day : 04/02/2025 12 results

UPDATE: Police pursuit on Delridge Way, followed by ‘rescue extrication’ callout for crash inside building

(SDOT camera screenshot)

9:42 PM: If you saw the police chase that just went northbound on Delridge Way, it’s a King County Sheriff’s Office case, possibly related to gunfire, according to discussion on SPD radio. No other details yet.

9:46 PM: This apparently ended with a “car into building,” according to the “rescue extrication” callout just dispatched.

9:49 PM: Officers told dispatch the building is the HR Block office at Delridge/Andover. KCSO reportedly has taken one suspect into custody. … Delridge is “completely shut down” at Andover. Two people have been rescued from one vehicle and SFD says there’s another injured person in another vehicle.

9:56 PM: Police report the signals at the intersection have been knocked out of power.

(WSB photos from here)

10:28 PM: Just went to the scene – one car is in the HR Block, another crashed on the southbound roadside.

Street will be closed at least another hour per police.

10:58 PM: More pics added. We’re still working to get more info on the circumstances and injuries. We don’t know for sure which of the crashed vehicles was the one being pursued – but the pursuit was northbound, and the HR Block is on the northbound side ….

11:16 PM: Commenter Miriam – who says they were in a third damaged car – says the car inside the HR Block is indeed the one that was being chased. Meantime, KCSO spokesperson Capt. Tim Meyer tells us this is what preeded it:

This incident began around 9:00 PM when deputies responded to the 11500 blk of 10th Ave S for a report of shots or a pellet gun heard. A suspect vehicle was later located by responding deputies and a pursuit ensued. This ended in a collision with two persons, at this time, detained. No deputies were injured. This remains an active scene. We will have no further updates until Wednesday morning as work in this case continues. We are unaware of any suspects outstanding.

ADDED WEDNESDAY MORNING: SFD says two people were treated from vehicles involved in the crash (we don’t know which vehicle/s with which they were associated) – a 41-year-old woman and 42-year-old man, both assessed as being in stable condition; she was taken to the hospital by private ambulance, while SFD says he “reportedly went to a hospital in a private vehicle.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More mail stolen; shoplift-turned-robbery

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

MORE MAIL STOLEN: Heads-up sent by Mike this afternoon:

Just an fyi to the readers. We live in the (4800 block of) Beach Dr SW and were just informed by our mail carrier that our mail was stolen yesterday out of the mail truck.

SHOPLIFT-TURNED-ROBBERY: After SPD released a short summary of this Monday afternoon incident, without location information, we obtained the narrative. A 34-year-old man is in jail, under investigation for first-degree robbery after allegedly threatening to kill an employee at PCC West Seattle while stealing three beers and a bag of chips. Store employees told police the confrontation escalated after they tried to stop him from stealing; he pulled out a knife with a six-inch blade. Police. say he dropped the knife when they confronted him outside the store. They recovered the beer, chips, and an allegedly-also-stolen orange. The suspect remains held in lieu of $25,000 bail, according to the jail register.

UPDATE: Chief Sealth IHS principal arrested for alleged DUI, district tells families; records show case involved West Seattle Bridge flipped-car crash

5:27 PM TUESDAY: Thanks to the multiple readers who have forwarded this announcement sent to Chief Sealth International High School families:

Dear Chief Sealth International families and staff,

We are writing to share some important personnel information with you.

At approximately 3 a.m. Sunday, Principal Ray Garcia-Morales was arrested by the Seattle Police Department for driving under the influence and reckless endangerment. He was immediately placed on administrative leave until further notice.

According to court records, no charges were filed, and the case has been closed. As this is a personnel issue, further details are confidential to protect privacy rights.

Assistant Principal Hope Perry will be stepping in to serve in his absence. Please feel free to reach out to her with school-related questions.

As other questions arise concerning this sensitive matter, please send them to


Bev Redmond
Chief of Staff
Seattle Public Schools

Looking at the case documents, the incident number matches the one in the West Seattle Bridge flipped-car crash we reported early Sunday.

(SDOT camera image, early Sunday)

We had updated the story yesterday when police confirmed the driver was arrested for DUI and reckless endangerment – and as we finished writing this story, SPD confirmed the 47-year-old Garcia-Morales was that driver. Jail records say he was booked into jail Sunday morning and released Monday evening. The case documents note that the City Attorney’s Office declined to file charges now but could still in the future.

ADDED 11:50 AM WEDNESDAY: The documents that were available online when we first got word of this Tuesday evening did not include report narrative. Some readers have since mentioned a citywide outlet that apparently had word of the case earlier, including the police-report narrative suggesting this was more than just a crash case. Report narratives aren’t available online but SPD provides some at reporters’ request, and we were able to obtain this one this morning.

The officer writing the report says they found “Suspect 1” standing next to the overturned Toyota Highlander and writes (exact quote from what SPD provided us):

Suspect 1 stated that he was driving and took the turn too fast. Suspect 1 denied anyone else being in the vehicle, and denied drinking alcohol. I noticed Suspect 1’s eyes were bloodshot.

When Officers told Suspect 1 that 911 callers stated they saw a female exit and run away from the vehicle after the collision, Suspect 1 denied any knowledge of anyone else being in the vehicle. Suspect 1 denied medical aid, officers noticed an abrasion on the left side of Suspect 1’s neck traveling from his neck to his head above his ear.
Officers noticed that Suspect 1 was a large male, and that the drivers seat was pushed so far forward, that it would be unreasonable for Suspect 1 to fit in the drivers seat. Additionally the drivers seatbelt was locked from the collision, and the passengers seatbelt was fully redacted into the seatbelt device.

Due to the above factors, Officers believed that Suspect 1 was not driving the vehicle at the time of the crash, and was released with a business card.

Officer Gregory and I decided to go to the registered owner’s address (redacted) to potentially locate the driver and/or owner. The registered owner of the Toyota was listed as VICTIM.

Upon arrival of the listed registered owners address, we were allowed into the residence by Victim, we verified her identity at the residence, by name and date of birth. Victim stated her and Suspect 1 were at a party in Capitol Hill where Suspect 1 was drinking alcohol, and that she noticed Suspect 1 falling asleep, so she suggested they go home. Victim stated this upset Suspect 1, who began calling Victim a “b—h”.

Suspect 1 got in the drivers seat and drove Victim after the party in Capitol Hill. Victim video tapped Suspect 1 driving because she was afraid of him. This was later verified and time stamped at 23:41, Victim was sent an axon link for the video. Before they got onto I-5 they switched seats.

At the listed location of the crash, Suspect 1 opened the passenger side door, Suspect 1 told Victim “do you wanna die”, then Suspect 1 grabbed and pulled the steering wheel causing the Toyota to overturn. Victim also stated that Suspect 1 has abused animals in the past.

Victim stated she fled the scene because she was scared of Suspect 1. Victim stated that Suspect 1 has been verbally abusive in the past, and has abused the family dog before, and that there was a prior incident back in 2017-18 between them.

The rest of the narrative says Garcia-Morales was arrested at a relative’s house in Burien, on suspicion of reckless endangerment, because of what the victim told them. They added DUI to the investigation because of the victim’s aforementioned video showing him driving after they left the party. (The reference to an “axon link” is technology through which people can upload video if involved in a specific SPD case.) The report says deputies brought him from Burien to West Seattle, and from there he was booked into King County Jail. This case was initially handled through the Municipal Court system, and as noted, he was released without charges being filed by the City Attorney’s Office, but with very clear messaging that charges are still a possibility in the future:

Notice to the Defendant:

The Seattle City Attorney’s office is not filing criminal charges against you at this time. You will be released today without conditions. However, the City Attorney’s office may file charges against you in the future in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.

DOG PARK: Your next chance to comment on plans for West Seattle’s second off-leash area

(WSB photo at future off-leash-area site during October event)

As first reported last March, Seattle Parks has officially chosen an area on the south side of the West Seattle Stadium grounds to become the site of our area’s second dog park (officially, “off-leash area”). Today, Parks announced the next opportunity for community comment: An “open house” at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on Sunday, February 23, 10 am-2 pm. That’ll be four months after the previous “engagement event” on the future park site, currently used as an overflow-parking area. Parks’ announcement says its “project team and design consultant will be available to answer questions, present concept design options, and gather valuable community feedback” to help shape the park’s final design. So far, they’re planning that it will include “fencing, seating for pet owners, and an environmentally friendly stormwater bioretention area with thoughtful plantings.” It’s one of two new off-leash areas budgeted together for $3.1 million from the Seattle Park District‘s second “funding cycle,” and construction is currently projected for next year.

BIZNOTE: Eviction notice posted at West Seattle Brewing

Thanks to Jeff for the tip. An eviction notice is posted at West Seattle Brewing (4415 Fauntleroy Way SW), warning that the King County Sheriff’s Office (which handles evictions) plans an eviction action there as soon as this Friday (February 7).

Court files show that this has been in the works since last August, with the first “unlawful detainer” notice served in September. The building’s owners allege that they are owed $35,000 in back rent and fees (with current monthly rent listed in documents as $5,329). The documents say West Seattle Brewing has been leasing the building since 2012, with lease renewals offered in 2017 and 2022 but the owners choosing to stay month to month. No one was there when we went by a short time ago to verify the tip about the notice, but the venue’s website suggests awareness of possible closure, as events last weekend are listed as “last Friday party” and “might be the last Saturday party.” The venue has most recently focused mostly on music. We have an email inquiry out to ask about future plans. They had just completed a remodel a year ago.

UPDATE: Light repairs planned during next Highway 99 tunnel closure – which is now postponed

1:08 PM: WSDOT has announced the next Highway 99 tunnel closure for this Friday night and Saturday morning, and listing what’ll be done while it’s closed:

Both directions of the State Route 99 tunnel in Seattle will close from 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, to 6 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, for maintenance.

Washington State Department of Transportation will start closing northbound and southbound lanes at 9 p.m., with the tunnel fully closed by 10 p.m. Drivers going south on SR 99 will need to take the Harrison Street off-ramp, and northbound SR 99 drivers will need to take the Alaskan Way off-ramp. Also, the Sixth Avenue and Royal Brougham Way on-ramps will close at 9 p.m.

The closure will let crews do several important tasks, including:

-Fire suppression testing.
-Cleaning and marking drains.
-Fixing lights.

People traveling through downtown Seattle Friday night should use alternate routes

The topic of nonfunctioning lights on 99 by the tunnel came up in a recent comment discussion, so we’re checking with WSDOT on specifics.

3:41 PM: WSDOT hasn’t replied to our inquiry yet, but has just announced that this closure is postponed “to a later date.”

Dine-out benefit, last chance for a choir test run, more for the rest of your West Seattle Tuesday

Better-late-than-never edition of the daily event list, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

(Saturday photo courtesy Admiral Neighborhood Association)

BLACK HISTORY ART EXHIBIT: As reported here Saturday, the Washington State Black Legacy Institute is welcoming visitors all month for its first major public exhibit. Hours today are 11 am-6 pm. (2656 42nd SW)

ROTARY CLUB OF WEST SEATTLE: Lunch meeting, noon at West Seattle Golf Course (4470 35th SW), with Anna Edwards of Seattle Collaborative Orchestra as guest speaker.

CHESS CLUB: Tuesdays 1:30-3 pm, at the Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon). All levels welcome. (Questions? Email

EAT PIZZA, HELP STUDENTS: Dine-out fundraiser for Alki Co-op Preschool, 4-9 pm at Mioposto (2139 California SW; WSB sponsor)

HOMEWORK HELP: Students can drop in for free help, 4-5:45 pm at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond).

DROP-IN WINE TASTING: 5-7 pm Tuesdays at Walter’s Wine Shop (4811 California SW) – $10 fee, $5 off with bottle purchases.

DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Long-running weekly sign-waving demonstration on the corners at 16th/Holden. 5-6 pm. Signs available if you don’t bring your own.

WEST SEATTLE RUNNER TRACK RUN: 6:15 pm, meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for WSR’s free weekly track run.

OPEN CHOIR REHEARSAL: Singers invited! The Boeing Employees Choir – open to non-employees too – has open rehearsal one last time tonight at the American Legion Post 160 hall (3618 SW Alaska), 6:30 pm.

MAKE POTTERY: Weekly 6:30-9 pm “girls’ night” at pottery studio The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), sign up in advance to work on your project(s).

WEST SEATTLE TOASTMASTERS 832: Online gathering, 7 pm, to work on your communication and leadership skills. Our calendar listing explains how to get the link.

BINGO AT THE SKYLARK: Play – free! – Tuesday night Belle of the Balls Bingo hosted by Cookie Couture, 7 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

TRIVIA X 6: Six trivia options for Tuesday night – 7 pm trivia with Amelia at Future Primitive‘s Beer Bar on Alki (2536 Alki SW) … The Beer Junction (4711 California SW) has Sporcle Pub Quiz with David at 7 and 8 pm … 7 pm at Ounces (3803 Delridge Way SW), free and hosted by Beat the Geek Trivia; 7 pm at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle (6459 California SW), hosted by Geeks Who Drink; 7:10 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW) … and Trivia Tuesdays at Christos on Alki, 7:15 pm (2508 Alki SW).

BASKETBALL: One home game scheduled on the peninsula tonight – the West Seattle HS boys host Nathan Hale, 7:30 pm. (3000 California SW)

Hosting an event, class, performance, gathering, etc.? Tell your West Seattle neighbors via our event calendar – just email info to – thank you!

SEEN OFF WEST SEATTLE: Submarine and escorts – and steam

9:58 AM: Thanks for the tips and photo. A U.S. Navy submarine was in view off Alki Point a short time ago, with surface escorts. It’s not identified on the public tracking service we use, but a tugboat with it is tracking and continuing to head north.

10:05 AM: Another reader just sent the closer look we’ve added above. We have an inquiry out to USN Public Affairs to see if there’s anything they can tell us about the submarine.

1:12 PM: Lt. Zachary Anderson from Submarine Group 9 at Bangor didn’t identify the submarine, but regarding the attention-getting steam, he told us that “there are numerous routine submarine operations that may result in steam. The most likely is that the submarine was practicing using its diesel engine. When the boat does so steam and exhaust is released at the surface through its sail.”

Memorial planned February 10 for Dr. Basil T. Papahronis, 1929-2025

Family and friends will gather next Monday (February 10) to remember Dr. Basil Papahronis, and they’re sharing this remembrance with the community:

In Loving Memory of Dr. Basil Trifon Papahronis
November 10, 1929 – February 1, 2025

Dr. Basil Trifon Papahronis was born on November 10, 1929, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the eldest of three children of Tryphon Basil Papahronis from Vlaherna, Arcadia, Greece, and Efrosine Papahronis from Riono, Greece. He grew up alongside his beloved brothers, Chris and Harris, cherishing his Greek heritage with deep pride.

Basil’s early years were shaped by humble beginnings. From a young age, he learned the value of hard work, helping in his father’s restaurant from elementary school through high school. At just 17, he graduated high school and pursued his passion for learning at the University of Oklahoma, earning a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. His academic journey continued at the University of Kansas, where he completed his Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering. It was there that he met the love of his life, Maria Michael Economy. They married in August 1954, beginning a partnership filled with love and devotion.

Three years later, Basil earned his Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Penn State University. He and Maria settled in St. Louis, Missouri, where they welcomed their two children, Frosene and Michael, into their lives.

Basil’s distinguished career led him to Fullerton, California, with Hunt Wesson Foods. He was a pioneer in food science, holding a patent in food oils and contributing to the development of iconic products such as microwave popcorn, Snack Pack pudding, and Hunt’s tomato sauce.

Beyond his professional achievements, Basil was deeply dedicated to his faith and community. He was a founding member of St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in Anaheim, California, serving as Parish Council President, Treasurer, and Building Committee Member. Later, he continued his service at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Los Angeles as Treasurer.

Basil’s passions extended beyond the laboratory and church. He loved the outdoors—backpacking and fishing with Boy Scouts and church youth groups, tending to his olive ranch in California, crafting wood furniture, and nurturing his vegetable gardens. Gardening was more than a hobby; it was a way of life. He delighted in sharing the fruits of his labor—avocados, macadamia nuts, lemons, zucchini, tomatoes—but none brought him more joy than his beloved olives, earning him the affectionate title of the “Olive King” in Seattle.

In 1999, Basil and Maria moved to Seattle, where they found immense joy living near their grandchildren, Mikala and Trifon. They quickly became cherished members of Seattle’s Greek community. Basil especially loved cooking for St. John the Almsgiver and remained active at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, serving as Treasurer, cultivating church gardens, and selling his homemade jars of olives.

Basil will be remembered for his warm spirit, infectious humor, and simple yet profound gestures of kindness—like brightening someone’s day with daffodils from his garden, thoughtfully delivered to local bank tellers.

He is survived by his daughter, Frosene Sacco (John); his son, Michael Papahronis (Ingrid); his adored grandchildren, Mikala and Trifon; his brother, Harris (Alita); and many treasured nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Maria, and his brother, Chris.

A Trisagion and funeral will be held on February 10, 2025, at 12 pm at The Assumption Greek Orthodox Church – 1804 13th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests donations be made to St. John the Almsgiver at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church.

Basil’s life was a testament to faith, family, and community. His memory will live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved him.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to


9:08 AM: No snow, so the NWS has ended the advisory early. Possible showers remain in the forecast.


6:02 AM: Good morning – it’s Tuesday, February 4, 2025.


We’re still under a Winter Weather Advisory until 10 am. Otherwise, the forecast is for more showers, snow and otherwise, high in the upper 30s, low tonight in the 20s. Today’s sunrise/sunset – 7:31 am and 5:16 pm.


No changes announced for Seattle Public Schools, but as noted last night, some other schools have late starts – see the list here. (Others? Please text or call us, 206-293-6302.)


Metro busesRegular schedule. If we do see serious snow, check!

Water Taxi On a regular schedule today.

Washington State Ferries – M/V Suquamish is currently with M/V Cathlamet on the Triangle Route, with M/V Salish as the “bonus boat.”


High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:

Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:

Low Bridge – Looking west:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here (including links to live video for most); for a quick scan of West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras, see this WSB page.

See trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/water? Please text or call our hotline (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!

SPORTS: West Seattle HS vs. Chief Sealth IHS basketball, report #2: Boys’ varsity

(WSB photos by Jason Grotelueschen)

This year’s night for crosstown-rivalry basketball ended with the boys’ varsity faceoff, as Chief Sealth International High School hosted West Seattle High School on Monday. This one was never close. The Wildcats got out to a 9-1 lead with five of those points contributed by #0, senior Alex Pierce:

Due to his antics among others, Sealth spent a fair amount of time at the foul-shot line, but were fairly cold from there in the early going. The first quarter ended with West Seattle head coach Fred Wilson‘s team up 21-9.

By halftime, they’d widened the lead to 40-17. Sealth tried to put the brakes on them but didn’t have much luck.

About the only bright spot for Sealth and head coach JaLyn Combs in this half was better luck at the foul line.

Final score was West Seattle 84, Chief Sealth 37. The Wildcats (7-12) host Nathan Hale tonight (Tuesday) at 7:30 pm; this was the last scheduled game for Sealth (3-16).

SPORTS: West Seattle HS vs. Chief Sealth IHS basketball, report #1: Girls’ varsity

(WSB photos by Jason Grotelueschen)

Monday night, Chief Sealth International High School hosted West Seattle High School for the annual crosstown-rivalry basketball games. First up were the girls-varsity teams, who kept things close in the first half.

The Wildcats were only one point up on the Seahawks, 19-18, when the halftime buzzer sounded, after a second quarter full of seesawing. That was the biggest thing Sealth fans had to cheer about all night.

Then WSHS head coach Darnell Taylor‘s young team – only one senior – came roaring out of the locker room and started piling up the points.

WSHS’s top scorer in the game, #10, sophomore Seneca Lucas, hit two buckets before the first minute of the second half was over. Then that lone senior, WSHS #20 Colby Timmons, sank a three. The third quarter was more than half over by the time Sealth finally got back on the board, a three from CSIHS’s leading scorer on the night, #44, senior Fahima Mohamed.

At the end of the third, Sealth head coach Mario Martinez‘s team was still at a single-digit deficit, 35-26.

but WSHS resumed piling on the points in the fourth quarter, with a hefty helping of foul shots.

The final score was West Seattle 58, Chief Sealth 29. Next up, the Wildcats (10-9) host Lakeside at 7:30 pm Wednesday, while the Seahawks (9-11) visit Rainier Beach at 7:30 pm Friday.