WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ‘Store robbery’ report turns out to have been not a robbery after all

11:44 AM: If you saw the big police response in Highland Park a short time ago, officers responded to a report of an armed robbery at the 16th/Holden 7-11. A suspect was stopped quickly nearby and was reported to be in possession of “a blowtorch shaped like a handgun.” No other incident details so far; we hope to add an update later.

2:45 PM: We followed up with police. They say that after further investigation, this turned out to be a misunderstanding – “the ‘suspect’ pulled out a gun-shaped lighter while retrieving items from their pockets. They then made an approximately $40 purchase. They did not appear to point the lighter at anyone or make any demands.”

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 'Store robbery' report turns out to have been not a robbery after all"

  • Steve September 1, 2022 (3:49 pm)

    I’d be jumpy too if I worked at that location.

  • Dave September 1, 2022 (6:25 pm)

    In this day and age, pulling out a lighter that may be mistaken for a gun could get you shot….

    He may want to keep that lighter at home.

  • WS Resident September 1, 2022 (7:28 pm)

    Back in the 80’s I had a friend that unzipped his fanny pack to pull out his money to buy beer. The clerk saw his handgun and immediately shot and killed him. Pulling out a gun shaped lighter could easily get you shot. 

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