UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at 35th/Barton

8:52 PM: SFD and SPD are on the way to 35th/Barton, dispatched to a crash reported to involve a “rollover.” Updates to come.

(SDOT camera images)

8:55 PM: The car is flipped, as shown on the nearest traffic camera. The response is being downsized because no one is trapped. But police are looking for someone who is reported to have walked/run away from the crash – described as a “white male, red hoodie, backpack, cowboy hat, cowboy boots.”

9:04 PM: Police have checked and so far it does NOT appear this was a stolen car. NB 35th is blocked just south of Barton, meantime.

9:38 PM: The tow truck has arrived and just turned the car over onto its wheels, so the street should be clear before too long.

9:44 PM: Officers just told dispatch the scene is clear and the street is open all ways. Apparently no luck finding the driver.

19 Replies to "UPDATE: Flipped-car crash at 35th/Barton"

  • Biblio March 3, 2023 (9:01 pm)

    Lots of sirens headed N on 35th a couple minutes ago (at 35th & Trenton).

  • --- March 3, 2023 (9:05 pm)

    Police car just went down the alley between 35th and 34th near Roxbury, with lights, looking for a suspect. They made an announcement but I couldn’t hear it. 

    • WSB March 3, 2023 (9:06 pm)

      Yes, as mentioned, they’re looking for the driver who bolted. They were questioning someone a few blocks away but just deduced that wasn’t who they’re looking for.

  • CC March 3, 2023 (9:06 pm)

    Lots of cops on 32nd between Roxbury and Barton. 

    • WSB March 3, 2023 (9:08 pm)

      That’s where they thought they had a possible suspect but have just determined it’s not the person they were looking for.

      • CC March 3, 2023 (9:10 pm)

        Thanks for the update! They seem to have stopped going down here so much.

  • 35thRox March 3, 2023 (9:15 pm)

    Is the second car (on the live cam) part of the accident?

  • R March 3, 2023 (9:32 pm)

  • Eric1 March 3, 2023 (9:38 pm)

    Wow if it isn’t a stolen car then most likely the driver wasn’t sober.  This is why you don’t drink and drive.  You do dumb things when you drink, and sometimes one of them is choosing to drive. I had a few tonight but I didn’t drive home. If you can afford enough drinks to qualify for a DUI, then you have money to catch an Uber.  Alternatively, just have your drinks in the Junction and busses run to most neighborhoods on a regular basis. Walking home the few blocks home give you time to sober up so you don’t say dumb things to your wife. Please, don’t be stupid: don’t drink and drive.  Otherwise you will look like a fool running in cowboy boots and a cowboy hat the rain (not that you had to be drunk to look like a fool LOL).  

    • my two cents March 4, 2023 (5:46 pm)

      @eric1 – where was it stated that alcohol was a cause of this incident? Uhhh? Nowhere. If you are going to make a point that you want to resonate with the reader it would help your case in making a fact based and framed comment.

      • StuckInWestSeattle March 5, 2023 (11:44 am)

        His response was fair and quite likely. Why else grab your stuff and run? They cannot really state the cause til they find the suspect so its totally legit to suggest it could be a alcohol related crash. you didnt happen to be wearing a cowboy hat and boots did ya? ;)

        • my two cents March 5, 2023 (7:25 pm)

          @stuck – I tend to like to base my opinions on facts and not speculation from random internet self-professed “experts”. 

  • HoneyBun March 3, 2023 (9:54 pm)

    Just the good ole’ boys…Never meanin’ no harm…

  • Cryptozooid Watch March 3, 2023 (10:03 pm)

    The elusive Bigflip strikes again!  How many cars can one mysterious cryptozooid flip?  Stay tuned to the WSBlog and find out!

  • Hammer in Hand March 4, 2023 (6:46 am)

    2nd time in less than a week the flipper counter, number of days since the last car flip  has been reset 

  • Old Timer March 4, 2023 (11:37 am)

    Hat ‘n Boots! 

  • KK March 4, 2023 (12:32 pm)

    I live very close.  Based upon the strange noises I heard, and the sequence of the noises, I have a hunch the guy may have hid for a couple hours, until the coast was clear, in the 7/11 dumpster!

  • drahcir61 March 4, 2023 (3:10 pm)

    I think the last picture is ironic, the flipped car with the “1-800-Got-Junk” truck in the background. 

    Also, cowboy boots & a cowboy hat???  Must’ve been too drunk & his horse said, “nahhhhh”. 

    • Ferns March 5, 2023 (8:20 pm)

      Yeah, probably ran cause he was too humiliated to be caught in the cowboy boots and hat! …and under the influence of something enough to flip a nonstolen car. 

Sorry, comment time is over.