West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
The line for tonight’s rock-star guests wound throughout the warm confines of Easy Street Records, so customers didn’t have to wait in the cold. Here’s who they were here to see:
Corin Tucker and Carrie Brownstein are carrying on as Sleater-Kinney, the band they founded in Olympia 30 years ago (naming it after a street in Lacey that’s an exit off I-5). Tonight’s Easy Street meet-and-greet provided a preview of their about-to-be-released album “Little Rope,” displayed below by Archie Coltrane Vaughan, one of the youngest members of the family that owns the shop:
The album’s official release date is this Friday – but the vinyl version was available tonight at Easy Street, as were the musicians’ autographs for album-buyers:
Sleater-Kinney relaunched in 2014 after an eight-year hiatus; during that hiatus, Brownstein gained TV fame for co-creating and co-starring in the satirical series “Portlandia.” That ran 2011-2018; all the while she and Tucker kept making music. “Little Rope” is their first album in two and a half years; they’ll be touring (here’s the schedule) starting in late February, with two gigs at The Showbox in early April. You can check out their music here.
It’s a warming thought in the winter chill … time for families to book summer camps. West Seattle’s own Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor) and Mode Music and Performing Arts have opened registration for theirs – here’s the info:
It’s time for a summer of Rock Bands with Mode Music Studios! We’re offering camps for ages 6-11 and 12+ this time around. Camps run 9-12:00 for our 6-11 crowd and 12:30-2:30 for our 12+. Finish up the week with a Saturday live performance at our favorite neighbor venue, The Skylark, next door!Turn it into a full day of camp for our 6-11’s by signing up for an afternoon of music and theatre classes at our nonprofit MMPA – keep scrolling for more info and sign up for a rock band at the link below!
All of our MMPA camps are offered as half and full days at a pay-what you can rate, so they’re accessible to everyone. Half day camps run 9-12:00 and 12:30-3:30 and are available for grades K-5. Hang with us for lunch in-between and double up for a full day of fun!Don’t miss out on another creative summer with us. Click the link below to sign up!
Summer’s closer than you think!
Thanks to the texter who sent that photo of icy Seola Pond, perhaps one of the last such scenes we’ll see until and unless extra-cold weather returns. Tonight, rain is back, with a Winter Weather Advisory in effect until 1 am because it might be icy for a while before changing to just plain rain.
(Photo by Gill Loring – Seattle Public Utilities crew on 21st SW just south of SW 98th today)
Emergency crews were still busy throughout the day dealing with pipe problems (such as the trouble that had Madison Middle School in online learning today, though in-person classes are expected to resume tomorrow). This afternoon’s high was 36, this morning’s low 26 (both 12 degrees cooler than what the National Weather Service describes as “normal.” Tomorrow’s forecast says we might reach the low 40s and are expected to stay above freezing overnight!
Al texted to say the signal at 47th/Admiral is malfunctioning and backing up traffic. (After-hours, you can report signal trouble and other problems needing SDOT attention to 206-386-1800.)
That’s the sign on the door at Wildflour Gluten-Free Bakery in The Junction; the company confirmed to WSB via email, “Unfortunately we had to close the business today.” This is less than a week after Wildflour emailed customers to say it needed help, and one day after it said the same thing on social media, in part:
… We find ourselves in a very sad position, where the future of Wildflour is looking more and more over. If anyone is interested in helping, we are looking for accredited investors/partners to help get us on the right path, and we are willing to go over details if interested (our own financials and direction needed to correct current path). Our passion for our product is like no other in the gluten free space, and we just want to continue doing what we love. …
According to its online background page, Wildflour was founded in 2010, and taken over by its current owner in 2019. Last year it expanded into West Seattle by taking over the former Flying Apron, also a gluten-free eatery, at 4709 California SW. If it doesn’t reopen, this will be the fourth vacant storefront on the west side of the 4700 block of California; of the other three, two (the former Bin 41 and former Pharmaca) are listed for lease, and the third (former Taqueria Guaymas) was at last report to be turned into a new restaurant by co-owner Sam Virk, whose family also owns the Wildflour space.
Thanks to Zach and Avery for the reports about a water break on SW 106th in Arbor Heights. Seattle Public Utilities‘ water-problem map says about 15 homes were without water for an hour-plus but that it’s restored now. Others may have, or have had, discolored water as a result.
Back on January 4, when we first reported on questions about the Fauntleroy YMCA‘s future, the Y (a WSB sponsor) announced a town-hall community meeting for January 19. Now that meeting’s just three days away, and the Y wants to renew the invitation to be part of it – a spokesperson says, “It’s a great opportunity for community members to share their ideas and participate in an open dialogue about the future of the Fauntleroy YMCA.” Meantime, Fauntleroy UCC – which shares its campus with the Y and is hosting the town hall – says the venue is moving to the church sanctuary, with a video feed in the Fellowship Hall if needed for overflow. The Y has been part of the Fauntleroy community for a century, but has operated the facility at limited hours – currently three hours on each of three mornings a week – since reopening after the pandemic closure. The Y’s online backstory about the situation spells out its financial challenges: “For Fauntleroy to have a mission impact and be a financially viable location, we estimate that we will need the following: $400k a year in recurring funding, 2,000 Annual Memberships, and $200k in funds donated. Unfortunately, we may need to reconsider our operations at this location without this level of sustainable support and engagement.” The meeting announcement says that in addition to discussion, they’ll be “calling for involvement in three committees where members can join us in volunteering, fundraising, or project planning.” Friday’s town hall is scheduled for 4-6 pm at the church, 9140 California SW.
10:14 AM: Via text from Kersti Muul: “Orcas (several) SB from Bainbridge Island to Seattle ferry lanes, very close to Seattle side. Very surface active. Multiple males.” Let us know if you see them!
(Added: Photo by James Bratsanos)
10:53 AM: Kersti updates in a comment below that they’re still southbound, approaching Lowman Beach as of a few minutes ago.
11:28 AM: Photo added. They’re reported to be Burien-bound at this point – but eventually they’ll have to head back this way!
12:18 PM: Another photo added. We’ll update this story later if we get word the orcas – transients, per Kersti – are headed back this way.
3:03 PM: More photos added above and below!
(Bald Eagle, photographed last Thursday on Alki Point by David Hutchinson)
Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
FREE PLAYSPACE: Drop in Tuesday mornings 9 am-noon at West Seattle Church of the Nazarene (42nd/Juneau).
DINE OUT FOR ROXHILL ELEMENTARY: Today and tomorrow, a dine-out benefit for Friends of Roxhill Elementary continues at The Westy (7908 35th SW), 11 am-11:45 pm. Dine in and mention you’re there to support Roxhill, or order online and use code ROXHILL.
CHESS CLUB: Tuesdays 1:30-3 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon). All levels welcome. (Questions? Email conwell@conwelld.net.)
FREE VACCINATION CLINIC: Flu and COVID vaccinations available, no insurance required, for adults and children, 2-5 pm, at the YWCA‘s Greenbridge Learning Center (9720 8th SW).
CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Regular weekly meeting of the Seattle City Council, 2 pm. No major actions expected, but there is a public-comment section – in person or by phone – if there’s something you want to tell the council. The agenda explains how.
DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Long-running weekly sign-waving demonstration continues at 16th/Holden. 5-6 pm. Signs available if you don’t have your own.
SLEATER-KINNEY AT EASY STREET RECORDS: The legendary NW band visits Easy Street Records (4559 California SW) to sign their new album before it’s released later this week. Buy a copy to get in – via pre-order or at the event.
SCRABBLE NIGHT: 6-10 pm, you can play Scrabble at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW).
LEARN ASL: Free weekly classes, 6 pm at West Seattle’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (4001 44th SW). Start any time. Details in our calendar listing.
FREE TRACK RUN: Run with friends old and new on these long nights! Meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for this free weekly run at 6:15 pm.
OPEN CHOIR REHEARSAL: Interested in singing with a choir? The Boeing Employees Choir – not limited to Boeing employees – rehearses in West Seattle, 6:30 pm at American Legion Post 160 (3618 SW Alaska), and you’re invited to drop in.
WEST SEATTLE TOASTMASTERS 832: All welcome at 6:30 pm online meeting – our listing has info, including how to RSVP for the meeting link.
MAKE POTTERY: 6:30-9 pm “girls’ night” at pottery studio The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), sign up in advance or drop in to work on your project(s).
‘UNPLUGGED – A MUSICAL GATHERING’: 7-9 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), all ages, no cover.
PARENT EDUCATION TALK: Two topics – “The Strong-Willed Child” and “Understanding Middle Schoolers,” 7 pm at Hope Lutheran School (4456 42nd SW), all welcome.
BINGO AT THE SKYLARK: Play – free! – Belle of the Balls Bingo hosted by Cookie Couture, 7 pm Tuesdays. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
TRIVIA X 3: Three places to play Tuesday nights – 7 pm at Ounces (3803 Delridge Way SW), free and hosted by Beat the Geek Trivia; 7 pm at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle (6459 California SW), hosted by Geeks Who Drink; 7 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
What’s ahead? Preview it via our event calendar – and if you have something to add to it, please email the info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
8:32 AM: Just in – Madison Middle School‘s principal has messaged families to announce that the school is going remote today because of a pipe problem. Here’s the message parents forwarded to us:
Overnight, a pipe burst in our building. Fortunately, the district facilities team is working to clean up the water and fix the pipe.
Because of this work, we will transition to remote learning today, January 16, with students at home engaged in remote learning.
Your student should have brought home their device last week. Please have your student sign in to their school accounts to look for updates and resources from their teacher or school staff.
Student Meals: families may pick up a sack meal at the school today from 10 a.m. until noon.
I will follow up with families as more information becomes available.
The message was timestamped less than an hour before the scheduled start of classes. We’re checking with the district to see when the problem was found and how extensive it is/was.
9 AM: Commenters say Madison families have just received another text saying that remote classes will start two hours late.
3:53 PM: The SPS media office says they won’t have answers to our questions, such as when the break happened, where, and how much damage was don, before tomorrow. They do say they expect word this afternoon on whether in-person classes will resume tomorrow.
5:30 PM: According to the SPS media office, in-person classes will resume tomorrow (Wednesday, January 17).
WEDNESDAY UPDATE: A district spokesperson responded today to our questions about when the break happened, where, and how much damage: “We can’t be sure when it actually broke, but it was found Tuesday morning. It broke in the ceiling above Classroom L221. There are 6 classrooms, an office, some mechanical spaces and a hallway impacted. Carpet, floor tile, walls and ceiling all got wet. There were also some books and other teaching materials that were damaged.”
6:54 AM: Police and fire are arriving at an apartment complex in the 5900 block of Delridge Way SW, after a report of a man with a gunshot wound to the leg.
7:08 AM: Police describe the wound as non-life-threatening. The Delridge/Juneau traffic camera shows the response (on the Juneau side of the complex). No word so far on circumstances.
7:28 AM: Listening back to the recording of the original dispatch, police were told the victim said he opened his door and was shot by someone he knows; the only descriptive information he gave initially was “white male, 5’10”.”
7:35 AM: We went to the area to try to find out more; the response at the complex is down to one (unoccupied) police car.
7:40 AM: The search has moved to the Delridge P-Patch a few blocks north [map], and that’s where police are right now. Police confirm they know who they are looking for but aren’t commenting further.
10:16 AM: SFD says the victim is a 55-year-old man who was in stable condition when taken to the hospital via private ambulance.
7:01 AM: Emergency response at Delridge/Juneau.
7:48 AM: Most of that response has cleared; no traffic effects. Meantime, a Seattle Fire truck has responded to a bus shelter at 35th/Avalon (which side of 35th, we don’t know) for what’s described as a small “rubbish fire.”
7:59 AM: A rider tells us the fire was on the east side of 35th and that it was a “pretty good-sized fire,” with the burning materials including cardboard. SFD put it out quickly, though, and has already closed the call.
6:00 AM: Good morning. It’s Tuesday, January 16th. Schools and government offices are open again after the holiday, and we should be done with below-freezing temperatures, for now, later today – but beware of icy patches again this morning.
After another night in the 20s, the forecast says we’ll get back into the mid-to-upper 30s, with increasing clouds, and possibly a rain/snow mix later. Today’s sunrise will be at 7:52 am, sunset at 4:46 pm.
Water Taxi today – Back to regular schedule. Check the real-time map if you’re wondering where the boat is.
Metro today – Regular schedule; check advisories here.
Washington State Ferries today – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route. Check alerts for changes, and use the real-time map to see where your ferry is.
(The video options on SDOT‘s camera map are working again.)
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Orchard), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (unless SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera elsewhere):
Low Bridge:
1st Ave. S. Bridge:
Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander:
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if applicable). Thank you!