Sound Transit 185 results

COMMENT COUNTDOWN: West Seattle Transportation Coalition’s workshop to help you have your say on light rail

We’ve been mentioning in our coverage of West Seattle light-rail planning that the West Seattle Transportation Coalition would be presenting a workshop to help you shape your feedback, whatever it is. Details are now set for that event. It’ll be both in-person and online, 6-9 pm next Thursday (April 7th), at American Legion Post 160 in The Triangle (3618 SW Alaska). Sound Transit will be there too, but this isn’t a sit-down-and-watch-a-long-presentation meeting, WSTC says:

Our aims for the workshop include:

● Understanding what a public comment is and why it is needed

● How to write effective public comments that get meaningful results

● How to back up your comment

If you want to watch the livestream instead of attending in person, you’ll find the link (and the full announcement) in our calendar listing. Comment deadline for the light-rail Draft Environmental Impact Statement is April 28th.

Dozens of questions, answers, comments @ Sound Transit’s West Seattle light rail public hearing

(Rendering of potential SW Genesee guideway, from page 126 in DEIS Appendix N-2)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

You have four weeks left to officially comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the West Seattle (and Ballard) light-rail extensions – basically, one last major chance to speak up before its final routing and station locations are settled.

As part of that process, Sound Transit held an online public hearing tonight, this one geared toward the West Seattle segment, currently expected to open in 2032. The DEIS contains results of studies of the possible alternatives for routing and station locations, and the comments will be taken into consideration by ST board members – including King County Councilmember Joe McDermott, who spoke briefly at the start of the meeting – at their next major decision point, likely this June.

Three-quarters of the meeting was devoted to Q&A and comments; 22 people offered the latter, half of them advocating for ST to study the gondola system whose advocates have pitched it as an option to West Seattle light rail.

As the meeting began, ST’s Cathal Ridge began with a recap of the project plan, going back to the ST3 vote in 2016. Design starts in 2023; construction of the West Seattle line is scheduled to start in 2026. The official comment period for the DEIS began January 28th, and after it’s over, the board “will confirm or modify the preferred alternative.” He also recapped the alternatives that are being studied while noted that some of them would “require third-party funding.”

OVERVIEW: For an overview of what’s been studied, Ridge turned it over to Jason Hampton, who’s leading the West Seattle segment planning. For context on what’s in the DEIS, here are the focus topics:

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LIGHT RAIL: Sound Transit’s West Seattle meeting Wednesday

(Rendering from Draft EIS executive summary page 28, Avalon/Genesee)

One more month to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for West Seattle light rail – telling Sound Transit what you think about the routing and station-location alternatives. This Wednesday (March 30th), 5:30-7:30 pm online, is ST’s official public meeting for this section of the expansion, projected to open in 2032. The attendance link is on this page of ST’s online open house, which offers other ways to comment – as long as you do it by April 28th. (Our archived coverage of the project is here, newest to oldest.)

P.S. Wednesday is the only community-comment meeting ST has planned, but the West Seattle Transportation Coalition is planning a workshop-style meeting April 7th to help people with the commenting process – watch for time and attendance details (it’s being planned as a hybrid in-person/online meeting).

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Comment countdown continues with city observations, ‘deep dive’ info, and how to see what it’ll look like

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

46 days left to comment on what Sound Transit has found out about potential routes and station locations for West Seattle light rail – the findings that comprise the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

As of the end of February, ST had received 409 comments, the Community Advisory Group for the West Seattle/Duwamish River leg was told at its latest meeting

The centerpiece of the meeting was supposed to be a “deep dive” into parts of the DEIS on which group members had requested more information – including a slide deck with many more renderings that didn’t even get reviewed during the meeting. But if you’re still considering how you’ll comment on the options, you might be more interested in the second part of the meeting, which featured City of Seattle reps talking about how the city’s official comments are taking shape. So that’s where we’ll start.

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LIGHT RAIL: With 52 days left to comment, here’s how Pigeon Point’s Q&A with Sound Transit went

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Tonight, the Community Advisory Group for Sound Transit‘s West Seattle extension meets online for a “deep dive” into the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which is up for public comment until April 28th.

Last night, another neighborhood group met with ST to get answers to questions about the DEIS, which analyzes the proposed routing and station-location alternatives that are under consideration. The Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council has a unique perspective – to get across the Duwamish River and to a North Delridge station, the line may have to cut into the north end of their neighborhood. Just south of where, for example – as discussed in informal pre-meeting chatter – a dozen or more Great Blue Herons are back in their nests.

PPNC’s Pete Spalding – who’s also a member of the Community Advisory Group – facilitated. In introductions at the start of the meeting, some attendees mentioned having received the “we might need your property” letters from ST; others had not.

The meeting began with a project recap from ST’s West Seattle point person Jason Hampton, as had other meetings. We’ve covered it before – and the presenter was asked to cut the generic stuff short anyway – so we’ll focus this report mostly on unique Q&A. Of most interest to this group were the three studied alternatives for getting light rail across the river via a new bridge – either south of the existing motorized-vehicle bridge, or north of it.

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Would you pay more to speed up West Seattle light rail? You might be asked to, under bill that state legislators just approved

Light rail is currently scheduled to arrive in West Seattle in 2032, two years later than the original plan when voters passed ST3 in 2016. Would you support paying extra to speed that up? A bill enabling that option is headed to Gov. Jay Inslee‘s desk after final passage in the Legislature today, as reported when the City Council got a legislative briefing this afternoon. Here’s how the transit-advocacy group Seattle Subway summarized the legislation, Senate Bill 5528:

The bill allows a city, subarea, county, or combination thereof to have the option to create an “Enhanced Service Zone” to target the investments their voters care about most. SB 5528 allows the Sound Transit Board to give voters the opportunity to fund faster construction timelines on existing projects and/or fund new transit improvements and services for individual cities and sub-areas within the Sound Transit district. The funding mechanisms included in the bill are a motor vehicle excise tax (MVET) not to exceed 1.5%, and a commercial parking tax. If authorized for public vote by the Sound Transit Board, voters still must register a majority in favor for the funding mechanisms to go into effect.

You can read the Legislature’s report on the final version of the bill here. Speeding up construction is just one of the possible uses of extra funding it spells out.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Haven’t commented on routing/station locations yet? ‘Deep dive’ on Tuesday

If you haven’t yet decided how – or whether – to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement about West Seattle’s potential light-rail routing/station locations, Tuesday might bring some help: That’s when the West Seattle/Duwamish-area Community Advisory Group convened by Sound Transit will take what’s supposed to be a “deep dive” into the DEIS. It’s an online meeting, 5-7 pm Tuesday (March 8th), and everyone’s welcome. No public comment, but this could set you up with better information before you send in yours (which you can do at any time before April 28th – go here). The meeting’s livestream will be here. (Our past coverage of the project is archived here, newest to oldest.)

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: What Avalon-area residents asked Sound Transit during their neighborhood briefing

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

With 10 weeks left for your comment(s) on West Seattle light-rail options, some neighborhoods are organizing their own briefings and reviews of Sound Transit‘s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the extension.

Wednesday night, the Avalon-area neighbors who first organized in 2020 invited ST for another presentation and Q&A. What they asked, and suggested, might help you if you haven’t already commented (which you can do via the ongoing “online open house”).

The ST team – led by facilitator Leda Chahim and West Seattle/Duwamish segment manager Jason Hampton – opened with a presentation almost identical to what they showed the Community Advisory Group last week (WSB coverage here). That included select pairings of Junction and Delridge station alternatives – the location of the Avalon station, closest to where most of Wednesday night’s participants live, depends on what’s chosen for those two ends of the WS extension. Here’s the full slide deck from the meeting:

(You can also see it here.)

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WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: City Council briefing Tuesday

(One routing option by WS Golf Course, from page 253 of DEIS section 4.2.1)

If you’re still trying to get up to speed on the Sound Transit Draft Environmental Impact Statement for West Seattle (and beyond) light rail, here’s your next chance to watch a briefing/discussion: Tuesday morning, it’s on the agenda for the 9:30 am online meeting of the City Council’s Transportation Committee. The DEIS is the document that details various potential impacts of the multiple routing and station-location options. Sound Transit is taking comments through April 28th; then its board will decide this summer which routing/station locations will go through the final phase of environmental studies. The city has multiple roles in the process — it’s working with ST on station planning, it could consider contributing “third-party funding” for options that would cost extra, and it has two reps on the ST board, City Council President Debora Juarez and Mayor Bruce Harrell. You can sign up to comment at Tuesday’s meeting – the agenda explains how – and you’ll be able to watch it live (or recorded for later playback) via Seattle Channel. If you want to review the DEIS independently, you can do that via ST’s online open house here, which also offers opportunities for comment.

VIDEO: What the Community Advisory Group for West Seattle’s light-rail project heard, and asked, at first Draft Environmental Impact Statement briefing

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Part of the Sound Transit-convened West Seattle/Duwamish Community Advisory Group’s role is to help neighbors understand the light-rail project before it’s built – and while the 2032 opening date seems distant, construction could be only four years away.

Now that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement has been out for a week and a half, evaluating the routing and station possibilities, CAG members got a briefing and Q&A on Tuesday night.

Sound Transit’s Cathal Ridge reminded group members that while you’ll have to transfer at SODO in the first few years, by 2042 the system buildout will mean one ride all the way from Seattle to Everett.

Ridge also reminded the group that the Draft EIS includes preferred alternatives and other potential alternatives, to be winnowed by the ST Board in a few months. Ridge stressed. He recommended reading the document itself, not just summaries like this. (Later in the presentation, the list of topics it covers was shown – so if any interest you, that’s another reason to read it:)

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WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Your next chance to get briefed

(Rendering from Draft EIS executive summary page 28, Avalon/Genesee)

Two weeks after the West Seattle light rail Draft Environmental Impact Statement went public, have you dived into it yet? You have until April 28th to get your thoughts in about the potential routing and station-location alternatives, but, well, time flies. If a briefing might help, you have an opportunity tomorrow night: The West Seattle-Duwamish Community Advisory Group for this section of the project gets a presentation Tuesday (February 8th) at 5 pm. The agenda’s here; the livestream will be here.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: First day of 3-month comment period for Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Here’s how to have your say

(Rendering from DEIS Executive Summary, looking east on SW Genesee, east of Avalon)

What route will West Seattle’s future Sound Transit light-rail line travel, and where will its stations be? Data to shape those decisions is what you’ll find in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the West Seattle and Ballard light-rail extensions. The DEIS has been public since last week – all the documents are linked here, starting with the executive summary – but the official 3-month comment period didn’t start until today. First, from today’s announcement, here’s what ST is offering so you can learn more and tell them what you think:

Members of the public are invited to attend an online open house at, where they can review alternatives and station options, and submit formal responses. People can also provide feedback by phone, by mail, by email, or at upcoming virtual, and possible in-person, public meetings.

Virtual public meetings will take place on the following dates and times:

Tuesday, March 15, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (Interbay/Ballard focused)
Tuesday, March 22, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (Downtown focused)
Thursday, March 24, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (CID/SODO focused)
Wednesday, March 30, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (West Seattle focused)

If public health guidance permits, an in-person open house is scheduled for Thursday, March 17 at Union Station from 12 – 7 p.m. This event may transition to virtual in accordance with public health recommendations. More information on attending the public meetings is available by visiting the online open house site.

Comments may be sent via email to or by voicemail at 800-471-0879.

Written comments can be mailed to:

WSBLE Draft Environmental Impact Statement Comments
c/o Lauren Swift
Sound Transit
401 S. Jackson Street
Seattle, WA 98104

The Draft EIS is available for review at the online open house. Printed copies are available for review at Union Station, and at select Seattle public libraries and community centers. A list of locations is available on the open house site.

In West Seattle, all four Seattle Public Library branches are on that list, as is Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW). In addition to the ST events mentioned above, the West Seattle Transportation Coalition also plans to host a workshop about the DEIS during its March 24th meeting. The commenting deadline is April 28th; after that, the ST Board will decide what should be in the final EIS, and then after that’s out next year, board members make the final decision on routing and station locations. West Seattle light rail is currently scheduled to launch in 2032, two years later than the date projected when voters approved the ST3 ballot measure more than five years ago.

P.S. ST will be making other community appearances over the course of the comment period; we just got word that one of the first will be at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly online lunchtime event, noon February 10th, membership not required, and while a donation is requested from attendees, it’s not required either. Both members and nonmembers can register here to attend. And two days before that – at 5 pm February 8th – the Community Advisory Group for West Seattle will have its next meeting; watch here for attendance info.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Sound Transit publishes Draft Environmental Impact Statement earlier than expected

4:18 PM: Though Sound Transit had announced the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the West Seattle and Ballard extensions would go public on January 28th – it’s out now. Its many chapters are linked here. We found it on the ST website after a tip that it was out, and have barely begun looking at it, but wanted to let you know, for starters. If you need a refresher, here’s what this phase of the process is all about – including public comments.

(Rendering of potential guideway near Delridge station’s Dakota Street option)

4:58 PM: If you want to skip ahead to the visuals, go to this section, the Visual and Aesthetics Technical Report. Renderings for the options start on page 106. If you haven’t been paying much attention until now, note that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement does not propose any new routing or stations – it just analyzes the potential impacts of all the ones the board agreed a few years back should be studied.

6:54 PM: The overview is, as you might guess, in the Executive Summary. This includes tables listing the major impacts of each option, including how many residences and businesses would potentially be displaced. For example, along the Delridge alternatives, the Dakota Street North Lower alternative is projected to displace the most residences, almost 200. Of the Junction alternatives, the Fauntleroy Way station alternative is projected to displace the most residences, 435. The 41st/42nd elevated Junction alternative would also take out both the Trader Joe’s and Safeway stores, ST projects.

One more note – though the DEIS is out early, the official public-comment period still doesn’t start until January 28th, ST spokesperson Rachelle Cunningham tells WSB. She says the early release was mandated as part of the process to get a notice published in the Federal Register.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: See early designs for 13 station alternatives, as shown to new advisory group

(Sound Transit recording of Tuesday’s meeting)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Three stations are planned for Sound Transit‘s West Seattle light-rail extension – Delridge, Avalon, The Junction. Each one still has multiple potential locations under study, but the newest ST public presentation provided an official detailed look at early design possibilities for all of them.

That happened during the first meeting of the West Seattle/Duwamish Community Advisory Group for the project, which is now projected to launch light rail to/from the peninsula in 2032.

The slide deck for this meeting ran 119 pages – you can scroll through for the closest look yet at all the station possibilities that are being studied and will be part of what’s addressed in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement:

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PREVIEW: Sound Transit’s West Seattle advisory group meets Tuesday

One week into the new year, things are about to get busier. Among the community meetings happening this week, the Sound Transit-convened Community Advisory Group for West Seattle and vicinity meets online Tuesday, the group’s first meeting since the November joint gathering of all four advisory groups set up for the West Seattle/Ballard extensions (WSB coverage here, including the ecplanation of these groups’ role). The agenda’s not published yet but it’s expected to focus on station planning. The meeting will be livestreamed at 5 pm Tuesday (January 11th) via this YouTube link. The biggest event of the year for West Seattle/Ballard light-rail planning is not until month’s end – the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, set for January 28th.

ADDED MONDAY: Here’s the agenda.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Sound Transit sets the date for draft Environmental Impact Statement release

Just announced by Sound Transit – January 28th is the date it’ll take the next major step in planning the West Seattle to Ballard light-rail extensions – that’s the date ST will release the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Here’s the announcement:

We are excited to announce the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions project will be available for a 90-day public review and comment period starting on Friday, Jan. 28, 2022! We will offer multiple ways to comment including online, at public meetings, by phone, and via email and mail.

The Draft EIS comment period is an important milestone to provide input and help shape what this project looks like in your community. Your input is a key part of the process and will help the Sound Transit Board understand what is important to you as they consider which alternative to build.

After voters approved the ST3 ballot measure in 2016, the agency originally planned to release the DEIS last year, but it’s been delayed several times, most recently in October, when ST announced it would be out “in early 2022.” The current planned opening date for the West Seattle extension, 2032, is two years later than the original plan.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Community Advisory Group members’ first meeting ranges from recap to role

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After convening as one supergroup for their first meeting, the 52 people chosen as advisory-group members for Sound Transit‘s West Seattle to Ballard light-rail project will meet as four separate groups from here on out.

That was the main headline from a meeting that otherwise was mostly devoted to a mega-recap of ST history and the potential routing/station sites being studied for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

The DEIS is “very close” to being published, group members were assured, though the new estimate delivery date of “early 2022” is a year later than once forecast. Then again, the West Seattle light-rail launch date is now two years later than the 2030 date with which ST3 went to voters in 2016. Ballard could face even more of a delay – four years, to 2039 – if an “affordability gap” isn’t closed along the way.

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WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Here’s who’s in the new advisory group that meets for the first time Tuesday

November 15, 2021 2:32 pm
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 |   Sound Transit | West Seattle news

Earlier this fall, we put out Sound Transit‘s call for people interested in being on a new Community Advisory Group for the West Seattle-Ballard light-rail extensions, as ST approaches the next planning milestone, the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. That’s been delayed multiple times but is now projected for publication early next year, opening a new public-comment period. More than 230 people applied; Sound Transit has appointed 51 in four groups, with the largest lineup representing the West Seattle-Duwamish section – here’s the roster for all four:

The meeting will be online, 5-7 pm Tuesday, viewable here (livestreamed or archived afterward). Here’s the agenda.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Sound Transit still looking for Community Advisory Group members

October 27, 2021 6:55 pm
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 |   Sound Transit | West Seattle news

Want to get more closely involved in the West Seattle light-rail planning process as it approaches the next milestone? Sound Transit just announced it’s extending the deadline for people to apply to be on the Community Advisory Group for the West Seattle-Ballard extension. From the announcement:

We’re looking for people who:

-Live, work and/or volunteer along the project corridor.
-Are a part of, or have a deep understanding of, one or more of the communities along the corridor.
=Have knowledge and/or interest in public transportation, mobility and how transportation affects the lives of people in the region.

We ask that members be prepared to:

-Act as a community ambassador, willing to share information with community members and bring forth community values, concerns, and ideas.
-Consider the community as a whole and go beyond personal interests.
-Participate collaboratively with group members whose views may be different from their own.
-Attend approximately six monthly meetings from fall 2021 through early 2022, participating fully in the process. Members will receive a stipend for their participation.

You have until 5 pm next Monday (November 1st) to apply. Go here to find out more, including how to apply.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Draft Environmental Impact Statement delayed again, as ‘potentially affected’ property owners receive notification letters

Thanks to everyone who tipped us that Sound Transit has sent letters to owners of properties that ST might have to acquire for developing the West Seattle light rail line. (See the letter here.) While researching this, we asked ST about the status of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the West Seattle-Ballard extension – most recently expected to be released before year’s end – and learned it’s been delayed again.

ST spokesperson Geoff Patrick tells WSB, “Given ongoing coordination needs and the upcoming holidays, Sound Transit now expects to publish the Draft EIS for public review and comment in early 2022. While we have not yet identified a specific date for publication of the DEIS, it was a priority for Sound Transit to send out the notifications in advance to ensure property owners have the opportunity to learn about the project, how to engage, and how and when project decisions are made.”

As for who got notices and why, Patrick says the DEIS “identifies potential property acquisition needs associated with each of the project alignment options that is under consideration. We have sent letters to owners of approximately 1,400 potentially affected properties. This notification of potential impact does not mean a decision has been made to purchase property. It should be noted that while we’re studying multiple routes, in the end we’ll just build one. So, ultimately, many of those properties we are currently notifying won’t need to be acquired to build the project.”

All the routing possibilities that are being studied for the DEIS are shown on this website. The final routing decision will be up to the Sound Transit Board to make, after the final Environmental Impact Statement is published, currently expected in 2023. Patrick says there’s more information for potentially affected property owners on this ST webpage. The letter received by property owners invites them to participate in virtual briefings, with dates offered in November and December.

It was only this past June that the Draft EIS release was announced as delayed until fall. At the end of last year, the projected timeline was “mid-(2021).” As a result of the recent “realignment” decision, the expected opening date for the West Seattle extension is likely 2032, two years later than what was originally planned when voters approved the ST3 ballot measure five years ago.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: Sound Transit seeking members for new Community Advisory Groups

As Sound Transit gets closer to the next milestone in West Seattle-Ballard light-rail planning – publishing the Draft Environmental Impact Statement this fall – it’s just announced a plan for new Community Advisory Groups. Here’s the announcement:

Sound Transit is looking for people along the West Seattle and Ballard corridor who bring diverse perspectives and lived experiences to serve on a community advisory group (CAG). The CAGs will provide an additional forum for community members to help inform the Sound Transit Board’s confirmation or modification of the preferred alternative for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions project.

The CAGs will work collaboratively to highlight issues and tradeoffs to the community for the Sound Transit Board to consider as the agency works to deliver a project on time and within scope. Feedback from the advisory groups will be taken together with all the input gathered from the public comment period when Sound Transit releases the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the project, and shared with the Sound Transit Board before it confirms or modifies the preferred alternative early next year. In addition to participating on a CAG, community members will be able to engage in a variety of ways during the public comment period including at public meetings, by phone, mail, email and online.

The CAGs will include a balance of neighborhood and community interests and reflect the diversity throughout the corridor, including income level, race, age, physical and cognitive abilities, and lived experience. Each advisory group will be comprised of 10-15 community members, and organized by geographic area.

Sound Transit is seeking people who:

· Live, work and/or volunteer along the project corridor.

· Are a part of or have deep understanding of one or more of the communities along the corridor.

· Have knowledge and/or interest in public transportation, mobility and how transportation affects the lives of people in the region.

Sound Transit asks that members be prepared to:

-Act as a community ambassador, willing to share information with community members and bring forth community values, concerns, and ideas.
-Consider the community as a whole and go beyond personal interests.
-Participate collaboratively with group members whose views may be different from their own.
-Attend approximately six-monthly meetings from fall 2021 through early 2022, participating fully in the process.

Interest forms will be accepted through 5 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 27. Fill out an interest form at For assistance, contact the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions project team at or 206-903-7229.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: What Sound Transit Board’s realignment vote means for our area

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

With many amendments but little drama, Sound Transit Board members have adopted what they call a “hybrid” realignment plan.

It’s the result of two methodologies for dealing with an “affordability gap” currently estimated at $6+ billion, down from a previous $12 billion estimate – pushing back the schedule, and cutting costs. Board chair Kent Keel of the University Place City Council and Claudia Balducci of the King County Council consolidated their dueling proposals to make it happen, toward the end of almost a year and a half of discussion.

The headline for West Seattle: The light-rail line between The Junction and SODO is in the plan’s Tier 1, which means it’s a high priority, and among the least likely to face more delays. It’s already scheduled for one year later than the original 2030 date in the ST3 ballot measure; what emerged during realignment discussions as the “Affordable Schedule” for ST projects would push it back no more than one additional year, to 2032. The official language for Tier 1 projects is “as close to the original ST3 schedule as reasonably possible.” However, under this plan, SODO would be the end of the line for an estimated six years; the second Downtown Transit Tunnel is not projected for completion until 2038. (The original ST3 plan had a five-year gap.)

For fine-print fans, here’s the substitute realignment resolution the board approved, as seen before the amendments that all got unanimous “yes” votes – which were, from this list, #2, #4, #5, #6, #7, #9, #10. Some amendments clarified the language about the board’s intent to “speed up” implementation of projects if at all possible; others advanced a few projects to higher-priority tiers, such as two Seattle “infill” stations and parking/bus projects outside Seattle.

At the end of the meeting, board members expressed relief and even some jubilation. “I wasn’t sure this was possible!” marveled board member Bruce Dammeier, the Pierce County Executive. “Now we have a framework before us,” observed board chair Keel.

The plan now calls for re-examining projects at multiple points before construction is green-lighted:

One of two West Seattleites on the board, County Councilmember Joe McDermott, told us afterward: “Today the Board took action to better monitor and be informed of cost projections and also set expectations on project delivery. Most important to West Seattle is the fact that today’s vote keeps intact the expected opening of Light Rail serving West Seattle with stations serving the Alaska Junction, Avalon, and Delridge in 2032. … Meeting my objective of not delaying Light Rail to West Seattle was essential to my vote for the agency’s ‘realignment’ proposal this afternoon.”

So what’s next for West Seattle light rail? The draft Environmental Impact Statement, currently in development, will be a major step toward settling on station locations and the exact path light rail would follow to get to them; we’ll be checking on the latest projected release date (most recent estimate was “fall”). Its release will launch a new public-comment period.

On eve of Sound Transit realignment vote, West Seattle SkyLink launches petition drive for gondola consideration

Tomorrow afternoon, as previewed here, the Sound Transit Board is expected to adopt a realignment plan – potentially delaying West Seattle light rail. Supporters of a transit alternative – a gondola system – have been trying to convince ST to seriously consider it as an alternative for the West Seattle spur of the system. They say a gondola line, which they call West Seattle SkyLink, could be built faster and cheaper than light rail between SODO and The Junction. So now they’re collecting signatures on an online petition with this request:

We ask Sound Transit to immediately commission gondola experts to conduct a technical engineering study on using a gondola as the West Seattle connection to the Link light rail spine.

We further ask the Sound Transit Board to use the results of the study to compare the gondola to light rail alternatives in reaching a determination on the best way to connect West Seattle to Link.

The gondola concept has been discussed for a few years, but the organized campaign under the name West Seattle SkyLink really revved up around the first of the year; we first talked with advocates in January. ST says it considered gondolas (see page 35) while planning ST3; SkyLink supporters think the transit agency should take another look. If you’re interested in signing their petition, see it here.