month : 02/2021 279 results

STONE COTTAGE: ‘Story Stones’ events wrap up as move looms

February 15, 2021 9:34 pm
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The community campaign to Save The Stone Cottage continues. Tonight, two notes – first, the results of the final “Story Stones” competition. If you missed the karaoke-style concert/trivia event last Friday night, here’s the first 15 minutes:

At about 6:40 in, you’ll see the first singers, Lora and Steve from the West Seattle Junction Association – then in the final minute, 14 minutes in, Caspar Babypants‘ guest performance. Everyone who showed up for the event on Zoom had the chance to answer trivia questions related to the songs. Winners were Dan and Joanie Jacobs, who get a gift certificate to a West Seattle restaurant and the coveted fourth and final “Story Stone.” Guest performers also included reps from local businesses both musical (including WSB sponsors Thunder Road Guitars and The Bass Shop, and of course Easy Street Records) and not (Husky Deli, Beveridge Place Pub, Salty’s [WSB sponsor], and more). Now, an update on the plan to move the Stone Cottage before its longtime home at 1123 Harbor Avenue SW gets redeveloped:

(January photo by Mark Jaroslaw)

Jeff McCord from Save The Stone Cottage tells WSB, “We don’t know an exact move date due to the developer’s permitting still being underway. We will of course announce more details as we learn them, but we believe it may not occur until sometime in March (or possibly later) at this point.” They’re still actively crowdfunding to pay for the move and a temporary home for the historic stone-studded structure.

ADDED TUESDAY: See the entire concert/music-trivia event here.

BACK TO SCHOOLS? Full results of district’s family preference survey

This week is midwinter break for Seattle Public Schools – no classes, remote or otherwise. By early next week, the district has promised an update on the plan to offer in-person learning again for preschoolers through 1st graders, as well as special-education students on “intensive pathways.” The district has also finally released full results of its survey of families whose students are eligible to return to school buildings. They’re published here. The survey was open January 5th-19th; the district reports that of the 10,742 eligible students, 46.8 percent of families said they want their student to return to in-person learning, 40.9 percent preferred to continue remote learning, and 12.3 percent did not respond. Breaking the results into demographic groups, SPS says white families had the highest support for in-person learning, 56 percent, while Asian families had the highest support for continuing remote learning, also 56 percent. The district also surveyed staff and says 30 percent want to continue working remotely. The district says the responses from families and staff “were used to develop proposed instructional models and create sample illustrative schedules that have been proposed to Seattle Education Association in the ongoing negotiations.” A separate district update says those negotiations are continuing this week and that the district has requested a mediator’s help. (Here’s the union’s own latest update.) Once an agreement is reached, the district says, it will survey families again.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 pharmacy robberies

Two West Seattle pharmacies have been robbed in the past three days. The first one happened around noon Saturday at Bartell Drugs in Jefferson Square. We haven’t been able to obtain the police report yet but a store employee told us via email that the robber was “an armed Black male, about 5’7”, in dark clothing and a medical mask.” We do have the initial police report on a robbery at 12:25 pm today at Rite Aid in Westwood Village, describing the two robbers there “as two Black males, thin build, 5’5″ and 5’10, both wearing dark clothing, and one carried a black Adidas gym bag. One displayed a handgun.” The report says the two “jumped the pharmacy counter and demanded oxycodone from the pharmacist.” They were given “an unknown amount of pills,” police say, and left. No arrests reported yet.

UPDATE: Here’s why SFD is at PCC

February 15, 2021 4:45 pm
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(Photo texted by Jennifer Moore)

4:45 PM: Thanks for the texts. Seattle Fire crews are at the PCC/Luna Apartments building at California/Stevens, checking out what was reported as “automatic fire alarm, water flow indicated.” Multiple texters say the buildings have been evacuated as a precaution. No word of any fire so far; firefighters are investigating.

4:54 PM: They’re downsizing the response.

ORCAS: Passing West Seattle, northbound

The transient killer whales that passed West Seattle southbound on Sunday are headed back northbound right now, reports Kersti Muul of Salish Wildlife Watch. They were “mid-channel, close” off The Arroyos as of a short time ago. Visibility’s not the best, though, with fog in the area, but they’re out there.

UPDATE: 1 to hospital after motorhome driver goes backward downhill at Delridge/Andover

2:51 PM: Few details yet but avoid Delridge/Andover – multiple injuries are reported after a collision, at Delridge/Andover and also on Andover west and uphill. We’re on our way to find out more.

3:18 PM: We’re having difficulty getting close enough to talk with police, between the slush and the emergency vehicles. Nearby resident Mark sent photos of the two scenes – at Delridge/Andover:

And uphill to the west, at 23rd/Andover:

3:28 PM: Just in from our crew, a wider view – note that Andover is taped off, west of Delridge:

Here’s what police at the scene told us happened: The motorhome’s driver was heading eastbound up Andover and got stuck. A police officer was trying to help him get unstuck when the driver put the motorhome into reverse and hit both a pedestrian and two vehicles, including the one in the photo above, and this tanker (photo from Evan):

The only person who needed to be taken to the hospital was the pedestrian. No other serious injuries. We will be checking on the pedestrian’s condition.

3:42 PM: SPD adds via Twitter that the motorhome driver is in custody and the Traffic Collision Investigation Squad is responding, so the area will likely be blocked off for a while.

3:58 PM: Commenters who were in the area have a different account, saying police were following/pursuing the motorhome before the crash. Meantime, SFD spokesperson David Cuerpo tells us the pedestrian is a 79-year-old man taken to the hospital in serious condition, and the driver of the car hit uphill on Andover was a 44-year-old woman treated at the scene.

ADDED 7:12 PM: Just received, the initial police summary:

A patrol unit initiated a traffic stop on an older, 20-foot RV near Delridge Way SW and SW Andover St. The adult male driver appeared to disregard the signals to stop and turned up the steep grade, which hindered the suspect’s escape near 23 Av SW. The suspect reversed down the hill, colliding with an occupied passenger vehicle and deploying its airbags before crossing the arterial and striking a petroleum tanker and then a pedestrian. The suspect driver fled on foot, but was arrested a short time later. The adult male pedestrian sustained injuries thought to be substantial. Other injuries were minor. TCIS responded. A DRE evaluated the suspect and detected signs of impairment. The suspect was arrested for Vehicular Assault, Hit and Run, Eluding, VUCSA, and warrants.

(DRE means Drug Recognition Expert; VUCSA is a drug-related allegation, Violation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.) The summary does not mentions the grounds for the initial stop attempt.

9:18 PM: More information about the suspect, from this SPD Blotter item posted tonight: He’s 47 and “police discovered he had a felony warrant for theft of a motor vehicle, reckless endangerment and domestic violence-related assault. Officers also found what appeared to be narcotics on his person …”

GIVING: Eagle Scouts restore signs in South Delridge and White Center

The photo and report are from Mark Ufkes:

The Scout Motto is “Do a good turn daily.”

One of the $5,000 White Center Welcome signs was so damaged by graffiti that it was unreadable and parts of another sign were stolen. Eagle Scouts Josh Paley (age 23) and Mark Ufkes (age 65), (Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!) spent the day replacing the damaged sign at 18th SW and Delridge Way, and cleaned and re-installed the White Center Rainbow and Welcome in 10 languages portions of the sign at 4th Ave SW and SW 108th that had been stolen.

They did this as their “good turn” and to remind everyone that White Center is spectacular, and to celebrate that just this month, we had 12 local girls who became the first group of female Eagle Scouts in American history. Many adult Scout leaders, including Ufkes, pushed Scouting for years to allow equal access to its exceptional programs regardless of sexual orientation or gender.

After years of advocating by hundreds of adult Eagle Scouts and parents, in 2018, girls and kids of any sexual orientation were included in Scouting programs and began the minimum two-year process required to complete the rather challenging requirements to become an Eagle Scout.

You can read about those requirements here.

HELPING: Snow woes for blood supply = call for donations

February 15, 2021 12:01 pm
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While the snow’s been big fun for many people, it’s also caused some trouble, beyond stuck cars and delayed trash pickup. Bloodworks Northwest says 800 people have canceled appointments to donate blood because of the snow and icy roads. So if you can donate sometime soon, please do! If you can give by month’s end, Bloodworks NW says, “Give blood through February 28 and discover if you have COVID-19 antibodies. Positive donors could become convalescent plasma donors and help critically ill coronavirus patients directly.” A little further into the future, we note, you have another chance to donate without leaving West Seattle – the Senior Center in The Junction is hosting pop-up dates in March and April. It’s on the list of locations where donors can make appointments – go here or call 800-398-7888.

WEST SEATTLE MONDAY: Presidents Day and other info to start the week

(Saturday photo by Jay Gewin)

It’s Presidents Day and we’re watching a foot of snow melt away. Here’s more hopefully helpful info, beyond the transportation info noted earlier:

ICYMI – NO TRASH/RECYCLING PICKUP: As we reported just before 8 am, no pickup today, and the city confirms the rest of the week will slide a day too (so if you have Tuesday pickup, it’ll be Wednesday, etc., assuming they can indeed make Monday collections tomorrow).

NO SCHOOL: Besides the holiday, this is midwinter-break week for Seattle Public Schools.

NO LIBRARIES: Curbside service is closed for the holiday.

NO MAIL: It’s a USPS holiday. (Added: Some readers note in comments that they ARE seeing mail delivery today, though.)

NO BANKS: It’s a Federal Reserve holiday.

(added) PARKS & OTHER CITY NOTES: West Seattle Golf Course is open for snow play again today (but not for golf). That and other city department post-storm notes are here.

WEATHER: Rainy and warmer – back into the 40s.

STATE OF THE CITY: Mayor Durkan gives her last annual address at 5:05 pm, streamed on Seattle Channel.

We’ll add to this list throughout the day if and when other announcements come in. Any info to share? – thank you!


UPDATE, 10:30 AM: Metro says some buses have returned to regular routes … Washington State Ferries remains on its “severe weather schedule” today, which means Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth is on the two-boat schedule with one boat, skipping everything that is scheduled for boat #2.


6:34 AM: Good morning. The melt continues – with a rainy forecast – but still a lot of snow out there. Major streets are bare and wet.

ROAD MAP: While this map is primarily for showing recently treated (plowed when it’s actively snowing) roads, it also shows closed roads, including a few steep stretches in West Seattle.

TRANSIT: Check for Metro route status here. … Here’s the ST 560 express bus reroute … The Water Taxi is not running because of the Presidents Day holiday.

Now, our usual checks:


Low Bridge: Sixth week for automated enforcement cameras, while restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily. Here’s a bridge view:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden – with a new left-turn signal for northbound HP Way, turning to westbound Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

To check for bridges’ marine-traffic openings, see the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

You can view all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.

Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Sunday 2/14/2021 roundup, including our weekly West Seattle trend check

After skipping a day, the county’s data dashboard updated today, so we have two days’ data:

KING COUNTY’S NEWEST NUMBERS: Today’s numbers from the King County daily-summary dashboard:

*80,144 people have tested positive, 463 more than Friday’s total

*1,321 people have died, 3 more than Friday’s total

*4,997 people have been hospitalized, 42 more than Friday’s total

*877,293 people have been tested, 5,889 more than Friday’s total

One week ago, the King County totals were 78,686/1,299/4,902/855,745.

WEST SEATTLE TRENDS: Here’s our weekly check of this stat – delayed a day since the county didn’t update its dashboards Saturday – with numbers shown in two-week increments via the “geography over time” tab on the daily-summary dashboard, combining the totals from the West Seattle and Delridge “health reporting areas” (HRAs). For the past two weeks, 76 positive test results; 136 in the 2 weeks before that; 295 in the two weeks before that. … We also are noting WS death totals each week; using the HRAs, since they are the most precise count. The total deaths for the entire pandemic in the two HRAs comprising West Seattle: 60, one more than a week ago.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 108.8 million cases and 2,399,000+ deaths, 485,000+ of them in the U.S. – see the nation-by-nation breakdown here.

TESTING TOMORROW: The West Seattle test site in the Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot (2801 SW Thistle) is scheduled to be open Monday.

MAYOR’S LAST ‘STATE OF THE CITY’ ADDRESS: Tomorrow, Mayor Jenny Durkan will give her last State of the City address, with the pandemic expected to be the central focus, especially current concerns over equitable vaccine distribution. Seattle Channel will stream the speech live at 5:05 pm Monday.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

UPDATE: No garbage/recycling pickup Monday; delays all week

(Near 35th/Henderson, photographed by Mary Burki)

8:59 PM SUNDAY: Biggest question of the night: Will there be garbage/recycling pickup tomorrow? The Seattle Public Utilities update we included in afternoon coverage remains the newest information:

If there is still snow and/or ice on the ground Monday and conditions are determined to be unsafe for SPU contractors, the Utility will operate on a one-day delay for garbage, recycling and food/yard waste pickup this coming week. SPU will be sure to communicate just as soon as decisions are made.

Whenever we get word of that decision, we’ll update this story.

6:23 AM MONDAY: Still no announcement.

7:50 AM: No pickup today, says Waste Management: “Attention Monday Residential Customers: Your services cannot be provided today. Please leave carts at the curb. We will collect tomorrow or as conditions allow. We will collect materials missed during this delay – no extra charge.”

9:36 AM: And, as per the original city announcement above, the rest of the week will be delayed too, SPU says.

SNOWBIRDS: West Seattle feathered friends weather the weekend

From the photos sent by WSB readers throughout the snowy weekend, we’ve saved these for a separate “snowbirds” collection. Even as the snow buried birdbaths and froze feeders, the birds were in view seeking food, water, and refuge. Above, a Great Blue Heron “got comfortable on a branch right outside of my daughter’s window,” reports Mrs. E. Below, 15-year-old Drew Atkinson photographed a Crow in the Roxhill area:

The most frequently sighted birds, though, were Hummingbirds. First, from (corrected) Jamie Kinney:

From Brad Lovejoy, a hummingbird on a magnolia:

From Eric Bell, “Buzz” was hanging out in the bamboo:

Steve Fredrickson recorded the scene at a busy feeder:

The one in Lawrence Heeren‘s photo had a feeder to itself:

Lawrence also photographed a Barrow’s Goldeneye off the snowy shore:

The European Starling and American Robin are from J:

And a Dark-eyed Junco from Yma in Gatewood:

(added) Here’s a Spotted Towhee, from Rick Rasmussen:

Big thanks to all the bird photographers – we publish galleries periodically (and have a few non-snowy images in queue for the next one) – next time you want to share your pic of a West Seattle bird!

SNOW DAY SIGHTING: Orcas off West Seattle

5:47 PM: As dusk approaches, transient orcas are southbound off Constellation Park, reports Kersti Muul of Salish Wildlife Watch. Thanks to Sue Kearns for the photo of one of them off Alki earlier! In our afternoon snow coverage, we mentioned Kersti’s first report that the whales were in Elliott Bay.

ADDED: Here’s a photo from Kersti:

WEST SEATTLE SNOW: Sunday updates, photos

(SNOW LINKS: Metro buses on snow routestraffic camsmap of what’s been plowedplowing-priority map … OPEN BUSINESSES LISTED HERE … SATURDAY AM COVERAGE HERE … SATURDAY PM COVERAGE HERE)

(SW Thistle stairway, photographed by John Borba)

9:58 AM: Forecasters say up to two more inches of snow are possible today, so a Winter Weather Advisory is in effect until 10 pm. So it’s one more day to have fun – Jim Moore just sent this next photo from The Arroyos, saying his neighbor is “ready for the assault of the snowmen”:

The National Weather Service says Seattle’s official snow total for the past two days was 11.1 inches – (corrected) #15 in the all-time list (since recordkeeping began 130+ years ago) of two-day snow totals, and the highest such total in almost 50 years.

Metro – all buses remain on snow routes; no 125
SDOT snow-routes map
SDOT “live” map updating where plows have gone
King County’s “live” map (White Center included)
West Seattle traffic cams
Seattle Public Library curbside services closed today
Seattle Parks snow info
(added) Updates on other city services, including possibility of no solid-waste pickup tomorrow

11:27 AM: That’s a traffic-cam view of the one major road SDOT is not plowing today – the 11-months-closed West Seattle Bridge. Meantime, the snow is picking up again, but expected to change to rain later today. Fred Hammerquist sent this video from Lincoln Park.

The West Seattle Golf Course is open again today for snow play – here’s a texted photo of snowboarders there:

12:36 PM: Also from the golf course, Liza and Lisa sent this photo:

“Ernie the Snow Walrus awaits his Valentine on a bench at the golf course,” they explained. By the way, if you’re headed there, Seattle Parks says that “entry is ONLY through pedestrian gates near the parking lots/pro shops.” … From west of The Junction, Janelle Bracken sent this photo, saying, “We didn’t see any snowmen yesterday so we made one for west seattle! Corner of 48th Ave SW and Alaska”:

1:48 PM: The temperature is above freezing and the snow is showing signs of melting, with clumps spontaneously sliding off cars, roofs, etc. But there’s still lots to work with – another snow-creation photo just in from Alki, at the “Birthplace of Seattle” monument:

Speaking of history, Jim Starkey noted that we had a photo from the 3200 block of California SW in Saturday’s coverage, and sent this photo from the same area during the 1968 snowstorm:

Jim says that photo was taken “looking out from the Cal D Apartments (gone now) onto California Avenue. Right across the street from the old Hi-Hat Chinese Restaurant.” An old newspaper ad shows the Hi-Hat was at 3221 California SW, where the Revel live-work townhouses are now.

2:16 PM: The city has sent its daily roundup of multi-departmental updates. If you’re wondering about trash/recycling pickup for tomorrow, here’s the Seattle Public Utilities update:

If there is still snow and/or ice on the ground Monday and conditions are determined to be unsafe for SPU contractors, the Utility will operate on a one-day delay for garbage, recycling and food/yard waste pickup this coming week. SPU will be sure to communicate just as soon as decisions are made.

SPU also notes that its transfer stations (nearest one is in South Park) are closing at 3 pm.

3:06 PM: Lots of photos received from Lincoln Park today – thank you! The photo above, from the shore path on the park’s north side, is from Bryan Lunak; below, “fans” awaiting baseball/softball season, photographed by Mike Munson:

Just in from Washington State Ferries: They’ll stay on the “severe weather schedule” through tomorrow. For Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth, that means the two-boat schedule minus boat #2.

3:45 PM: If you’re near Elliott Bay – Kersti Muul from Salish Wildlife Watch reports orcas have headed into the bay, toward the grain silos on the north end of the downtown waterfront.

Back on the forecast front, the NWS says a “wintry mix” is likely to prevail in the hours ahead, but expects it to be all rain by first thing tomorrow morning. Watch out for falling snow as the transition happens – check out the snow slab falling off Neal Chism’s metal roof in this clip:

4:36 PM: More great photos have just come in as people of all ages enjoy the snow before it goes. First, here’s Lucille on a “snow camel” built in the park by Delridge Community Center with her mom Laurie Garcia:

Marc Fendel sent this photo of a snowperson seated on a pickup bed:

Bradi Jones sent a snow bunny with a backstory:

She explains that it’s “inspired by the Neo-expressionist artist, Hunt Slonem, and his “Bunnies” collection! Husband Tim Jones works at Glass Eye Studio, a renowned glass blowing studio here in Seattle,” where they collaborated with Slonem recently “in creating his newest collection of ‘Bunnies’ … We thought we’d see how a ‘Snownem bunny’ might come out!” … Next, a snow “Moai” from Max Welliver in North Admiral:

From just above Lincoln Park, Andy sent this photo of a classic snowman:

And of course, there are snow forts. This photo’s from Jethro:

Jethro writes, “Sunrise Heights girl power. This is an unused dead-end alley east of 28th. They are ready for the obviously imminent attack from the neighborhood boys.”

5 PM: And here’s a snow castle:

That’s Lilli and Oliver Athan’s Snow Castle, to be specific, photo by Paulette Athan. It’s been an afternoon full of sledding, too – Eugene Lee sends these two photos:

That’s Ezra, a Denny sixth-grader; below, Silas, a Gatewood fifth-grader.

In the Alki area, Katy photographed the “neighborhood kids (who) built a tie-dye rocket ship”:

5:53 PM: Yma sent a photo of “our 6′ Snow Princess, ready for Valentine’s Day” in Gatewood:

And from Yazmin: “My twin girls really wanted a fort so daddy and mommy built it before the temperature warms up again. We also made ornaments with ice cubes.” You can see the fort in a comment below; here are the ornaments (and the twins):

8:01 PM: A few more fun photos that have come in – first, James Ritchie made a snow version of the famous Sen. Bernie Sanders Inauguration Day photo in Seaview (Bethany photographed it):

Michael Allen sent this pic of his “very large snowman” at the Seattle Chinese Garden on Puget Ridge:

Still ahead tonight, a look at tomorrow – we’re waiting to hear from the city about trash/recycling pickup for tomorrow (as mentioned above, they MIGHT delay everything one day this week), and will publish a separate update when that’s in. Also, we’re working on a photo gallery of “snowbirds.” Thanks yet again to everyone who’s sent photos/info all weekend – 206-293-6302 or is how to reach us for whatever’s making news, 24/7/365.

WEST SEATTLE SUNDAY: What’s happening, and not happening, on this snowy Valentine’s Day

(Photographed Saturday at Alki by Theresa Arbow O’Connor)

We usually start Sundays with a list of what’s happening; today it will include what’s NOT happening because of our 2-day, 11-inch snowfall, and we’ll add to this with any closures/changes reported during the day. For starters:

CHURCH SERVICES: Today our updated list includes word of several churches canceling services – online and/or in-person – because of the snow.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, C&P: Today is the 18th anniversary of C&P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) opening for business! If you want to congratulate them while getting beverages and/or treats, they’ll be open 8 am-4 pm today.

ALSO OPEN TODAY: Here are businesses we’ve heard from:

Sound & Fog – open 8 am-3 pm
Youngstown Coffee – open 9 am-3 pm
HeartBeet Café – open 9 am-3 pm
Alair Gift Shop – open at 10 am
Mission Cantina (WSB sponsor) – 11 am-8 pm
My Three Little Birds (WSB sponsor) – noon-4 pm

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET CANCELED: As announced Saturday, this week’s market is canceled. If you had ore-ordered online via What’s Good, the market says your order will be canceled and refunded.

WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Open 11 am-4 pm on Sundays – WSTL was open yesterday, so as far as we know, they’re open today too. For drivers, they advise entering from the south side at Delridge/Oregon. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

Any other open/closed reports, please email or text us –, 206-293-6302 – thank you!

CORONAVIRUS: No Saturday 2/13/2021 update

King County did not update its data dashboard today – no explanation, so we don’t know if it was because of the snow, or some other problem – so we’ll try again Sunday night, and will include the weekly West Seattle trend check if updated data is available.

WEST SEATTLE SNOW: Saturday pm updates, photos

(SNOW LINKS: Metro buses on snow routestraffic camsmap of what’s been plowedplowing-priority map … BUSINESS LIST IN MORNING COVERAGE)

(Fauntleroy ferry dock, photographed by Michael Burke)

1:25 PM: The promised “tapering” of the snowfall is happening – much lighter, at least here in Upper Fauntleroy, as we move to pm coverage (here’s the morning report). As we continue, a reminder about driving safely – for many reasons, from treacherous conditions to people walking, sledding, skiing in the street:

(3200 block California SW, photographed by Christopher Boffoli)

We’ve also had a report of a Seattle Fire truck that got stuck, on Dawson east of California.

(Texted photo)

Metro – all buses remain on snow routes; no 125
SDOT snow-routes map
SDOT “live” map updating where plows have gone
King County’s “live” map (White Center included)
West Seattle traffic cams
Seattle Public Library curbside services closed today
Seattle Parks snow info
*Businesses’ open/closed announcements that we’ve received are still being updated in today’s first report

It’s a work day for many, regardless of snow – from Susanna Moore of Niederberger Contracting (WSB sponsor), a photo and “Shout out to our hard-working US Postal Service in North Admiral”:

And of course, the SDOT snowplow drivers:

(Photo tweeted by @jana_obscura)

As noted in the link list above, you can use this map to see where they’ve been. … More snow fun, too. This morning we featured videos of ducks and a dog playing in the snow – now, for equal time:

As for humans, many are out sledding and skiing. Tom and Finn did the latter at Lincoln Park:

Another view of Lincoln Park, from John Borba:

2:40 PM: Just announced: Tomorrow’s West Seattle Farmers’ Market is CANCELED. (If you had pre-ordered for pickup via the What’s Good ordering system, WSFM says, your order will be canceled and refunded.)

2:57 PM: First lost/found pet report of the day – remember, we have a year-round page featuring West Seattle lost/found pets – if you’re missing a dog near 35th/Avalon, maybe this one’s yours. … Adding this to the business list in our morning coverage – Admiral Theater is closed today/tonight.

(Near Longfellow Creek – photo by Rebekah LaSala)

3:28 PM: No media briefing today but the city has published a roundup of storm updates from its departments – see it here. One update of note: Seattle Public Utilities says transfer stations have closed for the day. … Another early closure: Whole Foods Market.

4:05 PM: Still lots of people out having fun in the show – above, another reader photo, featuring a wee one in an improvised ride in Arbor Heights. The afternoon forecast update is in – the Winter Storm Warning is now extended until 9 tonight. The forecast calls for a chance of another inch or so tomorrow, but otherwise, the big snow wallop is over.

5:04 PM: Lots of bird photos today – above, a tree full of robins in Seola Beach, photographed by Waikikigirl. We plan a “snowbird” gallery tonight or tomorrow. And just in from Brandon – Softy the snow sea lion:

5:34 PM: Holy Rosary has canceled in-person Mass for tonight and tomorrow but will have video on its Vimeo page. (Reminder, we update 20+ local churches’ online services weekly and include the link in our Sunday morning preview lists. Any local faith institutions who’d like to be in our calendar can email info to … Two scenes from Longfellow Creek, first via Twitter:

And via text:

6:15 PM: Late word of online entertainment tonight – the West Seattle High School drama program is presenting “Twilight Zone Radio Dramas” tonight at 7 pm – several link options for watching. Go here.

Speaking of art:

Jeff Jolly says his creation is titled “Patiently Waiting for Summer.” … And, texted from Glenn Way west of The Junction, a simpler statement in snow:

Also creative – rearranged holiday lights, shining a Valentine’s heart under the snow at this Genesee Hill-area home, photographed by Julia Chase:

Yet another round of thanks to everyone who has emailed, texted, tweeted photos since the snow began falling – or 206-293-6302 – any time!

(Alki this evening, photographed by James Tilley)

6:44 PM: The official snowfall total so far today at Sea-Tac Airport, according to the National Weather Service – 8.9 inches. That’s about what we measured here at HQ, and it’s an official record for this calendar date.

7:03 PM: Two road notes – Alice says the signal at 35th/Myrtle is out (no power outage on the map, so it seems to be an isolated problem); texter say.a bus is stuck at Fauntleroy/Alaska.

WEST SEATTLE SNOW: Saturday morning updates, photos

(SNOW LINKS: Metro buses on snow routestraffic camsmap of what’s been plowedplowing-priority map)

(Delridge at Henderson – texted photo)

7:18 AM: Good morning! After 12+ hours of snow, we have at least half a foot – unofficially. The National Weather Service says the snow will continue this morning before tapering off this afternoon. We’ll be covering the weather all day – let us know what it’s like in your part of West Seattle! 206-293-6302 text or voice, – thank you.

(Route 128 on California SW – photo by David French)

Metro – all buses remain on snow routes; no 125
SDOT snow-routes map
SDOT “live” map updating where plows have gone
King County’s “live” map (White Center included)
West Seattle traffic cams
Seattle Public Library curbside services closed today
Seattle Parks snow info

8:10 AM: Texted from 48th/Hanford, a scene of sheer joy:

That’s Mavis playing in the snow. It’s not all play today – many of your local small businesses are open for those who can get there safely – walking to your nearest coffee shop, for example.

8:54 AM: Barbara G measured 7 inches of snow near The Junction (added: Mark in Admiral has 11″). Still steadily snowing, and breezy. No major problems reported – just challenging conditions for getting around, even with plows on patrol. And as for the non-arterials, forget it – this is SW Edmunds, photo sent by Sonja:

And if you have to travel on Delridge Way, the cones in the next photo – taken near SW Willow – are a reminder, be very careful because all the ongoing paving work and detours may be hard to see under/in the snow:

9:15 AM: Business notes:

*We Sweat Infrared Sauna (WSB sponsor) – update, CLOSED

*Arthur’s – Open, with indoor and outdoor (“for the adventurous,” says proprietor Rebecca, adding, “tons of heaters”) dining.

*Fresh Flours in South Delridge – open until 5 pm

*Mission Cantina (WSB sponsor) – open

*Bebop Waffle Shop – open

*Kid Friendly Footwear – open until 4 pm, lots of kids’ snow gear

*West Seattle Cellars – open today until 6 pm

*Whole Foods Market closed early

*Admiral Theater is closed today/tonight

*The Alley in The Junction is open (5 pm-11 pm)

*Thunder Road Guitars & The Bass Shop (WSB sponsors) are closed today. Still making music, though – TRG proprietor Frank sent this pic:

(Did you see them in Save The Stone Cottage‘s “Karaoke Rock Concert” last night? Watch for our followup.)

9:54 AM: Let’s talk parks! Above, that’s Schmitz Park, and below, Alki Beach, both photographed by Jay Gewin:

Seattle Parks says golf courses including West Seattle are “open for snow play” today, as are athletic fields. Other snow impacts are noted here.

10:39 AM: More pets, as the snow continues falling. Above, via text, Fidel the cat, “deciding to stay in.” (Update: Later, Fidel changed course and headed out after all.) Below – ducks!

Addy Nachtrieb sent that video, and the caption: “Ducks in snow to make your day! Indian Runner Ducks, Mala and Prima, see snow for the first time. You can see more videos of Mala and Prima at @MalaAndPrima on TikTok.” We have received a few bird photos, too, and will plan on a separate “snowbird” gallery as we’ve done in past storms. But for now – bird tracks, sent by Mike:

11:25 AM: How about a road check? The first photo is from Mark Jaroslaw;

Mark reports, ‘Just returned from along the Alki/Harbor/Avalon/Fauntleroy/California/Admiral loop. All roads are now either compacted or scraped and are passable at slow speeds. Markets, gas stations, coffee shops open.” Next, two photos from Beach Drive – first one is from Carol Ann:

Next one is from Creighton, who reports 10-year-old Carson was en route to “First nordic skiing lessons” at Me-Kwa-Mooks.

Need a snow shovel? The West Seattle Tool Library is open and still has some in stock. (Only $1 to rent!) The WSTL says drivers should use the south entrance at Delridge/Oregon today. … Also pertinent to the snow (and adding to the business list above), Kid Friendly Footwear in The Junction (WSB sponsor) has “plenty of waterproof gloves & mittens, cozy socks, jackets + all kinds of new & gently used boots for babies & kids! Open today until 4 pm, sorry, free local delivery temporarily suspended for a few days.”

Thanks for all the photos and info – we’ll be launching afternoon coverage in a bit. (Added – Find it here.)

TODAY: 2 School Board members host bus-cut meeting

Before we get back to snow coverage, one event to preview for today: We’ve been covering the Seattle Public Schools proposal to save three-quarters of a million dollars by cutting bus service to most “option schools,” including Louisa Boren STEM K-8 and Pathfinder K-8 in West Seattle. This afternoon at 3 pm, School Board directors Leslie Harris – who represents West Seattle and South Park – and Lisa Rivera-Smith will host an online meeting to discuss the proposal. register here ASAP for attendance info.

CORONAVIRUS: Friday 2/12/2021 roundup

50 weeks have now passed since the Friday night when the first King County case of COVID-19 was announced. Here are tonight’s updates:

KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Some data corrections in tonight’s stats from the Public Health daily-summary page, cumulative totals:

*79,681 people have tested positive, 448 more than yesterday’s total

*1,318 people have died, 13 more than yesterday’s total

*4,955 people have been hospitalized, 3 fewer than yesterday’s total

*871,404 people have been tested, 3,882 more than yesterday’s total

Now, our weekly check of key numbers on the COVID Vaccination Among King County Residents dashboard:

*266,573 people have received one dose

*85,033 people have received both doses

*374,825 doses have been allocated to King County

One week ago, the first four totals were 78,090/1,292/4,865/844,187, and the vaccination totals were 239,821/63,655/296,225.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 108.2 million cases, 2,383,000+ deaths – see the nation-by-nation numbers here.

VACCINATION UPDATES: In her weekly newsletter, City Councilmember Lisa Herbold lists local care homes that have been visited by the city’s mobile team, as well as other local vaccination-related updates.

IF YOU NEED TESTING SATURDAY: The city says it’s committed to keeping the West Seattle site (2801 SW Thistle) open and accessible.

COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER’S BRIEFING: Dr. Jeff Duchin led his weekly briefing/media Q&A – see it here.

GOT INFO OR PHOTOS? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

WEST SEATTLE SNOW: What’s in the newest forecast, how the city’s preparing for possible ‘snownami,’ and evening updates

(SNOW LINKS: Metro buses on snow routestraffic camsmap of what’s been plowedplowing-priority map)

(Fauntleroy Park photo by John Skerratt)

6:08 PM: As Thursday’s half-inch-or-so snowfall lingered throughout the day, city departments continued preparing for what’s to come. The mayor said that some forecasts, if borne out, could amount to a ‘snownami.” So let’s start with the forecast. Light snow is falling now. But the Winter Storm Warning isn’t in effect until 10 pm – the National Weather Service predicts up to eight inches of snow through tomorrow, and a chilly wind from the east. Whatever happens, city leaders say they’re ready:

Mayor Durkan led another media briefing this afternoon. SDOT says it’s had everyone on 12-hour shifts, pre-treating roads since Wednesday, and they’ve also been working on protected bike lanes, trails, pedestrian overpasses, and stairways. Their mechanics are on duty too so vehicle troubles won’t be a setback. Seattle City Light crews are ready. The city’s virtual Emergency Operations Center plans to activate at 8:30 am Saturday, according to new Emergency Management director Curry Mayer. The Human Services Department says three emergency shelters have been opened and none are maxed out yet. (None in West Seattle.) WSDOT plans to keep express lanes open. We asked SDOT director Sam Zimbabwe if low-bridge restrictions would be suspended so that people who absolutely had to cross the river in the snow wouldn’t have to drive a few miles extra. His answer: No. Metro and Sound Transit, meantime, remind you that they have to maintain reduced capacity, and masks are mandatory. One other note for getting around. The city promises to maintain access to COVID testing and vaccination sites as best it can – that includes the one in West Seattle (2801 SW Thistle, on a major plow route – see the citywide plow-routes map here, and the “live” map here). Here’s the full city multidepartmental roundup published after the briefing.

P.S. As always, we’ll start our coverage when the snow starts falling big time, and we’ll continue coverage all weekend. Photos, tips, info – text/voice 206-293-6302, or – thank you!

7:35 PM: Still snowing. Our side street’s coated. Some snow visible in the traffic cams showing arterials, too:

See all the West Seattle traffic cams here.

8:50 PM: Metro is now running on snow routes. Also: South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) is closing its campus tomorrow – there would normally be a few Saturday classes.

9:15 PM: Traffic report via text: Drivers are already having trouble on the Edmunds hill at 40th. Note that’s NOT a major plow route (see last page of this guide) – use SW Alaska to get from Triangle to Junction. … Also via text, Sam warns that people are getting stuck on Sylvan Way, too. … Also, trouble on SW Genesee east of Avalon, and Bonair above Alki.

9:36 PM: Alki at sea level is plenty snowy too – thanks to David Hutchinson for the photo.

11:29 PM: More photos – first, from SeanO at 36th/Hanford:

And really, stay off the hills. Here’s a contributed photo showing Lincoln Park Way:

It’s windy as well as snowy, and down into the mid-20s.

SATURDAY MORNING NOTE: Our snowstorm coverage continues here.

From repair planning to West Marginal Way questions @ West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force’s February meeting

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

SDOT says it’s making progress toward high-bridge repairs, though they are still more than half a year away.

The bridge update brought most of the new information at Thursday’s monthly meeting of the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force, but with so many related projects, the meeting was stuffed so full of presentations that CTF members had little time to discuss anything, and the plan for breaking into groups for opinions of the West Marginal Way bike-lane proposal had to be scrapped.

First, here’s video of the two-hour meeting:

Here’s what caught our attention:

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