DEVELOPMENT: 1704 SW Roxbury project enters Early Design Review Outreach stage

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)

One month ago, we reported on the new plan for 1704 SW Roxbury and adjacent parcels on 17th SW – a mixed-use building with more than 200 apartments. The project is now listed on the city’s Early Community Outreach for Design Review website, which means the project is in the phase requiring the developers to offer early commenting opportunities to the community. It’s still described, albeit briefly, as a 4-story building, though the project’s page on one development partner’s website describes the plan as six stories and 214 units, broken down as “171 attainably priced market-rate units, and 43 rent-restricted units through Seattleā€™s Multifamily Tax Exemption Program.” City policy only stipulates notification within a specific area fairly close-in to the development site, but there’s a contact email address in the online notice if you want to ensure you’re in the loop.

3 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: 1704 SW Roxbury project enters Early Design Review Outreach stage"

  • lena January 21, 2022 (3:52 pm)

    Is there a way to find out if there is parking? I own the business next to this and wondering what the effects will be.

    • WSB January 21, 2022 (4:58 pm)

      So far I can’t find any mention of parking – whether there will or will not be – in the documents, but it’s still early in the process. You could ask the project team via the special email address on the Early Outreach page we’ve linked above … TR

      • lena January 21, 2022 (5:17 pm)

        Thank you! Emailed them!

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