FOLLOWUP: No timeline yet for reopening West Seattle low bridge to drivers

(Workers on low bridge this morning, photos sent by Eddie)

Five days after a suspected drunk driver crashed into a gate/barrier on the West Seattle low bridge, SDOT is not yet sure when the bridge will be able to reopen to drivers.

But, as these photos show, crews are working on repairs – here’s the latest SDOT update:

Our engineers and maintenance crews have been making ongoing progress on repairing the damaged gate.

Earlier this week we separated the gate arm into two segments and took the damaged arm segment to our repair shop. We then removed the internal machinery and repaired or replaced each component as needed.

(SDOT photo)

We received the replacement steel housing yesterday and technicians worked throughout the day to complete the necessary modifications to make it compatible. We modified the steel housing with new cutouts and support brackets and then installed the interior machinery including the gate’s motor, linear actuator (the component that extends to lock the gate in place), sensors, and wiring.

Today we will begin reattaching the repaired arm segment to the segment that was not damaged in the crash. After the gate is physically reattached there will still be a lot of electrical work to complete, such as rewiring the components, fixing damaged connections, and re-installing the sensors and switches.

We will not know for sure whether the repairs have been successful until we’ve completed the reassembly and the entire system is tested. There are electronic sensors inside the mechanical gate arm that act as safeguards and prevent the bridge from operating without a functional gate. If there is damage to the mechanical or electrical components that we did not observe during the disassembly, we will likely discover it during this testing.

Each step we complete will bring us more confidence about our progress and when we can reopen the bridge to cars and trucks.

As previously noted, if the low bridge isn’t ready to fully reopen by the weekend, SDOT will modify the plan for Spokane Street Viaduct work. Meantime, the low bridge’s side path remains open to biking, walking/running, and rolling, and the bridge is able to swing open for ship traffic.

10 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: No timeline yet for reopening West Seattle low bridge to drivers"

  • Curious George September 19, 2024 (7:22 pm)

    I see a new monument next to Rolf ‘s…

    • Amy Thomson September 20, 2024 (6:59 am)

      Okay George, you win the internet today!

  • bolo September 19, 2024 (11:36 pm)

    As I rode past it tonight the heavy steel channel arm appeared to be assembled, in place, and intact from end to end. Hopefully shouldn’t be too much longer!

  • deejay September 20, 2024 (10:26 am)

    ATTENTION!!!!!  WEST SEATTLE BLOG ADMIN – let’s focus on the BIG upper bridge instead of this little bridge hardly anyone uses.  You are making it really hard to locate up-to-date info about what is really impacting the commuters.  Traffic on the upper bridge was horrible at 7:30 last nite

    • WS Res September 20, 2024 (11:44 am)

      Wow.  You should ask for your money back!

    • J-Ro September 20, 2024 (1:23 pm)

      Someone needs a hug….

    • ShermanO September 20, 2024 (2:26 pm)

      Huh. It makes one wonder whether traffic that would otherwise be on the low bridge is on the high bridge and contributing to jamming it up. Or, at least, it makes me wonder.

  • Admiral-2009 September 20, 2024 (12:02 pm)

    Deejay – the low level bridge is a critical link to WS.  It’s closure adds traffic and trucks to the high level bridge that increases traffic congestion!

  • Admiral-2009 September 20, 2024 (2:59 pm)

    deejay the lower level bridge is a critical link to WS.  Its closure is adding traffic and trucks to the upper level bridge that is increasing congestion!

    • WSB September 20, 2024 (3:11 pm)

      And it’s just reopened.

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