month : 05/2020 346 results

GROCERY SHOPPING: This week’s West Seattle update

Every Saturday morning – for eight weeks now – we check in on the state of grocery shopping at West Seattle’s standalone stores:

Only one major official change we’ve found, looking around – Trader Joe’s is adding an hour, and will be open until 8 pm starting Monday (May 11th).

West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) is still the only late night store, open until midnight. It also remains the only local standalone store telling customers they must wear face coverings. (That topic dominated discussion last Saturday.)

There’s been concern in national news coverage about possible meat shortages because of COVID-19 outbreaks at packing plants, but so far we haven’t heard of anything major at local stores. Let us know if you do!
And if you need to check hours, our original list of those is still up to date.

BIZNOTE: What was The Shack is now The Spot

Another West Seattle food-and-beverage business has launched in defiance of the coronavirus crunch.

Philip Sudore has opened The Spot West Seattle at 2920 SW Avalon Way, where Shack Coffeehouse closed six months ago.

You might know him already for his music, with the band Mercy Parker. Eventually, he hopes you’ll know him for a restaurant with a full bar, once COVID-19 is past – a tapas-style menu with craft cocktails and craft beer. But for now, “We have an amazing, dynamic, and fun waffle menu, plus great coffee and espresso.” (Scroll down this page to see that menu.)

The coffee is from K&F Roasters out of Portland – the award-winning Café Jondo, an organic fair-trade blend of African and South American coffees.

Current hours at The Spot are 6:30 am-4 pm weekdays, 7 am-4 pm Saturdays, 8 am-4 pm Sundays. (Post-pandemic, they’ll have evening hours too.)

CORONAVIRUS: Friday 5/8 roundup

Don’t throw caution to the wind – well, the sun – this weekend. That’s the big message as we present the Friday edition of the nightly roundup, exactly 10 weeks after King County’s first confirmed COVID-19 case was announced:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the county’s data dashboard:

*6,940 people have tested positive, up 77 from yesterday

*485 people have died, up 5 from yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 6,407 and 449.

ONE MORE LOCAL DEATH: The county’s by-zip-code-breakdown map shows 98126 now has lost 10 people, one more than the Thursday update.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.

ONE STAT OF CONCERN: Today’s Seattle-King County Public Health spotlight noted that a key metric – how many additional infections can be expected for each case – may be on the rise again in Western Washington.

SO DON’T STOP NOW: Keep up the distancing so things don’t get worse – that was a key message from the governor at his media briefing this afternoon.

He said this is a dangerous time because people may feel more and more like they can let their guard down, when they absolutely shouldn’t. “With COVID-19 lurking,” he said, you need to protect yourself and loved ones.

REOPENING UPDATE: Meantime, the governor has released safety/health rules for a variety of reopening businesses. The releases include:

Curbside Retail & E-commerce Memo
Curbside Retail Requirements
Pet Walking Memo
Pet Walking Guidance
Landscaping Memo
Landscaping Guidance

Those are all linked here.

TESTING UPDATE: The governor also said the feds have sent 37,000 test swabs, with 60,000 more due next week, and a promise of 100,000 a week after that.

8 PM PARK CLOSURES: Alki Beach, Lincoln Park, and other “major parks” citywide are supposed to be closed by now – we’ll be going out shortly for a look.

We saw that sign on the north gate of Lincoln Park’s north lot; there was one on the west side of the south lot too (which now has spaces open for disabled visitors, and a Parks employee was stationed to watch the lot by the time we went by late in the day).

‘STAY HEALTHY STREETS,’ 3RD ROUND: The signs went up this morning to block off Beach Drive between 63rd and Alki to through traffic, as announced Thursday. That didn’t keep all drivers away, it appeared from our early-evening spot check as well as police-radio dispatches.

On Twitter tonight, a local resident suggested signage belongs at 63rd and Alki, and city traffic engineer Dongho Chang said that’s under consideration:

DE-INTENSIFYING SHELTER SPACE OPENING: A month and a half after the plan was announced, Southwest Teen Life Center in Westwood is now hosting young adults who need shelter, the city announced today.

DON’T GO HUNGRY: This week, KBM Seattle Commissary‘s free-meal distribution is on Sunday – details here.

MORALE FLYOVER: Some West Seattleites got to see the flyover this afternoon:

GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

ROAD WORK: Roxbury paving plan; 35th/Avalon wrapup

Two road-work notes tonight:

TWO BLOCKS OF ROXBURY PAVING: From this week’s West Seattle Bridge-related update in City Councilmember Lisa Herbold‘s weekly newsletter:

SDOT is planning to repave the westbound lanes of Roxbury between 16th and 18th Ave SW as early as mid-May, depending on weather. SDOT indicates they are coordinating with King County, which has jurisdiction over the eastbound lanes. SDOT will be doing outreach in advance.

We’ll be following up on Monday.

35TH/AVALON WRAPUP: From SDOT this afternoon:

• We will begin work to make safety improvements to the northbound bus stop at SW Genesee St as soon as May 11. Please expect:

o No parking signs and traffic control in the work area
o Loud noise and increased truck traffic
o Bike lane shifts as we work at the bus stop
o A temporary closure of the nearby sidewalk with a posted detour route
o A temporary closure of this bus stop

• Next, we will continue installing pavement markings on 35th Ave SW and SW Avalon Way as well as install flex posts for the protected bike lane and complete miscellaneous minor activities
o Please follow any posted no-parking signs on SW Avalon Way

We will take down our no-parking signs where and when they are no longer needed.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: 6 new traffic cameras

Just got word from SDOT today – they’ve added six new publicly viewable traffic cameras, on SW Roxbury and on 35th SW. We’ll be adding them to our traffic-cams page and weekday-morning traffic watch. From east to west and south to north, they are:







Any more on the way? We’ve asked, and we’ll add the reply when we get it.

P.S. You also can find these cameras, and others around the city, via SDOT’s traffic-info map.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: Extra SFD truck, medic unit on the way

(Seattle Fire Department photo of Ladder 13 in 2010)

Not long after the West Seattle Bridge‘s sudden shutdown, we and others started asking whether West Seattle would get additional SFD resources, as happened during the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project (east half of the bridge) in 2011-2012. The early answer was: It’s being discussed. New answer today: Yes. In addition to West Seattle-based Medic 32, SFD will station Medic 26, staffed with two paramedics, at Station 26 in South Park. And joining WS-based Ladder 11 will be an extra truck, Ladder 13, to be based at Station 37 in Sunrise Heights. The announcement says, “Beginning in June, these units will be in-service for responding to emergencies 24-hours per day, seven days a week.” (Ladder 13 was based at Station 11 in Highland Park during the SSV project.) The SFD announcement adds, “The new medic unit and ladder truck are coming from SFD’s reserve apparatus located at the City’s Fire Garage. The department will continue to have other apparatus on reserve to support scheduled maintenance and for any unforeseen mechanical issues. The funding required for staffing the two new units, apparatus maintenance and fuel, and room accommodations at the fire stations is approximately $2.5 million for the remainder of 2020 and will be covered from existing resources.”

WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK: Help from police union today; your turn with Instruments of Change tomorrow

Two updates from the West Seattle Food Bank today: First, WSFB sent photos of a special event today:

The Seattle Police Officers’ Guild is doing “Food Bank Fridays.” This Friday they dropped off over 1,500 pounds of food to the West Seattle Food Bank.

City Councilmember Lisa Herbold volunteers there on Fridays, too – she’s at right in this photo:.

Tomorrow, it’s your turn to help – register today (free!) for the live online edition of Instruments of Change, the annual celebration of WSFB, which this year in turn is celebrating its merger with West Seattle Helpline. The live online event will start at 5:30 pm Saturday, on YouTube; the online auction has already begun.

FIGHTING CRIME: Southwest Precinct giving away ‘clubs’ (Update: All gone!)

May 8, 2020 3:15 pm
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 |   Crime | Safety | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

3:15 PM: From Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner:

In an effort to decrease auto theft incidents, the SW Precinct once again has free steering wheel clubs to give away to our West Seattle and South Park residents!

We have 81 clubs at this time, and we will be giving them out on a first come, first serve basis.

You must email me to reserve your club- I am unfortunately not able to take requests via phone or social media! Please email me at

If you are selected to receive a free club- you will get a detailed email from me with instruction for when, where and how to pick up your club.

If you are not selected- you will receive an email from me with an apology and a link for where to purchase a club.

Please be understanding, as we have a limited amount to give away.

4:47 PM: All gone already!

FOLLOWUP: Southwest Teen Life Center to ‘temporarily shelter up to 30 young adults’

(WSB file photo, Southwest Teen Life Center)

Back in March, the city announced the Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle) had been identified as a site for expanded shelter space. It wasn’t put into use, though – until now. Just received from city spokesperson Will Lemke:

Beginning (today) the City’s Southwest Teen Life Center (SWTLC) will temporarily shelter up to 30 young adults from YouthCare’s Jackson Street overnight shelter. The move provides 24/7 shelter space, supportive services, and more space for social distancing per public health guidance. The program supports youth between the ages of 18 to 24. Youth will be provided access to showers and three meals per day.

This new de-intensifying shelter builds on the City and King County’s effort to reduce density in large, high capacity shelters to slow the spread of COVID-19. While de-intensification efforts have focused on improving health conditions for existing shelter clients, these de-intensifying shelters also offer expanded services for many clients including the provision of meals, hygiene and cleaning services, and 24/7 access to a safe space that they are not required to leave every morning.

Here’s more information on the YouthCare shelter he mentioned. This was one of nine “de-intensiifying” sites announced around the city and county in late March.


The photo is from Kim Mickelson west of The Junction: “Making the best of our son’s 21st birthday in quarantine.” Happy birthday, Tristen!

Sorry about the interruption!

Our server-management company has been having some trouble today, and WSB was among many websites worldwide briefly out of service as a result. Remember that the first alternate place we post updates if and when that happens is Now, back to what else is up today …

Circa: Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor!

Today we welcome Admiral District restaurant Circa as a new WSB sponsor. When a local business joins the WSB sponsor team, they get the opportunity to let you know what they offer – here’s what Circa wants you to know:

Circa (2605 California SW) has been open for more than 20 years. They’re offering take-out breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 7 days a week – the first time in the restaurant’s history that they’ve offered breakfast! They explain that instead of offering a more-limited menu for this challenging time, they decided to just go for it – rolling up their sleeves and doing everything they can. And of course they’re offering the favorites that Circa has been serving for years.

Co-proprietors Gretchen and Bill Evans also want to thank everyone for the tremendous support!

If you see this before Mother’s Day, here’s what’s on the brunch menu:

*House-made bagels with lox, herbed cream cheese, capers, red onions, and 2 eggs – $17
*Dungeness crab cakes with dressed greens, fruit, and 2 eggs – $19
*Fruit and yogurt platter with mint and honey – $13
*Regular menu available as well, along with mimosa and Bloody Mary kits

And for dinner:

*Red wine and thyme-braised lamb shank with rainbow carrots and mashers – $40
*Fresh, wild-caught halibut poached with basil lemon butter sauce, rice and veggies – $32
*Regular menu available as well, along with wine, beer, and cocktail kits

For dessert –

*Lemon pudding cake
*Guittard chocolate double-layer cake

Calling ahead is suggested, but not required – 206-923-1102. Hours are on their website.

We thank Circa for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

NEED FOOD? 3 ways/places to get it – school bus, Food Lifeline, KBM Commissary

May 8, 2020 10:51 am
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 |   Coronavirus | Delridge | South Park | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

A variety of efforts to keep people from going hungry during the economic crunch continue. Here are three local reminders/updates:

TODAY & WEEKDAYS, DELIVERY BY SCHOOL BUS: For students/families who can’t get to the Seattle Public Schools locations that are distributing meals 11 am-1 pm on weekdays, there are now school-bus deliveries to set routes. If you are in south West Seattle, here’s the stop list/map/schedule; the one for north and west West Seattle is here.

TODAY, FOOD LIFELINE: As previewed yesterday, you can go to FL’s HQ on the south side of South Park 2-5 pm toaay as they distribute 20+-pound boxes of emergency, shelf-stable food. The only information you’ll be asked to provide is your zip code.

SUNDAY, KBM COMMISSARY: Again this weekend, the kitchen in Delridge is offering free meals to anyone in need. Here’s the weekly update from Keith Mathewson:

I am happy to announce that last week we were able to distribute nearly 1200 meals. Even with that amount demand still exceeded what we were able to provide. As nearly everyone is aware of the supply of meat is scarce as a result this week will be baked vegetarian Ziti with rosemary focaccia. We were fortunate to have Merlino’s Foods partner with us to provide high quality ingredients.

This week, meals were made by West Of Chicago Pizza and Los Panes Bakery with the help of the staff at KBM and will be handed out on Sunday from 4 pm to 6 pm; all who are in need are welcome to come.

KBM is at 5604 Delridge Way SW. Mathewson has been funding the project but help is welcome – here’s the crowdfunding page. And a reminder, some of the KBM-based businesses are also selling from a streetfront window, as noted here, and are part of our ongoing West Seattle list.

FLYOVER: Air Force’s local plan for today

Thanks to our area’s County Councilmember Joe McDermott for forwarding information about a U.S. Air Force flyover plan around Puget Sound today. The 62nd Airlift Wing plans a “morale flyover” of health-care facilities and “places of interest” around the region – a “C-17 Globemaster III two-ship formation flyover.” They’re starting in the South Sound around 12:30 pm, heading over the west Sound and up to Port Townsend at 1:11 pm, then headed back south, likely visible from here during a Space Needle flyby at 1:37 pm and/or while passing the VA Hospital on Beacon Hill at 1:46 pm.

The 62nd Airlift Wing is from Joint Base Lewis-McChord south of Tacoma.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch, 7th week of West Seattle Bridge closure

5:44 AM: 46th morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge. If you are headed out this morning – here are the cameras for the restricted-access low bridge (where SPD enforcement continues) and the 5-way intersection west of it:

The main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map). To get to I-5, exit onto Michigan at the bridge’s north end. Here are cameras for the bridge and Michigan east of it:

The South Park Bridge (map) can also take you across the river. Here’s the South Park camera:

Both bridges open for marine traffic; check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about openings.


Metro – Reduced schedule; reduced capacity; check here for next departure

Water TaxiReduced schedule continues


West Seattle has two sets of “Stay Healthy Streets,” closed to through traffic (but open to residents and delivery drivers) 24/7. See the maps here (Puget Ridge/Highland Park) and here (High Point), and heed the “STREET CLOSED” signs. Also note that Beach Drive between Alki Avenue and 63rd SW will be added, as soon as today.


SDOT’s traffic map, with cameras
Our traffic-cams page

During the stay-home order, we’re not live-monitoring traffic, so please let us know what you’re seeing – comment or text (but not if you’re drivingl!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 5/7 roundup

Heading into a summery weekend, here’s our nightly roundup of pandemic-related local headlines:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the county’s data dashboard:

*6,863 people have tested positive, up 93 from yesterday

*480 people have died, up 6 from yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 6,308 and 446.

ANOTHER LOCAL DEATH: The toll is up to 5 people in the 98146 zip code, which includes Arbor Heights, The Arroyos, and White Center. 98126 remains at 9; 98106 at 2; 98116 and 98136 at 1 each.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page,.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: More than 3.8 million cases – almost a third of them in the U.S. See how that breaks out, nation by nation, here.

MAJOR PARKS TO CLOSE EARLIER: Today’s city announcements included this one – major parks (including Alki Beach, Lincoln Park, and West Seattle Stadium) will close at 8 pm nightly starting tomorrow, until the stay-home order ends. The full list, and a reminder of other current COVID-19-related Seattle Parks policies, is here. That includes “no crowding,” though that seemed a bit flouted at Anchor Park tonight, as shown in this photo just texted:

FIRST ‘STAY HEALTHY STREETS’ TO STAY THAT WAY: Another city announcement – the 20 miles of streets around the city made “local traffic only,” including streets in High Point and Puget Ridge/Highland Park, will be that way permanently.

… AND A THIRD ROUND: In addition to that, two “Stay Healthy Streets” additions were announced today, including one in West Seattle – the north end of Beach Drive, along Constellation Park:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS MARKET … will be back this Sunday, according to yet another city announcement.

NEED FOOD? 2,000 22+-pound boxes of emergency food will be available to anyone who shows up – while supplies last – 2-5 pm tomorrow at Food Lifeline in South Park.

NEED WI-FI? The state announced more free “drive-in” wi-fi hotspots today. Here’s a map; looks like all the ones available in our area so far are at public libraries (city and county).

STREET ART: Lisa couldn’t find sidewalk chalk, so used temporary paint to create these and other messages at 17th/Myrtle:

GOT INFO? Email us at or phone us, text or voice, at 206-293-6302 – thank you!

VIDEO: ‘We miss you!’ Highland Park Elementary parade reunites families and staff, at a distance

Almost two months after campuses closed, some schools’ staff and families are finding a way to see each other at a distance – through car parades like the one from and for Highland Park Elementary this evening.

Signs and smiles were abundant:

Most staffers were in cars- but some bicycled, too:

A few were in convertibles:

Check out the driver here:

Lots of cheery beeping:

Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School had one around its campus earlier this week; Sanislo Elementary plans one next Monday (watch for a separate announcement on that).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Blue Camry stolen from grocery-store lot

Jake reports that his neighbor’s light blue 2018/19 Toyota Camry “was stolen out of the parking lots at Trader Joe’s on Fauntleroy earlier today.” Her dog was in her car at the time; it’s been found but her car has not, at last report. We don’t have the plate or a pic but the police report # is 20-151279.

UPDATE: Pedestrian hit, injured by driver in South Park

4:51 PM: Avoid (corrected) 10th S./S. Cloverdale for a while. A driver has hit and injured a pedestrian. Police are there investigating, and SFD is there to treat the victim.

5:04 PM: Correction – the SFD log shows this is at 10th S/S Cloverdale. The latter is the main east-west through South Park. It’s just reopened, per police radio communication. We’ll be checking with SFD on the victim’s condition.

‘STAY HEALTHY STREETS’: Mayor announces first 20 miles will be permanent; also, expanding this weekend to include north end of Beach Drive

(WSB photo, 21st SW at 22nd SW on Puget Ridge, earlier this week)

4:21 PM: In a media briefing we covered earlier this afternoon, Mayor Jenny Durkan announced the first 20 miles of closed-to-through-traffic “Stay Healthy Streets” – announced as an experiment to give more people room to “socially distance” while walking, bicycling, etc. – will be permanent. That includes the first two stretches in West Seattle – one in High Point, another in Puget Ridge/Highland Park. She said it’s part of “rebuild(ing) a better Seattle,” in hopes vehicle-traffic and pollution reductions will continue post-pandemic. (We asked about the HPAC request to drop SW Trenton from the Highland Park stretch; SDOT director Sam Zimbabwe said they’re still evaluating that.) Also announced, an SHS expansion this weekend that will include the northernmost stretch of Beach Drive, between Alki Avenue and 63rd SW, alongside Constellation Park. The mayor also announced the city would seek to accelerate projects around the city making it safer to walk and ride – no specific list yet.

4:44 PM: Here’s the official SDOT announcement, which also notes they’ll have a survey out soon.

ONLINE: West Seattle Junction’s ‘Virtual Shopping Spree’

Ready to shop for Mother’s Day? Or, any other reason? As previewed here earlier this week, a “Virtual Shopping Spree” involving eight West Seattle Junction retailers is getting under way – live online, here – right now! The featured retailer will change every half-hour – see the schedule here – starting with Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) first up.

SAFETY: Police plan ‘additional resources’ at Alki Beach this weekend

(WSB photo from last month, mobile precinct @ Alki)

2:30 PM: Even before we get to the summery weather expected this weekend, Alki Avenue and Beach Drive have already drawn summer-size gatherings of drivers. We heard last weekend from several residents of those areas who had called police about illegal parking, reckless driving, and noise, among other things, with photos like this:

(Reader photo, last weekend)

The Southwest Precinct plans to have “additional police resources” at the beach this weekend; precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis explains:

We have revamped our existing traffic emphasis program to include using parking enforcement and other assets that will further assist us as we address the dangerous driving and noise issues. Taking in account of the approaching warmer weather, we are going to post extra patrol officers in our highest areas of interest. We are also attempting to secure designated “Police Only” parking zones so that our traffic enforcement, emphasis officers and our stationary Mobile Precinct will be able to occupy and secure our most popular areas before the car enthusiasts have a chance to take over and engage in poor and reckless behavior. We are sincerely hoping that our City Officials and other City agencies support us in this ask.

Precinct operations commander Lt. Steve Strand says they’ve been there before but, “Unfortunately we can’t be there all the time and under current conditions the crowd shows up unexpectedly during various days and nights. Sunday evening in particular.” He adds, “We will respond to 911 calls but this is a lower priority than most other calls for service if it is only noise and nuisance, versus public safety. We have done some outreach to neighbors on how to report crime effectively and accurately because we are not enforcing the Governor’s stay home, stay safe order. We are asking for voluntary compliance with social distancing and assisting parks with trespassers if they close.” They’ve been in direct contact with some of the residents to try to clarify how and what to report. If you see reckless driving, you can call 911 because that’s an immediate public-safety issue; if police can’t respond immediately, Lt. Strand says, you also can send info such as plate numbers to

Meantime, we expect to hear more shortly about the city’s other plans for the weekend, in a news conference with the mayor and Parks/SDOT directors – separate story ahead.

3:04 PM: Two things that just emerged at that news conference are relevant to this, so we’ll note them here first: “Major parks” including Alki (also Lincoln Park and West Seattle Stadium) will be closing at 8 pm starting this Friday, until the stay-home order lifts. Also, SDOT plans to add Beach Drive between Alki Avenue and 63rd to the “Stay Healthy Streets” list – we’re seeking clarification about how soon that will start.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Open again this Sunday

(WSB photo from last Sunday)

Just announced by the city, which is currently granting permits on a week-by-week basis – the West Seattle Farmers’ Market will be open again this Sunday, 10 am-2 pm on California SW between Alaska and Oregon. Find info on policies and vendors here; our coverage of last Sunday’s market – the first one in two months – is here.