(One routing option by WS Golf Course, from page 253 of DEIS section 4.2.1)
If you’re still trying to get up to speed on the Sound Transit Draft Environmental Impact Statement for West Seattle (and beyond) light rail, here’s your next chance to watch a briefing/discussion: Tuesday morning, it’s on the agenda for the 9:30 am online meeting of the City Council’s Transportation Committee. The DEIS is the document that details various potential impacts of the multiple routing and station-location options. Sound Transit is taking comments through April 28th; then its board will decide this summer which routing/station locations will go through the final phase of environmental studies. The city has multiple roles in the process — it’s working with ST on station planning, it could consider contributing “third-party funding” for options that would cost extra, and it has two reps on the ST board, City Council President Debora Juarez and Mayor Bruce Harrell. You can sign up to comment at Tuesday’s meeting – the agenda explains how – and you’ll be able to watch it live (or recorded for later playback) via Seattle Channel. If you want to review the DEIS independently, you can do that via ST’s online open house here, which also offers opportunities for comment.