UPDATE: West Marginal flipped-car crash

2:26 PM: A Seattle Fire “rescue extrication” response is headed to West Marginal/Andover [map] for what’s reported as a three-vehicle crash, “one overturned,” blocking the road both ways. Updates to come.

2:30 PM: The photo is from Bill Schrier, who says those are bystanders working to free the person(s) in the car even before emergency personnel arrived. Here’s a wider view he also sent:

2:35 PM: Firefighters just told dispatch the person has been extricated. (added) Bill reports one lane is open each way past the scene.

2:55 PM: The person will be taken to Harborview by private ambulance, which indicates their injuries are not life-threatened. Meantime, southbound WMW is blocked. Police are reported to be diverting that traffic to the low bridge.

3:28 PM: Officers have just told dispatch they’re opening the southbound lanes.

5:46 PM: Added a view of the scene from the other direction, sent by Eric Makus. Only additional information we have is from SFD, which says the person pulled from the car is male and was in stable condition when transported.

15 Replies to "UPDATE: West Marginal flipped-car crash"

  • AMC December 18, 2021 (2:46 pm)

    Road is fully closed now.

    • WSB December 18, 2021 (2:57 pm)

      Thanks; they’ve just reported that NB is now open but SB blocked.

  • Charlie December 18, 2021 (3:02 pm)

    SB traffic is bring diverted to lower Bridge.

    • Nathan December 18, 2021 (6:34 pm)

      It’ll be interesting to see if they issue low bridge fines to cars crossing the bridge as a result of this detour. I saw the cops waving cars onto the low bridge from the C line this afternoon; obviously necessary given the situation, but I’d be surprised if they coordinated with SDOT well enough to pause the bridge cameras during this.

      • WSB December 18, 2021 (6:45 pm)

        SPD is the department that reviews the enforcement-camera photos and issues the tickets.

  • Mj December 18, 2021 (3:13 pm)

    So what happens to a motorist diverted by the SPD to the low bridge, clearly no penalty fee would be in order.  Also I understand every vehicle gets one mulligan, I would hope that diverted motorists holding onto their mulligan do not lose it due to this police diversion.  

    • WSB December 18, 2021 (3:18 pm)

      They received supervisor approval for it, so I would expect that’s the case, but I’ll be checking on Monday.

  • Benjamin Liu December 18, 2021 (7:11 pm)

    Police officer directing traffic said they are allowing traffic on the bridge with no fine. Also, he was a really nice guy in what seemed a stressful situation with tons of cars in the intersection.  He was apologetic it was taking so long (of course not his fault!)

  • Timber! December 18, 2021 (9:06 pm)

    I am curious about what actually happened that caused the car to flip. If anyone saw the accident or finds out later, please share here. Very scary!

  • VinceCpicoly December 18, 2021 (9:39 pm)

    I was walking by and noticed some people taking pictures and writing information regarding the incident.  Let’s hope such events decrease in the future.  

  • Mj December 18, 2021 (10:16 pm)

    The reason I raised the fine item is that years ago the WSP closed the Montlake exit forcing motorists to drive the tolled SR – 520, my good to go was charged and I had to spend time getting them to reverse the charge, they did reverse the charge but it took time to get it done.  I would hope the City simply throws out all the EB infractions for the time duration of the closure of WMW and the re-route so motorists are not forced into spending time dealing with the infraction due to a situation not in their control.

    In fact I believe it’s written in the RCW that tolls cannot be collected when motorists are directed by Police to use a route that is tolled.

  • Don Brubeck December 19, 2021 (11:59 am)

    The long delays due to this crash and so many other crashes on WMW are due to impatience, speeding, inattention, driving under influence, and reckless driving. Not bike lanes. Not congestion. 

    • Admyrl Byrd December 19, 2021 (10:59 pm)

      Congestion and impatience/speeding probably have a correlation.  Particularly since SDOT has taken an active approach to making it harder – the intermittent lower bridge closures and that traffic island just north of the Subway come to mind

  • Carnofcarnage December 19, 2021 (6:45 pm)

    I would think a car would have to be doing at least 45 at that part of the road to flip over as such… theres alot of traffik obviously due to the bridge please pay attention people

  • Jay December 20, 2021 (9:04 am)

    Turn on your lights, give following distance, and give more following distance in the rain. Bunching up and riding bumper-to-bumper at 40mph on a rainy morning is not a great way to get where you’re going without incident. Not saying that’s what happened here, but I’ve driven this stretch enough times to say that’s most likely what happened. When you follow so closely you don’t give yourself any room to compensate for mistakes or bad road conditions. Also, don’t cut people off. And use your turn signal, it’s that little stick to the left of your steering wheel and it turns on a light on the back of your car that lets people know you’re going to turn. Push it up for right, down for left. It’s a hidden gem in automobile design that more people should know about!

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