DOG PARK: Your next chance to comment on plans for West Seattle’s second off-leash area

(WSB photo at future off-leash-area site during October event)

As first reported last March, Seattle Parks has officially chosen an area on the south side of the West Seattle Stadium grounds to become the site of our area’s second dog park (officially, “off-leash area”). Today, Parks announced the next opportunity for community comment: An “open house” at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on Sunday, February 23, 10 am-2 pm. That’ll be four months after the previous “engagement event” on the future park site, currently used as an overflow-parking area. Parks’ announcement says its “project team and design consultant will be available to answer questions, present concept design options, and gather valuable community feedback” to help shape the park’s final design. So far, they’re planning that it will include “fencing, seating for pet owners, and an environmentally friendly stormwater bioretention area with thoughtful plantings.” It’s one of two new off-leash areas budgeted together for $3.1 million from the Seattle Park District‘s second “funding cycle,” and construction is currently projected for next year.

4 Replies to "DOG PARK: Your next chance to comment on plans for West Seattle's second off-leash area"

  • Gary February 4, 2025 (5:17 pm)

    The map I’ve seen shows a rather small area.  Great for people nearby to exercise and socialize.  I will need to drive there – I will probably just keep driving  to Westcrest.

  • Mike February 5, 2025 (11:13 am)

    Please maximize green over gravel which tears up dog feet. Look into clover mixes, grass, really anything hardy and holds up under rain without turning to mud. Without this, the park will have limired utility for people who run their dogs. This is biggest mistake in all of seattles dog parks and drives people into other green spaces.

  • Dog Lover February 5, 2025 (11:31 am)

    The More Off-Leash Areas the better! 

  • Jim February 6, 2025 (2:03 pm)

    I can remember driving a bucket of balls at this old driving range. I must be getting old…

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