month : 12/2021 298 results

Scenes from West Seattle Art Walk’s holiday edition

December 9, 2021 6:29 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle Art Walk | West Seattle news

6:29 PM: Been out on tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk yet? Artist receptions are happening all over the peninsula:

Jessie Summa Russo is tonight’s featured artist at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor), where you can stop in until 9 pm. She explains:

My recent work is inspired by my life as a musician as well as the lives of my relatives. My grandfather was an Abstract Expressionist painter in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s, and I feel like his paintings both defined him and I understood him through them. My mother went to art school when I was a toddler; some of my earliest memories are of the printmaking studio with giant black press wheels taller than people.

And as we mentioned in our Wednesday preview, some stops tonight are hosting art markets, including Jet City Labs (upstairs at 4546 California SW):

It’s a collaboration with Clay Cauldron. Above are Misty and Anna, and some of Misty’s beach-glass (and more) art; below, Chas, with “melted-crayon art”:

And roaming The Junction, you just might find Santa:

Find tonight’s venue list – for art and/or food/drink specials – on the Art Walk website. (The Art of Music performances are happening until 7:40 pm, too – that info’s here.)

7:14 PM: We stopped for a little video of Jim Page playing at Great American Diner (4752 California SW):

And thanks to Eddie for this artist photo – Lorrie Brogan at Wild Rose’s (4529 California SW):

Her new paintings, a series titled “Ladies…All,” will be on display at Wild Rose’s all month.

FOLLOWUP: Outage-prone Brace Point’s power-system upgrades delayed

December 9, 2021 5:16 pm
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 |   Utilities | West Seattle news

(Sign seen in project zone last July – photo sent by Nathan)

With another recent outage, Brace Point-area residents are eager for long-promised underground updates – but after an announcement this past summer that work was about to get going, some have noticed an absence of work crews. We asked Seattle City Light what’s going on – or, in this case, not going on. Back in October, spokesperson Julie Moore told us SCL was waiting for an environmental permit. Now, she says, that’s in hand but they haven’t finished working out ensuing details with the contractor, so crews won’t be working until after the first of the year: “The City received the expected pollution-discharge permit in early November. We are coordinating with the contractor on final requirements that must be in place before we can issue the notice to proceed (NTP). The date of issuance is not set, though will not occur before the end of the year (we try to avoid disruptions and planned outages around the holidays anyway). We will notify impacted customers once the NTP is issued.” The contractor is Olson Brothers Excavating of Puyallup; the work could take up to three years.

UPDATE: 911 service restored after outage

3:39 PM: Just tweeted by Seattle Police, “911 seems to be down through the region. Please call the non-emergency line at 206-625-5011 for Seattle-based emergencies until it comes back online.”

4:11 PM: According to a text message from AlertSeattle, you also can call 206-583-2111. Texting 911 also seems to work. AlertSeattle says the problem is being worked on.

5:10 PM: Back up, say law-enforcement agencies, so you can use 911 again – but only if you really need to.

HOMETOWN HOLIDAYS: Pajamarama shopping date change

December 9, 2021 3:20 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

Tonight’s the next big event in West Seattle Junction Hometown HolidaysShop Late Thursday, along with the West Seattle Art Walk (which stretches beyond The Junction too) – but Junction Association executive director Chris Mackay has word of a date change for an upcoming event: Pajamarama, originally scheduled for this Saturday, is moving to the following Saturday, December 18, instead: “Join us then for shopping in your PJ’s while sipping hot cocoa served up at Windermere.” It’ll still be happening 10 am-1 pm. Spend at least $35 and get a limited-edition diner mug for your cocoa! (We’re updating the date in our West Seattle Holiday Guide too.)

VACCINATIONS: Here’s when NOT to show up at Neighborhood House High Point seeking them – plus, Sunday update

1:57 PM: From Neighborhood House High Point, a reminder that COVID-19 vaccine clinics are only open there on certain days of the week:

We have had many community members come to Neighborhood House seeking COVID vaccines on days when the clinic is not happening. So, for the sake of clarity and saving people an extra trip:

Seattle Fire Department is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Neighborhood House on Fridays from 11:00 am – 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm through the end of December.

Pliable is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Neighborhood House on Sundays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm through the end of December. Appointments are encouraged for Sundays.

So for now, do NOT show up at Neighborhood House (6400 Sylvan Way SW) Mondays through Thursdays. Also note that until further notice, as previously reported here, the Friday-Saturday clinics are not serving pediatric patients, but the Sunday clinics are (by appointment). For other vaccination locations, check the Vaccine Locator website.

4:34 PM: Regarding the Sunday clinics, Pliable tells us now EVERYONE can show up on a walk-up basis – including pediatric patients – plus, the 16- and 17-year-olds now authorized for Pfizer boosters.

FOLLOWUP: Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network’s busy day on West Seattle beaches

That’s the Steller sea lion who showed up on West Seattle’s shore Wednesday, during a day when a dead California sea lion also drew a lot of attention. David Hutchinson of Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network sent this update (with photos) on their Wednesday responses:

Even though Harbor-seal pupping season is winding down, Seal Sitters had a very busy day yesterday. It started in the morning with a Harbor seal on the beach along the Alki promenade. Juvenile and adult Harbor seals are typically very skittish and choose quiet unoccupied beaches to hang out. After a brief rest, this seal returned to Puget Sound. Next came a report of a sea lion on the rocks along the shore of Elliott Bay near Duwamish Head. Sadly the day ended with a response to a California sea lion carcass that was washing ashore at Lincoln Park.

The sea lion on the rocks was of particular interest, as it turned out to be a live Steller sea lion, which we don’t see very often locally. It’s also very unusual to see any sea lion actually on the shore of West Seattle. I’m sure you’ve noticed all the California sea lions that prefer the tie-up buoys in Elliott Bay. Adult Steller sea lions are huge animals as you can see from the photo below [taken some years back] showing one surrounded by a number of California sea lions.

Yesterday’s Steller has some health issues and Seal Sitters will continue to monitor his condition if he keeps frequenting our local beaches. It’s important to remember that sea lions can be aggressive if ill or injured and can move fast on land. Do not approach if you come across one. To learn more about Steller sea lions check out the following link to NOAA’s fact sheet:

We want to thank all of you who reported these animals to the Seal Sitters’ Hotline yesterday including reports of the sea lion carcass at Lincoln Park. Seal Sitters depends on the public to let us know the location of any marine mammal you might come across on West Seattle beaches (alive or dead). We can then quickly get a volunteer on site to assess the situation. As a member of NOAA’s West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Seal Sitters is authorized to request specialized assistance if necessary from our partners, SR3 (SeaLife Response Rehabilitation and Research, WDFW (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife), and World Vets. Our hotline (206-905-7325) is staffed by volunteer operators from 8 AM – 8 PM, 7 days a week. If calling outside those hours, please leave a detailed message.

Art Walk, bridge briefing, tree auction, more for your West Seattle Thursday

Reminders about what’s up for the hours ahead – from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:

(Added: WSB photo @ Daystar)

CLOTHING DRIVE WITH COFFEE: Happening now and continuing until 11:30 am – as previewed Wednesday – Daystar Retirement Village (2615 SW Barton; WSB sponsor) is hosting a drive-up clothing drive, and donors get complimentary coffee drinks. (UPDATE: Though the coffee’s only available until 11:30 am, you can drop off donations at Daystar in the lobby until 5 pm.)

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE BRIEFING: If you’re interested in more specifics about what’s involved in the final phase of West Seattle Bridge repair, this is the briefing to watch. The Community Task Force meets online at 4 pm and will hear from contractor Kraemer North America. Also on the agenda: Mayor Jenny Durkan, who convened the task force and is now about to leave office. Here’s how to watch.

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK, HOLIDAY EDITION: 5 pm “until late,” extra reasons to visit West Seattle Art Walk venues tonight, with Santa Claus roaming The Junction, some venues offering holiday markets/sales, plus live music! All that is in our preview. You can also preview more of the artists and venues on the official Art Walk website – not only the places where you will find art/artists, but also the restaurants/bars offering food/drink specials to everyone who’s out Art Walk-ing.

WESTSIDE SCHOOL INFORMATION NIGHT: Prospective preK through 4th-grade families are invited to this online Information Night for Westside School (WSB sponsor). RSVP to to get the attendance info.

TREE AUCTION: Here’s a chance to get a Christmas tree that someone else decorated, all ready to set up in your office or home. The Brookdale Admiral Heights Festival of Trees ends tonight with an auction, 6-8 pm, to fundraise for charity by auctioning off the decorated, donated trees that have been on display. Our calendar listing explains how to RSVP to be there. (2326 California SW)

WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: 6 pm online, Dr, Julie Pham talks about the “Hidden Histories” of the Vietnam War in this month’s author presentation co-presented by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society and Seattle Public Library. Our calendar listing has details, including how to attend,

LIVE MUSIC: Blues Night at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), 6-9 pm.

‘WE’VE BATTLED MONSTERS BEFORE’: Third week for the ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) musical, 7:30 pm. Tickets are available online. (4711 California SW)

SPORTS: Signup time for local lacrosse

December 9, 2021 9:49 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Even here in the dim rainy months, it’s not too soon to start thinking about next year – and that includes youth sports. The Southwest Lacrosse Club has announced that signups are open:

Do you have kids who are looking for a fun new sport with which to get involved? The Titans, our local lacrosse league for kids K-8, is recruiting and registration is open for the 2022 Season. If you’re interested in finding out what is so fun about the “fastest game on two feet,” keep reading and visit us at

Founded in 2008, the Southwest Lacrosse Club (SWLC) is dedicated to the promotion, organization, and development of lacrosse in the south end. Our mission is to teach lacrosse fundamentals and good sportsmanship, while emphasizing the importance of discipline, teamwork, and physical fitness. Players of all skill levels have the opportunity to develop their game, and we will prepare each athlete for the next level of play.

The club and region have had exciting growth and expansion over the past two years, helping initiate a new West Seattle Lacrosse Club (WSLAX) last season to support high-school players within the West Seattle High School boundaries.

This year, both clubs are working to grow the girls’ program (hosted by WSLAX) and field a full program of teams for 3rd through 8th grade girls. The joint program is actively seeking first-time players from throughout the Southwest region, West Seattle to Des Moines and Federal Way. If your child is interested, please email us – – we’d love to welcome them to a practice to get a feel for the game.


6:03 AM Good morning!


Rain at times – high in the 40s.


Emergency training is planned on the high bridge again this morning, as noted here.


If you see snowplows out today, no, it’s not because there’s snow in the forecast; SDOT says it “will hold a snowplow training exercise to test equipment and ensure that snowplow drivers are familiar with their routes.”


Metro is on its regular weekday schedule. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of trip cancellations.

Ferries and Water Taxi: WSF is still running a two-boat schedule on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. Check here for alerts/updates. The Water Taxi is on its regular schedule.


626th morning without the West Seattle Bridge (monthly briefing today). Here are views of other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)

The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

South Park Bridge:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

Are movable bridges opening for vessels? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed can tell you; 1st Ave. S. Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

Earthquake readiness beyond your disaster kit, and what else District 1 Community Network heard about this month

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Another Northwest earthquake swarm – this time off the Oregon coast – is the latest reminder that we live in a seismically active area.

You hear a lot about preparedness, but it should go beyond the “have some food and water stashed away” stage, the District 1 Community Network heard at this month’s meeting, which featured two other topics – “street sinks” and the local Salvation Army Center.

First – the spotlight presentation was from Cindi Barker, an Upper Morgan Junction resident long active with the Emergency Communication Hubs, a volunteer organization that works to ensure neighborhoods have gathering places in case of catastrophe (find your nearest one here) and to raise awareness of other preparedness issues.

Read More

CRIME WATCH: Burglary arrests; business-incidents suspect followup

Three notes in Crime Watch tonight:

BURGLARY ARREST: A brief police summary notes a burglary Tuesday evening at the Park West Nursing Center in the 1700 block of California SW. The summary says that, “Upon arrival, officers found a window to a basement door smashed. A check inside located a suspect hiding in a cabinet.” He was arrested and booked into jail; a judge did not set bail, so tonight, after less than 24 hours, he was released. The 44-year-old suspect does not appear to have a felony record; he is awaiting trial on one misdemeanor charge from October in which he was arrested for swinging a four-foot stick at people near Pike Place Market.

BURGLARY CHARGES: We reported this case last night on partner site White Center Now – a man charged in three recent business burglaries in White Center and one in Burien. The suspect, 34-year-old Nicholas E. Pierce, will be arraigned next week. He remains jailed in lieu of $25,000 bail, half of what the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office had asked for.

BUSINESS-INCIDENTS SUSPECT FOLLOWUP: Last week we reported on the case of 44-year-old Joseph Milojevich, charged with robbery for a shoplift-turned-violent at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) and with harassment for threatening the owner of The Beer Junction. We also reported how he was out on earlier cases because of competency-related issues. Today his case was back in court for a defense motion to get him a mental evaluation. The court documents say he has been awaiting inpatient treatment for an attempt at competency restoration for an earlier case, and that’s why they want him evaluated again. A judge granted the request. Milojevich remains in jail, bail set at $76,000. We obtained the photo at right from the state Corrections Department, but note that it’s from 2003 – the newest one they have.

THURSDAY MORNING: Online ‘State of the Port’ presentation

December 8, 2021 8:53 pm
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 |   Port of Seattle | West Seattle news

Just got word of this from the Port of Seattle tonight, and it’s in the morning, so it’ll be too late for our reminder list, and therefore we’re publishing the announcement now:

This year, the Port of Seattle marks 110 years of working for the people of King County and Washington state. Join us as we reflect on this milestone, recognize the efforts this year to help lead an equitable recovery, and set our sights on 2022. Participants include Port Commissioners and Executive Director Steve Metruck. The presentation features community events and accomplishments from throughout the year. More on our event page.

Date: Thursday, December 9, 2021
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. — Virtual Presentation
Join the Virtual Presentation Here
Call in Option (Audio Only)
Pin: 149 1850#

If you can’t watch live, we’re told a recording will be published later in the day.


Sunrise Heights is rocking the holiday-display world this year! Tonight we have another display from that area – created by Jenny, whose spouse sent the photos:

I wanted to share with you some photos of my wife’s light display this year. We are at 7341 34th Ave SW [map]. There are retro cutouts of Peanuts, Rudolph, and a yeti.

The flag pole is wrapped like a candy cane. And there is Grinch staring ominously out the window by our Christmas tree.

(The yeti, we believe, is Rudolph’s pal Bumble.) Got a display to suggest – yours or someone else’s? We’re showing them nightly through New Year’s Eve., with or without photos – thank you!

BIZNOTE: Shug’s Soda Fountain holiday pop-up + future plans

(Image courtesy Shug’s Soda Fountain)

Baked Alaska on California! That’s part of what Shug’s Soda Fountain is offering in an upcoming pop-up at its future West Seattle “Mini” location (California/Charlestown). December 18-21st, noon-4 pm each day, Colleen Wilkie of Shug’s says, “We will be offering Baked Alaskas, holiday ice cream & drink gift boxes, and pints of Candy Cane and Egg Nog ice cream. People can also pre-order (preferable) all these items at this link.” They’ve done various pop-ups at the corner, but after three years have yet to open full-time, so we asked Wilkie if that was still in their future plans. She says yes: “We are working more diligently now to open this Spring. Between having a baby, permitting, and the pandemic – we certainly have been in an uphill battle. We are remaining hopeful!”

THURSDAY: Santa, shopping, music, more during holiday-season West Seattle Art Walk

December 8, 2021 4:08 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle Art Walk | West Seattle news

Tomorrow night brings the last West Seattle Art Walk of the year – wrapped up with extra holiday fun. First, the list of participating venues:

Those holiday extras include Santa himself, strolling The Junction 6-9 pm, posing with you for selfies.

It’s also “Shop Late Thursday” in The Junction, and participating businesses will beckon you in with luminarias. You’ll also be able to shop two holiday markets at Junction businesses, according to Art Walk coordinator Reeve Washburn:

Jet City Labs + Clay Cauldron = Jet City Cauldron, at Jet City’s venue: 4546 1/2 California Ave SW (enter in the alley between California and 41st) and Bin 41: 4707 California Ave SW

Jet City: Jewelry, terrariums, photography, collage, paper goods, abstract art.

Bin 41: jewelry, photography, digital art on wood and acrylic, fused glass, and T’s creations! For our ‘gnome in the home’ fans, there will be a new stash available for purchase at the event!

Outside The Junction, the southernmost Art Walk venue Brace Point Pottery in Arbor Heights (4208 SW 100th) has extended their holiday sale – jewelry, custom clothing, ceramics, more.

One more extra tomorrow night – two more “Art of Music” live performances – both 6-7:40 pm: Jim Page at Great American Diner in The Junction, Veronica Malki at Copper Coin in The Admiral District.

Browse more venues and artists on the official preview page for tomorrow’s Art Walk, which starts at 5 pm and continues “until late.” (WSB is media sponsor for the WSAW.)

FOLLOWUP: New signal activated on West Marginal Way

Thanks to the commenter who mentioned this: The new crossing signal by the Duwamish Longhouse on West Marginal Way has been activated, after the accompanying crosswalk was painted a few days ago. We asked SDOT for confirmation; spokesperson Ethan Bergerson says, “The signal was turned on yesterday and is operational, but there are still a few adjustments that need to be finished today. One of these items is connecting the push buttons, so we temporarily programmed the signal to display a walk signal automatically until that has been completed.” The signal technically is “temporary” – the permanent one is being designed and is expected to be installed next year. The Duwamish Tribe and community advocates had long pushed for safety improvements here, not just for people parking on the east side of WMW for Longhouse events, but also for better access to the riverfront park, which has major cultural significance.

In case you see it too: That’s a dead sea lion. (Update: And a live one too)

12:12 PM: We’re getting multiple reports today about this, so in case you see it too: What looks to some like a “dead baby orca” is actually a dead sea lion, likely the same one that’s been seen on and offshore for a few days now. Kersti Muul gave us first heads-up about it yesterday. The decomposed carcass appears to have a light patch, so that’s why some have mistaken it for an orca. If it washes onshore again, it can be marked with paint, and “hopefully scanned,” Kersti says. If it washes ashore in West Seattle, the Marine Mammal Stranding Network here is Seal Sitters, 206-905-SEAL; in other areas, the regional hotline is 866-767-6114.

4:28 PM: As Kersti noted in comments below, there’s a live sea lion on the Harbor Avenue shore, too – a Steller sea lion, not as common in our area. Stewart L. sent this photo while it was back out in the water:

GIVING: 3 easy ways to donate in West Seattle in the next 4 days

December 8, 2021 10:51 am
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 |   Holidays | How to help | West Seattle news

Lots of generosity so far this season – and still many opportunities to keep giving, if you can. Here are three in the next four days, if you haven’t already seen them in our West Seattle Holiday Guide or on our year-round Event Calendar:

WSHS WINTER CARE-PACKAGE DONATION DRIVE TODAY: Today, 3-5 pm outside West Seattle High School‘s north entrance (3000 California SW) is your third and final opportunity to drop off donated items for this student-led, student-benefiting drive creating “care packages.” Items needed:

Here are hygiene necessities that would be included in care packages:
– packaged masks
– unopened hand sanitizer
– unopened protein bars/granola bars/snacks
– unopened bars of soap
– unopened deodorant
– unused toothbrushes
– unopened toothpaste
– unopened chapstick
– hand warmers

Donations of clothing (used): jackets, sweaters, pants, socks, gloves, hats, scarves, t-shirts, blankets

DRIVE-UP CLOTHING DRIVE THURSDAY, WITH COFFEE: Tomorrow morning (Thursday, December 9th), 10 am-11:30 am, a drive-up donation drive at Daystar Retirement Village (2615 SW Barton; WSB sponsor) is collecting clothing items for the West Seattle Food Bank‘s Clothesline. Your reward: A made-to-order coffee drink! Here are the details, including requested items.

DRIVE-UP FOOD DRIVE SATURDAY: Atticus, now a high-school student, collected food in the Hope Lutheran back lot last year – almost a ton! – and is doing it again this Saturday (December 11th), 10 am-3 pm. He and his brother Dominic will be collecting food and money as well as coats – all sizes – for the Westside Interfaith Network‘s weekly Welcome Table in White Center. The dropoff site (ride-up and walk-up welcome too, of course) is off SW Oregon just east of 42nd SW.


Thanks for the photo! That’s from Highland Park, one area that got a bit of slush as the latest bout of stormy weather moved through. According to @westseawx, what’s left of a “decaying convergence zone” is to blame. The National Weather Service, meantime, warns a bit of “tidal overflow” is possible along the shore, in tandem with the 12.7-foot high tide that peaked just before 9 am.


7:54 AM: Thanks for the tip. A downed tree is causing trouble on W. Marginal approaching the onramp for the 1st Av S Bridge.


6:07 AM Good morning!


More intermittently rainy weather – breezy – high in the 40s.


Emergency training – potentially including “fake smoke” – will be happening on the high bridge the next two mornings, as noted here.


Metro is on its regular weekday schedule. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of trip cancellations.

Ferries and Water Taxi: WSF is still running a two-boat schedule on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. Check here for alerts/updates. The Water Taxi is on its regular schedule.


625th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are views of other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)

The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

South Park Bridge:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

Are movable bridges opening for vessels? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed can tell you; 1st Ave. South Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

PORT: Congestion easing, but Northwest Seaport Alliance hopes to get more containers moving

December 7, 2021 9:35 pm
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 |   Port of Seattle | West Seattle news

(WSB photo, view from West Seattle Bridge last week)

The maritime links in the supply chain are loosening, port commissioners from Seattle and Tacoma were told today. Meeting as the managing members of the Northwest Seaport Alliance, they heard from staff that rail-cargo backups have cleared, and that fewer vessels are waiting at anchor. The latter numbers had been in double digits daily for a while, but are now “5 to 7 on a typical day.” The biggest chokepoint, as described in the briefing, remains getting trucks to transport containers off the docks. Containers are covering a relatively sizable amount of space at docks, including 50 acres at Terminal 46 along the south end of downtown Seattle. So they’re looking at a variety of ways to try to address that, including using short-distance rail to get containers off the docks, and charging “long-stay” fees. The NWSA sent a notice about storage charges two weeks ago – from that notice:

… As with other ports on the West Coast who either have already implemented additional storage charges or will soon be doing so, the failure of importers picking up their containers in a timely manner has created severe congestion issues that has prevented terminal operators from properly servicing vessels destined for their terminals. We sincerely hope the additional storage charge will encourage cargo owners to pick up their containers which will allow the terminals in Seattle to again properly service vessels destined to our port and once that has been accomplished, the temporary storage charges will cease….

The opening of the first modernized berth at West Seattle’s Terminal 5 is expected to take more pressure off the vessel backlog; no date’s been announced yet for the first ship to call, but NWSA spokesperson Melanie Stambaugh tells WSB, “At this time, the NWSA is set to transfer operation of Terminal 5 to [tenant] SSA Terminals at the beginning of January.”

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE: 3 notes, including emergency-training plans

(Image from West Seattle Bridge cam, 11 am today)

Three West Seattle Bridge notes:

EMERGENCY TRAINING: We’ve been reporting on SFD training at a redevelopment site north of the bridge. Now we have word from SDOT that responders will be training ON the bridge the next few mornings:

The Seattle Fire Department will be conducting training exercises and safety drills on top of, and inside, the West Seattle Bridge each morning this week. The public can expect to see emergency first-response vehicles and workers on the bridge each morning until Thursday, December 9. People may also see fake smoke coming from inside the bridge during a drill that will simulate the challenges of conducting a rescue operation inside an enclosed space with limited visibility.

This is a planned training exercise and should not be a cause for alarm. Completing this safety training exercise is an important first step in resuming construction on the bridge. This is one part of the larger safety plan to keep workers and the public safe during construction and keep the project moving smoothly by preventing accidents and ensuring that we are well prepared to respond to any unplanned situations.

SPEAKING OF CONSTRUCTION: Since crews working on the bridge last week were hydroblasting attachment points for new work platforms (WSB coverage here), we asked SDOT how soon those platforms will go up. Spokesperson Ethan Bergerson says, “We’re working to finalize the permits which will allow us to schedule the installation of the work platforms. We’ll be able to say more specific timing once that has been done.” We also asked SDOT if the concrete strike will affect bridge work; spokesperson Mariam Ali says no – “Concrete is not a major part of the current work stage on the West Seattle Bridge.”

TASK FORCE MEETING THURSDAY: The next scheduled public briefing on the bridge will be at 4 pm Thursday, during the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force‘s monthly meeting. The viewing link is here; we’re hoping to get the agenda tomorrow. (Added: Here it is.)


Thanks to Ashley for tonight’s photos of a display featuring a Halloween spider (featured here in October) who’s now decked out for the winter holidays:

Garth the Spider has put away his pumpkins and is in full Christmas mode. The neighbors had started adding their own touches – aka Wayne the snail.

Garth, Wayne, and trimmings are at 7019 14th Ave SW [map]. If you have, or see, lights that you want to share with the community, email us at, with or without photos – thank you! Every display we feature is listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide. You can browse the archives (past years, too) here.