month : 11/2019 297 results

YOU CAN HELP: Roots of Empathy parents/babies needed @ Highland Park Elementary

November 7, 2019 9:36 am
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 |   Highland Park | How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle people | West Seattle schools

Here’s a unique West Seattle volunteer opportunity:

Do you have a baby who was born in July or August? Would you like to volunteer with your baby to help nurture empathy in children? Highland Park Elementary is looking for parents with infants who are between 2-4 months old to volunteer about once per month during the school year.

What is Roots of Empathy?
Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. The program has been widely evaluated across three continents for two decades and is proven to result in improved empathy, increased emotional understanding, decreased aggression and bullying and improved pro-social behavior among participating students. Research also demonstrates that these improvements are sustained and even strengthened over time.

Above is a brief introductory video that explains how Roots of Empathy works and why a baby is such a powerful teacher of empathy. Roots of Empathy was also recently featured on NBC’s Today – you can view that segment here.

If you would like to volunteer as a Roots of Empathy Family, please contact the Roots of Empathy Program Manager, Melissa Soltani, at


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:58 AM: Good morning! No current incidents or alerts in our area. Fog in spots, though!

TUNNEL TOLLING: This is your second-to-last toll-free Highway 99 tunnel day – tolling starts 5 am Saturday.

TUNNEL CLOSURE: The tolling starts a little later in the NB tunnel, which will be closed 10 pm Friday to 8 am Saturday.

8:15 AM: Stalled vehicle blocking one lane of NB 99 north of the bridge.

West Seattle VFW gets pre-Veterans Day boost

One local veterans’ group got a pre-Veterans Day gift from volunteers today – themselves veterans. Their assignment: Some much-needed interior work at West Seattle VFW Post 2713’s hall in The Triangle. Leading them, Linh Thai from The Mission Continues:

Help for the much-used-but-aged hall brought a big smile to Post 2713 Commander Steve Strand:

Post 2713 celebrated its centennial last year.

SOCCER: West Seattle High School girls play again Thursday

(WSB photos from Tuesday’s match. Above, #21 Mary Frampton)

The West Seattle High School girls’ soccer team has one more chance to keep their stellar season going. After a 5-0 loss to Roosevelt last night, they play tomorrow for Metro League 4th place.

(Above, #1, goalkeeper Lexi Foster)

Their opponent tomorrow is Holy Names, who the Wildcats beat a week ago.

(Above, #3 Lilli Bedell)

Winner of tomorrow’s match (5 pm Thursday at Southwest Athletic Complex) plays Saturday in a so-called “pigtail” match with either Mercer Island or Bellevue for one last spot at state.

FOLLOWUP: New 35th/Dawson signal almost ready

If you travel on 35th SW near Camp Long, you have likely noticed that the long-awaited traffic signal appears almost ready to go. We asked SDOT for an update on its status; the reply, “We’re currently working on signal cabinet installation and expect to it to be operational in about three weeks.” More than a year and a half has passed since SDOT announced the signal as part of “Phase 2” on 35th SW.

UPDATE: Collision at Fauntleroy/Edmunds

(WSB photo – substituted for previous cameraphone pic)

6:46 PM: Avoid Fauntleroy/Edmunds for a while – police are detouring traffic on NB Fauntleroy because of that collision between a motorcycle rider and car driver. The rider is injured and being taken to Harborview. Apparently his injuries are not life-threatening, though, as police tell us the Traffic Collision Investigation detectives are not being called in. They’re awaiting a tow truck before the scene can be cleared.

7:35 PM: The scene is clear. We’re checking with SFD for condition information.

8:56 PM: SFD says the 28-year-old rider was in serious condition when transported, and that a 29-year-old woman also suffered minor injuries in the crash.

ELECTION 2019: New results; many ballots left to count

checkbox.jpg3:45 PM: Just in from King County Elections, the second count of results from last night’s election. In the City Council District 1 (West Seattle/South Park) race, Lisa Herbold is still narrowly leading Phil Tavel, 10,047 votes to 9,337 votes – 51.65% to 48.0%.

4:05 PM: Note that there are still many ballots to count. In District 1, today’s count added 1,709 ballots to last night’s total (go here to see the first night results). More than 12,000 D-1 ballots remain. And KC Elections says “bigger results drops” – counts – are coming over the next two days. Meantime, nothing changed in the other council races; the only other district with fewer than 1,000 votes separating the candidates is District 7, and it’s very close – Jim Pugel now has a 20-vote lead over Andrew Lewis, down from 203 last night.

4:54 PM: To answer a question in comments, what’s linked above are just the King County numbers – so if you are looking for the statewide initiatives, you have to go to the Secretary of State website. The latest on I-976 is here, still passing with 55% approval; the latest on R-88 is here, still narrowly being rejected. Here’s our earlier followup on local leaders’ plans to challenge 976 in court.

FOLLOWUP: Delridge Way RapidRide H Line/repaving/etc. project design now at 90% stage. See what’s changed

(Image from

The project to convert Metro Route 120 into the RapidRide H Line includes, as we’ve long been reporting, changes for Delridge Way – including repaving and rechannelization. The design has just hit another milestone – the 90 percent stage, according to SDOT’s project spokesperson Dan Anderson. You can preview the road changes in these PDF documents – channelization here, types of paving here. (Both require extensive zooming for detail.) Below, you can see a list that Anderson describes as “changes we’ve included in the new design based on what we heard”:

Extended the northbound bus-only lanes two blocks farther south. The 24/7 bus lane now goes from the West Seattle Bridge to SW Alaska St. There is a 6-9 AM peak only bus lane that extends south from SW Alaska St to SW Hudson St.

Moved the southbound RapidRide station at SW Holden St from the northeast to the southeast side of the intesection

Added a half-mile of new drainage improvements to reduce flooding in and near the intersections of SW Sylvan St and SW Myrtle St

Added leading pedestrian intervals at traffic signals to give people walking a head start crossing the street

Added additional new streetlights for increased safety

Integrated transit priority signals at major intersections to improve bus speed and reliability

Updated the 26th Ave SW Neighborhood Greenway by adding speed humps, street painting, and vegetation clearing

Added wayfinding signs with directions to neighborhood greenways and popular destinations

Added standard neighborhood-greenway signs along 26th Ave SW with connections to SW Andover St, SW Hudson St, SW Findlay St, SW Juneau St, SW Holden St, and SW Henderson St

Added wider curb ramps at SW Andover St for people biking and walking, thanks to community members’ Neighborhood Street Fund proposal

Added a “no right on red†restriction sign for traffic turning from westbound SW Andover St onto northbound Delridge Way SW to reduce conflicts between people biking and driving

Included real-time arrival reader boards at RapidRide stations

Increased the amount of flower beds and trees planted in street medians to increase canopy and greenery

Added a protected left-turn lane for people traveling south turning into Youngstown Cultural Arts Center

Added a northbound left turn pocket at the intersection of SW Holden St

Added a walk/bike flashing beacon and marked crosswalks across Delridge Way SW at SW Hudson St

Added a walk/bike traffic signal at SW Findlay St to stop traffic when activated

Added curb bulbs and a marked crosswalk across Delridge Way SW on the north side of the SW Edmunds St intersection

Added drainage improvements at the intersections of SW Findlay St and SW Brandon St

Maintained the Route 60 and Route 128 bus stop in front of the 7-Eleven

Preserved large oak trees near SW Barton St and SW Henderson St

Widened sidewalks by power poles near 21st Ave SW to be wheelchair-accessible and Americans with Disability Act-compliant

When the project website is updated – by day’s end, Anderson says – they expect also to list other suggested changes that either were ruled out or are still being considered. The road project is expected to start next year; the RapidRide H Line launch is expected in fall 2021.

BACKSTORY: Some project overview is in this report from earlier this year, when the City Council got a briefing at the 30 percent design milestone; we also took a close-up look at that stage here. As noted then, some of the north-end repaving is constrained by the fact that Sound Transit light rail is scheduled for construction in less than a decade. The south half-or-so of Delridge Way will not be repaved because it already got new pavement in 2013.

New communications tower going up by Myrtle Reservoir

2:20 PM: Thanks to Mike for the photos and word of a tower-replacement project under way by Myrtle Reservoir in Gatewood.

Mike says a city rep on scene “told me they’re replacing the current radio tower (used for public safety agencies, police, fire, and also Metro) with a more rigid tower that will be the same height.”

The city tells us this is a Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network project. The PSERN website explains that “PSERN is jointly owned by the City of Seattle, King County, Eastside Public Safety Communications Agency, and Valley Communications Center” and notes that funding to upgrade it comes from a ballot measure approved by voters in 2015. The tower site, if you are not familiar with that part of West Seattle, is at the highest elevation in city limits. We are pursuing a little more information about this and will add anything more we find out.

6:11 PM: Work’s not done yet, but here’s how it looked before sunset (new tower at left):

ELECTION 2019: Wondering what I-976 might mean for Metro, Sound Transit?

Statewide Initiative 976 – rolling back taxes on car licenses – is passing by a double-digit margin. What might that mean to transit? Two statements are out today – first one, with a map, from King County Executive Dow Constantine‘s office:

King County Executive Dow Constantine outlined possible consequences of I-976, the $30 car-tab initiative that failed in King County but passed statewide in the Nov. 5 election.

King County does not collect vehicle license fees or motor vehicle excise taxes, which would be repealed under I-976. However, the state of Washington, Sound Transit and 13 King County cities including Seattle use these sources to fund mobility projects, impacting Metro operations.

The Washington Office of Financial Management estimates that the State would lose approximately $1.9 billion in revenues over the next six years (2020-2025). This includes $1.5 billion from the Multimodal Account, nearly half of which is programed for transit across the state.

If the state Legislature decided to make across-the-board reductions in the Multimodal Account due to I-976 passage, it could result in over $100 million in cuts to Metro services between 2020 and 2025. These cuts could include:

$22.8 million in cuts to the Regional Mobility Grant Program awards for nine Metro projects, including RapidRide expansion, speed and reliability projects, access to transit, transit integration, and reduction in service on the Route 101 in Renton.

Burien, Kent, Tukwila, and Seattle would see cuts of $29.2 million in grants for RapidRide investments, access, to transit, and speed and reliability improvements.

$12.2 million in cuts to the Access paratransit program.

Other cuts to programs that provide bus passes to high school students, and incentives to small businesses and non-profits to provide ORCA Passes to employees would also be included.

The City of Seattle Transportation Benefit District approved by voters in 2014 implemented a 0.1 percent sales tax increase and an $60 annual vehicle license fee, generating more than $45 million annually for transit service expansion and low-income transportation equity.

I-976 would cut TBD funding by approximately $36 million, resulting in the loss of 175,000 Metro bus service hours on 74 routes in Seattle, Burien, Shoreline, Skyway, Tukwila, and White Center. The cuts would go into effect at the bi-annual Metro service change in March.

Executive Constantine has asked the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to prepare a lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of I-976.

“The passage of I-976 underscores the ongoing need for comprehensive state tax reform, but for in the short term we must clean up another mess that Tim Eyman has created for our state, our region, and our economy. There will be many discussions in the weeks and months ahead to determine how to overcome the loss of safety and mobility caused by this irresponsible initiative, but the impact of I-976 to transportation is – in a word – devastating,†said Executive Constantine.

“We and the City of Seattle share a set a principles with which we will approach mobility reductions. These principles include: minimizing impacts to vulnerable populations, especially those with low-incomes and people of color; maintaining the 10- and 15-minute service frequency whenever possible; and minimizing overcrowding.

There are also on-going conversations about the possible use of one-time funding as a bridge until the Legislature acts or a replacement revenue package is presented to voters. To be clear, using capital funds for operations – funds that should go to buying buses and building bases – is not good policy. If we spend it on operations, it is gone for good.

Our state’s tax system is inefficient, unfair, volatile, inadequate, and bad for business. Local governments have few tools at their disposal to provide all of the infrastructure and services on which successful communities and a thriving economy depend. Today, our economy is generating unprecedented prosperity, while at the same time governments are forced to cobble together a transit and road systems from antiquated, inadequate and unpopular funding sources. We can and must do better.

We in King County – where Sound Transit 3 was overwhelmingly approved and I-976 was overwhelmingly defeated – we are going to keep pushing ahead, building a transportation system and economy that gives every person access to a better future.â€

With a light-rail extension to West Seattle planned as a result of voter-approved ST3, this statement from Sound Transit Board chair John Marchione might be of interest:

“At the next meeting of the full Sound Transit Board on Nov. 21 we will begin the process of responding to I-976. The Board will hear presentations from the agency’s finance staff as well as our general counsel. The Board will consider Sound Transit’s obligations to taxpayers who want their motor vehicle excise taxes reduced, as well as how to realize voters’ earlier direction to dramatically expand high capacity transit throughout the Puget Sound region.â€

The board meetings are always open to the public and start with a comment period – this one will be at 1:30 pm November 21st at the ST boardroom, 401 S. Jackson.

4:41 PM: The city is also working on a court challenge to I-976; Mayor Jenny Durkan and City Attorney Pete Holmes plan an announcement tomorrow. From the media advisory:

If fully implemented, I-976 would force the City of Seattle to cut more than 100,000 bus hours. In addition, the City of Seattle would lose funding for ORCA Opportunity, Mayor Durkan’s program to provide free bus access for 15,000 Seattle High School students and 1,500 low-income residents. I-976 also would cut funding for most of City of Seattle’s pothole repair, neighborhood safety measures like stairways and traffic circles and significantly impact street repaving, crosswalks and street cleaning budgets.

BUDGET: One West Seattle note in City Council’s revised package of proposed changes

November 6, 2019 11:55 am
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 |   Safety | Transportation | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

After another round of vetting, the City Council continues working toward finalizing a revised budget for next year. This morning, they’re looking at the latest round of potential changes – what’s called the “chair’s initial balancing package,” a formal proposal by Budget Commmittee chair Sally Bagshaw that emerged from the past round of proposals and counterproposals. One West Seattle-specific note from the list of dozens of proposed changes:

(January photo courtesy Don Brubeck)

WEST MARGINAL WAY SAFETY PROJECT: Though the initial budget proposal from SDOT did not contain money for the safety project that the Duwamish Tribe and community advocates are supporting, District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold proposed $750,000 for getting the project designed and planned, with other funding to be found later. The “balancing package” still has that item – but it’s down to $500,000.

Again, this is singled out because it would be a change to the mayor’s proposal; another major West Seattle transportation item, money for the Highland Park Way Safety Project, has so far not been altered. If you have an opinion on anything in the budget, – they’ll be finalizing a plan later this month.

6 for your West Seattle Wednesday!

November 6, 2019 10:55 am
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(Northern Flicker, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Highlights for the hours ahead:

VFW RENOVATIONS: A volunteer effort with The Mission Continues, the Seahawks, and others is happening inside the VFW Post 2713 hall in The Triangle, now through 2 pm. You’re welcome to join in. (3601 SW Alaska)

DANCE TIME WITH LAUREN PETRIE: Dancing at the Senior Center of West Seattle with live music by Lauren Petrie. $5 members/$7 nonmembers. No-host bar. (4217 SW Oregon)

FREE GROUP RUN: The weather’s still dry! Celebrate by running with West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), 6:15 pm. (2743 California SW)

SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNCIL’S FUTURE: Will the group continue meeting? If you want to be part of the discussion, be there 6:30 pm at the Senior Center/Sisson Building. (4217 SW Oregon)

JIM PAGE: Singer-songwriter performs at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

THE LOOSE HEELS: Kick up your heels with this country band, 8 pm at Parliament Tavern. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

VETERANS DAY: Free West Seattle dinner on Saturday

November 6, 2019 10:09 am
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 |   Triangle | West Seattle news

Before we get to highlights and news for today/tonight, a Veterans Day weekend event: Keith Hughes, commander of American Legion Post 160 in The Triangle, has sent the annual invitation: A free spaghetti dinner for all veterans and their families, presented by Post 160 and the West Seattle Eagles, 5:30-7 pm Saturday (November 9th).

Post 160 is at 3618 SW Alaska.


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:58 AM: Good morning! No incidents or alerts in our area right now.

TUNNEL TOLLING: This is your third-to-last toll-free Highway 99 tunnel day – tolling starts 5 am Saturday.

PRE-TOLLING CLOSURE: The NB tunnel will be closed 10 pm Friday to 8 am Saturday.

ELECTION 2019: Herbold leading Tavel for Seattle City Council District 1

8:15 PM: The first results are in and for Seattle City Council District 1 (West Seattle/South Park), and incumbent Lisa Herbold is ahead of challenger Phil Tavel 51.2% (9,144) to 48.3% (8,614). We’re at both parties. More to come, including video from both speeches. (added) Both were ebullient. Herbold seemed confident she’ll stay in the lead. Here’s the second half of her speech (full clip shortly):

Tavel was confident he’ll pull out a win – lauding a “people-powered campaign” and declaring, “We’re gonna win this for West Seattle”:

Four years ago, Herbold’s opponent Shannon Braddock was six points ahead on Election Night, but Herbold eventually won – by 39 votes. Her party tonight included other elected officials present and past, including U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal and former Councilmember Nick Licata, for whom Herbold worked before her election in 2015:

Tavel’s party included many of the local businesspeople who supported his run:

8:50 PM: As for the other council races – in District 2, Tammy Morales has 56%, in closely watched District 3, Egan Orion has 54% to incumbent Kshama Sawant‘s 46%, in District 4, Alex Pedersen is ahead with 57%, in District 5, incumbent Debora Juarez is ahead with 57%, in District 6, Dan Strauss is ahead with 52&, and in District 7, Jim Pugel is leading, 50.3%.

NEXT COUNT: Wednesday afternoon, around 4 pm. (Note that many ballots remain to be counted – in this district alone, 24,528 ballots had been received in time to make the 6 pm count, but the results announced at 8:15 pm only included 18,558.)

ELECTION 2019: Ballot measures

Tonight’s election also includes two statewide ballot measures and one for King County.

INITIATIVE 976 (car-tab taxes) – Results here

Update: 11:16 pm
Yes – 545,827 – 55.59%
No – 436,083 44.41%

REFERENDUM 88 (affirmative action) – Results here

(Update – 11:16 pm)
Yes – 461,367 – 48.55%
No – 489,017 – 51.45%

KING COUNTY PROP 1 (Medic One levy) – Results here (PDF)

Yes – 239,003 – 79.11 %
No – 63,123 – 20.89 %

(Looking for the other statewide measures? Results here.)

ELECTION 2019: Other races – County Council, School Board, Port Commission

The City Council races got almost all the attention, but they weren’t the only ones on the ballot. Also of note (full results here):

KING COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT 8 (includes West Seattle, White Center, Vashon/Maury Islands)
Joe McDermott* – 27,404 – 82.13 %
Michael Robert Neher – 5,787 – 17.34 %

(Leslie Harris, photographed at Lisa Herbold’s election-night party)

SEATTLE SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 6 (includes West Seattle and most of South Park)
Leslie Harris* – 66,441 – 65.70 %
Molly Mitchell – 34,110 33.73 %

Liza Rankin – 52,494 – 51.14 %
Eric Blumhagen – 49,639 – 48.36 %

Chandra Hampson – 66,563 – 65.53 %
Rebeca Mu̱iz Р34,436 33.90 %

Sam Cho – 151,037 – 56.76 %
Grant Degginger – 113,559 – 42.68 %

Fred Felleman* – 180,337 – 69.16 %
Garth Jacobson – 79,377 – 30.44 %

10:03 PM: Updated above with full numbers/percentages from tonight’s results; next update will be in the King County Elections count around 4 pm Wednesday.

PARKING: West Seattle Junction RPZ signs about to go up

Back in September, SDOT said the signage for the new Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) in the West Seattle Junction would go up “in the first two weeks of November.” So now that we’re halfway through the first week, asked a reader, what’s the plan? We took the question to SDOT today. The reply via spokesperson Dawn Schellenberg: Installation will start “as soon as tomorrow.” (Please let us know if/when you see the crews/signs!) People who live on the RPZ-signed blocks can buy permits for exemption from the new restrictions – but the permits do not guarantee parking, they just guarantee that the restrictions don’t apply to you if you find a space. If you live in the area, you should have received mail from the city explaining how to get a permit

BIZNOTE: Family-owned Wyatt’s Jewelers in Westwood Village is changing families

Family-owned Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor) in Westwood Village has a new family in charge.

After 15 years, Joni and Kirk Keppler (above center/right) have sold their shop to Lauren Wiggins (above left) and her husband Tyler.

Kirk explains:

Joni and I have loved being a part of the greater West Seattle community – and honored to have been a part of literally 10,000 people’s celebrations and special moments. But after 15 years, it’s time for new adventures!

Lauren and her husband Tyler will be a perfect fit for West Seattle. Lauren comes from the Estate Jewelry world and she along with her two pugs will be wonderful caretakers of Wyatt’s Jewelers.

We met the pugs:

Kirk continues:

We are also thrilled that Lauren and Tyler will continue Wyatt’s Jewelers’ presence in the community and involvement with charity. Especially our tradition of changing watch batteries for a donation, primarily White Center Food Bank and WestSide Baby.

Lauren says that tradition “is dear to her heart.” She also has some backstory to share:

My father gave me my first opal ring when I was 12, and I cherished it, but that wasn’t the beginning. I have loved jewelry since I was little. It’s my passion to help people find just the right piece for them. The piece that invokes that special feeling, that creates that memory, that means something special.

I am so fortunate to have met Kirk and Joni. They have built this business from scratch that has turned into something so amazing for both them and the community. My husband and I are so honored to be a part of this community, and look forward to taking over the legacy of Wyatt’s.

She told us the name will stay the same (one of the Kepplers’ sons is the namesake). Wyatt’s Jewelers is in the heart of Westwood Village, open Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 am-6 pm.

Fauntleroy Creek Salmon Watch 2019 is over. Here’s how many coho showed up

(Photo by Judy Pickens)

By Judy Pickens
Special to West Seattle Blog

Salmon Watch 2019 on Fauntleroy Creek closed Monday with a total of 19 coho spawners. A fish found October 17 amongst beach logs died at the creek mouth. The first live fish made its way into the spawning reach on October 21 – a day after the annual drumming to call them in.

Later that week, volunteer watchers spotted 30 robust fish schooling near the creek mouth, due south of the ferry pier in Fauntleroy Cove. At the same time, creek neighbor Mike Dey spotted sea grass choking the reach-to-the-beach channel and asked State Fish and Wildlife to assess the potential barrier. The agency secured the property owner’s permission for the Fauntleroy Watershed Council to remove it and the council called on Garden Cycles to do the job.

(Photo by Kersti Muul)

Prompted by the dead fish trapped by logs on his section of beach, Chuck Sawyer shifted them so they would no longer be a barrier for incoming spawners.

The 3-6 lb. fish came in daily until the last arrived on October 27. Only one pair are thought to have spawned and volunteers will monitor that location in mid winter to see if “home hatch†fry emerge from the gravel. The tally of 19 is one more than last year.

Visitors during this “silver anniversary†of spawning on the creek included 27 students from Taproot School, 67 people of all ages during an October 25 “open creek,†and another 31 area residents on other days.

“In my opinion, everyone who saw these spawners have a remarkable emergency effort to thank,†said long-time watcher Dennis Hinton. “From the watcher who saw spawners in distress to the team from Garden Cycles who dropped what they were doing to weed the channel and to the donors that made paying the bill possible from our stewardship fund, it came together like clockwork.â€

Next up will be January delivery of eyed coho eggs from the Soos Creek Hatchery to West Seattle schools in the Salmon in the Schools program, for release as fry in May.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Charcoal Mazda6 stolen

November 5, 2019 12:46 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

From Carolyn:

My son’s car was stolen from our gated parking garage at our apartment Sunday night south of The Junction near RiteAid on Sunday night or early Monday morning. It is a charcoal 2016 MAZDA6 iSport. License plate: BAY 5124. A police report has been filed. Please keep your eyes out for it. Hope to get it back soon!!

Call 911 if you see it.

UPDATE: You might need to check to see if overnight West Seattle water-system problem affected you

11:02 AM: Seattle Public Utilities confirms a problem we learned about through a reader tip – an overnight water-pressure problem. Here’s their response to our inquiry:

A pressure-reducing valve in the drinking-water system malfunctioned late Monday night, causing a small number of Seattle Public Utilities customers in West Seattle to experience higher water pressure than normal.

SPU is asking customers along Alki Ave SW and Beach Dr SW between Admiral and Lincoln Park to check their water heaters for water overflow. If it looks like leakage has occurred, please call SPU at 206-386-1800.

Without hearing directly from residents, we don’t know for sure if these are related, but the log for Seattle Fire (which often provides emergency response to water-overflow problems) shows two early morning “water job” calls, in Alki and Fauntleroy.

ADDED 4:05 PM: It’s been pointed out that there are other calls logged for last night – here’s the SFD log, showing another “water job” plus three automatic Alki/Harbor Avenue fire-alarm calls (which can be triggered by water-pressure changes).

ADDED 5:53 PM: We asked SPU a followup question about damage compensation. The official reply:

Seattle Public Utilities is working with customers in West Seattle affected by the valve malfunction Monday evening on next steps like filing claims. Customers can find out information about filing a claim on the City’s website.

Southwest Lacrosse Club: Welcome, new West Seattle Blog sponsor!

Today we welcome the Southwest Lacrosse Club as a new WSB sponsor. Here’s what the Titans would like you to know:

Founded in 2008, .the Southwest Lacrosse Club is dedicated to the promotion, organization and development of lacrosse in the south end. Our mission is to teach lacrosse fundamentals and good sportsmanship, while emphasizing the importance of discipline, teamwork, and physical fitness. Players of all skill levels have the opportunity to develop their game, and we will prepare each athlete for the next level of play.

Lacrosse is one of the world’s oldest sports, with its roots coming from indigenous peoples of North America, including what’s now the Northeast U.S. and Southeast Canada. It is now the fastest-growing youth sport in the U.S. Lacrosse is a mashup of hockey, soccer, and football. It’s fast, dynamic, physical, and exciting to watch. For athletes playing soccer or football in the Fall, Lacrosse is the perfect complementary Spring sport. The Southwest Lacrosse Club serves the general areas of West Seattle, Burien, Normandy Park, Seatac, Des Moines, Tukwila, Renton, and Federal Way. Here’s a breakdown of the upcoming season:

Season: March – May 2020.

Grades, fees, practices, games:

K-2 – $80 – Practice Sundays in April/May

3/4 – $175 – 2x/week – Weekends

5/6 – $275 – 2x/week – Weekends

7/8 – $325 – 2x/week – Weekends

HS – $450 – 2-3x/week – 2x/week

Early-registration discount is available through November 15th.

1. Register with US Lacrosse ($30)

2. Register with Southwest Lacrosse Club

3. Enjoy the season! – pre-season practices begin in February.

We thank the Southwest Lacrosse Club for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.