Search Result for : flipped

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash on Admiral Way

(Reader photo sent by AP)

9:59 AM: Apologies that we were’t able to report this in real time – a flipped-car crash toward the top of the Admiral Way hill [map]; thanks to those who sent photos. The log shows one engine responded just before 8 am – the driver was already out, so no “rescue extrication” response was needed. No medic unit dispatched either, indicating no major injuries; we’re following up with SFD for specifics.

(Reader photo, texted)

11:10 AM: SFD tells us its crews checked out a 3-year-old girl and 28-year-old woman, neither seriously hurt.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: ‘More to this story’ after flipped-car crash

(Reader photo from Monday, sent by Marie)

Two days ago, that flipped-car crash on California south of Brandon injured the driver. He was taken to a hospital, the scene eventually cleared, and we thought that was the end of it. But a commenter revealed last night that there’s “more to this story” – that the car was stolen. Neighbors say it was taken early Sunday, from a neighborhood near Fairmount Ravine, with another apparently stolen car left in its place. So we followed up with police, who said that after medical treatment, the 31-year-old man had been booked into jail for investigation of stolen-vehicle possession, stolen-gun possession, and unlawful gun possession. We don’t know anything about the gun, but we found out that the suspect could not lawfully possess one because he’s a convicted felon. Documents from his most recent conviction, in 2019, cited an “extensive criminal history”; that case involved a West Seattle burglary, and he eventually was sentenced to six years in prison – with credit for eight months served before sentencing. He got out of prison last December; records show this was his first jail booking since then. “Was,” we say, because after two days, he was released about an hour and a half ago. Among the various authorities we contacted today was the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which did not file charges by today’s deadline, so the law required his release. KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney told us late today that they didn’t charge him because they couldn’t:

The information that was sent to us from police investigators was not legally sufficient to file charges, so the prosecutor handling the case wrote a detailed note to the investigating detective explaining what is needed for a legally sufficient case under state law. This is not a judgement on Seattle Police – we appreciate their continued work – it’s addressing what prosecutors can and cannot do under the law with the available evidence. It’s certainly possible that the additional elements are sent to us by the investigating Seattle Police detective for a charging decision.

In the meantime, the suspect is out of custody, for now. And the stolen, flipped car sits in an impound lot – its owner sent this photo:

They found some items that aren’t theirs inside and say they ;vehad trouble reaching police to deal with that. Meantime, personal items of theirs turned up inside the car – a blue Chevy Blazer – dumped nearby after theirs was taken.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash near California/Brandon

11:35 AM: Thanks for the tip — texter says a flipped-car crash on California south of Brandon is blocking northbound traffic. Avoid the area. At least one person is hurt – SFD has just upgraded this to a medic response.

11:42 AM: Thanks to Marie for the photos. She says firefighters were able to get the vehicle’s occupant out via the hatch.

1:32 PM: The scene has cleared. SFD tells us the 31-year-old man they treated at the scene was in stable condition when taken to a hospital.

Flipped-car crash reported east of Schmitz Park

SFD and SPD are arriving at the scene of a crash east of Schmitz Park, with a driver reported to have flipped his car after hitting a parked vehicle. This is at 49th/Hanford [map]. No serious injuries reported so far.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash on Delridge Way

9:08 AM: As noted briefly in our morning traffic roundup, that flipped car is blocking Delridge Way SW near Elmgrove. Our photographer just arrived at the scene and reports a tow truck is arriving. Unlike many flipped-car crashes, this one did not initially draw a major “rescue”-type SFD response, and the one engine that was sent was dismissed quickly, which indicates no major injuries.

9:11 AM: We talked briefly with police, who told us the driver fled the scene, after hitting a parked car and flipping this one. They hope to have the street reopened within 20 minutes or so.

9:22 AM: Reopened.

9:40 AM: Listening back to the original dispatch audio, two people were in the car and both bolted. No initial description other than “black clothing.” When the officer checked on the status of its plates, it came back “clear” – no theft reported – but expired.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at Avalon/Andover

8:57 PM: Seattle Fire and Police are arriving at a two-car crash at Avalon/Andover [map], with one vehicle reported to have flipped. Updates to come. Avalon is blocked at Yancy.

(Added: WSB photo)

9:02 PM: SFD is downsizing its response – they say three people are all out safely, and no one needs to be extricated.

9:15 PM: The initially dispatched medic and aid units were cleared, which suggests no life-threatening injuries. SDOT has a crew on the way to clean up fluid and debris.

(Added: Photo sent by Mark)

9:35 PM: Photos added. We were told at the scene that one person was taken to a hospital; we’re following up further on that.

9:53 PM: Police say they’re reopening “all lanes of travel.”

10:09 PM: SFD spokesperson Kaila Lafferty tells us a woman in her early 30s was taken to a hospital by private ambulance.

Flipped-car mystery in North Delridge

Police are dealing right now with what’s described in radio exchanges as a flipped silver Lexus RX SUV. It was reported in the lot downhill behind Ounces at the north end of Delridge – apparently having come down that slope. Dispatch said two people were trying to right the car and the person who called 911 was told “don’t call police.” Took a while to get officers there – initially no one was available, so they had to dispatch from another precinct, but canceled that when West Seattle officers became available. The first on scene reported finding the flipped vehicle, empty, no one in sight. It had temporary plates, and when dispatch ran them, they checked to the appropriate car, but we haven’t heard whether it turned out to be stolen or not – will have to check on that later this morning.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash on Admiral Way hill

2:26 PM: SPD and SFD are responding to a reported “rollover” blocking one southbound lane of the Admiral Way hill (north of the West Seattle Bridge). The driver is reported to have gotten out of the car so it’s just a one-engine response.

2:48 PM: Photo added. We just drove by the scene, which is not in a safe spot to pull over and ask questions. Only the outside downhill lane is blocked.

3:10 PM: They’re still waiting for the tow truck. Once it arrives, clearing the scene may temporarily block more than just the outside lane.

4:07 PM: SFD tells us that the “approximately 24-year-old male driver was evaluated and treated at the scene and did not want to go to the hospital for further care.”

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at 8th and Roxbury

(Added – reader photo by Jenny F)

12:37 PM: Thanks for the tip. Emergency responders are at the scene of a crash at 8th/Roxbury. The tipster says a car is “flipped over,” but it’s only a single-engine SFD response, not a “rescue extrication.” Avoid the area for a while.

1:40 PM: Metro says the bus routes are back to normal, indicating the scene is cleared.

4:19 PM: We asked SFD about injuries: One woman around 60 years old was treated at the scene but declined to be taken to a hospital.

ADDED FRIDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Jenny F for posting a photo in comments – we’ve added it above as well, for the record.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash on Harbor Avenue, driver to hospital

1:55 PM: Thanks for the tip. SFD and SPD are in the 2400 block of Harbor Avenue SW, near the 7-11, for what was dispatched as a “rescue extrication” call. SPD says the street is closed in both directions. We’re on our way to find out more.

2:01 PM: SFD has already closed the call. They’re working to clear the road and letting the Water Taxi shuttle through, but not other traffic.

2:14 PM: Flipped-car crash, as our photo (and the one Angela has posted in a comment below) shows. We’re told at the scene that the driver hit a parked car and flipped.

2:21 PM: Harbor is open again, police just told dispatch.

4:55 PM: SFD tells WSB that the driver, a 53-year-old woman, was in stable condition when taken to Harborview by AMR ambulance.

UPDATE: Driver arrested after flipped-car crash on Delridge Way

11:06 PM: SPD and an SFD “rescue extrication” response are arriving at a crash that is described as blocking Delridge both ways in the 4700 block [map]. Updates to come.

11:09 PM: One person is reported to be out of the vehicle. No major injuries, firefighters told dispatch.

11:24 PM: We don’t have visuals so far but police have described the crash as “single vehicle rollover.”

11:36 PM: Thanks to the texter who just sent the photo added above.

11:54 PM: And thanks to Barb D, who sent this security camera video of the crash – the driver hit a parked car, and then their car rolled:

12:46 PM: Thanks also to the texter who sent these photos:

We’ll be following up with both SPD and SFD.

ADDED 10:30 AM: SFD tells us the driver, a 33-year-old woman, was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

11:58 AM: SPD says she was arrested for investigation of DUI.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at 35th/Barton

8:52 PM: SFD and SPD are on the way to 35th/Barton, dispatched to a crash reported to involve a “rollover.” Updates to come.

(SDOT camera images)

8:55 PM: The car is flipped, as shown on the nearest traffic camera. The response is being downsized because no one is trapped. But police are looking for someone who is reported to have walked/run away from the crash – described as a “white male, red hoodie, backpack, cowboy hat, cowboy boots.”

9:04 PM: Police have checked and so far it does NOT appear this was a stolen car. NB 35th is blocked just south of Barton, meantime.

9:38 PM: The tow truck has arrived and just turned the car over onto its wheels, so the street should be clear before too long.

9:44 PM: Officers just told dispatch the scene is clear and the street is open all ways. Apparently no luck finding the driver.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash in Morgan Junction

11:58 PM: Police and fire are arriving at a reported flipped-car crash at California/Fauntleroy. Everybody’s reported to be out of the car, no serious injuries.

(WSB photo)

12:26 AM: This is on the southbound side of California by Morgan Junction Park. Northbound vehicles are getting by.

(Photo sent by Bryan)

12:51 AM: Officers at the scene just told dispatch that they’ll be “reopening the road shortly” and are calling for a tow for the flipped car.

ADDED MIDDAY SUNDAY: As noted in comments, two damaged cars remained parked at the crash scene this morning.

UPDATE: Flipped-van crash on 16th SW

6:32 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “rescue extrication” response to the 7900 block of 16th SW. Avoid the area. First engine on scene says it’s a “car on its top.” Updates to come.

6:36 PM: The callout is being downsized because nobody’s trapped after all – one person was in the vehicle and got out OK, firefighters told dispatch. Power lines might be involved, so they’re contacting City Light.

6:49 PM: Photos added. Responders are talking to the driver. No indication yet if they’ll have to go to the hospital, nor of how this happened. (Added) One more component of the scene – a leaning utility pole:

7:02 PM: Police just told dispatch they’re moving the closure boundary to 16th/Holden “because of a high-voltage line that came down.”

7:22 PM: Note that Metro Routes 125 and 128 are routed off 16th SW in the area. See here for alternate routing.

8:39 PM: SFD says the driver, in his mid-40s, was taken to a hospital in stable condition by AMR ambulance. … Also, both affected bus routes have resumed regular routing, indicating the street has reopened.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash on West Marginal railroad tracks

10:16 PM: Seattle Fire and Police are on the way to what’s described by dispatchers as a “rollover” crash on the railroad tracks in the 3800 block of West Marginal Way [map] Updates to come.

10:20 PM: Firefighters arriving at the scene report everyone’s out of the vehicle, no major injuries, so the response is being downsized. Now the challenge is to notify BNSF that there’s a vehicle on the tracks.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Flipped-car crash at Sylvan/Morgan

5:06 PM: Police have told dispatch they’re closing the intersection where Sylvan Way meets SW Morgan [map] because of a crash. SFD has responded too.

(Photo sent by Gary)

5:26 PM: We’ve just arrived in the area. Morgan/Sylvan is blocked right at Lanham. Two cars are involved, one flipped. That car’s driver is being taken to the hospital via AMR. Not life-threatening injuries.

em>(WSB photo)

Lots of debris to clear from the street.

7:08 PM: We don’t have an update on the street – it should be open by now, though – but we do have an update on the person taken to the hospital – man in his mid-30s, in stable condition when transported, according to SFD.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at 15th/Roxbury

(Image from SDOT traffic camera)

1:25 PM: Thanks for the tip. Police and SFD are at the scene of a flipped-car crash on the westbound side of SW Roxbury at 15th. Texter says everyone got out OK, which is why there was no big “rescue extrication” callout. Updates to come.

1:38 PM: We’re told at the scene that one woman is being taken to the hospital via AMR ambulance, which means her injuries weren’t life-threatening. No sign of another vehicle involved, but we can’t find out for sure as no other information is available on the circumstances – the only officer left at the scene is there for traffic control while they await a tow truck. An SDOT incident-response truck is there now, and westbound traffic continues routing around via one inside lane.

2:04 PM: The scene is clear and all lanes have reopened, as shown on the SDOT camera. Meantime, commenter Courtney has an eyewitness report.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash in 1300 block Harbor SW

(Added: Photo sent by Stewart L.)

6:28 PM: Seattle Fire had a big “rescue extrication” response on the way to a reported car-flip crash in the 1300 block of Harbor SW [map]. But the first crews on scene report no one is trapped, so they’re downgrading the response. Updates to come.

(Added: WSB photo)

6:54 PM: Our crew talked to police at the scene. They say the driver may have fallen asleep while driving. He is being taken to the hospital by private ambulance.

(Added: Photo sent by Stewart L.)

7:12 PM: Police say the street has reopened, after the car was turned back over and towed.

UPDATE: West Marginal flipped-car crash

2:26 PM: A Seattle Fire “rescue extrication” response is headed to West Marginal/Andover [map] for what’s reported as a three-vehicle crash, “one overturned,” blocking the road both ways. Updates to come.

2:30 PM: The photo is from Bill Schrier, who says those are bystanders working to free the person(s) in the car even before emergency personnel arrived. Here’s a wider view he also sent:

2:35 PM: Firefighters just told dispatch the person has been extricated. (added) Bill reports one lane is open each way past the scene.

2:55 PM: The person will be taken to Harborview by private ambulance, which indicates their injuries are not life-threatened. Meantime, southbound WMW is blocked. Police are reported to be diverting that traffic to the low bridge.

3:28 PM: Officers have just told dispatch they’re opening the southbound lanes.

5:46 PM: Added a view of the scene from the other direction, sent by Eric Makus. Only additional information we have is from SFD, which says the person pulled from the car is male and was in stable condition when transported.

About that flipped boat at Don Armeni

Thanks to Doug Eglington for the photo. A few people mentioned the odd sight at Don Armeni Boat Ramp over the weekend – an overturned. boat right at the launch. All we could determine was that there was no emergency response logged in connection with it. One texter said they’d reported it to the Harbor Patrol, but Sunday it was still there. Then today the tow truck showed up. We checked with SPD; no report written, but they did note that officers on Saturday “notified the registered owner of the boat that it could be impounded.”

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash on 35th SW

10:23 AM: Big emergency response for a crash on 35th SE between Graham and Raymond. Avoid the area.

10:36 AM: Thanks to Matthew for the photo. At least one person is reported to be injured.

12:10 PM: Scene’s clear.

12:56 PM: SFD says the person who was injured is a 61-year-old woman assessed to be in stable condition when transported by AMR ambulance.

Flipped-car crash at 35th and Kenyon

Thanks for the tip! Northbound 35th SW is blocked at Kenyon until a tow truck arrives for a flipped car. The original callout was “rescue extrication” but most of the units were canceled quickly. Police tell us the driver hit a parked car and his car flipped. No major injuries.

UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at 12th/Roxbury

2:30 PM: Seattle Fire and Seattle Police are arriving at a 2-car crash at 12th/Roxbury, with one car reported “on its roof.” Avoid the area. Updates to come.

2:54 PM UPDATE: Photo added. 2 people are being taken to Harborview. The crash is on the eastbound side but traffic is now getting through both ways.