month : 01/2020 288 results

5 things to do on your West Seattle Wednesday night

(Dark-eyed Junco, photographed by Robin Sinner, shared via WSB Flickr group)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, five options for tonight:

UNDERSTANDING MEDICARE: Free workshop, 6:15 pm at Southwest Library. Cookies! (9010 35th SW)

‘NO PLACE FOR HATE’: Community workshop at West Seattle High School right after brief PTSA meeting. 6:30 pm pizza, 6:45 pm PTSA and workshop. Details in our calendar listing. (3000 California SW)

STUDENT VISUAL ARTS AND MUSIC NIGHT: Presented by Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor) at the Chief Sealth IHS Auditorium. Free admission. (2600 SW Thistle)

HPAC: Highland Park, Riverview, South Delridge community meeting with lots of updates, discussions, even a logo vote, all previewed here. 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club. (1116 SW Holden)

MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Snow-delayed quarterly meeting tonight – here’s what’s planned. 7 pm at The Kenney. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

WHAT ELSE IS UP? See all the listings on our complete calendar.

FOLLOWUP: Cottage Grove Park playground plans moving ahead

January 22, 2020 9:58 am
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

By Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Back in early December, we reported on the preliminary ideas for renovating the Cottage Grove Park playground (aka Puget Boulevard Commons Park) at 5206 26th SW, to make the play area more appealing and usable for younger children.

This week, Seattle Parks project manager Pam Kliment provided an email update to neighbors who attended that December forum: The team now has a detailed plan for the park layout (see the PDF here or below), as well as an end-of-April timeframe for completion (8 weeks to get the new play equipment, then a couple of weeks to install it).

Kliment noted that some work on the project has already been done, including the removal of problematic play equipment such as “the rocker,” which was cited by neighbors as being difficult and dangerous for younger children to use.

The Cottage Grove project was chosen by the public as part of the Your Voice, Your Choice program in partnership with the Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Transportation, and Seattle Parks.

Questions about the Cottage Grove Park project can be sent to Pam Kliment at or 206-684-7556.

CONGRATULATIONS! Soccer team plays for regional-tournament championship

The photo was sent by James Craig, who reports that the Highline Soccer Association‘s 05 Highland Select team – with players from West Seattle, Burien, and Normandy Park – played for the championship in this past weekend’s PacNW premier Winter Classic tournament. “Unfortunately, the ladies lost the finals in a penalty kick as they they were tied 1-1 in regulation. Final score 2-1, good for 2nd place out of 16.”


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7 AM: Good morning! One incident in our area right now, a crash that WSDOT says is blocking the center lane on NB SR 99 on the 1st Avenue S. Bridge.\

7:32 AM: Crash reported in the right lane of the eastbound West Seattle Bridge just before the exit to 99.

8:25 AM: The WS Bridge crash is cleared.

9:07 AM: This might be normal, but reporting anyway because we’ve been out on a story: At 9:05, the Avalon backup to get onto the bridge went all the way uphill past Yancy. Going the other way (which we were), getting through the Harbor/Avalon/Spokane intersection SB took 4 light cycles.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Tires taken; business burglary

10:19 PM: Patrick reports someone stole his set of 4 winter tires from his apartment parking garage near 35th and Avalon. Though even locked garage doors are not burglar-proof, in this case, he says, the garage door has been unlocked and in need of repair, “so someone just walked (or drove) right in and snatched them. I’m sure I’ll never see those tires again, which is frustrating, but if any WSB readers need a reminder to hide your possessions from the public and/or lock them up, there it is.”

ADDED 11:10 PM: Caroline just emailed to report this business burglary weekend before last at The Whittaker:

We started construction on the new City Sweats location last month in suite 170 under Whole Foods. Over the weekend our lockbox that we had for our contractors to access the key was taken. We later noticed that our contractors’ equipment was stolen.

I saw on the blog that there was a lockbox burglary at a residential property just a few blocks from us. It’s scary and everyone is really bummed about it.

I’ve asked our neighboring businesses BECU, T-Mobile, and Mod Pizza for their surveillance coverage but they can only release it to the police. The police said it’ll take a few weeks for the detective to even contact me for followup.

BIZNOTE: ‘Passing of the torch’ at Poggie Tavern – new ownership after 23 years

(WSB photos)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“It’s just time.”

That’s the simple explanation from Mike Merlino, as he and wife Joni retire from 23 years of owning The Junction’s legendary Poggie Tavern (4717 California SW).

They closed the deal today with new owners Joel Stedman and Margo Beaver , who you might know for their first West Seattle establishment, Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW).

(Joel Stedman, Margo Beaver, Joni & Mike Merlino)

We talked with everyone right after Joel met with Poggie employees to talk about the transition.

First thing he wants Poggie patrons to know: It’s not changing … much. Just some additions – like liquor. Bigger TVs. Maybe some games – pool, pinball. Maybe even more pulltabs than the abundant stock behind the Poggie’s bar. The staff’s staying. The hours – (corrected) 11 am to 2 am – the same. The Poggie will still have live music every weekend.

“Our goal is to preserve the place,” says Joel. “… keep things close to what people know the Poggie for.” He adds that they’re “pretty pumped … excited to be in the heart of The Junction.” The transition is more a “passing of the torch,” he says, than a takeover. He’s also thinking they’ll celebrate the Poggie “brand” a little more than has happened historically – T-shirts and other swag. (Really, you gotta love the fancy-dressed fish.)

And yes, he and Margo are keeping Larry’s, which he says has “exceeded our expectations” after less than half a year, as well as their other four (non-West Seattle) venues. They own that building (but for the Poggie, they’re tenants).

Though the tavern was bustling with transitional activity when we werr there this afternoon – besides the staff meeting, a new point-of-sale system for starters – most of the additions wiil be gradual: Liquor by Summer Fest, TV upgrades by next football season.

This is all in the spirit of the simple upgrades the Merlinos made when they took over 23 years ago. It’s a place dating back at least to the ’40s, with many memories – they’ve had patrons who talked about parents and grandparents having come in – and now, they’re part of those memories themselves.

FOLLOWUP: What else we’ve found out about West Seattle Golf Course gasoline theft that fouled Longfellow Creek

(WSB photo, Longfellow Creek north of Genesee, Saturday)

4:58 PM: “Gas theft has been a problem at all our golf courses, from tanks and from vehicles.” That’s part of what we learned today from Seattle Parks spokesperson Rachel Schulkin, responding to our followup questions about last Friday’s theft from a West Seattle Golf Course tank that led to gasoline going into a storm drain leading to Longfellow Creek. We also learned how the gas was stolen: “They removed the vent and used a hose to siphon out the gas.”

(WSB photo, West Seattle Golf Course parking lot, Saturday)

The exact amount that got into the creek still isn’t known: “Around 300 gallons were in the tanks and 70 gallons left behind in gas containers.” That 70 gallons of gas was subsequently “filtered and then put back into the tank,” which is used, Schulkin said, by Parks vehicles. One of those vehicles, as we mentioned in our Saturday followup, was stolen; it has not yet been recovered; we obtained the police report today. According to the report, a Parks employee noticed the vehicle, a white 2016 Chevrolet Colorado, missing when he arrived for work just before 5 am. No other new information in the report. Schulkin says Parks is “developing some solutions for better securing the fuel tank.” Meantime, we have a few other followup questions out to the state agencies that were involved in the cleanup, but haven’t yet heard back.

ADDED 6:16 PM: We just got an update from Ecology spokesperson Ty Keltner:

As of earlier today, responders are not observing any fuel in the creek. There is still some upland soil contamination that may need to be dug out, so sorbents were left in the creek and storm drains in case something migrates downstream. At this point, SPU’s portion of the emergency response has concluded, and Seattle Parks is taking over. Ecology will be on scene tomorrow morning to determine if there are shoreline impacts and if any additional cleanup work needs to be done. We don’t have any updates to quantity spilled.

We also asked about the cleanup cost and how that would be handled. “Way too early” to estimate, he replied.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash in The Junction

(Photo sent by Mel)

Thanks to the texters who sent word of a crash blocking 42nd/Alaska in The Junction. SFD responded but no medic unit so apparently no major injuries. Avoid the area for a while, though.

UPDATE: Water rescue call off Beach Drive = false alarm

2:13 PM: A capsized boat with 1 person in the water is reported about a mile off the 6000 block Beach Drive – SFD and the Coast Guard are responding – more to come.

(Fireboat Leschi responding – photo by Jim Borrow, substituted for previously posted WSB phone photo)

2:33 PM: Per scanner, what was reported might not have been an overturned boat after all.

2:40 PM: And SFD now confirms it was “floating debris.” Land and sea response ending.

West Seattle Summer Fest 2020 is in view! Vendor applications open

January 21, 2020 12:51 pm
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 |   West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

(SDOT cam overview of past West Seattle Summer Fest)

Even on this blustery gray January day, we can see summer … thanks to the West Seattle Junction Association, which is now accepting vendor applications for Summer Fest! This year’s dates are Friday-Sunday, July 10-12, and those days/nights will fill the streets with fun in the heart of The Junction. WSJA says the priority is on local arts; to register as a vendor and start the application process, go here.

Food, music, education, safety, more for your West Seattle Tuesday night

January 21, 2020 11:25 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

Highlights for your Tuesday night, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

DREAM DINNERS’ OPEN HOUSE: New to Dream Dinners (WSB sponsor)? You’re invited to visit tonight and prep three dinners at a discount, as previewed here. (4701 41st SW)

IB INFORMATION NIGHT AT CHIEF SEALTH: Interested in the International Baccalaureate program at Chief Sealth International High School? Come find out more about it at 7 pm. (2600 SW Thistle)

UNPLUGGED – A MUSICAL GATHERING: Acoustic musicians, this is for you! 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor). No cover. All ages. (5612 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct, hear from/talk with police, and find out more about the state Department of Corrections from this month’s guest speaker. (2300 SW Webster)

TUESDAY TRIVIA: 8:30 pm at Admiral Pub with Devon. 21+. (2306 California SW)

OPEN MIC NIGHT: 9 pm at Parliament Tavern. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

Thanks to Jan P. for today’s featured photo, taken from California Way!

SCHOLARSHIPS: AAUW’s offer for South Seattle College graduates

January 21, 2020 10:24 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

From the WSB inbox:

The Seattle Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is offering scholarships to women who will be 2020 graduates of The Seattle Colleges, including South Seattle College in West Seattle, and continuing on to earn their Bachelor’s degree in WA State.

AAUW works to advance equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy. Eligibility details and application at: .


January 21, 2020 6:57 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:57 AM: Good morning! No alerts or incidents in our area so far – just rain.

7:49 AM: Rain’s stopped, at least here. And a datapoint – today’s sunrise (at 7:47) is 10 minutes earlier than on New Year’s Day.

10:24 AM: Crash dispatch for 2-car collision, one person injured, on NB Highway 99 at Lander.

Is the 40-hour workweek obsolete? Sen. Joe Nguyen says it’s time to ‘re-think’ it

“We used to have a 100-hour work week, 6 days a week. In 1940 the US made the ‘radical’ shift to a 40-hour week that we enjoy today. Now 80 years later we need to re-think that paradigm.” So tweeted 34th District State Sen. Joe Nguyen of West Seattle tonight, after introducing Senate Bill 6516, which would downsize the official workweek to 32 hours in our state. After that, qualifying workers would have to be paid time and a half. Here’s the full text of the bill, as introduced, which includes a variety of exceptions:

Now that the bill has been introduced, it goes to the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee for potential consideration. You can comment on the bill via the Legislature’s website.

REMINDER: Q&A with local police at Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting

January 20, 2020 8:10 pm
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 |   Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council | West Seattle news

Three months have passed since the last West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (WSB coverage here), and tomorrow, it reconvenes after holiday hiatus. Who is the WSCPC, you ask? President Richard Miller has long worked to keep it going – but otherwise, it’s really whoever shows up. A centerpiece of each meeting is an update from Southwest Precinct police leadership and a chance to bring up questions and concerns. There’s often a spotlight guest, too; tomorrow night, you’ll hear from a rep with the state Corrections Department. It all starts at 7 pm Tuesday at the precinct meeting room right off the parking lot, 2300 SW Webster (next to Home Depot).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Burglarized while they slept

Catherine is hoping someone in the 31st SW/SW City View area can help solve their burglary:

Our home was broken into last night while we slept sometime between 12:30 and 7 a.m. We live in the Luna Park neighborhood and numerous valuables were taken including heirloom jewelry and all our personal information, purses, wallets, checkbooks, electronics (cell phone, x box, tablets…) and access to all our personal and credit accounts. A bag was left behind from another property or car prowl by the intruder that has been turned over to the police.

Police reports and fingerprints have been taken but we are looking for anyone who may have camera footage or noticed anything between those hours to please contact us or SPD with information. The incident number is 2020-023214.

Burglaries at night, while someone’s home, are far rarer than daytime break-ins.

BIZNOTE: Lula Coffee ready for grand-opening party after creating ‘a place where everybody feels comfortable’

(WSB photos. Above, mural inside Lula Coffee)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog edito

“Be your own kind of beautiful.”

That’s one of the inspirational suggestions featured in art on the walls inside Lula Coffee Co., which celebrates its grand opening this Friday and Saturday (January 24-25) at 4451 California SW in The Junction.

The space has been transformed from its former identity as Red Cup Espresso, under new owner Taylor Platt and manager Caitlyn Johnson (L-R below).

Platt is a veteran of “the coffee world” – 9 years at Cutters Point Coffee Co. (Lula’s roaster), and she’s a former vice president of development for Gravity Coffee Co..

She says she has longed to take over this shop since she first saw it shortly after moving to Alki five years ago and was excited to get the opportunity after it went up for sale last year. She wants Lula to be known for more than coffee; she’s worked to create a “super positive atmosphere,” which she says ex-employer Cutters Point is known for in Gig Harbor.

In particular, Platt says, Lula is a celebration of “girl power.” But girls aren’t the only ones likely to find meaning in the art by Tori Kirihara. Overall, the intention is for Lula to be “a place where everybody feels comfortable.”

And there are other reasons to hang out there: Seating with outlets (including USBs), for one.

Breakfast burritos made for Lula by adjacent taco truck El Chapulin Oaxaqueño (which doesn’t open until 11 am otherwise) and heated super-fast by the new Turbo Chef oven, one of the equipment upgrades. Pastries and bagels are available (multiple providers). And, Johnson adds, “We offer great milk alternatives at no additional cost, including oat, coconut, hemp, soy, and almond. We also use ‘clean label’ syrups.”

More changes are ahead – Platt hopes to install a speaker box for ordering, to “move people more quickly” through the drive-up line, one of just a few in West Seattle. And the hours are about to expand, to 5 am-7 pm weekdays, 6 am-8 pm Saturdays, 7 am-6 pm Sundays. (Maybe later in summer.)

You’re invited to stop in and give the shop a try during the grand opening Friday-Saturday, with specials including $1 12-ounce hot drinks.

P.S. About the name – it’s a nod to Platt’s mom, who, she explains, wanted to name her Tallulah. Some customers have called her Lula, she says, and that news thrilled her mom (“It’s finally happening!”). Whether you call her Lula or Taylor, she says, just come on in.

CONGRATULATIONS! West Seattle High School Cheer headed to state again

(Photo courtesy WSHS Cheer)

For the second year in a row, the West Seattle High School cheerleaders are headed to state. They earned the spot by competing this past weekend in two divisions, taking first place in Coed Non-Tumbling – including the second-highest score in their division in the state -and second place in Coed Game Day. Last year, they placed third in state competition. This is the team’s their second year competing under the direction of head coach Jasmyne Everhart (her 4th year leading the program) and co-coach Nadine Nguyen (3rd year with the program), and both years, their athletes have qualified for state. This year’s state championships are set for February 7-8 at Battle Ground High School in southwest Washington.

YOUTH SPORTS: Now up at bat, West Seattle Girls Softball registration

From West Seattle Girls Softball president Chrysta Torres:

Registration for the 2020 softball season is now open – and there is a $20 discount for registering in January! Practices will begin in mid-March, with games starting in mid/late April. The season will conclude the first week of June.

We invite girls 6-15 with any level of softball experience to join us for a fun season of recreational league fast-pitch softball. We teach the basics and build skills as players continue with the program and work to place players on teams that will be most beneficial to their needs.

We’d also like to thank the local businesses that sponsor our league year after year – we cannot do it without their support.

Ready to register? Find the link here, along with more info about WSGS.

SCHOOLS: No ‘between semesters’ day off next week

Calendar note: After today’s holiday, Seattle Public Schools are back in session until midwinter break February 17-21. Next week’s scheduled “day between semesters” (January 29th) is canceled to make up for the district’s “snow day” last Wednesday. If you’re directly connected to SPS, that’s probably old news, but for everyone else interested, it’s confirmed on the district’s updated list of this year’s key dates, which notes that if any other “snow days” happen, the designated makeup dates would extend the end of the school year, currently set for June 18th.

Your West Seattle Monday highlights, for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 20, 2020 9:45 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Bald Eagle, photographed by Chris Frankovich)

from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

MLK DAY AT THE Y: The West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) is not only open today, it invites you to volunteer with a Community Beautification project now through noon – info here. (3622 SW Snoqualmie)

YOUTH BASKETBALL TRYOUTS: 10 am-noon at the Seattle Lutheran High School gym, last of three tryout sessions for 7th- and 8th-grade girls and boys interested in new AAU program West Seattle Saints. (4100 SW Genesee)



GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE: Another way to make this a Day of Service – give blood, if you can. A Bloodworks Northwest mobile blood drive is happening outside Admiral Safeway, 11:30 am-5:30 pm – details here. (2622 California SW)

ZEN MEDITATION: 7 pm at Fauntleroy UCC, hosted by Puget Sound Zen. All welcome, whether or not you’ve meditated before – details in our calendar listing.

3 TRIVIA/QUIZ NIGHTS: Monday nights offer three options:
*Best of Hands Barrelhouse (7500 35th SW; WSB sponsor), 7 pm, $2/person, 21+
*The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 7:30 pm, free, all ages
*Parliament Tavern (4210 SW Admiral Way), 8 pm, $2/person, 21+

FREE IMPROV MEETUP: 7 pm at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse – details and registration info here. (9131 California SW)

Something for the calendar? Send the info to – thank you!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: MLK Day Monday watch, with holiday reminders

January 20, 2020 6:07 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:07 AM: Good morning! We start with holiday notes:

*Schools closed
*Metro on “reduced weekday” schedule
*Water Taxi not running
*Sound Transit buses on regular schedule, light rail on #Connect2020 schedule
*Washington State Ferries on regular schedule
*Street parking is free of charge in pay-station neighborhoods

UPDATE: Seattle Fire ‘full response’ in South Delridge

9:12 PM: A Seattle Fire “full response” is headed to the 9400 block of 18th SW [map]. More as we get it.

9:15 PM: The first firefighters on scene say it’s a shed fire in a backyard. Avoid 18th/Cambridge, as roads are blocked.

9:22 PM: The response is being downsized, as the fire is apparently confined to the shed, described as 20 x 20. SFD say a downed wire is complicating things, though, so Seattle City Light is responding.

9:32 PM: Shed fire is out, per SFD radio.