UPDATE: Chief Sealth IHS principal arrested for alleged DUI, district tells families; records show case involved West Seattle Bridge flipped-car crash

5:27 PM TUESDAY: Thanks to the multiple readers who have forwarded this announcement sent to Chief Sealth International High School families:

Dear Chief Sealth International families and staff,

We are writing to share some important personnel information with you.

At approximately 3 a.m. Sunday, Principal Ray Garcia-Morales was arrested by the Seattle Police Department for driving under the influence and reckless endangerment. He was immediately placed on administrative leave until further notice.

According to court records, no charges were filed, and the case has been closed. As this is a personnel issue, further details are confidential to protect privacy rights.

Assistant Principal Hope Perry will be stepping in to serve in his absence. Please feel free to reach out to her with school-related questions.

As other questions arise concerning this sensitive matter, please send them to publicaffairs@seattleschools.org.


Bev Redmond
Chief of Staff
Seattle Public Schools

Looking at the case documents, the incident number matches the one in the West Seattle Bridge flipped-car crash we reported early Sunday.

(SDOT camera image, early Sunday)

We had updated the story yesterday when police confirmed the driver was arrested for DUI and reckless endangerment – and as we finished writing this story, SPD confirmed the 47-year-old Garcia-Morales was that driver. Jail records say he was booked into jail Sunday morning and released Monday evening. The case documents note that the City Attorney’s Office declined to file charges now but could still in the future.

ADDED 11:50 AM WEDNESDAY: The documents that were available online when we first got word of this Tuesday evening did not include report narrative. Some readers have since mentioned a citywide outlet that apparently had word of the case earlier, including the police-report narrative suggesting this was more than just a crash case. Report narratives aren’t available online but SPD provides some at reporters’ request, and we were able to obtain this one this morning.

The officer writing the report says they found “Suspect 1” standing next to the overturned Toyota Highlander and writes (exact quote from what SPD provided us):

Suspect 1 stated that he was driving and took the turn too fast. Suspect 1 denied anyone else being in the vehicle, and denied drinking alcohol. I noticed Suspect 1’s eyes were bloodshot.

When Officers told Suspect 1 that 911 callers stated they saw a female exit and run away from the vehicle after the collision, Suspect 1 denied any knowledge of anyone else being in the vehicle. Suspect 1 denied medical aid, officers noticed an abrasion on the left side of Suspect 1’s neck traveling from his neck to his head above his ear.
Officers noticed that Suspect 1 was a large male, and that the drivers seat was pushed so far forward, that it would be unreasonable for Suspect 1 to fit in the drivers seat. Additionally the drivers seatbelt was locked from the collision, and the passengers seatbelt was fully redacted into the seatbelt device.

Due to the above factors, Officers believed that Suspect 1 was not driving the vehicle at the time of the crash, and was released with a business card.

Officer Gregory and I decided to go to the registered owner’s address (redacted) to potentially locate the driver and/or owner. The registered owner of the Toyota was listed as VICTIM.

Upon arrival of the listed registered owners address, we were allowed into the residence by Victim, we verified her identity at the residence, by name and date of birth. Victim stated her and Suspect 1 were at a party in Capitol Hill where Suspect 1 was drinking alcohol, and that she noticed Suspect 1 falling asleep, so she suggested they go home. Victim stated this upset Suspect 1, who began calling Victim a “b—h”.

Suspect 1 got in the drivers seat and drove Victim after the party in Capitol Hill. Victim video tapped Suspect 1 driving because she was afraid of him. This was later verified and time stamped at 23:41, Victim was sent an axon link for the video. Before they got onto I-5 they switched seats.

At the listed location of the crash, Suspect 1 opened the passenger side door, Suspect 1 told Victim “do you wanna die”, then Suspect 1 grabbed and pulled the steering wheel causing the Toyota to overturn. Victim also stated that Suspect 1 has abused animals in the past.

Victim stated she fled the scene because she was scared of Suspect 1. Victim stated that Suspect 1 has been verbally abusive in the past, and has abused the family dog before, and that there was a prior incident back in 2017-18 between them.

The rest of the narrative says Garcia-Morales was arrested at a relative’s house in Burien, on suspicion of reckless endangerment, because of what the victim told them. They added DUI to the investigation because of the victim’s aforementioned video showing him driving after they left the party. (The reference to an “axon link” is technology through which people can upload video if involved in a specific SPD case.) The report says deputies brought him from Burien to West Seattle, and from there he was booked into King County Jail. This case was initially handled through the Municipal Court system, and as noted, he was released without charges being filed by the City Attorney’s Office, but with very clear messaging that charges are still a possibility in the future:

Notice to the Defendant:

The Seattle City Attorney’s office is not filing criminal charges against you at this time. You will be released today without conditions. However, the City Attorney’s office may file charges against you in the future in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.

64 Replies to "UPDATE: Chief Sealth IHS principal arrested for alleged DUI, district tells families; records show case involved West Seattle Bridge flipped-car crash"

  • New Deal February 4, 2025 (5:38 pm)

    Alleged… and we are reporting it to the community.  Geesh.  Seems a little harsh.  Privacy laws?  Not my business.  

    • Elton February 4, 2025 (11:22 pm)

      He’s a principal at a public high school, what do you expect them to do? They can’t let him go back to school without investigating, and they have to tell the families at the school something. You would rather they lie to the community? The details of the alleged incident reported elsewhere are appalling, if true.

    • dot February 5, 2025 (5:50 am)

      Thank you for posting this. It’s not my business either. 

    • Jort February 5, 2025 (7:41 am)

      So, you think the identities of people who are arrested should be held in secret? Nobody should ever be able to find out who was arrested for anything? If someone — or even, say, large populations of people — were deprived of freedom by the police … nobody should know about it? Can you see why this might be problematic? Arresting and jailing people is one of the most severe actions a government can take on its citizens. More transparency — not less — is warranted. And there is no “privacy law” (?) about this, for good reason  

      • Joe Mamma February 5, 2025 (9:53 pm)

        Maybe so if the police Innitally arrest the wrong person, they don’t face backlash for that? Come on… 

      • dot February 6, 2025 (8:15 pm)

        I’m all for transparency. My problem with this is it needs to apply to every person who is arrested–name and workplace published. 

  • Pete G February 4, 2025 (5:41 pm)

    What possible reason could the city attorney’s office have for not bringing charges?

    • WSB February 4, 2025 (8:01 pm)

      This might not be the reason why but various officials complained again recently that the state toxicology testing backlog remains massive.

      • concerned citizen February 4, 2025 (8:34 pm)

        When I inquired about the back log for processing blood alcohol levels, I was told by the Mayor’s office it is due to our state legislature only allowing use of their mandated labs.I worked at Harborview and Valley med center and they are able to process a blood alcohol level in under 30 minutes.  Something is terribly wrong with this system.The man who was intoxicated last summer going excessively fast, and hit that woman head on pushing her car into puget sound is a perfect example of our system failing us, allowing these people to reoffend and be back on the streets with no consequences.

        • WS Res February 5, 2025 (1:34 pm)

          For profit labs are not interested in sending personnel to testify in court, nor are they trained in how to handle chain of custody with evidence. You don’t take crime scene photos down to the Rite Aid to process, nor do you send physical evidence to a non-forensic lab to process.

    • Frog February 4, 2025 (8:52 pm)

      If he was “arrested for DUI” but not charged, it could be because it wasn’t really DUI, even though a police officer thought so at the time.  Maybe he was just a careless driver and joined the West Seattle Flipped My Car Club.  Arrested for is not the same as guilty of.  Flipping your car by itself might bring only a citation, not a criminal charge.

      • WSzombie February 4, 2025 (9:40 pm)

        If that’s truly the case, and he wasn’t under any influence, seems like they would have let out faster than 40 hours later. 

  • Tax Payer February 4, 2025 (5:46 pm)

    DUI. Flipped car. No charges. Cased Closed. All within 48 hours. Make this make sense. 

    • WSB February 4, 2025 (8:04 pm)

      The case is not entirely closed, as noted in my story. That’s standard boilerplate when charges are not brought immediately but multiple documents I found in the file said that charges could still be filed later.

    • P February 4, 2025 (11:40 pm)

      It’s a process. Depending on his alcohol level, history…He could very well reduce a DUI to reckless driving (Getting an assessment completed, completing Alcohol Panel/Class, completing community service, etc). 

  • Yes2WS February 4, 2025 (6:09 pm)

    This sucks. He’s a great guy.

    • Lisab February 4, 2025 (8:48 pm)

      Would have sucked more if this “great” guy killed someone. 

    • School Bus Driver February 4, 2025 (8:59 pm)


    • Teacher February 4, 2025 (9:49 pm)

      Disagree, the harm he is doing in the community has been louder than the good 

    • Mel February 5, 2025 (7:39 am)

      Apparently he makes really poor choices. Wouldn’t want him leading my kids’ school.

      • Jimmy February 5, 2025 (2:16 pm)

        I personally feel that the public would have different comments if this man killed a car load of teenagers or an entire family while driving drunk in West Seattle where he was the principal! He needs to be held fully accountable for his actions!  A man who has gone to college and has been hired to lead a school full of teenagers is not setting a good example of how to be responsible when it comes to drinking alcohol at all! Stop giving him excuses for his drinking! Stop giving people excuses for their behavior and please people need to think before they do things in life that can harm others innocent people around them!

        • T Rex February 5, 2025 (8:50 pm)

          Please tell me why him going to college has anything to do with this situation? 

  • M February 4, 2025 (6:25 pm)

    Could someone smarter than me answer why charges aren’t pressed right away, and how often they are charged later in seemingly obvious cases such as this one?

    • Question Authority February 4, 2025 (8:56 pm)

      Until it is proven that he was purposely under the influence of intoxicants rather than assumptions and/or reactions to or from medication etc he is innocent per the law.

      • WSzombie February 4, 2025 (9:44 pm)

        If your claim is that to be charged with a crime, and then convicted, is dependent on the court proving intent to commit a crime, nobody would ever be charged. Intent is subjective. Everybody’s defense would be, “but I didn’t intend to be drunk when I drove home”. And I’m pretty sure any medications that would potentially cause a car accident due to usage is still considered DUII. It’s why they have a label that says, “don’t drive after taking these”. 

      • Blbl February 4, 2025 (11:03 pm)

        Wow. So many things wrong with this statement. Proof is irrelevant at this stage, just need probable cause. Purposely? Purpose has nothing to do with DUI. Medications? Medications can get you a DUI, too. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty – doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be charged.

    • I love justice February 4, 2025 (9:54 pm)

      Evidence collection could be a reason. Say here the driver refused the roadside tests, and the officer had to take them to the station for a breath sample test, it doesn’t work, so then somehow they get authorization to draw blood instead, then that gets tested, and with a backlog it isn’t heard of again for months (or worse.) The prosecution’s high burden of proof and duty to protect the rights of the accused make them more inclined to do it right, and that could take time.

    • k February 4, 2025 (10:10 pm)

      The law requires the charges to be filed within 72 hours, or else let the person go.  For charges to be filed, they need to have enough evidence in hand.  Reasons for not having the evidence required could include: no results back from the lab yet, results are in but cops didn’t submit to prosecutor by deadline, results showed up but the intern mis-filed them (you get the idea).  Charges can be re-filed when the evidence is there, and in many cases it happens at a later date.  It is also possible that the police were mistaken at the scene, and thought they saw a DUI which was actually a medical event or something else, but that seems unlikely.  I think the person in question would be quick to release his medical info if it was going to clear him in an otherwise public DUI incident, and allow him to get back to work sooner. 

      • M February 4, 2025 (10:35 pm)

        Thanks—this is helpful!

  • WS resident February 4, 2025 (7:27 pm)

    In addition to the DUI, why didn’t the message from Seattle Public Schools mention the violent behavior from Ray Garcia-Morales towards the passenger? https://mynorthwest.com/ktth/chief-sealth-principal-leave/4039934

    • Sealth Class '73 February 5, 2025 (2:29 pm)

      From the posted article it appears they need to determine who was driving at the time of the accident as it appears it was the woman. However also from this article I am saddened to see he is an abuser to people and a dog to which he has lost my respect, no matter how great with the students he is.

    • 1994 February 5, 2025 (9:52 pm)

      That article says “The report states officers noticed the man on the scene was large and the driver’s seat was pushed so far forward, that it would be unreasonable for him to fit in the drivers seat” He is not a tall man. In fact, I would guesstimate he is about 5’6″ or 5’7″ which is not tall and men tend to have shorter legs than women so having the seat pushed forward might fit his build…..

  • shufflerunner February 4, 2025 (7:29 pm)

    Drunk driving will ruin your life. This guy is lucky he just ruined his life and not someone else’s. 

  • KC February 4, 2025 (7:57 pm)

    This makes me sad. Mr. Garcia-Morales is a great principal and human. I hope he can take accountability, get treatment, and return to his position.

    • GMM February 4, 2025 (9:19 pm)

      Agree!I hope the school district will work with him and he can get some treatment and they can see that he’s a great administrator and cares about the school. 

    • Chief Sealth Family February 4, 2025 (9:58 pm)

      I couldn’t agree more! I’m so grateful he didn’t injure anyone else and I’m sure he is too. We don’t know the circumstances around this. What I do know is that he has had two kids students shot and killed in the last 2 years and with immigration threatening to enter schools, he has students terrified of what is to become of them and/or their families. He is well loved by students and staff from what I hear. If this was a one off thing, I’m glad no one is hurt. If this is more, I hope he gets help and can come back! Alcoholism sucks and destroys lives and families. 

      • Mel February 5, 2025 (7:41 am)

        Rationalizing this behavior is wild to me. He could’ve killed someone. Would you give the same grace to a police officer off duty who was driving drunk? Or a military member just returned home from overseas?

      • DL February 5, 2025 (9:51 am)

        THIS. We don’t know the circumstances. 

      • Suvi February 5, 2025 (10:58 am)

        Yes, to all of this!!!! I was thinking the same thing when I heard the news. As a parent of a CSIHS student in the class who lost 2 students in as many school years to gun violence and the imminent fear and threats the large immigrant population overrepresented at this school is facing, I cannot imagine how difficult it must be trying to support and manage all that. Unfortunately, substance use disorder and crimes related to it are not classified as crimes of despair for no reason. We can only expect to see it worsen and effect so many more lives before it gets better. We expect accountability and we support people in their humanity.

      • Lauren February 5, 2025 (11:16 am)

        I’m sure he is a good person, and sounds like he’s believed as a principle. That said: there are never ANY circumstances that make drunk driving “ok.” It does not matter if this was a one-time thing. Drunk drivers kill people. I have lost loved ones. 

      • dot February 6, 2025 (8:32 pm)

        He is a good principal and seems to be a good person. Nobody is making excuses for him. It’s amazing how so many people are concerned about his position as principal. Right now we don’t know the facts. We do know he has done a good job as principal and is well liked by the students.

    • Roxhill family February 5, 2025 (9:19 am)

      I am so saddened by this news, but grateful to see support for Principal Morales. If he was under the influence, there is no excuse and I imagine he would say the same thing. But he is a wonderful man and I believe he will hold himself accountable. Aside from the incidents and fears from the Sealth community already mentioned above, Ray handled some really unfortunate and harmful behavior displayed by a group of students and created a culture of respect, accountability and leadership. I hope he find the care and peace he needs to move forward. 

      • dot February 6, 2025 (8:33 pm)

        I agree with you.

  • Wsresident February 4, 2025 (8:36 pm)

    It now takes weeks for most charges to be filed in dui cases- it doesn’t happen overnight. First step is suspension of license unless the person appeals and wins. Then citation is more than likely issued with court dates approx 60 days later. 

  • Citizen Joe February 4, 2025 (11:30 pm)

    Yeah that was a very bad decision. He’s now a hypocrite to his students unfortunately. Take accountability my man…

  • Kt February 5, 2025 (8:29 am)

    Any reference in police report as to which West Seattle bar/restaurant overserved him?  Or was he drinking at a private home or in his car or office?

    • WSB February 5, 2025 (11:29 am)

      I am writing a summary of the police report now. The only description of a drinking location is a party on Capitol Hill.

    • dot February 6, 2025 (8:35 pm)

      Is that our business?

  • Mellow Kitty February 5, 2025 (8:52 am)

    Zero tolerance for DUI. There’s no excuse to drive under the influence. First offense should be suspension of their driver’s license for 1 year. 2nd offens, mandatory 1.5 years in jail. 3rd offense, mandatory 5 years in jail and permanent loss of their driver’s license. A drunk driver killed two of my friends. It was the driver’s 6th DUI. 

    • Lisab February 5, 2025 (2:59 pm)

      Agree completely.  Disgraceful. 

  • West Seattle resident February 5, 2025 (9:17 am)

    Ray Garcia-Morales (and the school administrators) is well aware of the substance use and substance selling/supplying among teenagers at the Chief Sealth International High School and yet he appeared to do very little to address the problem. Now his being arrested while driving under the influence explains a lot about his casual attitude regarding alcohol and weed use.Garcia-Morales is not liked by all the students and parents. There are several students who were deeply upset by how he handled sexual harassment, abuse and violence that was taking place at the school, after the football team’s extremely sexually inappropriate group chat was exposed in October 2023. Many LGBTQ students felt their concerns were not being heard in regards to bullying and intimidation also.The school administrators and whoever takes over as the new principal must do more to educate and inform the students on the negative effects and consequences of all forms of substance use. 

    • Sealth Class '73 February 5, 2025 (12:44 pm)

      Tell me what principal (and the school administrators) isn’t aware of the substance use and substance selling/supplying among teenagers at any SPS High School (for that matter Middle Schools). How do you know he has appeared to do very little to address the problem? Has he said he won’t fix it or are you basing this off not knowing what goes on behind the scenes (not to mention privacy laws for minors). This was a problem back in the 70’s so why is it still an issue in 2025 if Principal’s should fix an issue even our police can’t? What do you feel they can they do to fix it? Do you even know what they are trying to do fix it and what progress has been done or do you think they do nothing because the problem still exists?

      • japle February 8, 2025 (2:25 am)

        The question I have is why everyone is up in arms and hyper focused on the DUI and how it relates to his ability to do his job or his character. What I find most appalling and concerning is how it was handled afterwards and the statements made by his passenger and her daughter. Sealth Class ‘73, I bet that everyone/most aware that the selling/exhcange of drugs/substances is something that happens on school campuses (not saying it’s ok, but maybe I have more grace here, it was an issue during the Class of ‘73, ‘96, and let’s be realistic, as long as alcohol and weed are available there will be consumption and transaction of these substances among minors. The fact that accessibility has only increased since ‘73 (accessibility/aceptability), makes regulating thus even more of challenge and reality. I get this. I accept that this is a problem and not one I put on him alone and you are right, I do not know the details on this, but also I don’t see the DUI or his drinking are the most problematic behaviors that make him unfit regardless of whether or not he was intoxicated or his knowledge of high school drug/weed on campus. Here’s the part I find most concerning because I’m familiar with the details to know that the part below is true. In these cases he not only did nothing, he caused direct harm..“Garcia-Morales is not liked by all the students and parents. There are several students who were deeply upset by how he handled sexual harassment, abuse and violence that was taking place at the school, after the football team’s extremely sexually inappropriate group chat was exposed in October 2023. Many LGBTQ students felt their concerns were not being heard in regards to bullying and intimidation also.The school administrators and whoever takes over as the new principal must do more to educate and inform the students on the negative effects and consequences of all forms of substance use.”I’m of the opinion that if we think that the DUI is what is most concerning or think that thus what determines whether he is fit to Principal or not, then got bigger problems because we are focusing on the wrong behavior.

  • ARC February 5, 2025 (10:04 am)

    Can we get an update on this story? According to Kiro there was a lot more to the story including him being arrested for domestic violence related to the crash. Doesn’t sound like a great role model to me.

    • WSB February 5, 2025 (10:51 am)

      The police report was not available yesterday evening when people started sending us the district announcement and I crashed out all the related research while out of the house on an appointment. The Municipal Court file was all that was available online, and everything we could learn about it, I gleaned before publishing. I requested the report narrative this morning (which is not available online, but the SPD media unit will provide some narratives at reporters’ request) and just received it, will be adding above, haven’t even read it yet – TR

    • Pete February 5, 2025 (3:05 pm)

      The bloke sounds like a danger to be quite honest. Yikes.

  • bradley February 5, 2025 (2:12 pm)

    When I’ve been hired at SPS for part time positions, I agree to a pretty substantial background check, with specifics related to a abuse, and activity with youth.  Curious what those 2017-18 incidents the victim is referiring to.  

  • M February 5, 2025 (2:58 pm)

    Much love to the victim, and I hope she can find protection from this guy. I would not want him anywhere near my family, two or four legs. Abusers need to be held accountable.

  • jissy February 5, 2025 (6:56 pm)

    Well that sure went from bad to worse.

  • Holy Rosary Kid February 5, 2025 (7:42 pm)

    For some of us who have known him since we were kids, this is, unfortunately not a surprise. 

    • WS February 5, 2025 (8:58 pm)

      I was in his class at HRS for 9 years. Nice guy, good family. What the heck are you talking about? Some of the kids he ran with got in a good amount of trouble in high school but he wasn’t part of it.

  • Alki resident February 5, 2025 (11:09 pm)

    If what is true about his domestic violence and then the drunk driving crash, he has no business representing any school. Stuff like this exposes a side of someone that you don’t expect to see especially in this line of work. I’ll be looking deeper into this situation along with others who have concerns about how this’ll all play out. If the district keeps him employed, I’m sure our voices will be heard loud and clear. We pay his salary. 

  • Steph February 6, 2025 (12:43 pm)

    Not fit for a position at our School. I don’t pay exorbitant taxes to enable people who don’t take their responsibilities seriously. This, on top of the other crimes at the school? Hope he’s gone for good yesterday.

  • J February 8, 2025 (9:38 pm)

    Every moment of every day, thousands of people all over the Western world drive cars after drinking alcohol. A very bad idea for sure and the cause of thousands of deaths. But beware the court of self righteous public opinion. If anyone reading this never made a mistake in their lives please come forward. The report of abuse by his passenger is very concerning, but again, keep your judgements in check before all the details are flushed. We don’t know who is telling the truth. People make up stories to make themselves seem guilt free.

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