FOLLOWUP: Signs reveal dates for SW Trenton encampment cleanup

Thanks for the tips. “No parking” signage for next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday has gone up along SW Trenton between 25th and 29th, and the paperwork attached to some of them confirms those dates are set for cleaning up the encampment in that area.

As reported here previously, the city said it was planning to resolve the encampment in the second half of this month (which starts Monday); that timeframe was reconfirmed by City Councilmember Rob Saka and his district director Leyla Gheisar at Wednesday’s Southwest Precinct community meeting (WSB coverage here). SPD’s Parking Enforcement unit also has orange-tagged vehicles parked in the area:

The tags are warnings that the vehicles will be towed if not moved. Though the signage sets aside three days for the cleanup, past encampment operations we’ve reported on in other areas of West Seattle have tended to be completed on the first day.

26 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Signs reveal dates for SW Trenton encampment cleanup"

  • Marty2 September 13, 2024 (5:09 pm)

    Looks like they marked out locations for speed cushions too.

  • K September 13, 2024 (5:10 pm)

    The just swept the Henderson/Barton/Cambridge cluster earlier this week, so that’s where these folks will go, now that the space has been cleared for them.

    • OneTimeCharley September 13, 2024 (5:40 pm)

      Or maybe they will decide that the hassle of living on public property anywhere within our city limits is just not worth the effort, and then move on down the highway forever.

    • E September 13, 2024 (5:55 pm)

      Thanks for making sure to let them know. 😉

      • K September 14, 2024 (4:34 pm)

        It’s 5 minutes away.  Everyone who lives in the neighborhood knows what’s getting swept when.  Also, half the RVs have already returned so there’s not so much space for new residents as there was a couple days ago.  They’ll probably circle the block a couple times and park again when the No Parks are gone.  Your tax dollars at work!

  • Rhonda September 13, 2024 (6:25 pm)

    It’s nice that Trenton will belong to the People again soon but this took FAR too long and too many area residents and businesses have been victimized.

    • Bbron September 14, 2024 (12:27 am)

      “belong to the People again” yikes, saying the quite part out loud 😬

  • Michael September 13, 2024 (9:37 pm)

    Like homeless encampment? It’s sad we call them “cleanups” when they kick people out of an area

  • 1994 September 13, 2024 (10:49 pm)

    Sheesh, parking enforcement is only about 4 weeks behind in enforcing their own rules…..maybe if they adhered to their own parking rules these so called camps would not even have the time to develop.  The parking rules need to be enforced. The city may need to consider an overnight camping lot where they charge minor fees for the upkeep of the lot and send daily rounds of social workers to help problem solve solutions for the camping lot guests.

  • anonyme September 14, 2024 (6:23 am)

    I wonder how much this latest cleanup will cost taxpayers, again with no long-term solution?  If the first RV had been held to the 72 hour limit before the rest showed up, this wouldn’t be happening – and would cost a tiny fraction of what now must be paid for remediation. It’s almost as if the bloated bureaucracy surrounding this problem enables it for maximum expense and minimal impact.

  • Chris September 14, 2024 (7:04 am)

          They will be back on the 21st. 100% facts..

    • WSB September 23, 2024 (7:04 am)

      It’s the 23rd and they’re not.

  • Marcus September 14, 2024 (9:07 am)

    Very good and happy!  Yet this is many months too long in happening.  So if we are going to do this anyway, why don’t we just adhere to the 72 hour law.  We can even say double that.  Need to disband these camp much earlier:

  • L September 14, 2024 (9:16 am)

    Glad it’s finally getting done on Trenton but Highland Park has seen these repeated clean ups and they give a false sense of relief/solution. As K pointed out the blocks are just readied for the next encampment and the cycle repeats with no end in sight.  What about no overnight camping signs with actual enforcement? 

    • HP September 14, 2024 (10:27 am)

      Exactly. We had what, two days between the last sweep of Cambridge and new RV arrivals? This is an ineffective approach to a deep problem caused by delayed action from the city and lack of long term solutions. RV folks need a place to park safely and get the support they need AND neighborhood residents need relief from the revolving door of encampments. 

    • Derek September 14, 2024 (10:41 am)

      Enforcement of what? Putting every poor person in jail? You paying for it?  West Seattle gets grosser to the poor yearly and these posts always are a beacon to the types who crap on the poor. They love it, disgusting.

      • Danimal September 14, 2024 (7:18 pm)

        You are so clueless in your willful ignorance, Derek. It’s sad, and quite frankly, it’s what’s really disgusting in this thread.

  • Robbie B September 14, 2024 (11:03 am)

    I currently work at one of the stores in Westwood and the amount of “traffic” we get from the RV’s and the encampment in the green belt across from Target is incredible. They come in bent over, skipping along, thinking we can’t see them a mile away, and then they get upset that we follow them around to prevent shoplifting. We had a man pleasuring himself in front of one of our 17 year old female employees a week ago. The cops just happened to be around the corner, and I essentially chased him right into their arms. 911 seemed rather indifferent until I told them we had minors present. It’s amazing this city sells houses for $800k and then forces those homeowners and tax payers to endure RV encampments in front of their houses, and in full view of schools, for weeks and months on end. 

  • snowskier September 14, 2024 (3:09 pm)

    Please keep them moving next time.  72 hours and you’re gone, just like the rules that everyone else has to follow.  If the RV runs, it can keep moving each few days without allowing an encampment and all the troubles that come with it to get established.  Help is available and presented to those who want it.  For those who want to steal stuff and run criminal and drug enterprises, there’s room in a dry spot that provides daily meals and bathroom facilities.

    • K September 14, 2024 (8:17 pm)

      Everyone else does NOT have to follow the 72 hour rule, or the “over 72” rule either.  Plenty of housed folks use public right-of-ways as public storage.  The “help” that is typically presented to these folks is a spot on a waiting list, and a single night at an emergency shelter where they’re often separated from loved ones, if they’re even lucky enough to get a spot at an emergency shelter.  The Navigation Center is a super scary place for the people who live there.  It’s way safer to live in your car, or in a tent by the side of the road.  

  • David September 14, 2024 (5:14 pm)

    FINALLY! It’s about time to get rid of this crime hub!

  • Margaret September 17, 2024 (10:16 am)

    It always has people standing in line to buy drugs…to sell their items…calling it an encampment!! It is a drug market!

  • Justin September 17, 2024 (7:04 pm)

    I just saw green tags on the windows of some of the RVs. What do those mean?

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