Delridge 2009 results

DEVELOPMENT: Demolition under way at 1704 SW Roxbury, future mixed-use project site

11:56 AM: Thanks to Bob for the tip. Demolition is under way at 1704 SW Roxbury, the official address for the planned project on parcels including the former Meineke shop – which moved to 35th/Barton – and buildings to its north. Last time we mentioned the project was more than two years ago, when it went into the city’s Early Outreach for Design Review program. It remains in the relatively early stages of the permitting process, according to the city’s online files. This – like almost-complete 3405 Harbor Avenue SW, just-underway 9201 Delridge Way SW, and planned 4448 California SW – is a collaboration between Housing Diversity Corporation and STS Construction Services (WSB sponsor). HDC’s website outlines the plan as:

-9,428 SF retail
-34,008 SF lot
-Six stories
-214 unit development, 161 attainably priced market-rate units, and 54 rent-restricted units through Seattle’s Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program

We have an inquiry out for more information on the site’s status beyond the now-underway demolition.

12:27 PM: Demolition is expected to last two to three weeks, we’re told. Construction will not follow immediately as the project is still “in feasibility.”

About the emergency response at South Delridge bus stop

(Framegrab from traffic camera, with NB Delridge/Henderson stop at right)

We had a question about a Burien Police car with what looked like a body at Delridge/Henderson, so in case you passed by and wondered too, here’s what happened: SFD originally responded just after 7 pm to a report of an unconscious man at the northbound bus stop there, with drug paraphernalia nearby. Recorded radio exchanges detail how they tried to revive him, but could not. Burien PD responded because they’re part of the King County Sheriff’s Office, which has jurisdiction for Metro transit facilities (and buses). The man who died was estimated to be in his mid-30s; the King County Medical Examiner’s Office will make the official determination of why he died. (Public Health – Seattle & King County tracks drug-overdose and alcohol-poisoning deaths here; so far this year, 306 deaths are confirmed in the county, another 37 suspected pending toxicology results. If that rate continued all year, the 2024 total would be close to the 2023 total, 1,338.)

Delridge Grocery Co-op’s next chapter: ‘Winding down’ storefront but ‘new neighborhood business will take over’ the space

A shortage of help for the volunteer-run Delridge Grocery Co-op store has led to a change in plan for the longtime nonprofit, which has its roots – several generations of volunteer help ago – in an idea that sprouted in 2009. The DGC has announced that it will “end storefront operations by April 30” in the space at Cottage Grove Commons (5444 Delridge Way SW). But that space won’t be vacant – and will still be dedicated to affordable, healthy food. And the DGC isn’t entirely hanging up its collective apron. If you’re not on the DGC mailing list, you can read the full announcement here. In short, three years after DGC was finally able to start opening its storefront to the public, then steadily growing its inventory and opening hours to five days a week, the road grew bumpy, as explained in the announcement:

Unfortunately, over the course of the last year, the numbers of our board of directors and core volunteers has dwindled to a much smaller group, causing larger loads of work to be added to fewer shoulders. Additionally, we faced rising prices due to national inflation growth, changes in post-Covid shopping habits, and challenges in sourcing products from distributors — all of which contributed to declining sales.

During a board meeting in March, the Co-op’s core remaining group was faced with a dangerously diminishing cash reserve twinned with a declining level of time availability from the cohort. To ensure that all of our financial obligations are met (including paying back several member loans), it was decided that the Delridge Grocery Co-op would need to wind down its operations.

Starting this weekend, the DGC will work toward selling down our inventory at reduced prices with the goal of shutting down storefront operations by April 30.

But, we will also be making way for a new neighborhood business…

Scheduled to start on May 2, run by North Delridge neighbors – Cascadia Produce, run by the neighbors who brought you Carrot Man’s Carrot Stand (also owner-members of the Co-op) will be taking over the DGC space for a four-month experiment that will bring low-cost, fresh food to North Delridge.

Cascadia Produce has unique access to farm seconds and wholesale recovered produce (all vibrant and recently harvested) that will be offered to area residents at super low cost. Best of all, the space will be open daily for extended hours and stuffed with a wide variety of produce options (some of it even organic!). This pop-up will continue the goal of access to fresh, healthy food that the DGC has championed since inception and test a radical new model for fresh food access in urban food deserts.

The DGC is working out the final details with Cascadia Produce and will send them out soon, but we’re all estimating that this pilot produce pop-up will begin operating in May in the DGC storefront. May 2-3 will be a soft open for neighbors and area residents where all are invited to come see the changes and give feedback on what types of fruit, vegetables, healthy cooking staples, and treats (hey, life is short!) belong in in this market. If successful during the pop-up stage, the new model will be adopted long term.

We just talked to Jill from Cascadia by phone and there’s so much more to this than just a “pop-up” – she has big plans for ensuring that everybody in West Seattle knows how to get affordable produce – and plans to partner with a variety of organizations and groups. Shopping at the store will be convenient, at least eight hours a day seven days a week, with a longtime West Seattleite on board to be market manager. Stand by for lots more info about the plan.

In the short run, today through Sunday, the DGC is starting its inventory clearout with a 10 percent discount to all shoppers, co-op members or not, and some additional in-store discounts “including greeting cards, cleaning supplies, fancy cheeses, and more.” Meantime, DGC will continue its weekly Essentials Box program – including “gifted boxes to households in need” – during the Cascadia Produce pop-up time, so if you’re a subscriber, DGC hopes you’ll “stick with us during this time.” DGC has some other FAQ answers in its full announcement.

HPAC REPORT #2: Encampment updates, re-sleuthing ‘The Hum,’ Delridge Triangle

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Our first report on this past week’s HPAC meeting – held online Wednesday night – focused on the group’s discussion with a Metro rep about proposed bus-stop changes. But the coalition tackled other topics of note, and that’s what we’re writing about now.

ENCAMPMENTS: Questions about several encampments in southeast West Seattle had surfaced at previous meetings, so HPAC invited local-government reps to attend with updates. Tom Van Bronkhorst was there from the city’s Unified Care Team, and James Poling was there on behalf of WSDOT. The one of greatest concern was the growing encampment at 1st/Cloverdale, just west of Highway 509. Poling said that WSDOT “has started preliminary assessment at the site.” Van Bronkhorst said WSDOT doesn’t own the entirety of the property involved – there’s adjacent city land that’s “also encamped.” As a result of that, he said, the city will be “working in the weeks ahead to plan some kind of removal.” Before that, he expected crews would be removing litter at the site. (We followed up post-meeting with Lori Baxter, who handles homelessness-response inquiries for the mayor’s office, and she confirmed the site is getting “weekly trash mitigation … while WSDOT resolution planning continues.” She added, “The Unified Care Team last inspected this site on February 14, noting six RVs/vehicles and three tents/structures.”) At the HPAC meeting, Van Bronkhorst also addressed the encampment across Delridge Way from the Southwest Precinct, saying it’s likely to be resolved by summer, because a city reforestation project is planned to “activate” that area (the Delridge Native Forest Garden, which got a federal grant last year, and about which Baxter tells us, “UCT will consider the construction schedule while building out upcoming calendar dates”). Finally, regarding Barton between 15th and 17th, Van Bronkhorst said five RVs were there at last count, 600 pounds of trash was removed three weeks ago, and the outreach agency REACH has been “visiting every few weeks.”

‘THE HUM’: More than a decade ago, we reported on then-HPAC leadership leading community sleuthing of the droning noise that so many were hearing at night. It was traced to vacuum equipment offloading dry cargo from ships serving an industrial facility on the Duwamish River; better muffling was installed, and that seemed to handle the problem. In recent months, we hear every so often from someone thinking they’re hearing it again; invariably, when we get one of those reports, we check, and it shows the same type of ship in port around the same spot. At Wednesday’s meeting, local resident Matthew said he’s resolved to get to the bottom of it, including finding out what the noise rules are. HPAC leadership agreed to collaborate with him. You can help too – if you hear it, log the time. Record it if you can.

DELRIDGE TRIANGLE: This triangle of land by the Route 60 northbound bus stop across from 2 Fingers Social was the subject of a community-led planning process in 2017-2019 aimed at turning it into more of a park. Eventually the effort stalled (the last mention in our archives was July 2019). Now, HPAC says, there’s word that Seattle Parks is acquiring the parcel from SDOT. We’re following up on that with both.

WHAT’S NEXT? HPAC meets on fourth Wednesdays most months, 7 pm. Watch the HPAC website for updates.

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle’s new driver-licensing office now open

(WSB photo, February)

We just double-checked, and yes, West Seattle’s new driver-licensing office is now open as scheduled at Delridge/Dakota, on the back side of the building. The state announced the new location February 1 and opened it today after a week-long closure for moving out of the old location east of Westwood Village (whose owner plans a redevelopment project). Here’s where to make an appointment.

WEDNESDAY: HPAC talks bus changes, public safety, ‘Hum’ redux

Lively agenda announced for Wednesday night’s online meeting of HPAC, the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge. They’re bringing in Metro to talk about the changes recently reported here and here – bus-stop closures (and a relocation) plus city-funded plans to add more service hours to Route 125 (which we have since learned was buried in this SDOT announcement). Public-safety concerns are on the agenda too. So is the recurring noise that some speculate might be a return of “The Hum” (traced more than a decade ago by HPAC’s then-leadership and WSB to dry-cargo unloading on the Duwamish River). Don’t miss this meeting, 7 pm Wednesday – connection/call-in info is in the preview here.

DEVELOPMENT: Construction finally close for mixed-use project at 9201 Delridge Way SW

(Rendering by Atelier Drome Architects)

4:30 PM: Redevelopment has been in the works for the former auto-shop site at 9201 Delridge Way SW for six years. The project plan, and ownership, have changed along the way. Now the current developers, Housing Diversity Corporation, say that groundbreaking is expected within about two months for the five-story, 74-apartment development they’re calling Keystone. That’s part of an update we received this afternoon announcin “the closing of debt and equity” for the project, which explains in part:

Financial partners for the project include First Fed as the senior lender with a $5 million loan, Nuveen Green Capital as the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy & Resiliency lender with a $9.74 million loan, and Citizen Mint, a private markets platform for wealth advisors, who raised $5.18 million of equity from impact-minded wealth managers and high-net-worth individuals. …

The C-PACER program in Washington provides lower-than-market-rate debt for projects that are able to achieve high energy and resilience standards above code in an effort to encourage environmentally focused building practices. The seismic, plumbing, and thermal standards met by the development allowed the partnership to use C-PACER financing to cover 40% of the project’s overall cost at a favorable construction loan interest rate in the mid-7% range.

HDC’s partner in building Keystone is West Seattle-headquartered STS Construction Services (WSB sponsor), as is the case for the 115-apartment building under construction at 3405 Harbor SW and other projects on the drawing board, with Atelier Drome as the architect. The announcement says that “100% of the units in the development are priced at or below 80% of area median income, including 15 more deeply rent-restricted units made possible through Seattle’s Multifamily Tax Exemption Program.” The project will include 4,207 square feet of commercial/retail space and will not include offstreet parking; none is required as it’s close to frequent transit (RapidRide H Line). The project finished going through Design Review in 2021, under the alternate address 9208 20th SW.

5:39 PM: We went over to look at the site right after publishing this story, and discovered work already has begun:

The old building was demolished sometime since we last went through that area several days ago.

FOLLOWUP: Delridge Playfield lights back on, Parks says

Three weeks ago, thanks to tips, we reported that the Delridge Playfield lights were out again because of wire thieves. Last week, one of our original tipsters, John – who had photographed the exact spot hit by the thieves – told us that crews were on scene to fix the system. We subsequently inquired with Parks, who responded today that the lights are working again. Security was improved, too, according to John’s observation: “Installation of steel conduit instead of PVC previously used, therefore making hard to steal the cables.”

City approval for major work at Delridge/Orchard gas station

February 24, 2024 10:53 am
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 |   Delridge | Environment | West Seattle news

From the “in case you wondered too” file – the land-use-action sign out front of the Arco station at Delridge/Orchard is for major work that just got city approval this week. The owners plan to “remove 2 underground storage tanks and install two new tanks (one 22,000-gallon and one 25,000-gallon tank).” Also: “Existing piping system, dispensers, and trash enclosure to be replaced … (project) includes 1,800 cu. yds. of grading (900 cu. yds. of backfill).” Publication of the decision opens an appeal period, with a March 7 deadline; this notice explains how.

REMINDER: Last week for West Seattle’s current driver-licensing office

(WSB photo)

Those newly striped spaces on the west side of the office building on the northwest corner of Delridge/Dakota are a reminder that the building will soon be home to West Seattle’s driver-licensing office. As announced February 1, this is the new location starting March 1 – officially 2420 SW Dakota – but the office will be closed for a week of moving, so this is the final week at the old location east of Westwood Village, 8830 25th SW. We first reported more than a year ago that the Department of Licensing was seeking a new location because the current one is slated for demolition, with 140+ apartments to be built in its place.

FOLLOWUP: Longfellow Creek truss bridge finally close to replacement

(2020 photo by Doug Ollerenshaw)

Three years ago, we published a reader report about that wooden bridge across Longfellow Creek, near Greg Davis Park, after Doug Ollerenshaw noticed it had been removed without notice, Seattle Parks subsequently explained to him that it had long been “compromised structurally” and then literally started falling apart, so it had to be removed, but they had to find funding to replace it. He’s been tracking it ever since – still no sign of a replacement, and his followup inquiries hadn’t been answered. So we asked Parks about a timeline for what we have since learned is called the “truss bridge,” and finally got an update today, through spokesperson Karen O’Connor: “Looks like mid – 2024; we have successfully obtained the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s – HPA over-water crossing permitting. The bridge is currently under internal design review as well as undergoing the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections (SDCI) permit approval process.” They’ve also updated the project website since our inquiry; it goes into some other details about the delay.

P.S. We’re working on details for a separate report on a different Longfellow Creek bridge project; permit files indicate Seattle Public Utilities is planning some work on the “fishbone bridge.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Delridge Playfield lights’ power supply hit again

Multiple readers have reported that athletic activities scheduled for Monday evening at Delridge Playfield were canceled because of theft/vandalism affecting the lights – again. We also heard from John, who sent this photo:

John, a retired electrician, explained what he saw while walking around the fields: “Damaged power pipe and cut cables. I called Seattle City Light. Tested cables. which were dead. But still connected to transformer.” That was midday Monday; John subsequently talked to an SCL crew member who, he reported,”said a high voltage crew would be called out to disconnect the cables from the transformer. The parks department will need to call out an electrical contractor to repair the cables from the service drop into the electrical main switch gear.” We’ve been waiting to hear back from Seattle Parks and City Light on a repair timetable. We’ve also asked about what’s being done to prevent recurrences (not only has this happened recently – we even found this story from more than a decade ago.)

FOLLOWUP: Here’s where West Seattle’s driver-licensing office is moving to

ORIGINAL THURSDAY STORY: The state Department of Licensing is finally confirming the new location of its West Seattle driver-licensing office. We first reported more than a year ago that they had found a site but weren’t ready to disclose it; city records suggested they were pursuing a North Delridge location. Today, the DOL announced that’s indeed where they’re moving – 2420 SW Dakota, Suite 100 [map], adjacent to other state offices. A DOL spokesperson tells WSB, “Our last day at the current location will be on Saturday, February 24. We’ll open the new location on Friday, March 1.” The current location at 8830 25th SW east of Westwood Village is being vacated because, as we first reported in 2022, the site is planned for redevelopment into what city permit records describe as “a 6-story, 144-unit apartment building (with p)arking for 20 vehicles.”

ADDED MONDAY: The DOL confirms its entrance will be at the back (west side) of the building, which carries a Delridge address in front.

FOLLOWUP: Celebration announced for Camp Long’s new south entrance

(DNDA photo, December 2023)

Last month we showed you the new entrance on the south side of Camp Long, honoring the park/environmental-learning center’s longtime director Sheila Brown. Now Seattle Parks and the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association have announced a ribboncutting celebration. Set your calendar for 11 am-12:30 pm Saturday, February 10. The new entrance is at 29th/Brandon [map]. The announcement notes, “The new entrance gateway is a great example of a public/private partnership with the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association as the fiscal sponsors managing over 125 donors. SPR provided project management with additional design work and implementation budget.” (Read more background here.)

911 explained, crime stats detailed, ‘natural drainage’ project updates, more at HPAC’s first 2024 meeting

January 25, 2024 12:28 pm
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 |   Delridge | Highland Park | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Another in-person meeting last night began the 2024 calendar for HPAC, the community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge. They’re testing various locations since their longtime meeting quarters at Highland Park Improvement Club remain out of commission, so last night’s meeting was held at Southwest Library, which meant an earlier start and fixed cutoff time, since the branch clears meeting rooms 15 minutes before 8 pm closing time.

Nonetheless, the 1 1/4-hour meeting facilitated by HPAC co-chair Kay Kirkpatrick delivered plenty of information. Here’s how it unfolded:

SEATTLE POLICE: The Southwest Precinct team that’s appeared at multiple recent community meetings, Lt. Josh Ziemer and community liaison Officer German Barreto, were asked about the shooting death at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center on Tuesday, but said they could not divulge any updates. In crime stats, so far this year, Highland Park had three assaults, 6 motor-vehicle-related thefts (car prowls, etc.), 7 motor-vehicle thefts and attempted thefts, including “one restolen from a tow lot,” 1 aggravated assault, 1 attempted burglary, 1 store robbery, 1 residential burglary. 2 larceny (one attempted mail theft and one mail theft). Year to year, 2023 compared to 2022, homicides, aggravated assaults up, motor vehicle thefts up, burglaries down.

For South Delridge, also in HPAC’s coverage area – so far this year 2 assaults, one motor vehicle theft, one hit-run, one business burglary, one robbery (phone snatch) – robberies are down year to year, thefts down, except for vehicle thefts, which are up.

Asked about the 1st/Cloverdale encampment just off the sharp turn west of Highway 509:

Read More

GRU! Seattle Kraken goalie visits kids at Salvation Army in South Delridge

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

If you’ve watched a Seattle Kraken game, you might be familiar with fans’ appreciative call of GRUUUUU! when goalie Philipp Grubauer gets a save. Not recently – he’s been off the ice with an injury for more than a month. But he’s keeping busy, including in a role as Divisional Youth Ambassador for the Salvation Army, which hosted him at their South Delridge center on Friday.

Grubauer joined kids from the center’s After-School Program for a hockey-skills drill (with a ball, not a puck):

He was scheduled to hang out with the kids through dinnertime.

UPDATE: Man shot at Delridge apartment

6:54 AM: Police and fire are arriving at an apartment complex in the 5900 block of Delridge Way SW, after a report of a man with a gunshot wound to the leg.

7:08 AM: Police describe the wound as non-life-threatening. The Delridge/Juneau traffic camera shows the response (on the Juneau side of the complex). No word so far on circumstances.

7:28 AM: Listening back to the recording of the original dispatch, police were told the victim said he opened his door and was shot by someone he knows; the only descriptive information he gave initially was “white male, 5’10”.”

7:35 AM: We went to the area to try to find out more; the response at the complex is down to one (unoccupied) police car.

(WSB photo)

7:40 AM: The search has moved to the Delridge P-Patch a few blocks north [map], and that’s where police are right now. Police confirm they know who they are looking for but aren’t commenting further.

10:16 AM: SFD says the victim is a 55-year-old man who was in stable condition when taken to the hospital via private ambulance.

Tree falls on greenway in North Delridge

Thanks to those who have texted and emailed about that tree, toppled onto the northbound side of the 26th Avenue SW neighborhood greenway on the west side of Delridge Community Center. Neighbor Derek says the city has been notified, and notes that this isn’t the first to fall in that spot – another came down in May 2022. (Worth noting with wind in the forecast – if a tree falls onto a street or sidewalk, you can report it to SDOT at 206-684-ROAD, after-hours at 206-386-1218.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Man shot in North Delridge

12:17 AM: Police are investigatng a reported shooting at Delridge/Findlay. One man is reported wounded, “shot in the back” per SFD dispatch. No suspect description yet except “male in a red shirt.” Updates to come.

12:26 AM: Police believe the shooting happened in front of the Shell station (which is closed for the night); they told dispatch they’ve found a casing. They’re also closing Delridge Way at the scene.

12:34 AM: The victim, a 20-year-old man, is being taken to Harborview by SFD medics. Police, meantime, now believe they’re looking for two suspects; a K-9 team is helping search.

12:47 AM: If you live in the area, you’ll hear police PA announcements and siren “chirping,” which is meant as a warning to possibly hiding suspect(s) that they’re nearby with a dog.

1:34 AM: So far, no success. Meantime, the street is open again.

FOLLOWUP: Delridge pedestrian-bridge retrofit project now open for bidding

(WSB file photo)

New on the city’s bidding website, several earthquake-safety retrofit projects around the city – including the pedestrian overpass at Delridge and Oregon, between the south end of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center and the east side of Delridge Playfield/Community Center. This comes one year after the decision to keep and retrofit the bridge – after community opposition to proposed removalwas announced. Scope of the project is described as follows:

Seismic retrofit project that involves retrofit of superstructure, columns, and footings through section build up and/or use of CFRP wraps, as well as separating ramps from the structure and building up a lightweight fill support for ramps, adding new expansion joints at the ramps, removing and reinstalling handrails, and modifying the ends of handrails at new expansion joints.

In 2021, SDOT estimated the retrofit cost as ~$4 million; the estimate is now up to more than $5 million. It’s already retrofitted the area’s other pedestrian overpass, the SW Andover bridge over the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge. The deadline for bids on the Delridge/Oregon project is January 17. The work could last up to a year, according to this slide deck from a briefing last year.

DEVELOPMENT: Tree advocates plan demonstration at Delridge project site

(WSB photo from March)

The proposal for 11 residences at 6504 24th SW [map] continues to make its way through the permit process. Tree advocates plan a demonstration there Saturday afternoon to renew attention to the plan for tree removal, with concerns including its proximity to Longfellow Creek. We last wrote about the project back in March, when the city convened a community-requested public meeting for comments (WSB coverage here), most of which were focused on the trees. As we reported at the time, an arborist’s report showed more than 50 “exceptional” trees on the site, and noted more than 30 could be removed. (Here’s the current plan set.) Permit files also show the developers seeking an exemption for part of an “environmentally critical area” on the site. Tree Action Seattle notes that – as discussed in our March report – housing could be built on the site with far fewer tree removals. It plans to gather and “ask for change” at 1 pm Saturday. (Thanks to reader Julia for the tip on this.)

BIZNOTE: Delridge Grocery Co-op serving up fruit and vegetable deals with Cascadia Produce

(Photos courtesy Delridge Grocery Co-op)

Healthy food at low prices! Go to the Delridge Grocery Co-op (5444 Delridge Way SW) starting at 3 pm today for major produce deals – the DGC announcement explains:

This weekend, the Delridge Grocery Co-op (DGC) is partnering with Cascadia Produce to offer its neighbors some special deals on produce. Owned and operated by Delridge residents (and DGC owner-members) Jillian Moore and Jeremy Vrablik, Cascadia is part of the Seattle Good Business Network’s Good Food Exchange program, which is working to distribute surplus or recovered food to businesses and organizations.

These produce items are sent to Cascadia after being rejected by groceries for a number of reasons — peppers were too small, stores were overstocked, or temperature was off by 1-2 degrees. Yet these are still usable, healthy packages of fruits, vegetables, and greens, and Jeremy and Jill are passionate about keeping good food on plates and out of the landfill.

The DGC will be offering a selection of items that Cascadia has procured this week and selling them at discounted prices, including:

• Strawberries (Foxy brand, 16-ounce) — $2.99 (compare at $8.99)

• Raspberries (Driscolls brand, 6-ounce) — $2.99 (compare at $5.29)

• Organic Spinach and Arugula (Earthbound Farm brand, 16-ounce tubs) — $2.99 (compare at $6.99)

• Sweet Mini Peppers (Dolce brand, 16-ounce) — $1.99 (compare at $4.99)

All are welcome to shop at the DGC, but this is also our monthly Discount Weekend when Co-op owner-members (who have paid into their ownership share) receive a 10% discount on all in-store purchases (December 1-3). You can also shop for holiday gifts from local artisans, including pottery from The Clay Cauldron and hot sauce from Bootsie’s Sauce Co.

Come check out your neighborhood grocery and #shopthecoopfirst this weekend! The all-volunteer DGC is located at 5444 Delridge Way SW, and is open Friday 3–7, Saturday 9:30–3, Sunday 11–3, Monday 3–7, and Tuesday 3–7.

UPDATE: Water break in North Delridge

November 27, 2023 11:29 am
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 |   Delridge | Utilities | West Seattle news

Thanks to Jay for the tip. Seattle Public Utilities crews are working on a water break in the 4700 block of 26th SW. More than 50 customers are affected, according to the SPU outage map.

1:15 PM: Jay says the water is back on. SPU tells us the leak was in an 8-inch cast iron distribution main but they don’t know what caused it.