The West Seattle Water Taxi is on its regular schedule.

-WSF’s Triangle Route remains on its two-boat schedule- check here for alerts/updates.


New Delridge cameras: As reported here, three have been added; four more are on the way. Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also up at Delridge/Oregon and Delridge/Orchard.

High Bridge – here’s the camera at the top.

High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way).

Low Bridge: Or nearby, depending on where SDOT points the camera.

1st Ave. S. Bridge: The south route.

Highway 99: Here’s the northbound side at Lander.

All functional city traffic cams can be seen here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page … Are movable city bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

If you see a problem on the roads/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.

HANUKKAH: First night celebrated with two community menorah lightings in West Seattle

This is the first of eight nights of the Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah. It began with two community menorah lightings – both outdoors, as light snow fell:

The Alki synagogue Kol HaNeshamah returned to The Junction for its “pop-up” Hanukkah celebration, with Rabbi Sabine Meyer lighting the first-night candle. Music followed.

Kol HaNeshamah also offered treats in keeping with the celebration’s theme of “Love! Light! Donuts!” P.S. As Hanukkah begins, the synagogue’s donation drive continues, collecting warm clothing through Wednesday (December 21st) – you can drop off donations at 6115 SW Hinds.

Tonight’s other menorah lighting brought a gathering to Alki Beach, just north of the bathhouse:

Rabbi Eli Duban‘s plan was to light the first candle of a 12-foot Grand Menorah with a tiki-torch flame, but the weather was a bit fierce right about then, so one of its light bulbs was turned on instead:

The Grand Menorah is expected to stay at Alki through the final night of Hanukkah on December 25th.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen red Specialized bicycle

The report and photo are from Mariel:

Our garage got broken into and our red Specialized Roubaix bike got stolen last night, most likely around 10:30 p.m.- 2:30 a.m. by 32nd/Myrtle. My contact information is 754-234-7093.

A police report has been filed – initial report number is T22031113.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: First snow showers

6:18 PM: The first snow showers have arrived in parts of West Seattle. We were just in The Junction and Alki, where what was falling ta the time was more like cold rain, but as we drove south into High Point, Westwood, Gatewood, and Upper Fauntleroy, we saw a dusting of snow on cars and planting strips. The National Weather Service forecast has chances of snow off and on for the next few days, though nothing massive is expected so far. Are you seeing snow too?

7:03 PM: Still snowing lightly up here but radar suggests this will all end soon.

9:04 PM: Main point to note, temps will be at or below freezing overnight, so what’s fallen won’t be going away. Meantime, the newly updated NWS forecast discussion suggests the next chance of an inch or so of snow is likely Tuesday night into Wednesday; the longer-range forecast still suggests it’ll warm up to around 50 on Christmas Day,

WEST SEATTLE HOLIDAY SCENE: Cocoa Cris Cringle’s annual visit to Easy Street Records

December 18, 2022 5:25 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

One more holiday tradition is back for the first time since 2019 – Cocoa Cris Cringle is visiting Easy Street Records right now. Photo sessions until 7 pm ($20 fee as a food-bank fundraiser, kids and pets welcome too), and music at 7:30 pm (no cover) – two holiday songs from Cocoa Cris (aka Maurice Caldwell Jr.)’s own record!

GRATITUDE: Rescued dog’s owner says thanks

We’ve had the only all-West Seattle lost/found pets webpage here for 15 years, but sometimes a lost pet gets found before either owners or finders ever have to post about it, thanks to helpful people. Whitney sent us one such story this afternoon, wanting to publicly offer words of gratitude:

THANK YOU to the Admiral community near Aegis? We are dog-watching my sister’s dog and he got out our front gate (and we live on Admiral Way- eek!). Good news – we FOUND HIM but if it hadn’t been for the help of so many kind neighbors I don’t know that we would have found him as quickly as we did!

People were yelling from their cars telling us (as we were running around the neighborhood) which direction he went. I eventually ended up getting into a car with strangers who took me to him (and coincidentally my husband had just found him seconds before, hiding in a carport of someone’s house). We are just super grateful for this community of dog lovers helping each other out!

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: ‘Sidewalk reveal’ in west Gatewood

Some parts of the city don’t have sidewalks – and some parts have sidewalks that are unusable because they’ve been covered in overgrowth. That’s the situation in west Gatewood, near Westside Unitarian, where volunteers calling themselves the Seattle Street Fixers are working right now.

You’re welcome to help – they started at 44th/Othello [map]. You can see some of the other places they’ve cleared by scrolling through here.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Sign work east of West Seattle low bridge

Thanks to Mike for the photo and report from Spokane Street east of the low bridge: “Was biking through and thought I would share this. Looks like the city is swapping out some signs and is diverting traffic around. Just something for other drivers to be aware of.”

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Kraken-mania in Morgan Junction

Hottest ticket in town this morning: The Seattle Kraken pro hockey team’s mascot visit in Morgan Junction. That photo shows part of the line, which wrapped around much of the multi-business building on the southwest corner of Fauntleroy and California. Once you make it to the Kraken’s table outside Starbucks – you get to meet mascot Buoy:

Non-costumed Kraken reps are there too with the promised giveaways – spin a wheel for items like T-shirts and tickets – and assorted swag including posters and schedules:

They’re there, we were told, until they run out of stuff to give out. As for the team – they next play at 5 pm today, at home, vs. the Winnipeg Jets.

Remembering Pamela L. Allen, 1959-2022

Family and friends are remembering Pamela L. Allen and sharing this remembrance with her community:

Our dear Pamela Lea Allen, beloved mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and loyal friend, passed away unexpectedly in her home in West Seattle on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2022, after a brief illness.

Pam was first and foremost a loving mother to her son Alexander, the center of her universe. Alexander is currently attending Whitman College. Pamela was immensely proud of Alexander as he launched his college career at Whitman College so successfully. Pam’s heart was with her family and friends and her beloved pup, Harper Rose. She loved the yearly gatherings at the family cabin on Loon Lake in eastern Washington, where her family and devoted longtime made lasting memories together.

Pam loved the outdoors – hiking, backpacking, downhill and cross-country skiing, and bicycling. Her dream was to have a sweet little farm with goats and furry friends to tend to. She coined nicknames to her friends in her own special unforgettable way, and she made friends across the country and around the world as a traveler.

Pam was born in 1959 in Seattle and grew up on Bainbridge Island. She graduated from The Annie Wright School in Tacoma in 1978, and went on to attend Whitman College in Walla Walla, graduating in 1982 as an Art History major. Pam was a member of Delta Gamma Sorority. Pam began her architectural studies at SUNY in Buffalo, New York, and later earned her master’s degree at The Southern California Institute of Architecture in Los Angeles. Pam was a talented architect, working for several firms in the Seattle area before starting her own architectural practice, Pamela Allen Architecture, serving her community near and far.

Pam is survived by her dear son Alexander Land; her adoring parents Darrell and Sada Kate of Bainbridge Island; her brother Timothy Allen and his wife Gina with their children Sam, Lily, and Chester; her nephews Daniel and AJ Allen of Seattle. Pamela was preceded in death by her oldest brother Gregory Allen. Pam adored her niece and nephews and doted on them as a loving aunt since they were babes in arms. She is also survived by her former husband and Alexander’s father, Jason Huntley-Land of Bainbridge Island, and was close to Jason’s mother Janet Land of Lincoln, Nebraska.

A private family memorial is planned as we share our grief together. A celebration of Pamela’s life will be held in late winter for her many dear friends and lovely neighbors. The family is grateful for the outpouring of love and support during this most difficult time. In lieu of flowers, Pam’s wishes were for donations to be made to: Whitman College, Hamlin Robinson School, or Mary’s Place Seattle. Please share your memories of Pam here and to stay informed about Pam’s Celebration of Life to be held in the near future.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to

Short-lived water-rescue callout at Lincoln Park

Just in case you saw/heard the responding units and wondered – there was a short-lived “water rescue response” at Lincoln Park about half an hour ago. Turned out that a windsurfer reported as being in trouble, wasn’t.

Hanukkah celebrations, Cocoa Cris Cringle, Buoy, more for your West Seattle Sunday

December 18, 2022 6:21 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

Thanks to James Bratsanos for the photo from Friday’s sunset. At sunset tonight, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah, begins, and two public celebrations are part of today’s list from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:

WATCHING THE WORLD CUP: This morning at 7 am, Argentina and France play for the World Cup championship. We’ve found a few West Seattle venues opening early if you’re looking for a watch party.

CHURCHES WITH ONLINE SERVICES: We’re continuing to list these – see today’s lineup here.

STEPHANIE’S LIFELINE ONLINE TOY DRIVE, LAST DAY: Stephanie’s Lifeline is getting gifts for 40 local families with your help – all the donating for this drive is online; details are here.

KRAKEN MASCOT IN WEST SEATTLE: Meet Buoy at the Morgan Junction Starbucks at 10 am; they’re bringing giveaway opportunities too, as previewed here. (California/Fauntleroy)

FARMERS’ MARKET: As usual, 10 am-2 pm, the market itself offers fall produce as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, fresh-cooked food, beverages, more. We’ve even seen Christmas trees and wreaths this season. Here’s today’s vendor list. California SW between Oregon and Alaska. Note that the market WILL be closed on Christmas Day.

FUNDRAISING WREATH (ETC.) SALES: Pathfinder K-8 PTSA and students will be selling their handmade wreaths again today by KeyBank in The Junction, 10 am-2 pm today:

This is our last week at the West Seattle Farmers Market! Need a last-minute gift to bring to a holiday party? Still haven’t decorated your front door? We’re holding our 27th annual wreath fundraiser to benefit outdoor education at Pathfinder K-8 School. This year’s selection of wreaths and other holiday swag is truly some of our best, including some super modern designs! Come see us at The Junction (next to Key Bank).

Everything is 100% unique and made from foraged materials from our yards and tree lots (thank you, Trees by the Sea on Alki!). This week we want to especially thank the community for all your support during this important fundraiser. It really helps us make Pathfinder K-8 a special place where outdoor education is valued and can be experienced by all of our students.

ALKI UCC DONATION DRIVE: Urgent winter needs that you can help fill – explained here. Dropoffs at 6115 SW Hinds, 11 am-3 pm,

SIDEWALK REVEAL: Help Seattle Street Fixers “reveal” an overgrown sidewalk in Gatewood! 44th/Othello, starting at 1 pm,

DANCE! WEST SEATTLE: The annual performance of “The Magical Doll Maker” is at 1:30 pm at the Highline Performing Arts Center (401 S. 152nd, Burien). Ticket info is here.

ARTSWEST HOLIDAY SHOW: Today at 3 pm, it’s the final matinée for “Q Brothers Christmas Carol” at ArtsWest (4711 California SW) – ticket info is in our calendar listing.

‘MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET,’ SOLD OUT: At 3 pm, it’s the closing performance of the Twelfth Night Productions presentation of The Lux Radio Theater version of the classic 1947 film, performed at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) – sold out.

LIVE MUSIC AT C & P: 3 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Deb Seymour performs her “offbeat songs.” No cover.

‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE’: Special screening of the 75-year-old classic movie, 3:30 pm at Admiral Theater (2343 California SW)

COCOA CRIS CRINGLE: His annual visit to Easy Street Records (California/Alaska) – photo sessions 4 pm to 7 pm, then music at 7:30 pm as Cocoa Cris celebrates his record release! No appointment needed for photo sessions; $20 fee raises food-bank funds.

FAUNTLEROY CHURCH CONCERT: 4 pm, in the Fauntleroy UCC sanctuary with choir, brass, percussion, and lots of holiday spirit. Free. (9140 California SW)

JUNCTION HANUKKAH CELEBRATION: “Love. Light. Donuts! Kol HaNeshamah, the progressive Jewish congregation in West Seattle, is back this year with Pop-Up Chanukah at the Junction. Join your West Seattle neighbors at Junction Plaza Park at 5 pm for song, candlelighting, and donuts-to-go. Everyone’s welcome!” (42nd/Alaska)

ALKI HANUKKAH CELEBRATION: A 12-foot menorah will be in place outside Alki Bathhouse (60th/Alki), where it will be lit in a ceremony led by Rabbi Eli Duban (who says it will be lit electrically the next seven nights).

NEED FOOD? White Center Community Dinner Church serves a free meal (take-away available) at 5 pm Sundays at the Salvation Army Center in South Delridge (9050 16th SW).

YOGA, MEDITATION, GONG BATH: Presented by Inner Alchemy, 7 pm at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska), $35.

NORTHWEST BOYCHOIR CONCERT: Northwest Boychoir‘s annual “Festival of Lessons and Carols” at Holy Rosary Church, 7 pm. Tickets here – a few remained when we checked early this morning. (42nd SW/SW Genesee)

SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.

SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 9 pm to 1:30 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).

Have an event to add to our calendar and/or Holiday Guide? Please email – thank you!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Three robberies, possibly related

11:15 PM: Police are investigating whether two West Seattle robberies tonight were committed by the same people, Right now they’re responding to the Shell station on Fauntleroy Way SW in The Triangle after a report that it was held up by two people described as Black, male, 16 or 17 years old, wearing masks and black jackets over hoodies and blue jeans; one had a black handgun. One officer pointed out to dispatch that the description matched that of two robbers who held up someone at California/Fauntleroy a few hours ago, getting away with the victim’s Air Pods. In that case, a getaway vehicle was reported, described as a black Hyundai SUV.

11:35 PM: And now a third robbery is reported, with two robbers matching that same description, this time at a gas station on the unincorporated side of Roxbury.