West Seattle schools 5371 results

HELPING: Westside, Explorer West students team with Seola Pond steward for restoration work with native plant

Seola Pond [map] has new native plants courtesy of steward Scott Dolfay and students from Explorer West Middle School and Westside School (WSB sponsors). Scott says the annual restoration event happened last Saturday, and this time a King County grant program provided $3,500 to help make it happen.

Scott says he started this work in 2017 and it’s become an annual event, “always with neighbor volunteers and students & teachers from at least one of the 3 schools near the pond; Explorer West, Westside, and The Bridge School.” Scott says the weather was perfect – they did the planting a bit later this year so it wasn’t quite as cold.

Before students got to work, he walked them around the pond “explaining about native vs. invasive plants, the pond’s fauna, and the history of the effort.”

After the students left, he had other visitors: “As I was cleaning up, Mr. Darrell Wallis walked up. He has been mowing the grass with his riding mower on the west and south sides of the pond for years. He announced it was his 86th birthday that day. When I started in 2017 he was skeptical but has been won over seeing the results. Later, two separate elderly bird watchers showed up, happy to see to new work now on the south side.” Scott added, “I could have used at least twice the number of plants but it’s a good start. We planted several trees including one good sized Bosnian pine, I know, not native, but a great tree. As other grants come up I’ll apply so in time the area will be filled in.”

HAPPENING NOW: See what you can bid for in Fauntleroy Children’s Center’s online auction

March 16, 2023 9:32 pm
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School fundraiser season continues! Tonight we heard about the Fauntleroy Children’s Center annual auction – through Saturday at 6:30 pm, so less than 48 hours to bid! Here’s the announcement:

The annual auction to support the Fauntleroy Children’s Center is a staple of the West Seattle community. This year marks the 36th time we are holding this event, an online auction open to FCC families, grandparents, alumni, and community members in West Seattle. The online auction runs through Saturday, March 18, at 6:30 pm.

The funds raised by the auction support the center’s 120 students as well as the 33 staff members who work at FCC. Funds will go toward updating decades-old outdoor play structures, funding scholarships for families in need, and supporting continuing education for our teachers.

FCC is in the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse. You can see the dozens of auction items (gift cards for local businesses and much more) – and sign up to bid – by going here. Questions? auction@fauntleroychildrenscenter.org

FOLLOWUP: District rejects environmental appeal of Alki Elementary rebuild/expansion

(Rendering by Mahlum, from last year’s info packet for proposed zoning ‘departures’)

6:27 PM: The decision isn’t final until Seattle Public Schools superintendent Dr. Brent Jones reviews it, but a district hearing examiner has issued his recommendation on an appeal related to the plan to rebuild and expand Alki Elementary (previous WSB coverage here). SPS hearing examiner Gary McLean said the appellants did not prove that the district was wrong in determining that the project did not require a full environmental review. His ruling’s summary:

Based on the entire record taken as a whole, the appeal should be denied. The appellants failed to offer sufficient evidence to establish that any probable, significant, adverse environmental impact will result from the project, even after requiring the project to meet existing laws, regulations, and measures noted in the environmental information included in the record. The Examiner is not left with a definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.

In this type of challenge, the burden is on appellants to prove that the original decision – in this case, the decision that a full environmental review was not needed – was in error. The appeal was argued at a two-day hearing last month. The ruling summarizes testimony on behalf of the appeal – mostly area residents – and on behalf of the district – an array of “expert witnesses” led by an attorney from a private law firm that specializes in land-use cases. Hearing examiner McLean also noted that he visited the site multiple times between the completion of the hearing and the issuance of his ruling. His ruling summarizes the issues presented in the appeal as:

Archaeological/Cultural Resource Concerns;
Aesthetic/View Impact Concerns, especially for residents located uphill, behind the building.
Traffic and parking concerns.
General discussion.

In all, McLean wrote, “The witness testimony presented during all three appeal presentations added little, if any, substantive evidence that would serve to rebut the expert consultant studies, and on-site observations of the surrounding area, summarized by District witnesses during the appeal hearing. … The appellants’ evidence and testimony in this appeal was mostly a recitation of personal beliefs, opinions, and conclusory assertions. While sincere and genuinely concerned about the neighborhood and public schools, none of the appellant witnesses presented testimony or evidence of the same weight as the professional subject-matter expert reports and testimony included in the record.”

Again, the SPS superintendent now has to review this and make a final decision on the appeal. But that won’t be the last say on the project. The building and land-use permit applications remain under review by the city Department of Construction and Inspections; its decision, including whether to grant nine zoning exceptions (“departures”), also will be subject to appeal. Construction at the 3010 59th SW site is planned to start after this school year ends in June; Alki students and staff are scheduled to move into the former Schmitz Park Elementary for the next two school years.

9:14 PM: Just got word that the superintendent’s decision is in. In a one-paragraph letter, he accepts the hearing ecaminer’s recommendation:

I have received the Hearing Examiner’s Recommendation (“Recommendation”) regarding the SEPA Appeal that was filed by several appellants for the Alki Elementary School Addition and Renovation Project. I have carefully reviewed the Recommendation and find it to be sound. As a result, I adopt the Hearing Examiner’s Recommendation. Appellants’ evidence has not shown the Responsible Official’s SEPA determination to be clearly erroneous.

SEPA = State Environmental Policy Act; its provisions shape processes like this one.

THEATER: Chief Sealth International High School’s new Drama Company gets ready to present ‘She Kills Monsters’

It’s been a long time since Chief Sealth International High School presented a full-length theatrical play. And now, after intense work, the new Chief Sealth Drama Company is almost ready for its first production, “She Kills Monsters,” with performances this Friday and Saturday.

(Photo by Keni Cohen)

West Seattle-based Bayfest Youth Theatre, a 33-year-old nonprofit, has been working with the school for years to re-establish “a high-quality drama program that can offer productions to the school and community.”

The curtain will rise Friday night on the play “She Kills Monsters,” described in Bayfest’s announcement as “a high-octane dramatic comedy by acclaimed playwright Qui Nguyen that offers a heart-pounding dive into the world of Dungeons and Dragons, homicidal fairies, cheerleaders, and the fight against evil. It pays homage to the geek and warrior within us all, and explores themes of loss, identity, and friendship, with original music, projected animations, and many exciting stage combat sequences – swords, battle axes and magical conflict!”

(L-R: AJ Bitseff, Addisen Whited, Satomi Giedeman, Claire Popelka, Larenzo Boney – photo by Gentle McGaughey)

Making this all happen are 23 cast members and more than 20 student designers, musicians, and set and prop builders, working with a team of professional directors, fight choreographers, and designers. They hope you will come see their first production. Here’s what to know:

(WSB photo)

*Public showtimes 7:30 pm Friday (March 17th), 2 and 7:30 pm Saturday (March 18th)
*Onstage in the auditorium at Chief Sealth IHS, 2600 SW Thistle
*Appropriate for ages 11 and up
*Advance tickets $5 students, $10 adults (buy online)
*At the door: $8 students, $14 adults
*Group discounts for 10 or more available – email bayfestyouththeatre@gmail.com

Ready to make somebody laugh? Comedy open mic at SSC tomorrow

It could be argued that we need humor more than ever these days. If you’re ready to provide some – or enjoy some – here’s a new West Seattle opportunity: South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) invites you to a Comedy Open Mic tomorrow (Wednesday, March 15th). It’s happening at the Alki Café on campus (no relation to the one at the beach), 3-6 pm. If you’re interested in performing, email CafeAlki@seattlecolleges.edu. No need to RSVP if you just want to go get a few laughs. No admission but you’ll have the chance to enjoy some of Alki Café’s fare: “Available for purchase will be Alki Café’s usual offerings of specialty coffee drinks and pastries along with wood-fired pizza (made fresh by Culinary Arts Students) and NWWA Red created by Wine Studies students (for those 21 and older).” If you haven’t been to the café, it’s in the Culinary Arts Building, CAB toward the center of the campus map.

CORONAVIRUS: Gatewood Elementary cases lead to masking recommendation

Thanks for the early-morning forward. As happened at West Seattle HS a month ago, Gatewood Elementary is recommending mask-wearing because of “multiple COVID cases.” Here’s the note Gatewood principal Kyna Hogg sent:

Dear Gatewood Elementary Families,

There have been multiple positive COVID-19 cases identified at Gatewood Elementary. At this time, the district is recommending that all students and teachers wear a mask for the next 10 calendar days starting today to help prevent further transmission of COVID-19.

Please talk with your child [Monday] evening about wearing a mask at school, and if you are able to, please send your child to school with a mask. We also have masks available at school for any child who needs one.

Our goal is to keep as many students learning in-person as possible while maintaining a safe environment. To help do that, we ask that you please monitor your child for COVID-19 symptoms and keep them home if they are sick.  

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

The district’s COVID dashboard is here.

REUNION: Chief Sealth Class of 1973 to celebrate 50 years

March 11, 2023 4:17 pm
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(File photo)

Were you in Chief Sealth‘s 1973 graduating class, or do you have a relative who was? Reunion organizers are circulating the invitation to this year’s big party – the 50th! Organizers say, “We are looking for all classmates.” The party is on August 19th at the Museum of Flight, 1-5 pm. If you’re interested, email Jerry McCullough at Sealth.Reunion.1973@gmail.com. You’re also invited to check out this social-media page.


FOLLOWUP: District announces details of Seattle Public Schools budget-crunch community meeting

When Seattle Public Schools sounded the alarm about its budget crunch at the end of February, the district mentioned it would hold an informational community meeting on March 20th. Today SPS sent an advisory with details:

Seattle Public Schools is hosting an online event for families and community members to learn more about the SPS budget.

The district is facing a significant projected budget deficit and is working for a stable financial future that ensures funding for the highest priorities.

Who: Seattle Public Schools leaders

What: Online event providing details about district budget planning strategies and answers to frequently asked questions.

American Sign Language, Amharic, Cantonese, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese interpreters will be available. After the event, a recording will be posted to the Funding our Future webpage.

When: Monday, March 20, 2023; 6 p.m.

Where: Join Zoom Webinar
Online with passcode: 997311
By phone: 253-205-0468
Webinar ID: 844 5720 4378
Passcode: 997311

The meeting will also be streamed live on the SPSTV YouTube channel.

The School Board has to pass a balanced budget by early July.

Sponsor a tree, help a wetland – and a student!

March 10, 2023 9:45 am
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 |   Delridge | Environment | How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Thursday morning, we shared the invitation from Louisa Boren STEM K-8 for you to visit during “Community Week.” One more note from the school this morning- they’re planting more trees in a nearby wetland and raising money for 5th and 8th graders to go to camp, through tree sponsorships!

(WSB photo: STEM students at Delridge Wetland in 2018, celebrating steward Willard Brown)

Throughout their years at Louisa Boren K-8, students have been active stewards of the Longfellow Creek Watershed. With support from the DNDA and Seattle Parks, students have been the primary stewards of the Delridge Wetland Project, and have planted hundreds of native plants and trees along Longfellow Creek, and within the Delridge and Myrtle Greenspace. They have consistently raised salmon within the Salmon in Schools program and created habitat within the schools own Native Plant and Pollinator gardens. For over a decade Boren students have made their mark improving natural areas surrounding the school.

This week 5th graders are adding more trees to the watershed and are looking for your help in the form of tree sponsorship. Funds raised from this event will cover a portion of outdoor education camp tuition with any remaining funds going directly into purchasing more native trees and plants for the watershed. Please use this link for donations. Thanks for supporting student learning and stewardship.

SCHOOLS: Decision awaited in challenge to Alki Elementary expansion/rebuild

(Rendering by Mahlum, from last year’s info packet for proposed zoning ‘departures’)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Seattle Public Schools says a decision is expected within days on a challenge to the plan to rebuild and expand Alki Elementary School.

The challenge focuses on the district’s determination that the project doesn’t need a full environmental impact statement (this “checklist” document was prepared instead). Three people appealed that, and a little-publicized two-day hearing was held on the challenge last month, before a hearing examiner working for SPS.

Several of the nearby residents who are opposed to aspects of the rebuild plan also brought their concerns to last Saturday’s community meeting held by local School Board director Leslie Harris at Delridge Library.

First, some backstory:

Read More

WEST SEATTLE 5K: Registration now open for first one since 2019, with new features!

March 9, 2023 11:38 am
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(2018 West Seattle 5K photo by David Hutchinson)

As we first told you last month, the West Seattle 5K is returning this year for the first time since 2019. Today, we have details on what’s new, as well as how to register – which you can do right now. The WS5K is presented by the West Seattle High School PTSA, with co-sponsors including WSB. Here’s the update:

After a three-year break for COVID, West Seattle High School and the PTSA are excited to announce the 12th running of the West Seattle 5K on Sunday morning, May 21, 2023. All profits raised from the West Seattle 5K will provide funding for West Seattle High School to provide classroom tools, books, supplies, and much more to its students and teachers.

Thousands of runners and spectators from all corners of the Puget Sound area and beyond have participated in this 5K over the previous 11 years. Participants are drawn to the event by the family fun, the gorgeous scenery, a flat and fast course starting and finishing at Alki Bathhouse, and all the amenities that Alki Beach has to offer. Prizes will be awarded to the top three adult and student male and female finishers.

New this year is a grade-level competition among West Seattle High School students. The goal is to create a friendly competition to see which grade gets the most classmates to register. The winning grade gets out of Homeroom early for a special treat and cash ($250) to their grade-level ASB. “We have heard from event runners that they didn’t know this event benefitted the high school so we want to make sure to raise that awareness as well as get as many high schoolers involved as possible,” says Kelley O’Connor, event co-chair.

Other new 5k features include a “Sleep In” and “sponsor a student runner” options. There are buttons on the registration page to donate to the 5K if you’d rather sleep in that morning or don’t wish to run/walk. This is the community’s High School and we hope residents will feel generous in supporting the school and local students. This is a fun way to give back.
“This is a really important year for the 5K to be back,” says Brian Vance, West Seattle High School principal. “We had a levy expire in 2020-21 school year for WSHS. We are facing the loss of intervention dollars to run after-school supports, tutoring center and Saturday school. Events like the 5K make up for those lost funds.”

Registration is live now. Adults are $35. Late registration for adults starts 5/1 at $40. Kids under 6 are free. Youth 19 and under are $20. Late registration starts 5/15 at $30. West Seattle High School staff members get to register at same rate as students. We brought student/staff rate down to $20 (was $30 in previous years). Students and staff go up to $30 during late registration starting 5/15.

We have amazing sponsors to thank: Portage Bay Cafe, School of Rock, Sea Pines Physical Therapy, West Seattle Blog, Dragonfly Yoga Pilates Dance, and West Seattle Realty and so many more. Please go to westseattle5k.com to see all sponsors!

That is also where to go to sign up.

YOU’RE INVITED: Community Week at Louisa Boren STEM K-8

Some schools have open houses for current families. Some have them for prospective families. What’s happening next week at Louisa Boren STEM K-8 is something different – “Community Week” activities. Here’s the announcement we were asked to share:

Come back to school with Louisa Boren STEM K-8 students March 13-17 to calculate pi, race the world’s smallest solar car, explore your local environmental impact, and engage in more activities focused on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Louisa Boren STEM K-8 school in West Seattle is hosting STEM Community Week March 13-17, 2023 for school families and the broader community. Among the many favorite activities taking place: Girls Rock Math will calculate pi with wikki sticks on Pi Day March 14; attendees will explore blood and guts with the Pacific Science Center on March 15; and University of Washington’s Clean Energy Institute will run a solar-car derby on March 16.

School principal Ben Ostrom said, “Instilling a sense of curiosity and desire to learn more about the world around them through science, technology, engineering and math is sparking lifelong learning for our future builders and thinkers who will tackle big issues in the future.”

“When parents, caregivers and neighbors are involved in students’ education, students get better grades, have better attendance records, drop out less often, have higher aspirations, and more positive attitudes toward school and homework. STEM Community Week provides a perfect opportunity for friends, family and neighbors to invest in our students,” said 5th grade teacher Matthew McGavick.

The week’s activities include: a nature walk, math exploration, science experiments, an engineering workshop and culminates with a student art showcase, and a raffle of art, goods, and services from local businesses. Schedule and other details are available at stemk8pta.org.

The school is at 5950 Delridge Way SW.

West Seattle High School’s state-champion Cheer Team invites prospective new members to tryouts

March 8, 2023 9:00 am
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West Seattle High School cheer coach Nadine Nguyen sends word that tryout time is approaching:

Are you ready to become a part of the State-Winning West Seattle High School Coed Cheer Team?

Now’s your chance. Tryouts will be held in person March 28th-March 31st from 4:30 pm-6:30 pm @ WSHS. To try out, you will need to fill out all online forms and provide a current Sports Physical.

* We will also be hosting Cheer Clinics on March 20th and March 21st.
CHEER CLINICS – Learn the cheer basics to help prep you for tryouts!
*For those interested in trying out for our State Winning Competition Team, you are invited to attend our Stunt Clinics where you will learn basic stunt skills. Though stunting is not part of our final tryouts, attendance may or may not benefit your chances on making our Comp Team! Stunt Clinics are on March 22nd and March 23rd from 4:30 pm-6:30 pm

To participate in tryouts on March 28th – Match 31st, Stunt Clinics, and the Cheer clinics, please bring a printed and signed copy of the following items below to the first day of the clinics/tryouts.

-Student Athletic Registration Form
-Signed Parent Waver
-Both Covid Forms (Screening and Release)
-Up-to-date Physical

The Tryout application and required forms are available through the following link tree:

For tips and more information regarding tryouts, follow our Instagram @westseattlecheer

Good Luck and Go Wildcats!! For Questions email: westseattlecheer@outlook.com

If you haven’t seen the team in action, check out their promotional video here.

Got books meant for middle-schoolers? West Seattle High School Key Club might be able to use them

From West Seattle High School Key Club president Angelina Ly:

West Seattle High School Key Club is partnering with the African Library Project to help sustain libraries in Africa. We are hosting a book drive to collect books of 4th- to 8th-grade reading levels to donate to Mhlafuta Community Day Secondary School in Malawi, Africa. Our goal is to raise 1,000 books to donate, and we need your help to do so! We currently have a couple of drop off locations including New Leaf Bistro (2342 California SW), Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW), and the library at West Seattle High School (3000 California SW).

Books You Should Try to Donate
-Mix of children’s fiction or universal themes (friendship, animals, love)
-Children’s nonfiction – Scientific books for students, reference materials like dictionaries
-Children’s books teaching life skills about topics such as health, hygiene, adolescents and careers
-Books about Africa or African-Americans
-Children’s books with diverse characters

Books You Should NOT Donate
-Books with small, dense print
-Books with lots of slang
-Books referencing electronics (unless scientific)
-Books not in English
-Adult romance novels
-Books focused on U.S. or Canadian history/government
-Books about North American or religious holidays (Easter, Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July, etc.)
-Anything that evangelizes or promotes a particular religion
-Noneducational magazines

If you have any questions, feel free to email 1wshskeyclub@gmail.com.

School closures? Staff cuts? Amid budget woes for Seattle Public Schools, here’s your next chance to talk with local board member

A nine-digit budget gap is staring down Seattle Public Schools, and the district is talking about major cuts including possible “school consolidation” (closures) as soon as the 2024-2025 school year. No specific local schools have been mentioned yet, but SPS is now getting to the “community engagement” phase, so plans and proposals might emerge soon. Here’s the district FAQ on where things stand, noting a $131 million “structural deficit” in the budget, with enrollment decreasing yet staff increasing.

Some background, if you’re new to the area, West Seattle has been through school closures before: Fairmount Park Elementary was closed in 2007, then expanded and reopened in 2014. The former Genesee Hill Elementary had hosted Pathfinder K-8, which was moved to the Pigeon Point site of what had been Cooper Elementary until the district closed Cooper’s “program” in 2009; the old GHES was torn down in 2014 and replaced by a bigger new school into which the former Schmitz Park Elementary was moved. Currently the former Schmitz Park campus is used as an interim site for schools during construction projects – West Seattle Elementary is in its second year there right now, and Alki Elementary is scheduled to move there during its rebuild, starting this fall. (Despite the talk of cuts and closures, there’s been no talk so far of cancelling projects like Alki, which will expand that school’s capacity.)

The School Board is required to pass a balanced budget by early July. They held a work session on the budget situation this past Tuesday; you can see the background information here, and watch the meeting video here:

The district promises a “community budget information session” March 20th. But before then, you have a chance this Saturday to talk with and hear from our area’s representative on the School Board, Leslie Harris – regarding the budget and/or any other SPS issues of interest. She’ll be at Delridge Library (5423 Delridge Way SW) starting at 2 pm Saturday (March 4th).

HAPPENING NOW: You’re invited to bid in Fairmount Park Elementary PTA’s online auction

March 2, 2023 9:00 am
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Here’s an easy way to help students at a local school – bid in an online auction! Bidding in the Fairmount Park Elementary PTA auction is open today and tomorrow. Here’s the announcement:

Fairmount Park PTA is hosting the Annual Virtual Auction. Bidding closes Friday, March 3rd, at 7 pm. Fairmount Park Elementary School serves a diverse community of 450 students and their families. The PTA works to promote the social, emotion and academic well-being of all students. The auction raises money to fund school supplies, teacher grants, meals and backpacks for families in need, grants to support the art and music programs and various other programs throughout the school year.

Auction items include tickets to Seattle sports games, gift certificates to local businesses and restaurants, tickets to Seattle experiences and Gift Baskets from Seattle businesses. We hope you have a fun time bidding to support the Fairmount Park Elementary School PTA.

Please click the link to access the virtual silent auction:

SPORTS: Chief Sealth International High School celebrates winter athletes, college signers

Hours after classes ended for the day, the Chief Sealth International High School galleria had a full house Tuesday night, with students, families, and educators gathered for the winter sports banquet. They celebrated student athletes for a variety of achievements – first, Luke Sketchley and Ryan Moore, signing letters of intent to play college baseball – Sketchley at Bellevue College, Moore at Wenatchee Valley College:

Then came the honors for recipients of the Seahawk Award, which ‘epitomizes attitude, effort, work ethic, and being a total team player.” Violet Beck was honored for flag football:

Valentina Minoprio Boffi, for cheer:

Elsa Chao, for bowling:

Owen Dortero, for swimming:

Declan Golan, for (corrected) basketball (below, with head coach Richard Stephens:

Jay Johnson, for wrestling:

Eden Lopez, for wrestling:

Giana Moore, for gymnastics:

And Maryann Passmore, for basketball:

One more plaque was presented – this one for a 2021 winner – no sports banquet that pandemic year. The honoree was Delaney Sipila, for basketball:

Congratulations to all!

BASKETBALL: West Seattle HS boys’ season ends with state-tournament loss

Congratulations to the West Seattle High School boys’ basketball team for their strong season, which ended tonight at Bellevue College.

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

In their first game of this year’s state tournament, the Wildcats fell to North Thurston, 51-34. Half their points came in the final quarter, but they started connecting too late, including this defiant dunk by #23, sophomore Alex Pierce:

The struggle started early – WSHS didn’t get on the scoreboard until a basket by #2, senior Maximus Holliman, more than midway through the first quarter.

He had eight points on the night, as did #5, senior Ryder Mackay:

The Wildcats never did manage to consistently break through North Thurston’s defense, which meant they had to do a lot of outside shooting, without much success, though #3, junior Bo Gionet, got two 3s:

The WSHS boys finished the season 14-12.

BASKETBALL: West Seattle High School girls’ season ends with close game

Congratulations to the West Seattle High School girls’ basketball team for a strong season. It ended far from home this afternoon, with a 47-45 loss to Lynnwood in a state-tournament regional game at Arlington High School. According to writer Doug Petrowski‘s tweets from the game, WS led 16-7 after the first quarter, with Carmen Cruz netting four 3-pointers; the Everett Herald‘s Evan Wiederspohn tweeted that Cruz led WSHS scoring with 24. The Wildcats finish the season 16-10.

BASKETBALL: West Seattle HS girls win opening game in state tournament

8:21 PM: On their home court, the West Seattle High School girls’ basketball team has just won their opening game in this year’s state tournament, beating Central Kitsap, 48-37. Photos and details after we get back to HQ!

10:48 PM: Though the Wildcats led the Cougars by double digits for more than half the game. it was not a case of coasting to victory. They were behind 11-9 at the end of the first quarter, getting lots of shots but unable to convert many of them. In the second quarter, WSHS suddenly got prolific with three-pointers.

First one was by #0, senior Lauren Wright, then one by #4, junior Carmen Cruz, and then #22, junior Lucy Larson, netted three triples in the last two minutes before halftime – she was the Wildcats’ top scorer on the night, with 14 points:

Head coach Darnell Taylor‘s team went into halftime up 30-19.

First points of the second half came on a basket by Cruz, the night’s second-leading scorer with 13 points:

In the last minute of the third quarter, a triple by #11, senior Brooke Swanson (WSHS’s third top scorer tonight with 10 points), gave WSHS their widest lead, 42-22:

After that, though, Central Kitsap started a comeback attempt, with 10 unanswered points, halving West Seattle’s lead, until #21, sophomore Alyssa Neumann, broke the spell with a basket at four minutes to go. The Cougars answered with their own, but WSHS didn’t let them get any closer, and finished out the win in their home gym.

Another must-win game is next – the Westside girls (16-9) have to head 50 miles north to Arlington for a noon Saturday game against Lynnwood (16-6).

YOU’RE INVITED! Big Band Dinner Dance for, and with, student musicians

That’s the West Seattle Big Band in an outdoor performance last summer. But you don’t have to wait until warmer weather to enjoy their music – they’re guest stars at a benefit for the West Seattle High School music program in just a week and a half, with excellent student musicians featured too! Here’s the announcement sent to us:

West Seattle High School Big Band Dinner Dance
Friday, March 3, 2023 from 6-9 pm
West Seattle High School Commons

The community is invited to our Annual Dinner Dance and Benefit, in support of our High School Music Program. Tickets are available at this link, either with dinner provided by the West Seattle High School Culinary Department or Dance only.

Performance by our Special Guest – the West Seattle Big Band, under the direction of Jim Edwards. Earlier performances by all our music groups – Jazz I & II, Band, Choir, Orchestra and Percussion – under the direction of our music teachers, Ethan Thomas and Taylor Fritts.

Thank you to our wonderful sponsor, West Side Music Academy! Auction items will be available to bid on, and all donations will be gratefully accepted.

Visit our webpage to purchase tickets and find more information, as we update it regularly. Please email westseattle.musicboosters@gmail.com with any questions.

Preschooler in the family? Look ahead to kindergarten with online event Wednesday

February 20, 2023 9:40 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

If you have a preschool-age child, this is for you. The announcement was sent by the Greater Seattle YMCA (parent organization of longtime WSB sponsor West Seattle YMCA):

Ready for Kindergarten? By KCLS & YMCA of Greater Seattle

Wednesday, February 22; 2:00 pm-3:00 pm

Join us online to learn about:

-Reading at Home
-Kindergarten Expectations
-Literacy Resources

Register: tinyurl.com/KinderFeb22

This is a FREE session for the community and is aimed for families with 3-5 year-olds.

Learn about South Seattle College during ‘Discover’ events

February 20, 2023 10:03 am
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Thinking about college? You can attend right here in West Seattle. Learn about South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) and its sibling colleges during this series of upcoming events:

The Seattle Colleges District, including South Seattle College, is holding annual Discover Seattle Colleges events late February into early March. Join us virtually or in-person to learn about our programs and services. There will be two in-person open houses at South Seattle College’s main campus in West Seattle (March 7) and our Georgetown campus (March 6). Registration is now open for Spring Quarter, starting April 3, with in-person, online and hybrid courses available.

Online Events – Monday, Feb. 27 – Thursday, March 2, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
In-person Open House – Monday, March 6 – Thursday, March 9, 3-6 p.m.

Visit seattlecolleges.edu/discover for dates, topics, locations and sign-up links.

Part I: Online Events ∙ Feb. 27-March 2

The first series is four online events exploring academic programs and career pathways at Seattle Colleges. Each one-hour online event offers prospective students (and their families) a chance to hear from instructors and learn more about the programs that interest them. The events are organized by area of study and include presentations from faculty in academic programs or career pathways in the following areas:

Health and Medical / Education and Human Services: Monday, Feb. 27, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Business and Accounting / Science, Engineering and Technology: Tuesday, Feb. 28, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Culinary, Hospitality and Wine / Skilled Trades and Technical Training: Wednesday, March 1, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Arts, Design and Graphics / Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages: Thursday, March 2, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Part II: Campus Open Houses ∙ March 6-9
The second event series is campus open houses. Prospective students and community members are invited to learn about our programs, take campus tours, and enjoy refreshments, demonstrations and college giveaways. Talk to faculty and staff about your goals and learn more about admissions and student resources.

Georgetown Apprenticeship & Education Center, South Seattle College: Monday, March 6, 3-6 p.m.
South Seattle College Main Campus (in West Seattle): Tuesday, March 7, 3-6 p.m.

Seattle Central College and North Seattle College also have open houses this week

Interested participants are invited to attend all events. Learn more and sign up on our website at seattlecolleges.edu/discover.