Doug Ollerenshaw sent us the photos and report after looking into a bridge situation in West Seattle that reminds him, though on a much-smaller scale, of the “other” bridge situation that’s now in its 12th month – a maintenance problem and closure that won’t be resolved before next year. Above is his 2020 photo of a bridge across Longfellow Creek, near Greg Davis Park, that he noticed last year was showing signs of deterioration. Last summer, he noticed it had been removed, without public notice. “I figured it was a short-term thing, but finally started trying to figure out what was going on (this week) after seeing no sign of work on a replacement.” This is how the spot looks now:
He was pointed to the Parks Department, and got this explanation:
The bridge was removed in late summer/early fall this past year by our heavy equipment crew … The bridge had previously been compromised structurally for several years and the cracked stringer finally broke completely and was in the creek. We are looking for funding so we can identify a replacement timeframe/schedule. At this point it is uncertain, but hopefully, in 2022.
We’ll be following up on the funding issue, but in the meantime, this is one for the “in case you wondered too” file.