West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
(Lightning over Elliott Bay, photographed by Mark McAndrews)
8:08 PM: Lightning, thunder, downpour. Power flickers too but nothing on the City Light map so far. In a short-term forecast alert, the National Weather Service says this could go on another hour or so.
8:18 PM: Two spots now mapped with outages – 35th/Barton (Upper Fauntleroy to the west of there) and The Arroyos. … Lots of tweets capturing the sights and sounds, like this one:
West Seattle skies awakening @westseattleblog #wawx pic.twitter.com/1OXF6aFEi1
— Casey Agena (@AgenaCasey) September 8, 2019
And this:
definitely close!! pic.twitter.com/flBMdBT4fh
— Megan (@megancontagion) September 8, 2019
8:34 PM: Thunder and lightning continue. More scattered outages on the City Light map in several West Seattle spots, with at least 200 out.
8:48 PM: Adding more visuals – thanks to everyone who’s emailed, texted, tweeted. (First clip below is from Paul Nicholson:)
@westseattleblog @NWSSeattle High Point West Seattle looking west pic.twitter.com/tn72B7FHx8
— Brad McDonald (@GrizzliUK) September 8, 2019
Per scanner, signal now out at 35th/Alaska.
9:04 PM: The NWS says the area had 200+ lightning strikes between 8 and 8:45 pm.
9:22 PM: Here, screengrabbed from the SCL map for posterity, are all the spots with outages – adding up to 200-ish customers (residences/businesses) best as we can tell:
Region-wide, SCL has 101 outages mapped right now affecting 1,100+ customers. And the thunder continues!
9:33 PM: Commenter Michelle says her flight into Sea-Tac was diverted to Bellingham because of the storm. And via Twitter, Tony says his flight from Billings was diverted to Spokane.
9:52 PM: Sounds like (from the lack of thunder) the storm might finally have moved on. Meantime, a few pets have been lost/found during the storm – we’re adding listings to the WSB Lost/Found Pets page as they come in.
10:54 PM: SCL says it’s working to get to all the outages – the number of which has increased since the storm moved north. Meantime, more photos – first, from Marc Milrod:
And from Kersti Muul:
The NWS now counts the number of lightning strikes in Western Washington at ~1,250 over 3 1/2 hours.
2:35 AM: Adding up the numbers on the many mapped pocket outages around West Seattle, looks like about 400 customers are still without electricity.
12:26 PM SUNDAY: And they’re still out. SCL’s map now shows 174 individual outages around its service area, totaling more than 1,400 customers.
9:34 PM SUNDAY: We’re tracking continuing outages here.
Just before the storm rolled in, we went by 35th/Avalon for a look at progress on the closed-to-traffic intersection. It’s been repaved, but there’s clearly work left to do. It’s supposed to reopen no later than 6 am Monday; we’ll check again tomorrow evening to see how it looks. Meantime, as we showed on Friday, businesses are accessible from just before the barricades. Bus reroute info is here. SDOT says more weekend closures will be needed, but hasn’t yet announced those dates.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The city permit for sanctioned West Seattle encampment Camp Second Chance has been extended six more months, to March 2020.
The city quietly announced in an online update Friday afternoon. We learned about it today at the start of the monthly C2C Community Advisory Committee meeting.
Lisa Gustaveson from the city Human Services Department was at the meeting to elaborate. The city is still talking with a possible faith-based “sponsor” for the camp, she said (as also mentioned in the city-website post) but if that doesn’t come through, the city will start moving to dismantle the camp: “We would work very closely to find places for every person to go to … to find permanent housing or be referred to another program that works for them.”
Tom Van Bronkhorst of the city Department of Neighborhoods said the city is working toward an October community meeting at the Joint Training Facility, which is just north of the camp, to talk about C2C’s future.
Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:
STOLEN CAR TOP: From Christopher:
On the early hours of September 7, a person or group smashed the window of my car, unlocked it, and stole the convertible hard top off of my car. This is a discontinued and rare Honda S2000 OEM hard top in white.
If you or anybody you know knows something about this, please let me know. Similarly, if you see any white convertible Honda S2000 hard tops for sale in white, it is almost definitely stolen. Please report it to the police and me.
Description of parts involved – OEM Convertible Hard Top for a Honda S2000, Color: White with black trim.
This happened near the 3400 block of Walnut Ave SW. Police report is filed and pending a case number.
My bicycle was taken from the bike rack in front of the Jefferson Square Safeway at 9:10 am yesterday (Friday, Sept. 7th). Witnesses observed a white male, approx. 5’9″, wearing white T-shirt, light blue jeans, and light-colored baseball cap, hopping on the bike and riding southbound on 41st Ave SW at SW Edmunds. Bike is an S-Works brand Roubaix model, all black.
SPD has witness reports and surveillance video of the theft and the suspect. Would appreciate any information anyone might have. Am offering a significant reward for recovery of the intact bike. No questions asked. Contact Tom at 206-399-2002 or emi7191@yahoo.com
HIT-RUN: Megan is looking for witnesses:
(Thursday) I was rear ended on the West Seattle bridge going easy just before the 99 north exit at 8:30am. The person who rear ended me stopped to see if I was ok and agreed to pull to the side but then drove off. No witnesses stopped but I assume that is because it looked like information was shared. Any witnesses? My car had to be towed and I was injured, so any support would be greatly appreciated.
Police report is 19-331583.
(Photo courtesy DGC. From left, Agen Schmitz, Christie Anderson, Lara Anderson, Ranette Iding, Brent Curtis, Grace Curtis, Doris Rahmig, Bob Poor)
Years of work are finally bearing fruit for the Delridge Grocery Cooperative. Just announced:
The Delridge Grocery Co-op (DGC) today signed their portion of the lease with Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) for the retail space in Cottage Grove Commons. (DESC will sign their portion of the lease early next week.) DGC Board president Ranette Iding and board members Doris Rahmig, Bob Poor, and Brent Curtis were joined by DGC project manager Lara Anderson and DGC volunteer coordinator Agen Schmitz to celebrate the signing with a cup of coffee at the Youngstown Coffee Company in Delridge. Keeping it all in the family, Lara’s mother Christie Anderson notarized the signing and super volunteer Grace Curtis helped amp up the festivity.
Once the lease is signed by DESC, construction of the retail space (designed by Parie Hines of West Seattle Blog sponsor LD Arch Design) will be scheduled to begin in the October/November timeframe, with an initial opening planned for the first quarter of 2020.
The DGC is starting to ramp up plans for outreach and fundraising efforts in the coming weeks. In addition to planning a groundbreaking ceremony that will happen in November (date still TBD at this time), we are looking for volunteers who are interested in helping make calls to current members regarding member loans and neighborhood outreach to get the word out.
Join the DGC next Saturday for a volunteer kickoff gathering at Ounces Taproom and Beer Garden from 3 pm to 5 pm, where you can learn more how you can help these initiatives and more. Simply drop by, or email either Agen Schmitz (volunteer@delridgegrocery.coop) or Brent Curtis (events@delridgegrocery.coop) with any questions. Ounces is located at 3809 Delridge Way SW.
ADDED: Backstory – the Delridge Grocery Cooperative goes back more than a decade, founded as the Delridge Produce Coop. The DESC space was promised to the future grocery store event before the complex (5444 Delridge Way SW) was built and has been vacant for the 5+ years since the complex, which provides permanent supportive housing, opened.
The family affected by Thursday morning’s house fire in North Delridge included a Pathfinder K-8 student, and Robin sends word today of a community crowdfunding effort for the student and their family. As noted in our coverage, SFD determined the fire was accidental, sparked by a malfunctioning power strip and extension cord. The crowdfunding page is here.
For everything we’ve gained by (mostly) moving to cellphones, we’ve lost the yard-sale bric-a-brac of the future. No more novelty phones like that, found on a table at the Highland Park Improvement Club Giant Garage Sale, on until 3 pm. Of course you’ll find practical merchandise too:
And treats!
It’s the centennial for HPIC, so even annual events like this are a bit more festive than usual. The sale’s happening outdoors and indoors at 1116 SW Holden.
10:46 AM: Thanks for the tip – a vehicle fire is blocking traffic at 41st/Oregon in The Junction, so you’ll want to avoid the area for a while. The fire is described only as an engine fire in a “commercial vehicle”; we are en route to find out more.
11:18 AM: Photo added. No one hurt. This is a commercial tree service’s truck; police say the driver reported the truck suddenly lost power, started rolling backward, with smoke coming from the engine. A tow truck is expected shortly to clear the scene.
(Added: Aerial view, courtesy of Maggie)
(West Seattle Junction flower basket sponsored by WSB)
So many options for September’s first Saturday, including:
ADMIRAL ADOPT-A-STREET: 9 am, meet at Meropolitan Market (WSB sponsor), all ages welcome to help with the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s quarterly cleanup. (41st/42nd/Admiral)
LINCOLN PARK FOREST RESTORATION: 9 am, meet at Lincoln Park to help give this urban forest some TLC. (Fauntleroy/Rose)
HPIC’S GIANT GARAGE SALE: 9 am-3 pm, go shop Highland Park Improvement Club‘s indoor/outdoor garage sale! Food and drinks sold too. (1116 SW Holden)
GREENBELT GEOLOGY HIKE: 10 am hike – “Learn about the geology of the Duwamish Valley with environmental educator Devin O’Reilly! Explore how glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes, and humans have shaped the Duwamish River.” Free. (Meet at 14th/Holly trailhead)
PCC JOB FAIR: Want to work at the new West Seattle PCC (WSB sponsor)? 10 am-1 pm job fair today in Burien. (15840 1st Ave. S.)
ALKI BEACH CLEANUP: 10 am-1 pm, you’re invited to join KINDTV‘s beach cleanup at Alki. (2452 Alki SW)
BENEFIT BARBECUE: 11 am until ~3, West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) cooks up lunch – slow-cooked pulled pork sandwiches with cole slaw, chips, and water, for $7, benefiting Seattle Humane Society. (4201 SW Morgan)
MOUNTAIN FEST: Celebrate the outdoors – climbing and more – at Camp Long, 11 am-5 pm. (5200 35th SW)
WEST SEATTLE AUTHORS: Two are appearing at Mountain Fest:
Linnea Westerlind, author of Discovering Seattle Parks: A local’s guide, will talk about the best of Seattle parks and public spaces at 11:30 am in the Camp Long Lodge.
Susan Elderkin, author of Best Hikes With Kids: Western Washington, will give a talk about kid-friendly hikes and outdoor adventures together with Elisa Murray, author of 52 Seattle Adventures with Kids, at 12:30 p.m. in the Lodge.
(5200 35th SW)
COLMAN POOL: First of three post-season weekends begins at Lincoln Park’s waterfront pool, noon-7 pm. Here’s the schedule. (8253 Fauntleroy Way SW)
SABAR IN THE PARK: Music and dance at Westcrest Park, 1-4 pm. (9000 8th SW)
CAMP SECOND CHANCE COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 2 pm at Arrowhead Gardens‘ community room, different date this month for the committee. City reps are expected to be there to discuss the camp’s permit renewal. (9200 2nd SW)
KAYAK THE DUWAMISH RIVER: 2 pm from Duwamish Waterway Park in South Park. Check to see if there’s still room – contact info is in our calendar listing. (7900 10th Ave. S.)
(Thursday night sunset, photographed by Lynn Hall)
THE JUMP MONKEYS: Live music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. No cover. All ages. (5612 California SW)
AT THE PACIFIC ROOM: The Dan Duval Good Vibes Trio, 6-9 pm. No cover. All ages. (2808 Alki SW)
‘TWO DEGREES’: Second night for Blue Hour Theater Group‘s production at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 8 pm curtain. The story: “A scientist grappling with personal loss is called upon to testify in Washington D.C. for climate change legislation.” (4408 Delridge Way SW)
AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: 9 pm, Super Z Attack Team, K.O. Electric play. $10 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
AT POGGIE TAVERN: 9 pm, John Stephan Band. 21+. (4717 California SW)
The West Seattle High School football team’s season opened at home Friday night at Southwest Athletic Complex. The visiting North Thurston HS Rams went home with the win, 43-7. Neither team scored in the first quarter, but things got going in the second, including WSHS’s lone TD, by #9, senior Khalel Kelley:
At halftime, the Wildcats were still within striking distance, down 16-7.
But the Rams were on a roll, and pulled away in the second half.
Next Friday, Head Coach Jeff Scott and the Wildcats are on the road at South Whidbey.