West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
Summer’s not over yet, but fall’s in view, and the change of seasons will bring the annual change in focus at Mountain to Sound Outfitters (3602 SW Alaska; WSB sponsor). First – they’re announcing a big week-plus sale that starts tomorrow, so you can get gear for enjoying the remaining summer and early fall:
Mountain to Sound Outfitters is having an Overstock Clearance on Kayaks and Stand-Up Paddleboards and accessories starting 9/2 (Friday) through 9/11 (two Sundays later). This ensures people who are out of town for the holiday weekend still get a shot at gearing up. We also have used gear from Alki Kayak Tours available.
We are receiving ski and snowboard gear so we really need to clear out the space before it goes into storage for the winter season and we shift our focus on having one of the best ski and snowboard shops in the NW!
Fall is a great time to paddle and some of the clearest days are coming. As the wildlife migrates south, we see more sightings of salmon, sea lions, migratory birds, and even larger marine mammals in the upcoming shorter days.
You can shop Mountain to Sound Outfitters regular hours through the holiday weekend and beyond – 11 am-6 pm Friday, 11 am-5 pm Saturday and Sunday, 11 am-6 pm, Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays, closed Tuesdays.
As reported here in July, the city is getting a grant to repave the older lanes of the Spokane Street Viaduct – the continuation of the West Seattle Bridge between the Highway 99 overpass and I-5. The next step in planning that work will result in a closer of the eastbound SSV this Saturday. Here’s the announcement from SDOT:
Plan for a closure of all the eastbound lanes on the Spokane St Viaduct from SR 99 to I-5 between 8 AM and 4 PM on Saturday, Sept. 3.
We’re closing all the eastbound lanes so crews can complete a survey of the bridge surface. The survey will help us develop an accurate surface map of the Spokane St Viaduct bridge deck and inform future paving of the bridge.
Detours will be in place, directing traffic to streets in the SODO neighborhood. Both eastbound and westbound lower Spokane St will be open during the closure. The westbound lanes of the Spokane St Viaduct will remain open during this work on the eastbound lanes.
The paving project is expected to happen sometime in the “next few years,” SDOT told us in July.
(Reader-contributed image, Monday morning)
As noted briefly here earlier, the man accused of a window-sashing rampage at Morgan Junction Starbucks early Monday is now charged. But 48-year-old Gerald R. Hochstadt isn’t in jail right now, because he had to be released last night, after the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office didn’t get the information they needed in time to rush-file charges. That information in turn has to come from SPD, which was able to obtain it today. Hochstadt is charged with one count of first-degree malicious mischief, a felony. The KCPAO and SPD had been trying to get a damage estimate from Starbucks; today’s charging documents indicate that estimate was in excess of $10,000 for the four double-pane windows – double the minimum amount to qualify for the charge that was filed. Along with using metal furniture to break the windows, Hochstadt allegedly removed plants from pots outside the store and used them to hit the door, locked by Starbucks staffers after they had managed to get him outside. A $15,000 arrest warrant was issued when the charge was filed; that’s the amount of bail requested by the KCPAO, and it’s what Hochstadt will be held on if/when arrested. We’d mentioned in earlier coverage that he had a criminal trespass conviction for which he spent more than three months in jail earlier this year; the charging documents also list a second such conviction plus one for third-degree malicious mischief.
5:17 PM: Thanks for the tip. Here’s why there’s a bus backup trying to head from Spokane Street up to northbound Highway 99: There’s a stuck bus at the head of it all.
5:34 PM: A texter says ramp traffic is moving again.
The first pop-up is on its way to the former Bellevue Rare Coins space on the ground floor of the Senior Center of West Seattle – and mural-painting is happening outside, to get ready! The announcement is from Diane Venti:
Alki Arts is doing a pop up art show in the West Seattle Senior Center Annex at 4500 California Avenue next week.
The shop will be open Tuesday September 6th through Sunday September 11th from Noon to 5 pm each day, plus Art Walk Thursday evening the 8th from 5 to 8 pm!!
Since the window replacement has been delayed for the Senior Center, I have enlisted the help of 2 local artists to paint the plywood on the windows:
Brooke Borcherding is here today painting the SW Oregon side window (photos attached) and on Mon the 5th artist Steffanie Lorig will be painting the window on California Ave.
If anyone is interested in purchasing the panels after the windows are replaced they can contact me at dianeventi@gmail.com Proceeds from the art panel sales will be split between the artist and the Senior Center! Yay for fundraising while neighborhood beautifying! 😁
We will pack a lot of local music and art demos into our one-week stay at the Pop Up! Artist Reeve Washburn will be helping me run the shop and doing live painting inside on several days!
Andy emailed us after seeing that a WSB reader helped find the stolen bicycle reported here Wednesday:
In a very similar incident, my son Jack had his bike stolen from the bike rack at West Seattle High School on Tuesday afternoon while he was at football practice. The cable lock was seemingly cut with bolt cutters in broad daylight. The bike was a Cannondale Catalyst 3, 27.5″, charcoal gray, and had “JACK” written in red paint-pen on the down tube about 6-8″ above the pedals. Any help that you can provide would be wonderful. If anyone has any info, you can please share it with us by texting 206-529-7970 or 206-637-1935.
Two weeks after “The Great West Seattle Float Hunt” was launched by the volunteers behind the West Seattle Best Seattle efforts celebrating the peninsula’s businesses as the bridge reopening nears, more than a dozen custom glass floats remain hidden and waiting. That’s the latest today from organizers. Specifically, they say, 15 of the original 50 floats have yet to be found – 8 are indoors, 7 are outdoors, and the only area NOT to look is Alki – they say people have found all the floats hidden there. Here’s our original report with basic details, if you’re just jumping in on this now. The floats are all locally made – hand-blown by Avalon Glassworks in Luna Park – and about 4.25″ in diameter,
11:44 AM: If you saw the big police response in Highland Park a short time ago, officers responded to a report of an armed robbery at the 16th/Holden 7-11. A suspect was stopped quickly nearby and was reported to be in possession of “a blowtorch shaped like a handgun.” No other incident details so far; we hope to add an update later.
2:45 PM: We followed up with police. They say that after further investigation, this turned out to be a misunderstanding – “the ‘suspect’ pulled out a gun-shaped lighter while retrieving items from their pockets. They then made an approximately $40 purchase. They did not appear to point the lighter at anyone or make any demands.”
Thanks to Beverly Molenda at New Finishes for the photos – she says, “West Marginal Way is looking forward to upcoming relief!! Counting down the days!!!”
Her business is at 4235 W. Marginal. Meantime, SDOT reiterated again this week that they’re still on track for the announced September 18th reopening. As of last week’s media tour, they hadn’t set an exact time, probably early in the morning.
Beverly Molenda
New Finishes, Inc.
4235 W. Marginal Way SW
(Green bottle fly on blue hydrangea, photographed by Jerry Simmons)
Here’s the list for today/tonight – there’s more on our West Seattle Event Calendar:
UNDERSTANDING MEDICARE: 11 am presentation at Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon) – our calendar listing explains how to register.
WADING POOLS, SPRAYPARK OPEN: The sun’s expected to emerge later, so the city plans to open the still-operating wading pools, including< Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm. Highland Park Spraypark at 1100 SW Cloverdale will be open as usual, 11 am-8 pm.
COLMAN POOL OPEN: Noon-7 pm, go swimming in the saltwater pool on the shore at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW).
ULTIMATE AT FAIRMOUNT: 6 pm, Thursday night summertime Ultimate pickup games are back at Fairmount Playfield (5400 Fauntleroy Way SW).
ROBOTICS OPEN HOUSE: As previewed here, Skunk Works Robotics invites families to its open houses tonight and next Thursday, 6:30 pm at 11427 3rd Ave S. – not far from West Seattle, and the organization has lots of WS participants.
BOARD GAME NIGHT: Go play at Meeples Games (3727 California SW), starting at 6:30 pm.
BENBOW GOES COUNTRY: Thursday “Nashville Nights“ continue at the Benbow Room (4210 SW Admiral Way), 9 pm. 21+.
Have something to add to our calendar? Email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
9:40 PM: Two-car crash reported at Highland Park Way/2nd, possible injuries. Police and fire are responding.
9:56 AM: And a crash on NB 509 at Kenyon.
6:03 AM: Good morning! Welcome to Thursday, September 1st.
Today’s the first day for 1st through 12th graders in Highline Public Schools immediately to our south. Here’s our list of who’s already started and who’s coming up.
Ferries: WSF continues the 2-boat schedule for Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth. Check here for alerts/updates. Labor Day will be on a Sunday schedule.
Metro buses are on their regular weekday schedules; watch @kcmetroalerts for trip cancellations/reroute alerts. Labor Day will be on a Sunday schedule.
The West Seattle Water Taxi is on its regular schedule. Labor Day will be on a Sunday schedule.
893rd morning without the West Seattle Bridge. 17 days until the day SDOT expects to reopen it – September 18th.
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use until the high bridge reopens; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings.
1st Avenue South Bridge:
South Park Bridge:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
Are movable city bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed; 1st Ave. S. Bridge openings are tweeted by @wsdot_traffic.
All city traffic cams can be seen here, many with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page
Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Please text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.
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