Pets 653 results

West Seattle’s Poogooder invites you to join ‘Zero Poo Challenge’

Back in September, we told you about Poogooder, founded by West Seattleite Lori Kothe as a way to tackle the problem so many complain about … dog waste fouling sidewalks, planting strips, etc., and sparking un-neighborly spats. Lori says nearly 80 Poogooder disposal bins – each with its own volunteer steward – are now up in local neighborhoods. But that’s just a start toward ending the problem, so Lori’s announced the Zero Poo Challenge, and you have two ways to be part of it:

The Poogooder Zero Poo Challenge is a free, crowd-sourced education initiative to raise awareness of the social and environmental impacts of wayward dog poo and the small steps we can take to foster a happier, healthier community and planet. It involves 2 main activities open to the public: an all-ages PSA Art & Video Contest and a Wayward Poo Hunt. Participants can win prizes, fame, goodies from local businesses, and even trophies! Deadline to submit or vote for family-friendly PSA creations is June 12. The Wayward Poo Hunt citizen-science research project runs May 23 – June 12 and coincides with PAWSWalk. Poo Hunters will use the Pooper Snooper mobile app to “win” by finding real secret treasure tins hidden throughout West Seattle.

If you are a local business, educator, organization, or individual who would like to be involved in some way and/or donate to the prize packs, please submit a contact form at Let’s have fun, get the facts, and inspire change to do some good today. More info, Dog Poo 101 guide, PSA voting gallery, and entry details at

RESCUE: West Seattle neighbors team up to get stuck cat down

That cat is one lucky kitty. It survived a close call with high-voltage danger, thanks to determined neighbors who spent hours on Tuesday trying to get it down. Among them, Corey, who sent the report, photos, and video:

Here is a crazy story with a nice ending. We live in the Osborn condos on California Avenue SW in the Junction. My wife was on our deck and a lady below asked if we had a black and white cat and pointed to the telephone pole in the alley behind our condo. There was a fluffy black and white cat about 45 feet above the ground balanced on a 3″ piece of metal on a telephone pole. Various neighbors called the fire department, electric company, animal control pleading for someone to help get this cat down.

Pastor Ron from (First Lutheran Church of West Seattle) and neighbor Dominic tried to use a 40-foot ladder to get the cat down, but the ladder was not tall enough. I visited the local fire department and spoke with fire chief. Two police cruisers ended up in the alley and two concerned officers helped by calling the public utility requesting assistance. After about two hours of neighbors placing calls and assistance from the Seattle Police, Seattle City Light came out with its lift and rescued the cat.

The City Light worker indicated that the cat was straddling a couple live wires and one bad step could have ended this cat’s life. The cat was successfully rescued and ran off to its home!

As you can hear at the end of the video, the rescue was a relief to everyone watching!

BIZNOTE: Another new tenant planned for Westwood Village

Last week, we reported that an Xfinity store is on the way to the center of Westwood Village. Today, news of another tenant for that same section of the center: The updated directory map included in listings for center vacancies shows Pet Supplies Plus as “coming soon” to the spaces next to Ulta Beauty.

Pet Supplies Plus is headquartered in Michigan and has more than 400 stores, operating on a franchise model, though a check of its website suggests this would be its first Northwest location. We have an inquiry out to the company to ask about the opening timeline. Westwood Village currently has one pet-supply store, Pet Pros – a Seattle-headquartered mini-chain – on the center’s east side.

FOLLOWUP: See Jeb the miniature horse in his new home

That’s Jeb the miniature horse, formerly of West Seattle, now in Taos, New Mexico, getting used to his new home. Eight days ago, we reported on his impending departure. He had lived in a greenbelt-adjacent Admiral yard for more than 15 years, a present for two little girls who are now grown. He’s now with them in the Southwest, where the weather and grazing grass are expected to be better for his health, and he’s with other horses (as shown above). His family sent the video to let you know he arrived OK and is settling in!

Happy trails to Jeb the miniature horse, who’s about to leave West Seattle

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

One of West Seattle’s best-known residents is leaving.

It’s not because of the bridge closure.

It’s not because of the pandemic.

It’s … the grass.

Jeb the miniature horse has lived at an Admiral home, adjacent to a public street-end greenbelt, for more than 15 years. This Tuesday, a horse-transport firm will pick him up and take him to his new home in Taos, New Mexico.

Jeb’s human companion Mimi Miles contacted WSB because she wanted all his fans to know about his imminent departure. Word’s gotten out around the neighborhood. And there are signs up on the fence by his yard along that greenbelt:

Read More

BIZNOTE: Pawsitively Kleen opens in Delridge

Just opened this week at 5214 Delridge Way SW – a new self-serve pet-wash business, Pawsitively Kleen. Co-proprietors Mario and Keith tell WSB that they “moved to West Seattle close to 7 years ago and we have always wanted to open a business related to pets.” They of course have their own: “We have had 5 different types of dogs in the last 20 years. Currently we have a Mastiff and a Pit Bull.” Though Pawsitively Kleen is self-serve, they explain, “We will be there most of the time walking customers through the process. We are very excited to be able to serve the West Seattle community.” Hours are 10 am-8 pm.

Remembering Mildred ‘Millie’ Foxy Findlay, ~2006-2021

Most of the obituaries we publish are for people, but we have occasionally received and published remembrances in memory of pets (including our own last year). This is from Tony:

I don’t think people freely speak enough about the depth of grief we feel we lose a pet. The loss is profound because it’s not only a beloved family member who is with you day in and day out, but it’s a little life that we care for, and tend to, from start to finish. But, they take care of us too.

In 2008, Millie, a Border Collie mix, was found running wild on the side on Interstate 5 in Skagit County. She was rescued by Northwest Organization for Animal Help (NOAH) in Stanwood, after what was likely an exhausting game of chase. Somewhat emaciated but in otherwise good health, the estimated 2 year old pup was quickly adopted by her forever people and brought to live in Seattle.

In her younger years, Millie enjoyed chewing up shoes, running and hiking with her people, chasing balls without bringing them back, barking at every other dog she saw (only wanting a sniff), and running for hours on the beaches in northern Puget Sound.

Throughout her entire life, she had an affinity for eating the droppings of other animals, particularly cats and rabbits, and rolling in the smelliest things she could find (particularly dead fish), embedding the scent deep into her thick double coat. She was also well known for her “I do what I want” attitude and letting everyone know that with her distinctly unique, absolutely shrill bark. In her later years, she enjoyed casual walks with her people, lying at their feet, and taking naps in the Lamb’s Ear in the backyard garden.

Most of all, she was a deeply affectionate dog who showed nothing but selfless devotion and love to her people, serving as their rock from early adulthood to nearly middle age. She was fortunate enough to peacefully pass away with painless intervention, in the comfort of her own home in the embrace of her people, after nearly nine months of progressing degenerative myelopathy.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to

FOLLOWUP: New homes sought for animals seized in Delridge cruelty case

(WSB photo, October 15, 2020)

Almost six months have passed since a tip led investigators to what the Seattle Animal Shelter‘s executive director called the “worst case of animal cruelty and neglect” she had ever seen – more than 200 neglected animals and 100+ dead ones in and near a Delridge house. The man arrested there, Matthew A. Hazelbrook, is awaiting trial on 17 counts of felony animal cruelty. In the meantime, SAS says some of the surviving animals were finally surrendered and are now up for adoption. In its announcement, SAS says it’s looking for “forever homes” after the animals have spent months either at the shelter or in foster homes. We asked for details on the 200+ animals originally seized, and here’s what SAS spokesperson Melissq Mixon sent:

We have 19 guinea pigs and 6 rabbits from the case still available for adoption.

We transferred 125 guinea pigs and 58 rabbits to other organizations.

The rest of the animals (~90) either had ownership claims and were reclaimed or have already been adopted.

As noted in its post, SAS is also trying to find homes for 70 cats from an unrelated case – found in a downtown studio apartment. Mixon tells WSB, “We’ve had an incredible response to both this case and the latest one. Our teams are working as quickly as possible to review and process adoption applications …” Adoptable animals, and information on how to adopt, can be found here. Hazelbrook’s trial, meantime, is tentatively set for July.

3 reasons why city parks have rules for pets and their people

(Image by Michael Hubbard, SAS Customer Service Representative)

Now that spring is here, warm weather is on its way, and parks will get busier. For people who bring their pets, Seattle Parks and Recreation has rules – such as, no pets on beaches or in ponds or streams. But what’s the problem? some wonder, insisting their pets are well-behaved. To answer that question, the Seattle Animal Shelter published this post: “Pets Are Not Allowed – But Why?” explaining three major reasons for rules regarding pets at parks, both on the water and inland. WSB reader Tami saw it this past week and emailed us suggesting that we tell you about it; she explained, “As a one-time beach naturalist with the Seattle Aquarium, this is an issue that concerns me, and I think it would be good to remind everyone WHY pets should respect public park spaces.” P.S. If you’re new in West Seattle, we do have one off-leash dog park, at Westcrest Park – it’s on this map with the city’s other off-leash parks.

WSB FYI: How to use our Lost & Found pages – pets and non-pets

With so many new readers finding WSB this past year – readership was up almost 50 percent in 2020 over a recordsetting 2019 – we’re thinking we should re-introduce some of the site’s features now and then. So here’s the first installment: Lost + Found, pets and non-pets, and how to use the two features … plus an added option.

LOST & FOUND PETS: This page has been a WSB staple since 2008, the only peninsula-wide place to post a lost or found pet. The page is here. If you lose or find a pet in West Seattle (we’ll include White Center or South Park on request), please email us at with description, contact info (phone number is best), photo if available, and we will post it. When you tell us there’s been a reunion, we’ll update to mark the listing “reunited.”

LOST & FOUND, NON-PETS: We added this section a few years ago at readers’ request. Lose or find keys, jewelry, a sweater, or … ? You can see the posts by going here. This is a self-post section in the WSB Community Forums, so it requires a login – if you don’t have one, you can get one by using the box on the right sidebar if you’re on desktop/laptop/tablet, and by going here if you’re on a phone. (You can also use your WSB Forums login for posting in the other sections, such as posting a free job listing, but no login is required for reading.)

LOST/FOUND ITEM THAT WAS PROBABLY STOLEN AND DUMPED: If you find something that is unlikely to have been simply lost/misplaced – purse, bicycle, etc. – we usually include those in West Seattle Crime Watch, so please email us the info (and photo if available) although you are welcome to post on the Lost & Found page too.

Thanks to everybody who’s used these features over the years! We’re planning on a couple more WSB FYIs this holiday weekend.

FOLLOWUP: Where Delridge animal-cruelty case stands, and how it’s part of a troubling trend

(Seattle Animal Shelter photo, October)

A month and a half after Matthew Hazelbrook‘s arrest, with hundreds of sick or dead animals found on his Delridge property, the survivors are still in the care of the Seattle Animal Shelter. Though – as we reported last month – Hazelbrook is charged with 17 counts of animal cruelty, SAS spokesperson Melissa Mixon tells WSB, “The animals are in the custody of SAS but still the property of the defendant and are not available for adoption at this time. Until we have an owner-surrender, or a court order, the animals cannot be put up for adoption. However, we will be working with our incredible community of foster parents to eventually move some of these animals into foster care.” Meantime, she adds, “We are seeing significant improvement in the health and wellbeing of the more than 200 animals in our care. This includes guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, chickens, and chinchillas.” If Hazelbrook is found guilty, restitution will be sought to cover what the SAS is spending to care for the animals. The case is making its way through the courts; he has another status hearing next Monday, after pleading not guilty last week.

(WSB photo, October)

This case is part of a troubling trend this year; the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office convened a media briefing today to talk about that trend. So far this year, KCPAO has filed charges in 19 animal-cruelty cases, double the number of recent years – 9 in 2019, 10 the year before that. (Recent cases include another in West Seattle, a Sunrise Heights man accused of duct-taping his dog’s head to try to quiet the dog.) A prosecutor who specializes in those cases, Tali Smith, said the nature of the cases also has evolved – previously, they primarily involved neglect, but now there’s increased violence. Violence against animals often accompanies violence against humans; police and animal-control officers are cross-trained to look for signs of one when investigating allegations of the other.

The Hazelbrook case originated with a tip, according to court documents. If you suspect animal cruelty, we asked, what’s the best thing to do? If it seems to be an urgent life-safety issue, SAS executive director Ann Graves replied, call 911. Otherwise, you can report it to her department, 206-386-PETS (7387). They do investigate, but it often takes time. And their enforcement team isn’t any bigger than it was when she began work 20+ years ago, she said when we asked about its size: 14 animal-control officers for the entire city. If you call to report a possible situation, provide them with as much information you can – what you saw, where you saw it,

The SAS’s other role, of course, is caring for animals if their owners can no longer do so, or need help, reminded Victoria VanNocken from the City Attorney’s Office. Added Graves: “Animal cruelty is not an animal problem, it’s a people problem.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen white CR-V, with dog (update: found!) inside

9:49 AM: Just got this by phone – please help watch for this stolen car, whose owner tells us her senior dog was inside. The car is a white 2010 Honda CR-V, stolen just before 8 this morning from an alley between 55th and 56th SW, off Alki Avenue SW. \

The dog is a 14-year-old Pomeranian/Chihuahua, black with a pink harness, chipped, with tags that have her phone number. If you see the car, call 911; if you find her dog, 206-330-5057.

1:01 PM: We got word that Dottie the dog has been found, in Burien. No word yet on the vehicle’s status.

2:20 PM: Peggy, Dottie’s person, says the car hasn’t been found yet. Dottie, meantime, is home and doing OK.

READER REPORT: Words of warning about a preventable disease that killed a West Seattle dog

That’s Ella, an Aussie/Border Collie mix, 5 months old when she was rescued from 2011 storms in the Midwest, given a new home by Stefanie. After 9 years as “amazing companions,” Stefanie has lost Ella … and she has a message for others, in hopes of saving their dogs from her fate:

WARNING: Immunize your pet against Leptospirosis. It is lurking in West Seattle.

I lost my dog suddenly/unexpectedly 6 weeks ago. She got a bacterial infection contracted from wildlife urine that is preventable if an “optional” immunization is given. The vets need to counsel all owners about this horrible disease, which causes the dog’s organs to fail, and to strongly advocate and recommend it. By the time you see any symptoms, it is very late to reverse and is miserable for the patient. With all the knowledge of this infection and the increase of wildlife in our parks and neighborhoods, it is critical to protect your pets. I would not want anyone else to have to go through this.

Ella was “fit and healthy and happy” when she got sick, Stefanie says. As for where she contracted the disease, Stefanie doesn’t know: “I took her on walks in all the local parks and even have wildlife in my backyard garden.”

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: St. John’s pandemic-era Blessing of the Animals

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

Some stayed in their cars … others stood outside, distanced:

This was the pandemic-era Blessing of the Animals, held by St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church this morning in the neighboring West Seattle High School parking lot.

This is an early-fall tradition for many churches, honoring the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and ecology. As declared in St. John’s program: “Today we thank God for the gifts of companionship and beauty which animals and pets bring to our lives and homes, and ask God’s blessing on them.”

Presiding were St. John’s rector The Rev. Kate Wesch and Brother Paul Dahlke of the Order of St. Francis:

Also from the program, part of “a prayer attributed to St. Francis”:

Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union;
where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.”

P.S. As previewed here, Alki UCC will include a Blessing of the Animals during its livestreamed service tomorrow, followed by a neighborhood walk-by.

PETS: 2 ‘Blessing of the Animals’ events in West Seattle this weekend

October 1, 2020 11:21 am
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You and your pet(s) are invited to join in two West Seattle churches’ Blessing of the Animals events this weekend, both with pandemic-altered formats:

SATURDAY: St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church invites you and your pet to the West Seattle High School parking lot (3000 California SW) north of the church at 10 am Saturday (October 3rd). The blessing dates each year are in recognition of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, and this event usually has a participant from the Order of St. Francis, as it will this year. As explained on the church website, you and your pet can either stay in your vehicle or stand outside to receive the blessing.

SUNDAY: Alki UCC will include its Blessing of the Animals in the livestreamed service at 10 am Sunday (October 4th), and you can send the church a photo of your pet to be part of it – today’s the deadline – The church website has info on registering to view the service. As also explained in our calendar listing, the church also is having a pet “walk-by” event Sunday, 11 am-noon outside the church entrance, at 6115 SW Hinds.

West Seattle woman launches Poogooder to ‘do some good’ – a solution to ‘dog-poo wars’ and ‘wasted waste’

A West Seattle woman has launched what she hopes will be a solution to the acrimony that is so often set off by the subject of dog waste – and ultimately a solution to its environmental effects. Lori Kothe has hatched the plan for Poogooder. After she mentioned it on Twitter, we invited her to email us so we could share the concept with you. Here’s her story:

My daughter Annika is a 3rd grader at Alki Elementary. Back when she started kindergarten, I was shocked to discover the massive “wayward” dog-poo issue around Alki Elementary and the beach. Dog poo was everywhere, and we were always at risk of stepping in some. So I started recording how many instances I’d find when I’d walk to the beach from the school and back to my car each morning. I talked to people with and without dogs about their poo stories. And EVERYONE had a poo story. I did research. Dog=poo wars are no joke — they cause crazy levels of neighborhood angst, pollute waterways and soil, spread disease, and ruin a person’s day if they step in some. But it’s still a persistent issue.

So I decided to do something about it with the hope of at least creating greater awareness and empathy so people might care more about their (often unintended) impact on each other, the shared community, and planet (that’s truly my bigger purpose and goal here, which is why the tagline is “Let’s do some good today.”).

On a grander scale, unfortunately right now in Seattle, “properly disposed of” tons of dog poo goes to the landfill, so if we can get people to start paying more attention to how and where they are disposing of dog poo, my hope is Poogooder becomes a catalyst for local governments to start implementing dog-poo composting capabilities (or other landfill-diverting solutions), ultimately making dog poo go from being a bane to a boon for society.

Big ideas, I know. But we’re talking TONS of wasted waste and community uproar. So back to the story, literally: My original intent was just to write a picture book for kids and work with educators, local governments, shelters/rescues where people adopt dogs, and orgs to create a program around it to help instill empathy and raise awareness and inspire action and behavior change. So I wrote and illustrated Oh Poo! A Cautionary Tale,” which I self-published in June, and I thought that would be it. But then I figured I had to walk the walk, so to speak, and the Poogooder movement was born. First I put up 2 community dog poo bag dispensers near my home (49th Ave SW & Juneau in Seaview), and that was nice. People started using them. But then I realized I would truly have to commit to the cause and remove all barriers to proper dog-poo disposal, so in July I set up a community dog-poo bin in my front yard. I’d seen 2 others in West Seattle, which really impressed me. It’s funny to think how excited I was when I started getting poo in my bin! (This is 2020 after all, so everything is weird).

That’s when I decided to see if I could get others to steward nice-looking dog-poo bins & bag dispensers in their yards or nearby areas like Little Free Libraries, with the goal of recruiting 30 West Seattle volunteer Poogooders to steward bins the month of October for the first pilot program and collect learnings and see how things go. Ideally we then scale and partner with cities, orgs, schools, and shelters for a complete solution, including the city providing a voucher or free extra garbage can to offset Poogooder personal costs/garbage space for collecting poo in their bins. And of course, I’m hoping all shelters and rescues encourage a “Poogooder Pledge” as part of the adoption process to reframe the dog-poo conversation from a punitive action to a positive purpose. I’m not sure yet what kind of business model this will turn into or how it will be funded; my goal right now is proof of concept and inspiring a movement.

The Poogooder Approach:
Empathize > Engage > Educate > Enlighten > Enable

I’m just getting started. I’ve recruited about a dozen West Seattleites, with 5 confirming they will steward bins for the pilot so far, and interest is growing. I’m paying for everything out-of-pocket right now (and I’m woefully unemployed), which is why I set up the GoFundMe page, but I want there to be as little barrier to entry as possible at first so we can prove that people will actually willingly accept other people’s dog poo for the sake of the greater good.

I’m seeking volunteers, partners, sponsors, stewards, advisors, and connections to help bring this to fruition.

One way to help is via Lori’s crowdfunding page. You also can contact her via the link on the Poogooder home page.

The Wash Dog: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!

The Wash Dog has a spacious new home, and the “bath house and spa for pets” is sponsoring WSB to make sure everybody knows about the move. Here’s what they would like you to know:

The Wash Dog has moved! We are very happy to be able to welcome furry customers to our new and larger location: 10623 16th Ave SW in White Center [map].

At The Wash Dog, there’s a grooming service for every need:

*Self-Service Dog Wash Rooms – Walk-In Service

*Professional Bathing Service – by appointment

*Professional Grooming – by appointment

*Nail Trims – Walk-In Service

Customers can also drop by with their dog just to say “hi” and pick up a treat.

The Wash Dog is located at 10623 16th Ave SW, on the west side of the street. Hours for walk-in services are Monday–Friday, 10 am to 7:00 pm, and Saturday/Sunday, 9 am to 5:00 pm. Holiday hours are always posted online at or on The Wash Dog’s Facebook page.

We thank The Wash Dog for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

Remembering WSB mascot Miles, 2000-2020

Once upon a time, before a mixed-use building replaced it, a storefront at 4724 California SW held the West Seattle Petco store.

Among its offerings in the early 2000s: Shelter cats up for adoption.

Back then, our son liked to visit the store to see the fish, some of which came home to join our aquarium (until the 2006 windstorm outage claimed the last one). Your editor would usually insist on a visit to the back of the store to see the cats.

In summer 2005, one shelter-maintained cage held a 5-year-old Tonkinese/Siamese mix, whose info card from Purrfect Pals said his name was Kitty Boy and that his prior owner had to give him up upon moving to a long-term-care facility. Kitty Boy looked at us with big sad “get me out of here” blue eyes. But we had a cat at home already, a 5-year-old tortoiseshell adopted three years earlier during a Seattle Animal Shelter “foster cat” event. The next time we visited Petco, the card for Kitty Boy indicated an adoption was pending. We felt relieved for him.

On our next visit a week or so later, though, he was still there – and we learned the adoption didn’t go through. That changed everything. We took him home (and renamed him Miles, which seemed a bit more befitting than Kitty Boy).

A few months later, we started WSB (as a personal site, almost 2 years before going all-news). Miles has been our “shop cat”/mascot the whole way – low-maintenance as house cats go, no escape attempts, not much furniture clawing, occasionally putting his head on my arm while I typed but never trying to commandeer the keyboard. He had a few endearing habits like swatting at the straps on co-publisher Patrick’s camera bag when we returned from a story – left jab, right jab, left jab.

Miles became our lone cat when Sweetie the aforementioned tortoiseshell died of cancer at 13 on the 4th of July, 2013, while we were out covering the Kids’ Parade. The years ticked by and we wondered what amazing feat of kitty longevity Miles was aiming for.

Early this year, though, as Miles turned 20, there were signs of decline – going into corners of the house and yowling for no apparent reason. A few weeks ago, he became notably skinnier, and then started to wander around the house in apparent confusion, mewing rather than yowling. But he seemed relatively OK until this past Wednesday morning, when suddenly, he couldn’t stand up, and soon lost consciousness.

We sat with him, thinking death was near. He wasn’t going without a fight, though. Our vigil lasted 34 hours, and then Miles was gone – during a breaking story (the power outage). After one last round of goodbyes, we called Resting Waters, which came to tenderly transport him.

It’s odd around HQ now. No cat lying in the morning sun, or curled up on the couch. No playful paws to take aim at the camera-bag strap. So whether your pet is 2 or 20, give them a hug on our behalf, as we remember Miles.

ALSO NEXT WEEKEND: Kitten-adoption event

11:17 AM: Got room in your heart and home for a furry friend? The announcement is from Friends of the Animals Foundation – note the pre-application requirement:

Friends of the Animals Foundation will have rescued kittens ready for adoption at our West Seattle outdoor garden adoption event August 22nd (4-7 pm) and 23rd (10 am-1 pm). Kittens have been spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and treated for parasites.

In order to help keep our volunteers and adopters safe, the event is by invitation only with applications approved in advance. Please email us at for an application and more information.

7:30 PM: FAF says they’ve received a big response so if you don’t get a chance to adopt this time, stand by, because they’re hoping to have more kittens available in September.

FIREWORKS: Remember to protect pets

It’s not even dark, and people are illegally setting off fireworks, scaring those you can’t calm with an explanation – particularly pets. The Seattle Animal Shelter‘s advice for helping your pets this time of year (published last year, but unfortunately perennially relevant) is here, with advice such as “Leave pets at home and inside,” “Create a home sanctuary,” and “Identification is essential.” No matter what you do, your pet might still bolt if s/he gets the chance; if you lose or find a pet, remember that we have had a Lost/Found Pets page on WSB for 12 years – send us info ( or text 206-293-6302) and a photo, if available. But no matter how much care you take with pets, there are still animals affected because their “home sanctuaries” are those same outdoor spaces where people are setting off explosives – our beautiful birds, for example. Thanks in advance for your consideration. (WSB shop cat Miles, 20 and declining, thanks you too.)

PET FOOD: What West Seattle stores are doing

All three of West Seattle’s small independent pet-food/supplies stores are open – here are their latest updates:

PET ELEMENTS (6511 California SW)

Please use the hand sanitizer located in store as you enter PRIOR to touching any carts, baskets, or product. We also ask that you pay with a card if possible, we have a no-touch procedure in place.

If necessary you can call us to place and pay for your order. We can then bring it to your car for you. We do ask that you have brand, formula, size needed, and limit variety on can requests. We may ask that you call back if we are busy…please understand if this happens. We’re doing our best to provide you with pet groceries and great service during this time.

Customer Scott also reports they’ve suspended receipt-signing but can still print you a receipt.

NEXT TO NATURE (4543 California SW):

We firmly believe that continued access to proper pet nutrition is just as important as continued access to proper human nutrition, so we will do everything we can to support the pet families in Seattle. We plan to be open on our regular schedule for in-store purchases, but will also be expanding our options by

1) offering curbside pick-up either in the 15-minute zone currently set up in front of our store on California Ave SW or in our parking area off the alleyway between California Ave SW and 44th Ave SW (near Wells Fargo) and

2) offering free next-day home delivery within the greater Seattle area

For both 1) and 2), customers can call us at 206-935-1134 to place and pay for their order and select their preferred fulfillment method.

On a separate note, we are working hard, as are our manufacturers and distributors, to maintain the supply of essentials such as foods and litters, and we’d like to thank all of those people who have chosen NOT to over-purchase in these uncertain times.

MUD BAY (2611 California SW): Open 11-7:30 weekdays, 9-7:30 weekends:

To help keep Muddies and customers safe, we have increased our efforts to reduce the spread of any illness by cleaning and sanitizing surfaces regularly, we’ve also implemented curbside pickup to keep visits as brief as possible.

We’re tracking as many business categories as we can – email or text 206-293-6302 – thank you!

ADDED 7:20 PM: Thanks for the reminders that we omitted another small local store.

PET PROS (Westwood Village): Open. You can order online for pickup, home delivery available for orders over $50.

RESOURCE REMINDER: If you find or lose a pet in West Seattle …

March 13, 2020 9:00 am
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Disruption in so many regular routines means disruption in pets’ lives too. So in case you weren’t already aware, a reminder of one of the resources we offer: For more than a decade, WSB has had the only all-West Seattle Lost/Found Pets page on the open web. The first thing to do if you lose/find one is of course, canvass the area – then (if you’ve found one), check our page in case s/he is already posted – if not (whether found OR lost), send us a pic/info: or text 206-293-6302. Here to help!

PAW-RADE 2020: A reason to register your pet today

February 20, 2020 2:07 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Pets | West Seattle news

Somebody somewhere declared this “National Love Your Pet Day,” so in honor of that, the West Seattle Junction Association has opened registration for the third annual PAW-rade, set for Saturday, July 18th, right before the West Seattle Grand Parade. Free! Prizes! See the categories on the registration form. Then show up at 4400 California SW on PAW-rade day and show off for thousands!