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With ‘defunding’ dominating conversation citywide, District 1 Community Network has a heart-to-heart talk with West Seattle’s new police commander

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

No matter where you are on the topic of transforming public safety, you likely have been talking a lot about it lately.

And it dominated last night’s meeting of the District 1 Community Network (D1CN), with featured guests from the Seattle Police Department’s Southwest Precinct – new commander Capt. Kevin Grossman, new operations Lt. Sina Ebinger, and Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner.

D1CN is a coalition of West Seattle/South Park community-organization reps and other interested area residents; among the groups/organizations represented last night were the Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs, West Seattle Be Prepared, Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council, West Seattle Bike Connections, Morgan Community Association, West Seattle Transportation Coalition, South Park Neighborhood Association, West Seattle Timebank, Admiral Neighborhood Association, Duwamish Valley Safe Streets, VIEWS, Alki Community Council, and Fauntleroy Community Association.

POLICE SPOTLIGHT: Capt. Grossman spoke first, introducing himself and his priorities (see our June interview) – including gunfire (12 incidents in West Seattle in the past month, no injuries aside from the Alki shooting last Sunday, 28 year to date, up a bit from 24 at this point last year), auto thefts (Seattle is #22 in the nation); up a bit this year in West Seattle but overall crime and violent crime are both down more than 10 percent in our area, with the captain acknowledging COVID and the bridge closure play a role. Burglary is his other priority – he says there’s a current cluster in the Junction but overall they’re down 22 percent year to date.

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West Seattle Bridge updates and more @ Morgan Community Association

The Morgan Community Association has met for the first time since the pandemic wiped out in-person gatherings, convening via teleconference and phone this past Wednesday. Busy agenda as always for the MoCA quarterly meetings, starting with the peninsula’s biggest topic of the year:

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE/RECONNECT WEST SEATTLE: Madison Linkenmeyer and Michael Harold from SDOT were guests. Harold, noting that he is a Morgan Junction resident, started by recapping the newest info about the low bridge, while insisting it is NOT believed to be at “imminent risk.” The strengthening plans are a “take no chances” precaution, Harold said. He also said they’re considering expanding access – even though the low bridge is already “exceeding capacity” at times:

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New Southwest Precinct commander @ Fauntleroy Community Association: Priorities, crime trends, ‘defunding’

Now that he’s had two weeks to settle in, new Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Kevin Grossman is making the rounds of community meetings. This past Tuesday night, he introduced himself to the Fauntleroy Community Association.

After sharing some of his background – which we reported here last month – he outlined his three top priorities for the precinct:

1. Violent crime (though he acknowledged it’s relatively low in West Seattle). That includes pre-emptive action – he said he tells his officers, if you can legally take a gun from someone who shouldn’t have it, do that. He also promised that shots-fired calls will be investigated thoroughly.

2. Auto theft – the city is in the top 25 nationwide for this crime, and though local numbers aren’t horrible, he wants to reduce them, as it’s a “very impactful” crime. He has a crime-analysis detective mapping for preventive action.

3. Burglaries – Also not high here but this is another “impactful” crime. So if there are hot spots, he wants to get resources on top of that..

West Seattle’s crime trends right now: Overall, 16 percent down from this time last year, “no other part of the city is looking as good as West Seattle right now” – and of course he acknowledges COVID-19 and the bridge closure are major factors. Violent crime is down 15 percent, auto theft down 5 percent, burglaries are down 22 percent. For Fauntleroy in particular, violent crime is almost non-existent, burglaries are down 38 percent, but auto theft is up 18 percent over this time last year.

Capt. Grossman said he hopes to focus on prevention efforts – such as making free “Club” type devices available, which he had done as South Precinct commander, via a Seattle Police Foundation grant.

In Q&A, he was asked who’s doing all the car-stealing. Mostly people who use the cars to commit other crimes, such as mail theft. He was also asked about the current political battle between the mayor and council over “defunding” SPD (the council discussed this further at its Wednesday budget meeting but has not yet voted on anything). He said he has spent several days reassuring officers at roll calls who are “wondering if they’re going to get a pink slip any day now,” while also hearing older officers wondering “how soon can I get out.” He’s hoping “the rhetoric calms down a bit” – he agrees that there’s an overreliance on 911 to solve our society’s problems, and acknowledges that police have traditionally ben asked to do a lot of things they shouldn’t do. “There’s room for a bigger conversation about what police should be doing, shouldn’t be doing.” but he hopes there’s room for a rational conversation, though he says 50 percent would be too big a cut – “a cut like that would be devastating and would seriously affect the level of service we would provide.” As for specific types of change, Grossman offered support for the CAHOOTS model. “That would take a lot of work away from us – that’s all right, but that’s not in place yet. … Would probably save the city a bunch of money and might turn out better than some of our calls.”

One other question – about the whereabouts of Steve Strand, since Grossman has a new second-in-command, Operations Lt. Sina Ebinger (the position Strand previously held). He noted that Strand has been promoted to captain and is now one of three citywide night captains.

Capt. Grossman is scheduled to be a guest at tonight’s Alki Community Council meeting, as noted in our morning preview.

Also discussed at the FCA meeting – the recent Washington State Ferries online community meeting (here’s our report), the recent District 1 Community Network meeting (here’s our report), and planning for the next annual community survey to be conducted by FCA.

The Fauntleroy Community Association will next meet in September; watch for updates.

WEDNESDAY: Morgan Community Association meets, online

July 12, 2020 8:36 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

The Morgan Community Association skipped April’s quarterly meeting because of COVID-19 but is joining the online-convening world for its meeting this Wednesday (7 pm July 15th). Here’s the agenda and how to attend:

Welcome and Introductions

· Meet Alex Hagenah, new MoCA Secretary

Passages: Eldon Olson

Morgan Minute Updates

· MJ members affirm ‘Black Lives Matter’ in the WS June 5 march
· Community Problem Solvers – District 1 Community Network (D1CN)
· West Seattle ArtWalk – Virtually in Morgan Junction
· Morgan Junction Festival – Save the date for 2021
· Welcoming…

New Business

· WS Bridge Closure & Reconnect West Seattle – SDOT
· WS Bridge Now
· Showing Morgan Some Love
· West Seattle Covid-19 Support

Surprise Guests

Old Business

· MoCA Non-Profit update
· Emergency Preparedness during COVID
· Morgan Junction Parks & Projects

Here’s the July 15, 2020 MoCA meeting link.
Meeting ID: 222 985 415
Password: 625318 (only needed if you manually enter the meeting number)

Call-in only info:

Phone number: 669-900-6833

Same meeting ID and password for phone as for video.

District 1 Community Network tackles top topics, from bridge to virus

Toplines from the District 1 Community Network‘s July meeting last week:

WHO WAS THERE: Always hard to get a full roll call in online meetings, But this one included attendees from neighborhod-based groups (South Park, Fauntleroy, Pigeon Point, Pelly Place, Admiral, Highland Park, Alki, The Junction) as well as peninsula-wide groups such as West Seattle Bike Connections and the West Seattle Transportation Coalition, the Emergency Hubs. A few individual attendees were there too; we noted one from Fairmount Springs. D1CN is open to anyone with an interest in West Seattle and/or South Park. The group has an administrator (Larry Wymer) but no officers; each meeting has a volunteer facilitator – for this one, it was Phil Tavel.

WHAT THEY DISCUSSED – THE BRIDGE: The West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force was a hot topic – three members were in attendance:

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Admiral Neighborhood Association to meet online July 8

July 1, 2020 7:25 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news | West Seattle online

Just announced, the Admiral Neighborhood Association will meet online one week from today. The announcement:

Admiral Neighborhood Association’s July 8th meeting
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Main topics

West Seattle Bridge (Heather Marx from SDOT will join us for part of the meeting)

ANA’s role in perpetuating, addressing, combating racism: Who do we want to be as an organization?
Some questions for reflection:
What actions have I/we taken to name, address, and/or dismantle racism in our community?
What actions have I/we taken to perpetuate racism?
Have I/we created spaces and events that are welcoming to all, specifically people of color?
What actions will I/we take to dismantle racism in our community, and to create spaces and events that are welcoming to all, specifically people of color?

Zoom info
If joining via internet: Link
Password: email for the password

If calling in by phone:

Dial 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 864 5701 0091

TODAY/TONIGHT: 2 meetings – Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook, District 1 Community Network

(Tuesday evening photo from Alki by David Hutchinson)

Two meetings today/tonight that we want to remind you about:

EMMA SCHMITZ MEMORIAL OVERLOOK PROJECT: Today at 4 pm is the encore online meeting about this seawall project. Connection instructions are in our original preview. During the first meeting, they indicated this one would have some new information about the project’s traffic plan.

DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: 7 pm, this coalition of reps from groups/organizations in West Seattle and South Park has its next online meeting, open to the public. The agenda includes the West Seattle Bridge and a short presntation about another alternative idea for replacing it – a gondola service. Here’s how to connect:

Meeting ID: 826 6204 3575
Password: 930960
CALL IN ONLY Info: +1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 826 6204 3575
Password: 930960

It was all about the West Seattle Bridge @ District 1 Community Network’s June meeting

The District 1 Community Network‘s June meeting was, like many local meetings this spring, mostly about the West Seattle Bridge. Here are our toplines from the meeting held by videoconference and phone last week:

SDOT’S BRIDGE UPDATE: The department’s new communications director Michael Harold, a Morgan Junction resident, recapped his first day on the job – arriving at work March 23rd to learn his new place of employment was about to announce the West Seattle Bridge would be shut down TFN. Now, the department remains in extensive data-gathering mode: “This is not a thing where you can make guesses,” he said, in explaining why that’s necessary before a decision on what’s next. They’re pursuing multiple paths in the meantime – stabilization among them, and as we reported the day before the D1CN meeting, the search for a team to “design a potential replacement.” Harold again stressed that the potential 10-year contract is because “there is a scenario in which” they might fix the bridge but only get 10 more years out of it so they’d have to be working on replacement. He added that “we are considering many options … the goal is to get people back across the water as quickly and efficiently as we can do it.”

NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MITIGATION: Danielle Friedman from the Department of Neighborhoods talked about the neighborhoods affected by the detour traffic, and said four would be engaged in prioritization plans:

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WEDNESDAY: West Seattle Bridge at center stage again @ District 1 Community Network

When the District 1 Community Network met a month ago, participants agreed the West Seattle Bridge closure needed some kind of community advisory group. Since then, one’s been announced, and that’ll be part of the discussion at D1CN’s meeting this Wednesday night (June 3rd). The agenda includes an informal West Seattle Bridge Update, plus a discussion of the new Community Task Force, and then a city Department of Neighborhoods rep will present a preview of the Neighborhood Traffic Project Prioritization Process that’s scheduled to start next week. Wrapping up the bridge discussion, the group will hear briefly from Bob Ortblad, who suggests an “immersed-tube tunnel” if the bridge needs to be replaced. Other topics include the proposed West Seattle Sports Complex and an appeal of the 4508 California SW development plan.

You’re welcome to be part of the meeting at 7 pm Wednesday:
*Link is here
*Meeting ID: 222 985 415
*Password: 625318 (only needed if you manually enter the meeting number)

Call-in info:
Phone number: 669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 222 985 415
Password: 625318

NEIGHBORHOODS: Work continues @ Highland Park Improvement Club, in multiple ways

(Photos by Peter de Lory. Above, Piper the Corgi ‘inspecting’ beam, pre-installation)

Historic Highland Park Improvement Club has continued to be a community hub despite operational constraints during the pandemic. And it’s getting some TLC, too. The update is from HPIC trustee Kay Kirkpatrick:

While we are closed due to the Stay-Home Order, activity continues at the Highland Park Improvement Club.

As readers may know, we are helping distribute food to children and families in need Monday – Friday from the club parking lot. (11 am-1 pm)

In addition, we are taking advantage of the down time by doing some long-needed building repairs using a facilities grant from King County 4Culture.

On Saturday, our contractor team from Metis Construction, a worker-owned company here in Seattle, landed and staged a re-enforcing roof beam into the center of our 100-year-old building. Taking advantage of a brief break in the rain, they lifted and fed this 3500-pound steel beam from the parking in through the side of the historic hall.

Inside, they will be lifting it into place over the next couple of weeks to stabilize the roof support structure, and get the club building ready for whatever the next 100 years throws at us.

In “normal” times, HPIC (at 12th/Holden) is a nonprofit community hub for a wide variety of activities and events – classes, celebrations, meetings, more.

Highland Park Way hill rechannelization on hold, and other news from HPAC’s discussion with SDOT

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The proposal to remove one downhill lane of Highland Park Way traffic and add an uphill protected bicycle lane is shelved for now.

That was the big headline from last night’s HPAC discussion with SDOT, a week and a half after that particular detail of the Highland Park Way/Holden safety project update came to light, sparking controversy.

Instead, SDOT will focus on figuring out how to expand the trail along the downhill lanes.

But first, HPAC got a West Seattle Bridge update that segued into traffic issues. SDOT’s Heather Marx recapped where things stand and what’s been done related to traffic effects – all of which we’ve reported on, but if you’re interested in a recap, check out this SDOT post from earlier this week, and our most-recent update. On the bridge itself, they’re preparing for Pier 18 work, and the new Community Task force and Technical Advisory Panel will have their first meetings the week of June 8th.

Traffic-mitigation projects will be focused on what can be done in less than a year and for less than $100,000 because that way SDOT doesn’t have to send them out to bid and can move faster. Plans, she said, will address effects on SODO, South Park, Georgetown, Highland Park, Riverview, South Delridge, Roxhill – in other words, the areas now getting barraged with detour traffic. When the draft traffic-mitigation plans are out, they’ll look for community prioritization. The timeline for the plans is approximately:

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VIDEO: Supporting the arts with a sidewalk surprise

That’s soprano Ellaina Lewis, performing a surprise show in a West Seattle neighborhood this past weekend. L’Nayim Austin explains:

My husband and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary this weekend. Since we are social distancing, we couldn’t celebrate in the usual way (dinner and show). So, as a surprise for my husband, I commissioned a West Seattle friend and opera singer, Ellaina Lewis, to perform a short opera outside our home (following social distancing recommendations).

It was a lovely performance enjoyed by my husband, and everyone else in the neighborhood. The weather cooperated, and Ellaina’s beautiful soprano voice was magical. Two neighbors took videos.

Perhaps next time one of your readers needs a bit of celebration, they might consider hiring a local artist for an outdoor serenade. A little art during these times goes a long way to raise the soul.

(In the other clip, she sings an Elvis Presley classic.) P.S. Happy anniversary to L’Nayim and husband!


May 27, 2020 9:58 am
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 |   Delridge | Highland Park | Neighborhoods | Transportation | West Seattle news

If you live and/or work in Highland Park, Riverview, or South Delridge, your community council HPAC invites you to the monthly meeting online tonight at 7 pm, featuring guests from SDOT. The main topic: The newly unveiled details of the Highland Park Way/Holden Safety Project. A brief West Seattle Bridge update is planned too. See the agenda, and how to access the meeting via Zoom or phone, by going here.

What’s the long-term solution for waterfront driver gatherings? Residents, police discuss @ Alki Community Council

(WSB photo: Quiet moment on Beach Drive by Constellation Park, May 13)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Would removing parking solve the problem of drivers gathering along West Seattle’s public waterfront?

That was one of the suggestions as residents of three Alki-area neighborhoods dominated the discussion at the Alki Community Council‘s online meeting last Thursday night.

The meeting began with an update from Southwest Precinct operations commander Lt. Steve Strand. While police have launched their seasonal emphasis at Alki, he warned that the city’s COVID-19-related budget crunch is reducing the amount of money available for overtime to staff those extra assignments (and others). Nonetheless, extra officers were planned for two of the three days on Memorial Day weekend.

Addressing the driver-gathering concerns, he said the “Stay Healthy Streets” designation for Beach Drive by Constellation Park (and then Alki Avenue west of 63rd) was inspired by the ongoing problems there. The situation worsened after the Don Armeni Boat Ramp parking lot was closed, he noted, displacing the “car clubs” who liked to gather there. He acknowledged that the problem keeps shifting, and noted that they’re “looking at long-term solutions” if, as has been suggested by SDOT, the Constellation Park-side change is temporary.

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ONLINE TONIGHT: Alki Community Council meeting

Neighborhood-group meetings continue online, for those that choose to host them that way. Next one is tonight, the Alki Community Council, at 7 pm. This is the ACC’s first meeting since the city’s much-discussed move to turn part of Alki Avenue and Beach Drive around Alki Point into a “Stay Healthy Street.” Topics also include an upcoming discussion scheduled between Beach Drive neighbors and police, and Piers 1/2. The ACC meeting tonight will be online at this link, ID 930 5612 1563 and PW 167267, or by phone at 253-215-8782.

VIDEO: Anton’s still serenading neighbors nightly!

Back on March 26th, we published video sent by Richard in the Fairmount Park area,spotlighting his neighbor Anton‘s nightly saxophone serenades. Today, Richard sent this update:

Pretty amazing dedication and spirit in our community. Every evening, rain or shine – Fairmount Park’s neighbors come out at 6 pm to enjoy Anton’s performances. We all observe “physical distancing” while his performances entertain us during this pandemic. Anton, with the support of his wife (Dawn), has been awesome: his first serenade was on March 24th – 57 straight days and going strong!

Any longrunning pandemic traditions in YOUR neighborhood?

NEIGHBORHOODS: Pitching in at a park

Reader report from North Delridge via text:

With Seattle Parks grounds crews overwhelmed, these neighbors and others decided to mow out most of Puget Blvd. Park (Sunday) evening for the little kids to run. One was even using a push mower. Good social distancing too.

The area is adjacent the Delridge P-Patch.

NEIGHBORHOODS: ‘Gatewood Dragon’ gets a gift

Too cute to wait until the nightly roundup! Lana sent the photo and update on the dragon we first featured four weeks ago:

A kind Gatewood neighbor has been making cloth masks. Today she dropped off one for the Gatewood Dragon. The Gatewood Dragon has several daily visitors. Our plan is to leave the Gatewood Dragon up until the quarantine has lifted. Don’t want any sad or worried faces when the Gatewood Dragon returns to work.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: Many needs, one voice? District 1 Community Network discussion

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

As city leaders make decisions about the West Seattle Bridge‘s future and the impacts of its long-term closure, who can/should speak for the peninsula?

That was a major topic at the May meeting of the District 1 Community Network, a coalition of West Seattle and South Park community advocates, with 30 people in attendance via videoconferencing/phone.

D1CN members weren’t suggesting their coalition should or could take on that role. But in the course of two hours’ discussion, an idea took shape:

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TUESDAY: Fauntleroy Community Association’s annual membership meeting, online

May 11, 2020 2:15 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news | West Seattle online

In pre-pandemic times, the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s annual membership meeting was held in conjunction with a big community gathering, the Fauntleroy Food Fest. This year’s FFF was set for March 17th – and then, like so many other events this spring, had to be canceled. But FCA is still having an annual meeting, 7 pm tomorrow (Tuesday, May 12th), via Zoom, and community members are invited. Details and the registration link are here.

NEIGHBORHOODS: ‘Little Free Love Letter Pop-Up’

First Little Free Libraries; now, the “Little Free” movement has expanded in a variety of ways, and here’s another one! The report and photo are from Brad:

My partner has installed a shoebox full of love letters for neighbors inside our Little Free Library. She’s deemed it the Little Free Love Letter pop-up and it’s pretty adorable, full of kind, funny, thoughtful cards for anyone to take and enjoy. She’s always been a serious card-giver, but here she’s taken it to a new level. She knows people are struggling out there, big problems or small; she’s sending some handmade love. So please, stop by and grab a letter! If you’re feeling inspired, feeling the love, drop one off for a random neighbor! 3224 61st Ave SW


(April 24th photo tweeted by @josieliming)

If your neighborhood hasn’t been visited by Seattle Fire and/or Police during one of the past three Friday nights – maybe this week! SFD and SPD will be out this Friday (May 8th), 6:30-7:30 pm, for what has just been announced as one last round of “Friday Night Lights,” with vehicles from both departments traveling through neighborhoods around the city as a show of support/solidarity. The plan is to visit areas in the highlighted sections of this map.

WEDNESDAY: District 1 Community Network talks about the bridge and more

The West Seattle Bridge is on the District 1 Community Network‘s monthly agenda, tomorrow night at 7 pm, online – not an SDOT presentation, but rather a community discussion. D1CN is a coalition of community members from a variety of groups and organizations, but anyone from West Seattle or South Park is welcome. Here’s the agenda:

Introductions and Approval of Minutes 7:05

Announcements 7:15

WS Bridge (7:30 – 8:00)

*WS Bridge Update – WSTC, Deb Barker & Larry Wymer

*WS Bridge Alternative Routing – SPNA Aley Thompson

*WS Bridge Discussion – Brainstorming

West Seattle Bike Connections – Bob Winship (8:00 – 8:15)

Racial & Social Justice Tool Kit – Randy Wiger (8:15 – 8:30)

Call for New Proposals (8:30)
New projects or activities that we want to launch

You are welcome to join the meeting via Zoom or by phone (call 669-900-6833; meeting ID: 222 985 415; password: 625318).